publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type [Proceedings of the Canadian Institute] 1880-01-01 1 1 1904-07-01 2 1 Canadian Institute (1849-1914 8_04943 fulltext Printed for the Canadian Institute by Copp, Clark Serial F [Report for of the Nova Scotia Inebriate Home, located at Dartmouth, N.S.] 1876 1877 Nova Scotia Inebriate Home (Dartmouth, N.S.) 8_01141 fulltext [Nova Scotia Inebriate Home] Serial F [Report for ... of the Nova Scotia Inebriate Home, located at Dartmouth, N.S.] 1876 1876 8_01141 fulltext [Nova Scotia Inebriate Home] Serial F [The Minutes of Conference and Missionary report of the Bible Christians, in Canada, for the year ending ] 1857 1859 Bible Christian Church (Canada) 8_00875 fulltext [Bible Christian Church] Serial F [The perpetual acts of Nova Scotia, passed in the ... General Assembly] 1783 1791 9_01306 fulltext Robert Fletcher Serial F [The perpetual acts of Nova Scotia, passed in the ... General Assembly] 1767 1777 9_01306 fulltext Robert Fletcher Serial F A catalogue of interesting books, ancient and modern 1892-10-01 11 1893-04-01 24 John Britnell (Firm) 8_06083 fulltext J. Britnell Serial F A catalogue of the officers and students of the Wesleyan Academy, Mount Allison, Sackville, New-Brunswick, for the year commencing 1844 1843 1858 8_01418 fulltext Last issue 1857-8 Wesleyan Academy Serial F A Directory of the City of Kingston, and the villages of Waterloo, Portsmouth, Williamsville and Barriefield 1855 1855 1855 1855 8_00139 fulltext John Duff, Bookseller and Stationer Serial F A full statement of the annual accounts 1879 1879 8_02191 fulltext [Trinity Church] Serial F A monthly review devoted to Canadian emancipation and commercial union with the United States 1880-02-01 1 1880-06-01 5 8_04642 fulltext J.X. Perrault Serial F A New almanack for the Canadian true blues, with which is incorporated the Constitutional Reformer's text book for the millenial and prophetical year of the grand general election for Upper Canada, and total and everlasting downfall of Toryism in the British Empire 1834 1834 Swift, Patrick 8_01612 fulltext Printed and published by Peter Baxter Serial F A sgrudair 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-01-01 1 1 8_06142 fulltext Serial F A Voice from the field 1889-12-01 1 8 1891-02-01 2 11 8_04825 fulltext Serial F Abstract from the minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 1842 1845 8_01988 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia] Serial P Abstract of the annual calendar of McGill College and University, Montreal 1870 1873 8_02018 fulltext Printed for the University by J.C. Becket Serial F Abstract of the minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1844 1848 8_01132 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada] Serial F Abstract of the minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1844 1848 Presbyterian Church of Canada 8_01132 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada] Serial F Abstract of the minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Established Church of Scotland 1832 2 1843 13 8_01512 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Church of Scotland] Serial F Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal : annee academique ... 1872 1880 Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal 8_01825 fulltext [Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal] Serial F Acadia athenaeum 1874-11-01 1 1 1900-06-01 26 8 Acadia College 8_05016 fulltext Students of Acadia College Serial F Acadian Orchardist 1901-01-01 8 8 1902-10-28 9 50 N_00576 fulltext Serial F Acadian recorder 1824-01-03 12 1 1849-06-02 37 22 N_00458 fulltext Printed and published by Holland & Co. Serial F Acadiensis 1901-01 1 1 1908-01 8 4 Jack 8_06939 fulltext David Russell Jack Serial F Acta Ridleiana 1894-12-01 1898-01-01 Ridley College 8_04124 fulltext Ridley College Serial F Acta Victoriana 1893-11-01 17 2 1910-12-01 34 3 Victoria University (Cobourg, Ont.) 8_06722 fulltext Union Literary Society Serial F Actes du Parlement de la puissance du Canada 1892 1900 9_01840 fulltext B. Chamberlin Serial F Actes du Parlement de la puissance du Canada 1873 1890 9_01840 fulltext B. Chamberlin Serial F Action Front! 1917-05-01 1917-05-01 Canada 8_06881 fulltext Page & Pratt, Ltd Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1856 1867 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1816 1853 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1812 1814 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1810 1810 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1807 1808 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1805 1805 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1791 1803 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New Brunswick 1786 1789 9_00913 fulltext J. Ryan Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland 1843 1867 9_01648 fulltext Ryan and Withers Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland 1833 1841 9_01648 fulltext Ryan and Withers Serial F Acts of the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1839 1851 9_00914 fulltext Royal Gazette Office Serial F Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada 1873 1900 9_08051 fulltext B. Chamberlin Serial F Acts of the Provincial Parliament relating to synods, etc. and journal of proceedings of the ... and special sessions of Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Ontario 1862 1 1862 1 8_01404 fulltext [Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Ontario] Serial F Advertiser Sentinel 1874-07-03 6 1] 1874-07-31 6 5 N_00258 fulltext R. Herring, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Advocate-Adviser 1884-10-31 10 594 1884-11-21 10 597 N_00473 fulltext Serial F Agricultural journal and transactions of the Lower Canada Agricultural Society 1848-01-01 1 1 1852-12-01 5 12 Lower Canada Agricultural Society 8_04880 fulltext Lovell & Gibson Serial F Albert College times 1889-03-01 1 1 1889-03-01 1 1 Albert College (Belleville, Ont.) 8_04001 fulltext The College Serial F Album de la Minerve 1872-01-01 1 1 1874-07-09 3 28 8_06605 fulltext Duvernay, Frères & Dansereau Serial F Album des familles 1880-02-01 5 2 1884-06-01 9 6 8_04009 fulltext Bureaux de l'Album des familles Serial F Album littéraire 1883-01-12 1 1 1883-04-13 1 12 8_06328 fulltext B. de la Bruère Serial F Album littéraire de la Revue canadienne 1848-01-01 3 1848-08-01 3 8 8_06753 fulltext Bureaux de la Revue canadienne Serial F Album littéraire et musical de la Minerve 1849-01-01 4 1850-12-01 12 8_06754 fulltext L. Duvernay Serial F Album littéraire et musical de la Revue canadienne 1846-01-01 1 1847-12-01 2 8_06752 fulltext Impr. de la Revue canadienne Serial F Album Universel 1902-12-27 19 37 1907-04-27 23 14 8_06344 fulltext Serial F Aldrich's pocket directory of the town of Aylmer 1888-04 1888 1888-04 1888 8_00067 fulltext Compiled and M.L. Aldrich Serial F Alex. McGibbon's Dominion almanac for 1868 1868 8_01219 fulltext Published by Alex. McGibbon Serial F Alexandra College, Belleville 1872 1872 1872 1872 8_01692 fulltext Published for the College at Intelligencer Office Serial F Algoma missionary news 1884-01-01 7 1 1900-12-01 12 1 Church of England 8_04377 fulltext Serial F Algoma missionary news and Shingwauk journal 1877-04-01 1880-06-01 3 6 Church of England 8_06673 fulltext Serial F Algoma quarterly 1874-09-01 1876-03-01 Church of England 8_04349 fulltext Serial F Algoma review 1882-07-01 1 3 1882-07-01 1 3 8_04341 fulltext J.E. Dudley Serial F All Hallows in the West 1910-12 14 1911-06 15 All Hallows' Canadian School 8_06667 fulltext All Hallows' School Serial F All Hallows in the West 1911-04 1 1911-04 1 All Hallows' Canadian School 8_06668 fulltext All Hallows' School Serial F All Hallows' in the West 1905-01-01 1 2 1905-03-23 13 All Hallows' Canadian School 8_04504 fulltext No volume number for 1909 issues after vol. 9 no. 13 All Hallows' School Serial F Almanach agricole des cultivateurs, pour l'annee 1876 1876 8_01274 fulltext [Compagnie d'assurance agricole du Canada] Serial F Almanach Breton pour 1883 1 1883 1 8_00563 fulltext P.N. Breton Serial F Almanach canadien : religieux, historique, agricole, commercial et statistique 1883 1883 1892 1892 8_00073 fulltext Serial F Almanach canadien de la ruche litteraire pour 1854 1854 8_01956 fulltext Publie par G.H. Cherrier Serial P Almanach canadien de Quebec pour 1855 1855 1855 1855 8_00017 fulltext J.B. Livernois Serial F Almanach canadien, pour l'annee 1834 1834 8_01087 fulltext Chez Leclere, Jones et Cie. Libraires Serial F Almanach canadien, pour l'année 1834 1834 8_01087 fulltext Chez Leclere, Jones et Cie. Libraires Serial F Almanach comique 1896 2 1896 2 8_02154 fulltext Publie par la Pharmacie Bernard Serial F Almanach commercial du district de Joliette pour l'annee 1886 4 1886 4 8_00611 fulltext Publie par Albert Gervais, Libraire, Relieur, Imprimeur Serial F Almanach commercial et historique de Montreal 1876 1876 1876 1876 8_00099 fulltext Publie par H. Giroux Serial F Almanach contenant une liste alphabetique des cites, villes, villages, paroisses et cantons de la province de Quebec, ainsi que le nom des comtes, districts et dioceses dans lesquels ils sont situes ; un tableau des divisions d'enregistrement, les noms des registrateurs, les chefs-lieux, etc., etc. = Almanac containing an alphabetical list of the cities, towns, villages, parishes and townships of the province of Quebec, the names of the counties, districts and dioceses in which they are situated ; a table of the registration divisions, the names of the registrars, the chefs-lieux, &c., &c 1880 1880 8_01275 fulltext Mercier & Cie., Proprietaires du Quotidien Serial F Almanach curieux et intéressant 1778 1784 8_00424 fulltext Chez Fleury Mesplet & Charles Berger, Imprim. Lib. Serial F Almanach de famille de la puissance pour l'annee de Notre Seigneur 1876 1876 8_01242 fulltext Publie par Evans, Mercer & Cie. Serial F Almanach de la Ligue du coeur de Jesus 1886 1886 8_01957 fulltext Serial P Almanach de La Presse 1893 1893 1893 1893 8_00157 fulltext La Presse Serial F Almanach de l'ami des animaux 1871 1871 8_01241 fulltext Societe canadienne protectrice des animaux Serial F Almanach de Quebec pour l'an 1859 1859 8_01208 fulltext Imprime et Publie par P. Lamoureux Serial F Almanach de Québec pour l'année bissextile de 1852 1852 8_00629 fulltext Stanislas Drapeau Serial F Almanach des adresses (directory) de Trois-Rivieres, Nicolet, Louiseville et Arthabaskaville 1889 1889 8_01078 fulltext Marchand et Frigon, Editeurs Serial F Almanach des adresses Cherrier de la ville de Quebec = : Cherrier's Quebec City directory 1886 28 1886 30 8_00008 fulltext A.B. Cherrier, Editeur et Compilateur Serial F Almanach des adresses, guide de la cité et du Diocèse des Trois-Rivières 1884 1884 8_00425 fulltext N. Marchand, Éditeur et Imprimeur Serial F Almanach des Ames du Purgatoire, ou, Annuaire de l'Association pour le soulagement des ames du purgatoire 1879 1879 1884 1884 8_00022 fulltext Publie au profit des Ames du Purgatoire Serial F Almanach des campagnes de la province de Quebec 1881 1881 1881 1881 8_00184 fulltext Librairie Keroack Serial F Almanach des cercles agricoles de la province de Quebec pour l'annee 1894 1894 1900 1900 8_00158 fulltext J.B. Rolland & Fils, Libraires-Editeurs Serial F Almanach des familles et guide de la sante 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_00146 fulltext Publie par Northrop & Lyman Co., Limited Serial F Almanach des Societes Saint-Jean-Baptiste du Canada et des Etats-Unis pour l'annee 1884 1 1885 2 8_00185 fulltext J.B. Rolland & fils, Libraires-Editeurs Serial F Almanach du barreau : livre de references pour MM. les juges, sherifs, protonotaires, avocats, notaires, registrateurs, huissiers, agents d'immeubles, comptables ou liquidateurs de faillites, architectes, etc., etc. de la province de Quebec 1891 1897 8_00194 fulltext First volume online 1891-92; Last volume online 1896-97 Serial F Almanach du cultivateur et du colon 1898 1898 8_01270 fulltext Publie par la Pharmacie agricole du Dr Grignon Serial F Almanach du Moniteur Acadien pour les provinces Maritimes pour l'annee 1894 1895 8_01076 fulltext Serial F Almanach du nouvelliste pour l'année 1882 1 1882 1 8_00381 fulltext Serial F Almanach du peuple de Beauchemin & Payette Pour l'Annee 1856 1856 1862 1862 8_00251 fulltext A vendre Chez Beauchemin & Payette Serial F Almanach du purgatoire pour ..., ou, Annuaire de l'Oeuvre des ames du purgatoire et de la conversion des infideles 1887 1888 8_01215 fulltext Oeuvre des ames du purgatoire Serial F Almanach ecclesiastique du Canada pour l'an de grace 1884 1 1885 2 8_00020 fulltext J.B. Rolland & Fils, Libraires-Editeurs Serial F Almanach encyclopédique, ou, Chronologie Des Faits les plus remarquables de l'Histoire Universelle, depuis Jésus-Christ 1777 1777 8_00626 fulltext Chez Fleury Mesplet & Charles Berger, Imprim. Lib. Serial F Almanach illustre de Bristol 1868 1869 1899 1900 8_00021 fulltext Serial F Almanach indispensable aux familles pour l'annee 1899 1899 8_02211 fulltext Publie par Jos. Beauchamp Serial F Almanach médical de Brayley à l'usage des familles 1884 1884 8_00642 fulltext Publié par J. W. Brayley, Droguiste et Fabricant de Remedes Brevetes Serial F Almanach mensuel de l'Apostolat de la prière 1890-08-01 8 1890-08-01 8 Apostolat de la prière 8_04217 fulltext Publié par le Directeur Supérieur de l'Oeuvre, Collège Ste Marie Serial F Almanach national pour 1858 1858 8_01239 fulltext Publie par Louis Joseph Racine Serial F Almanach pour rire pour l'an 1859 1859 8_00614 fulltext J.B. Rolland Serial F Almanach pour tous 1885 1 1886 2 8_00134 fulltext L.A. Choquet & Frère Serial F Almanach pour tous pour l'annee 1897 1897 1901 1901 8_00133 fulltext Publie par Jos. Beauchamp Serial F Almanach vétérinaire et d'économie rurale, ou, Guide du propriétaire et de l'éleveur d'animaux domestiques pour l'an de N.S. Jesus-Christ 1859 1859 Vogeli, Félix 8_00379 fulltext Serial F Almanach-directoire de St. Hyacinthe pour l'annee 1875 1875 1875 1875 8_00193 fulltext Publie par M.A. Keroack, Libraire Serial F Almanach-journal de l'ecole et du couvent 1888 1 1889 2 8_01273 fulltext Serial F Almanack 1803 1803 1803 1803 8_00242 fulltext Serial F Almanack : the mystery explained 1885 1885 8_01925 fulltext W.W. Greenwood Serial P Almonte Gazette almanac for the year ... and repository of useful information 1872 1 1872 1 8_00068 fulltext Serial F Alphabetical list of employees 1922-07-01 1940-10-01 8_03500 fulltext F.A. Acland, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Alvinston Free Press 1901-02-13 16 16 1901-02-13 16 16 N_00466 fulltext Albert E. Ketch Serial F Alvinston news 1878-10-16 1 1 1879-03-05 1 21 N_00468 fulltext James C. Tye, Proprietor Serial F Amherst Gazette 1873-10-10 8 28 1898-08-18 35 1812 N_00029 fulltext J. Albert Black, Editor and Publisher Serial F An Almanack for the year of our Lord 1790 1790 1821 1821 8_00018 fulltext Serial F An Almanack for the year of our Lord 1804 1804 1806 1806 8_00019 fulltext Printed and Sold by A. Gay, at his Printing-Office Serial F An Almanack, for the year of our Lord 1809 1809 8_01164 fulltext Printed and sold by James Bagnall Serial F An Almanack, for the year of our Lord 1809 1809 Native 8_01164 fulltext Printed and sold by James Bagnall Serial F An Solus iuil 1925-01-01 1 1 1925-01-01 1 1 N_00647 fulltext An Solus Iuil Serial F Ancient Order of Foresters, London United District, Ontario, Canada, at the half-yearly meeting 1881 1881 8_02145 fulltext [Independent Order of Foresters, London United District] Serial F Andrews & Coombe's London almanac, and general business directory, for the 1856 1856 8_01191 fulltext Published by Andrews & Coombe Serial F Annales criminelles canadiennes 1896-11-15 1 1 1896-12-15 1 1 Société de publication des annales criminelles canadiennes 8_04002 fulltext La Société de publication des annales criminelles canadiennes Serial F Annales de la bonne Ste. Anne de Beaupré 1873-04-01 1 1 1900-03-01 27 12 8_04038 fulltext N.A. Leclerc Serial F Annales de la propagation de la foi pour la province de Québec 1877-02-01 1 1886-06-01 1 Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi 8_04988 fulltext Serial F Annales de la propagation de la foi pour le diocèse de Montréal 1874-02-01 28 1876-12-01 43 Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi 8_04255 fulltext Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi Serial F Annales de la propagation de la foi pour les provinces de Québec et de Montréal 1886-10-01 1 30 1923-10-01 30 Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi 8_04989 fulltext Serial F Annales de l'Association des prêtres-adorateurs 1898-01-01 1 1 1920-12-01 23 12 Association des prêtres-adorateurs 8_04034 fulltext L'Association Serial F Annales du cabinet de lecture paroissial de Montréal 1857-01-01 1 1857-01-01 3 Bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice (Montréal, Québec) 8_04072 fulltext Serial F Annals of St. Anne de Beaupré 1888-05-01 2 1 1902-09-01 16 5 8_04207 fulltext The Directors of Levis College Serial F Annals of the Botanical Society of Canada 1860-12-07 1 1 1862-02-14 1 3 Botanical Society of Canada 8_01568 fulltext [Botanical Society of Canada] Serial F Annals of the Propagation of the Faith 1877-02-01 1 1 1883-02-01 1 13 Society for the Propagation of the Faith 8_04250 fulltext Published for the Institution Serial F Annapolis Spectator 1883-09-07 2 1903-01-09 N_00030 fulltext Annapolis Publishing Company Serial F Annee scolaire 1878 1899 8_01251 fulltext [Seminaire de St. Hyacinthe] Serial F Announcement 1883 1883 8_01059 fulltext [St. Francis College] Serial F Announcement 1882 1900 8_01961 fulltext [Woodstock College] Serial P Announcement of the Faculty of Arts for session 1889 1897 8_02193 fulltext [McGill University, Faculty of Arts] Serial F Announcement of the Medical Faculty of Queen's College, Kingston, Canada for session 1856 3 1859 6 8_01303 fulltext [Medical Faculty of Queen's College] Serial F Annuaire de la Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec 1898 1898 8_01093 fulltext [Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec] Serial F Annuaire de l'Ecole de medecine et de chirurgie de Montreal, faculte de medecine de l'Universite Laval a Montreal 1892 50 1900 58 8_02319 fulltext [Ecole de medecine et de chirurgie de Montreal, faculte de medecine de l'Universite Laval a Montreal] Serial P Annuaire de l'Institut canadien de Québec 1874 1 1889 13 Institut canadien de Québec 8_00438 fulltext [Institut canadien de Québec] Serial F Annuaire de l'Institut canadien pour 1866 1870 Institut canadien (Montréal, Québec) 8_00404 fulltext [Institut canadien] Serial F Annuaire du Cercle catholique de Quebec 1878 2 2 1879 2 2 8_00081 fulltext Cercle catholique de Quebec Serial F Annuaire du College Bourget = : Calendar of Bourget College 1895 1900 College Bourget 8_01833 fulltext [College Bourget] Serial F Annuaire du College de Sainte-Anne de la Pocatiere : annee academique ... 1889 2 1900 13 College de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere 8_01839 fulltext [College de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere] Serial F Annuaire du Collège Sainte-Anne = : Annual directory of Sainte-Anne College, Church Point, N.S. 1892 1898 8_01830 fulltext First issue 1892-1893; Last issue 1897-1898 Collège Sainte-Anne Serial F Annuaire du Grand et du Petit seminaire de Rimouski pour l'annee academique 1886 1 1899 14 8_01363 fulltext [Seminaire de Rimouski] Serial F Annuaire du Sacre-Coeur pour l'annee 1889 1 1889 2 8_01258 fulltext Bureau du Directeur Superieur, College Ste. Marie Serial F Annuaire du Seminaire St-Charles-Borromee, Sherbrooke 1875 1 1900 8_01054 fulltext [Seminaire St-Charles-Borromee] Serial F Annual and encyclopaedia of useful information 1896 1896 1897 1897 8_00304 fulltext Art Publishing Company Serial F Annual announcement 1878 1 1879 2 8_01460 fulltext [Technological Institute] Serial F Annual announcement 1882 1882 8_02143 fulltext [Canada Business College] Serial F Annual announcement for the session 1876 10 1888 20 8_01877 fulltext [Halifax Medical College] Serial P Annual announcement of the Faculty of Medicine of the M'Gill University, Montreal, for the session 1863-12-31 1883-12-31 McGill University 8_01927 fulltext The University Serial F Annual announcement of the Medical Department of the Western University, London, Ontario, Canada 1890 9 1900 8_02166 fulltext [Medical Department of the Western University] Serial F Annual announcement of the Medical Faculty of M'Gill College, Montreal, for session 1852-12-31 1862-12-31 McGill College 8_01926 fulltext The College Serial F Annual announcement of the Nova Scotia School of Horticulture 1895 3 1895 3 8_01452 fulltext [Nova Scotia School of Horticulture] Serial F Annual announcement of the Pictou County Conservatory of Music together with the calendar of the High School, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia 1899 1899 8_01470 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F Annual announcement of the Toronto School of Medicine, in affiliation with the University of Toronto 1861 19 1886 44 8_01055 fulltext [Toronto School of Medicine] Serial F Annual Announcement with Course of Study for ... and List of Students for 1898 1898 8_01480 fulltext Issue 1898-9 Sydney Academy Serial F Annual calendar 1884 52 1893 60 8_01928 fulltext Printed for the University by John Lovell & Son Serial F Annual calendar 1898 66 1901 68 8_01930 fulltext Printed for the University by John Lovell & Son Serial F Annual calendar 1900 1900 8_02151 fulltext [International Business College] Serial F Annual calendar 1900 1900 8_02151 fulltext [International Business College] Serial F Annual calendar ... of the Presbyterian College, Montreal 1874 1877 Presbyterian College (Montréal, Quebec) 8_01631 fulltext [Presbyterian College] Serial F Annual calendar of Manitoba College, Winnipeg 1880 1880 8_01980 fulltext [Manitoba College] Serial P Annual calendar of the Brantford Young Ladies' College 1878 4 1897 23 8_02144 fulltext Brantford Young Ladies' College Serial F Annual calendar of the officers, faculty and students of the University of Ottawa 1894 1898 8_01573 fulltext Issues cover two years; e.g. 1894 issue 1894-95 University of Ottawa Serial F Annual calendar of the Ottawa Ladies' College of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and Conservatory of Music 1879 7 1882 10 8_01374 fulltext [Ottawa Ladies' College] Serial F Annual calendar of the Presbyterian Ladies' College (Incorporated) for the higher education of young women 1897 8 1899 10 Presbyterian Ladies' College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01622 fulltext [Presbyterian Ladies' College] Serial F Annual calendar of Trinity Medical College, Toronto 1899 1902 8_01337 fulltext [Trinity Medical College] Serial F Annual catalogue 1889 1890 8_01965 fulltext [Union Baptist Seminary] Serial P Annual catalogue / Brantford Young Ladies' College 1877 3 1877 3 8_01693 fulltext Issue 1876-77 Brantford Young Ladies' College Serial F Annual catalogue of the Canadian Literary Institute, for 1873 1874 8_01998 fulltext [Canadian Literary Institute] Serial P Annual catalogue of the officers and students of the New Brunswick Baptist Seminary, Saint John, N.B 1883 1883 8_01964 fulltext Issue 1883-84 New Brunswick Baptist Seminary Serial F Annual catalogue of the officers, faculty and students of Mount Royal College, Montreal, for the scholastic year 1882 1 1882 1 8_01815 fulltext Issue 1881/82 The Post Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Annual catalogue of the officers, faculty and students of the College of Ottawa 1887 1888 8_01571 fulltext First issue 1887-88; Last issue 1888-89 Citizen Printing and Publishing Company Serial F Annual catalogue of the officers, faculty and students of the University of Ottawa 1889 1890 8_01572 fulltext First issue 1889-90; Last issue 1890-91 University of Ottawa Serial F Annual catalogue of the Wesleyan Female College, Hamilton, for the collegiate year 1862 2 1880 20 8_02003 fulltext [Wesleyan Female College] Serial P Annual catalogue of the Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton, Ontario, for the collegiate year 1881 21 1891 30 8_02004 fulltext [Wesleyan Ladies' College] Serial P Annual circular 1881 1883 8_01197 fulltext [St. Marys Collegiate Institute] Serial F Annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Canada West 1857 3 1859 5 8_01902 fulltext Grand Lodge of Canada West Serial P Annual course of lectures 1873 36 1873 36 8_02208 fulltext [Mechanics' Institute of Saint John] Serial F Annual Directory and Business Register of the Ottawa Unity Protestant Benefit Society 1895 1896 Ottawa Unity Protestant Benefit Society 8_00592 fulltext [Ottawa Unity Protestant Benefit Society] Serial F Annual general meeting ... for the year 1877 1877 8_01226 fulltext [Literary and Historical Society of Quebec] Serial F Annual general review of the trade and commerce of Canada and a synopsis of the trade of Montreal for the year 1878 1879 White, R. S 8_00344 fulltext Serial F Annual meeting 1892 1892 1893 1893 8_00173 fulltext Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Serial F Annual meeting 1877 1 1877 1 8_01648 fulltext [Dominion Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic] Serial F Annual meeting of the Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario 1898 13 1900 15 8_01566 fulltext [Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario] Serial F Annual meeting of the Montreal Protestant House of Industry and Refuge 1864 1 1873 1 Montreal Protestant House of Industry and Refuge 8_00511 fulltext [Montreal Protestant House of Industry and Refuge] Serial F Annual meeting of the Qu'Appelle Valley Farming Co. (Limited), proprietors of the Bell Farm, president's report 1884 1884 8_01246 fulltext [Qu'Appelle Valley Farming Company] Serial F Annual meeting of the stockholders of the Canada Grand Trunk Telegraph Company 1854 1854 Grand Trunk Telegraph Company 8_00440 fulltext [Grand Trunk Telegraph Company] Serial F Annual meeting of the Victoria and Vancouver Island Council of Women 1895 1 1895 1 Local Council of Women of Victoria and Vancouver Island 8_00430 fulltext Serial F Annual meeting, report, etc 1872 1872 8_01935 fulltext [Teachers' Association, in connection with McGill Normal School] Serial P Annual of the Maritime Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club for 1886 1 1886 2 8_01459 fulltext [Maritime Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club] Serial F Annual of the Ontario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club for 1876 1891 16 Royal Caledonian Curling Club 8_00581 fulltext Printed by the Globe Printing Company for the Ontario Branch Curling Club Serial F Annual of the Ontario Curling Association for 1892 18 1898 24 Ontario Curling Association 8_00582 fulltext [Ontario Curling Association] Serial F Annual register and business directory of the Sons of England Benevolent Society, for the Dominion of Canada 1888 1889 8_01127 fulltext [Sons of England Benevolent Society] Serial F Annual register and circular of the Burlington Ladies' Academy, Hamilton, C.W., for the year ending June 8 1849 1849 1849 1849 8_02013 fulltext Burlington Ladies' Academy Serial F Annual Report 1869 1901 St. Andrew's Church (Ottawa, Ont.) 8_00799 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual report 1896 1 1896 1 Boys' Brigade in Canada 8_00807 fulltext [Boys' Brigade in Canada] Serial F Annual report 1900 1900 Montreal Gold Fields Limited 8_00991 fulltext [Montreal Gold Fields Limited] Serial F Annual report 1894 1894 1900 1900 8_00048 fulltext Board of Trade of the City of Toronto Serial F Annual report 1891 1896 1895 8_00079 fulltext First volume online 1891-92 Catholic Truth Society of Ottawa Serial F Annual report 1896 1 1897 1 8_00210 fulltext Bethlehem Congregational Church Serial F Annual report 1896 36 1900 39 Art Association of Montreal 8_00414 fulltext [Art Association of Montreal] Serial F Annual report 1886 1894 Mount Royal Cemetery Company 8_00508 fulltext [Mount Royal Cemetery Company] Serial F Annual report 1885 1 1885 1 Montreal Botanic Garden 8_00578 fulltext [Montreal Botanic Garden] Serial F Annual report 1863 2 1880 Natural History Society of New Brunswick 8_00609 fulltext [Natural History Society of New Brunswick] Serial F Annual report 1880 13 1883 33 Montreal Young Men's Christian Association 8_01005 fulltext [Montreal Young Men's Christian Association] Serial F Annual report 1890 1891 8_01073 fulltext [Merchants Protective Association] Serial F Annual report 1887 1 1887 1 8_01234 fulltext [Imperial Federation League, Ottawa Branch] Serial F Annual report 1844 1847 8_01247 fulltext [Quebec Library Association] Serial F Annual report 1897 1900 8_01362 fulltext Serial F Annual report 1883 5 1886 8 8_01367 fulltext [Diet Dispensary] Serial F Annual report 1885 9 1890 13 8_01448 fulltext [Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty] Serial F Annual report 1900 37 1900 37 8_01457 fulltext [Nova Scotia Rifle Association] Serial F Annual report 1893 4 1897 8 8_02137 fulltext [Young Women's Christian Temperance Union] Serial F Annual report 1891 20 1891 20 8_02146 fulltext [Agricultural Savings and Loan Company] Serial F Annual report 1893 1900 8_02661 fulltext [Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada] Serial F Annual report 1864 3 1864 3 8_02192 fulltext [Church of England Young Men's Society] Serial F Annual report 1890 1890 8_02217 fulltext [Farmers' Loan and Savings Company] Serial F Annual report 1895 4 1895 4 8_02073 fulltext [Ottawa Young Women's Christian Association] Serial F Annual report : our Indian homes, at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, the Shingwauk Home for Boys, opened 1875, the Wawanosh Home for Girls, opened 1879 1882 1892 8_01113 fulltext [Shingwauk Home and Wawanosh Home] Serial F Annual report for 1896 1898 Royal Canadian Humane Association 8_00982 fulltext [Royal Canadian Humane Association] Serial F Annual report for ... and report of proceedings at the ... annual meeting of shareholders 1885 1885 1895 1895 8_00093 fulltext Canadian Pacific Railway Company Serial F Annual report for the year 1887 1896 8_00075 fulltext First volume online 1887-88; Last volume online 1895-96 Art Association of Ottawa Serial F Annual report for the year 1898 1899 Lake St. John Repatriation and Colonization Society 8_00399 fulltext [Lake St. John Colonization Society] Serial F Annual report for the year 1893 7 1899 13 8_01947 fulltext [Protestant Hospital for the Insane] Serial P Annual Report for the year ending 1852 2 1886 36 Orphans' Home and Female Aid Society (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00564 fulltext [Orphans' Home and Female Aid Society] Serial F Annual report For the Year Ending 30th April 1894 1894 1900 8_00281 fulltext First volume online 1893-94; Last volume online 1900-01 Dominion Methodist Church Serial F Annual report for the year ending 31st December 1894 1 1900 7 Royal Victoria Hospital (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00969 fulltext [Royal Victoria Hospital] Serial F Annual report for the year ending 31st December ... of the Federal Life Assurance Co'y 1895 4 1895 14 Federal Life Assurance Company 8_00393 fulltext [Federal Life Assurance Company] Serial F Annual report for the year ending May 31st 1889 38 1900 49 8_01654 fulltext [Protestant Orphan's Home] Serial F Annual report for year ended May 31 1895 1895 McLeod Street Methodist Church (Ottawa, Ont.) 8_00464 fulltext [McLeod Street Methodist Church] Serial F Annual report for year ending April 1st 1894 24 1897 27 Irish Protestant Benevolent Society of Toronto 8_00568 fulltext [Irish Protestant Benevolent Society of Toronto] Serial F Annual report of Board of Managers for the year 1896 1896 8_01203 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual report of Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, for the year ending December 31st 1887 1899 48 8_01673 fulltext [Cooke's Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of First Baptist Church, Halifax, N.S. For the Year 1891 1897 First Baptist Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00548 fulltext [First Baptist Church] Serial F Annual report of Murray Bay Convalescent Home 1874 1 1885 11 Murray Bay Convalescent Home 8_00569 fulltext [Murray Bay Convalescent Home] Serial F Annual report of St. Andrews Church, Carleton Place, for the year ended 31st December 1887 1887 8_01321 fulltext [St. Andrews Church] Serial F Annual report of St. Andrew's Church, Kingston, Ont., for the year ending 31 August 1874 1899 8_01282 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual report of St. Andrew's Church, Sherbrooke 1889 1899 8_01945 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial P Annual report of St. David's Presbyterian Church, St. John, N.B., for the year ending June 30th 1875 1875 8_02212 fulltext [St. David's Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of St. Jerome's College, Berlin, Waterloo County, Ontario, (on the Grand Trunk Railroad), for the scholastic year 1867 1867 St. Jerome's College 8_01837 fulltext [St. Jerome's College] Serial F Annual report of the district collection in aid of the Montreal St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum 1873 15 1873 15 8_01083 fulltext [St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum] Serial F Annual report of the Agricultural Mutual Assurance Association of Canada (formerly the Middlesex Mutual) for the year ending 31st Dec 1865 6 1875 16 Agricultural Mutual Assurance Association of Canada 8_00349 fulltext [Agricultural Mutual Assurance Association of Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Algoma Missionary Association (Diocese of Montreal Branch) 1875 1876 Algoma Missionary Association 8_00843 fulltext [Algoma Missionary Association, Diocese of Montreal Branch] Serial F Annual report of the Alumni of King's College, Windsor 1855 9 1867 20 8_02295 fulltext [Alumni of King's College] Serial P Annual report of the Amherstburg Branch Bible Society 1841 2 1841 2 British and Foreign Bible Society 8_00339 fulltext [Amherstburg Branch Bible Society] Serial F Annual report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada 1857 6 1857 6 Anti-Slavery Society of Canada 8_00804 fulltext [Anti-Slavery Society of Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Association and its branches for the year ending September 1894 1899 8_02121 fulltext [Woman's Art Association of Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Bay of Quinte Conference from June 1884 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00902 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Guelph Conference from June 1884 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00901 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the London Conference from June 1883 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00897 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the London Conference from June 1878 1883 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00936 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Manitoba and North-West Conference from June 1883 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00900 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Montreal Conference from June 1883 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00899 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Montreal Conference from June 1878 1883 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00937 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Conference from June 1878 1883 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00939 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Conference from June 1883 1884 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00942 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Newfoundland Conference from June 1878 1883 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00940 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Newfoundland Conference from June 1883 1884 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00941 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Nova Scotia Conference from June 1883 1885 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00948 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Nova Scotia Conference from June 1878 1882 8_01152 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Nova Scotia Conference from June 1878 1883 Methodist Church of Canada 8_01152 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Toronto Conference from June 1878 1882 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00577 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America, in connexion with the British Conference from June 1855 1 1873 18 8_02066 fulltext Published by Charles Churchill, at the Wesleyan Conference Office Serial F Annual report of the Baptist Church, Paris, Ontario, for the year ending 31st Dec 1889 1889 Baptist Church (Paris, Ont.) 8_00391 fulltext [Baptist Church] Serial F Annual report of the Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of Ontario and Quebec for the Year ending October the 11th 1883 1884 Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of Ontario and Quebec 8_00552 fulltext Standard Publishing Company Serial F Annual report of the Bloor Street Presbyterian Church 1888 1 1899 12 8_01672 fulltext [Bloor Street Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the Board of City Missions, in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church 1866 4 1866 4 Canada Presbyterian Church. Board of City Missions 8_00405 fulltext [Board of City Missions, in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Directors of the Grand River Navigation Company 1841 6 1854 Grand River Navigation Company 8_00333 fulltext [Board of Directors of the Grand River Navigation Company] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Endowment, to the Senate of the University of Toronto 1852 3 1852 3 8_03487 fulltext [Board of Endowment of the University of Toronto and Upper Canada College and Royal Grammar School] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the regular Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec for the year ending 15th Oct 1889 1889 Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec 8_00376 fulltext [Board of Foreign Missions] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Managers 1892 22 1900 30 Halifax School for the Blind 8_00992 fulltext [Halifax School for the Blind] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Trade of Halifax, N.S. for the year 1895 1895 Halifax Board of Trade 8_00324 fulltext [Halifax Board of Trade] Serial F Annual report of the Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa for the year 1865 1865 1865 1865 8_00226 fulltext Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa Serial F Annual report of the Board of Trade of the Town of Port Arthur 1887 2 1892 7 8_00153 fulltext Board of Trade of the Town of Port Arthur Serial F Annual report of the Board of Trade, with a review of the commerce of Toronto 1861 1861 1863 1861 8_00045 fulltext Published annually by the compiler E. Wiman Serial F Annual Report of the Board of Trustees 1893 4 1893 4 Church School for Girls (Windsor, N.S.) 8_00547 fulltext [Church School for Girls] Serial F Annual report of the Boards of Home & Foreign Missions, and of the Church Endowment Fund to the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia 1895 19 1895 19 8_02038 fulltext [Church of England in Canada, Diocese of Nova Scotia] Serial F Annual report of the Boards of Home, and of Foreign Missions ... to the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia 1879 3 1894 18 Church of England 8_00995 fulltext [Boards of Home, and of Foreign Missions] Serial F Annual report of the bondholders' management of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Co. for the year ending 31st December 1864 1 1864 1 Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company 8_00371 fulltext [Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company] Serial F Annual report of the Boy's Home, 115, 117, 119 & 121 Mountain Street, Montreal, for the year ending 31st December 1899 29 1899 29 8_01086 fulltext [Boy's Home] Serial F Annual report of the British American Book and Tract Society 1869 2 1895 28 8_00240 fulltext Depository Serial F Annual report of the British and Canadian Infant School Society 1833 1 1833 1 8_01231 fulltext [British and Canadian Infant School Society] Serial F Annual report of the British and Canadian School Society 1823 1 1826 4 8_00222 fulltext British and Canadian School Society Serial F Annual report of the British Columbia Board of Trade 1879 1 1893 14 8_00200 fulltext British Columbia Board of Trade Serial F Annual report of the British Columbia Fruit Growers' Association 1890 1 1891 2 8_00313 fulltext British Columbia Fruit Growers' Association Serial F Annual report of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company for the year ending 31st December 1865 2 1867 4 8_00053 fulltext Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company Serial F Annual report of the Calgary General Hospital for the year of 1894 4 1894 4 Calgary General Hospital 8_01562 fulltext [Calgary General Hospital] Serial F Annual report of the Canada Conference Missionary Society, auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1825 1 1827 3 Methodist Episcopal Church. Canada Conference. Missionary Society 8_00390 fulltext Printed for the Society at the Herald Office, Hugh C. Thomson, Printer Serial F Annual report of the Canada Education and Home Missionary Society 1833 1833 Canada Education and Home Missionary Society 8_00817 fulltext [Canada Education and Home Missionary Society] Serial F Annual report of the Canada Sunday School Union 1842 6 1875 39 8_00088 fulltext Not all volumes available online between 1842 and 1875 Canada Sunday School Union Serial F Annual report of the Canadian Congregational Missionary Society, in connection with the Colonial Missionary Society 1855 2 1872 19 Canadian Congregational Missionary Society in connection with the Colonial Missionary Society 8_00806 fulltext [Canadian Congregational Missionary Society in connection with the Colonial Missionary Society] Serial F Annual report of the Canadian Institute 1886 1894 7 8_00214 fulltext First volume online 1886-87 Canadian Institute Serial F Annual report of the Canadian Pacific R'y Co. for the fiscal year ending December 31st 1896 1896 1900 1900 8_00097 fulltext Canadian Pacific Railway Company Serial F Annual report of the Catholic Male Institution for the Deaf and Dumb of the Province of Quebec for 1878 1881 8_01271 fulltext [Catholic Male Institution for the Deaf and Dumb of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Central Board of the Free Church College, established at Halifax for the Lower Provinces of British North America 1848 1 1848 1 8_01146 fulltext [Free Church College] Serial F Annual report of the Central Committee of the Albion Mines Relief Fund for the fiscal year ended November 12 1882 3 1883 3 8_00235 fulltext Central Committee of the Albion Mines Relief Fund Serial F Annual report of the Central Presbyterian Church, Grosvenor Street, Toronto, for the year ending December 31st 1882 1882 Central Presbyterian Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00856 fulltext [Central Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the Charitable Committee of the St. Andrew's Society, of Montreal 1856 1856 8_01328 fulltext [St. Andrew's Society of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the Children's Aid Society of the city of Ottawa For the Year 1898 1900 Children's Aid Society of Ottawa 8_00447 fulltext [Children's Aid Society of Ottawa] Serial F Annual report of the Church and Manse Building Board of the Presbyterian Church in Canada for Manitoba and the North-West Territories 1884 1889 8_02209 fulltext [Church and Manse Building Board of the Presbyterian Church in Canada for Manitoba and the North-West Territories] Serial F Annual report of the Church Bible and Prayer Book Society for the year ending October 31st 1900 2 1900 2 Church Bible and Prayer Book Society 8_00805 fulltext The Church of England Publishing Co., Limited Serial F Annual Report of the Church of Scotland Missionary Association in Nova Scotia for 1859 1 1860 2 Church of Scotland Missionary Association in Nova Scotia 8_00539 fulltext [Church of Scotland Missionary Association in Nova Scotia] Serial F Annual report of the church wardens and select vestry of Christ Church Cathedral, for the year ending at Easter 1853 1863 8_02064 fulltext [Christ Church Cathedral] Serial F Annual report of the city of Toronto Electoral District Agricultural Society for the year 1885 1889 8_01279 fulltext [Toronto Electoral District Agricultural Society] Serial F Annual report of the Colonial Church & School Society, for the Diocese of Quebec, Canada 1858 2 1858 2 Colonial Church and School Society 8_01836 fulltext [Colonial Church & School Society, Diocese of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Committee for of the St. George's Society of Montreal 1876 1876 8_02691 fulltext [St. George's Society of Montreal] Serial P Annual report of the Committee of Management of the Boys' Home for the Training and Maintenance of Destitute Boys, not Convicted of Crime 1860 2 1897 38 8_00148 fulltext Boys' Home for the Training and Maintenance of Destitute Boys not Convicted of Crime, Committee of Management Serial F Annual report of the Committee of Management of the St. George's Society of Ottawa for the year ending 7th March 1899 1899 St. George's Society of Ottawa 8_00797 fulltext [St. George's Society of Ottawa] Serial F Annual report of the Committee of the Halifax Ragged and Industrial Schools, Albemarle Street and Spring Garden Road 1864 1 1864 1 8_01143 fulltext [Committee of the Halifax Ragged and Industrial Schools] Serial F Annual report of the committee of the Micmac Missionary Society, from 1850 1 1863 14 Micmac Missionary Society 8_00565 fulltext [Micmac Missionary Society] Serial F Annual report of the committee of the Nova-Scotia Sabbath School Union for the year 1842 2 1842 2 8_01458 fulltext [Nova Scotia Sabbath School Union] Serial F Annual report of the committee of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, (in connection with the established Church of Scotland,) appointed to conduct the French Protestant Mission in Canada East 1842 2 1843 8_01325 fulltext Last volume online is 3/4 [Committee of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, (in connection with the established Church of Scotland,) appointed to conduct the French Protestant Mission in Canada East] Serial F Annual report of the common, academic and normal and model schools in Nova Scotia for the year ending October 31st 1873 1877 8_01891 fulltext [Council of Public Instruction] Serial P Annual report of the Congregational College of British North America 1860 22 1884 45 8_00248 fulltext Congregational College of British North America Serial F Annual report of the Congregational Union of Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick 1846 1 1847 1 8_00233 fulltext Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Serial F Annual report of the Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of Quebec and programme of examination questions 1889 1890 8_02149 fulltext [Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of Quebec and programme of examination questions 1889 1890 8_02149 fulltext [Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Corporation of the McGill University 1876 1886 McGill University 8_00517 fulltext [McGill University] Serial F Annual report of the council 1855 1855 Canadian Institute 8_00416 fulltext [Canadian Institute] Serial F Annual report of the council of the Montreal Board of Trade, being for the year ended 31st December 1887 45 1900 58 Montreal Board of Trade 8_00531 fulltext [Montreal Board of Trade] Serial F Annual report of the County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital, at the city of Ottawa 1877 26 1889 39 8_00124 fulltext County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital Serial F Annual report of the county of Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Co., for the year ending 31st December 1860 1860 8_01182 fulltext [Mutual Fire Insurance Co.] Serial F Annual report of the Dairymen's Association of Ontario 1874 7 1874 7 8_00230 fulltext the Association Serial F Annual report of the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario 1880 1880 1881 4 8_00266 fulltext The Association Serial F Annual report of the Deacons' Court of the McNab Street Presbyterian Church 1856 2 1858 4 McNab Street Presbyterian Church (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_00466 fulltext [McNab Street Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the directors of the Elgin Association 1851 2 1861 8_00255 fulltext Last volume online 10/11 Elgin Association Serial F Annual report of the directors of the London & Port Stanley Railway Company, for the year ending Nov. 30th 1869 1870 London and Port Stanley Railway Company 8_00737 fulltext [London and Port Stanley Railway Company] Serial F Annual report of the directors of the Montreal Horticultural Society and schedule of premiums offered by the Society for year 1848 1 1866 Montreal Horticultural Society 8_00877 fulltext [Montreal Horticultural Society] Serial F Annual report of the directors of the Oxford Permanent Loan and Savings Society 1880 15 1896 31 8_01866 fulltext [Oxford Permanent Loan and Savings Society] Serial P Annual report of the directors of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, at Toronto 1853 3 1853 3 Provincial Lunatic Asylum (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01592 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Annual report of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada 1883 1 1891 8_02140 fulltext [Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Dominion Artillery Association for the year 1882 1895 Dominion Artillery Association 8_00550 fulltext [Dominion Artillery Association] Serial F Annual report of the Dominion of Canada Artillery Association For the Year 1896 1898 Dominion of Canada Artillery Association 8_03515 fulltext [Dominion of Canada Artillery Association] Serial F Annual report of the Educational Society of the Methodist Church 1889 6 1893 10 8_01454 fulltext Methodist Book and Publishing House Serial F Annual report of the Educational Society of the Methodist Church of Canada 1874 1 1874 1 Methodist Church of Canada 8_00519 fulltext [Methodist Church of Canada, Educational Society] Serial F Annual report of the Entomological Society of Canada (Quebec Branch) 1866 3 1866 3 8_00303 fulltext Entomological Society of Canada, Quebec Branch Serial F Annual report of the Entomological Society of Ontario for the year 1874 1900 31 Entomological Society of Ontario 8_00321 fulltext [Entomological Society of Ontario] Serial F Annual report of the Erskine Presbyterian Church, Toronto, for the year ending December 31st 1881 1899 Erskine Presbyterian Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00801 fulltext [Erskine Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the Evangelical Society of La Grande Ligne, Province of Quebec, Canada 1874 38 1887 51 Evangelical Society of La Grande Ligne 8_00536 fulltext [Evangelical Society of La Grande Ligne] Serial F Annual report of the executive committee of the Temporal and Pastoral Aid Society of Christ Church, read at the annual meeting 1838 1 1838 1 8_02067 fulltext [Temporal and Pastoral Aid Society of Christ Church] Serial F Annual report of the Female Compassionate Society of Quebec = : Rapport annuel de la Societe compatissante des dames de Quebec 1843 23 1894 73 8_01207 fulltext [Quebec Female Compassionate Society] Serial F Annual report of the First Methodist Church, St. Thomas, for the year ending 15th May 1882 1895 First Methodist Church (St. Thomas, Ont.) 8_00360 fulltext [First Methodist Church] Serial F Annual report of the Foot Guards' Benevolent Association for the year ended 31st December 1881 1 1881 1 Foot Guards' Benevolent Association 8_00343 fulltext [Foot Guards' Benevolent Association] Serial F Annual report of the Frances Willard Home for Girls' of the W.C.T.U 1899 5 1899 5 8_01939 fulltext [Frances Willard Home for Girls' of the W.C.T.U.], Serial P Annual report of the Fraser Institute 1889 12 1898 20 8_00254 fulltext Fraser Institute Serial F Annual report of the Fredericton Auxiliary Bible Society 1877 66 1877 66 Fredericton Auxiliary Bible Society 8_00556 fulltext [Fredericton Auxiliary Bible Society] Serial F Annual report of the Fredericton Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, at Fredericton, New Brunswick 1882 1895 12 Fredericton Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb 8_00546 fulltext [Fredericton Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb] Serial F Annual report of the Fredericton Religious Tract Society 1859 1 1859 1 8_02198 fulltext [Fredericton Religious Tract Society] Serial F Annual report of the French Canadian Missionary Society 1839 1 1880 42 French Canadian Missionary Society 8_00342 fulltext [French Canadian Missionary Society] Serial F Annual report of the French Methodist Institute, Montreal, year ending May 31 1882 1883 French Methodist Institute 8_00898 fulltext [French Methodist Institute] Serial F Annual report of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario, under the joint control of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph and the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario 1894 1 1899 6 8_01353 fulltext Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture Serial F Annual report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Nova Scotia 1895 31 1900 Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association 8_00544 fulltext [Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association] Serial F Annual report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Prince Edward Island 1900 1900 1900 1900 8_00312 fulltext Fruit Growers' Association of Prince Edward Island Serial F Annual report of the Fyfe Missionary Society of McMaster Hall 1884 4 1884 4 Fyfe Missionary Society of McMaster Hall 8_00551 fulltext [Fyfe Missionary Society of McMaster Hall] Serial F Annual report of the General Committee of the Nova-Scotia Sabbath Alliance 1851 1 1851 1 8_01451 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Sabbath Alliance] Serial F Annual report of the Gould St. Congregation of the Canada Presbyterian Church, Toronto for 1865 1877 Gould Street Congregation (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00956 fulltext [Gould St. Congregation] Serial F Annual report of the governors, principal and fellows of McGill University, Montreal, for the year 1888 1899 McGill University 8_00509 fulltext [McGill University] Serial F Annual report of the Grande Ligne Mission, Province of Quebec, Canada 1888 52 1899 64 Grande-Ligne Mission (Quebec) 8_00537 fulltext [Grande-Ligne Mission] Serial F Annual report of the Halifax Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor for the year 1867 1 1890 24 8_01151 fulltext [Halifax Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor] Serial F Annual report of the Halifax Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for 1815 1832 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_01584 fulltext [Halifax Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge] Serial F Annual report of the Halifax Infants' Home for the year ending 1875 1 1898 24 8_01147 fulltext [Halifax Infants' Home] Serial F Annual report of the Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society 1821 2 1824 5 8_02384 fulltext [Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society] Serial F Annual report of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics' Institute 1877 39 1878 4 Hamilton and Gore Mechanics' Institute 8_00470 fulltext [Hamilton and Gore Mechanics' Institute] Serial F Annual report of the Hamilton Branch Bible Society 1883 44 1883 44 8_02075 fulltext [Hamilton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society] Serial F Annual report of the Hamilton Public Library 1890 1 1899 11 Hamilton Public Library (Ont.) 8_00412 fulltext [Hamilton Public Library] Serial F Annual report of the Hervey Institute and Home and School of Industry 1889 42 1889 42 8_01955 fulltext [Hervey Institute] Serial P Annual report of the Home and School of Industry 1860 12 1874 26 8_00284 fulltext Home and School of Industry Serial F Annual report of the Home for Friendless Women 1891 4 1891 4 Ottawa Home for Friendless Women 8_00336 fulltext [Ottawa Home for Friendless Women] Serial F Annual report of the Home for the Aged 1860 1 1887 8_01140 fulltext [Home for the Aged] Serial F Annual report of the Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of British Columbia, with pest and remedy supplement 1892 3 1895 6 8_00314 fulltext Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of British Columbia Serial F Annual report of the Hospital for Sick Children, 245 Elizabaeth St., Toronto for 1881 6 1899 25 Hospital for Sick Children 8_00323 fulltext [Hospital for Sick Children] Serial F Annual report of the House of Industry, city of Toronto, for the year 1886 50 1900 63 House of Industry (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01623 fulltext [House of Industry] Serial F Annual report of the Industrial Rooms 1883-05 21 1899-05 37 8_02340 fulltext [Industrial Rooms] Serial P Annual report of the Industrial School Association of Toronto 1899 1900 Industrial School Association of Toronto 8_00445 fulltext [Industrial School Association of Toronto] Serial F Annual report of the Infants' Home 1876 1 1875 1 Infants' Home (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01628 fulltext [Infants' Home] Serial F Annual report of the Infants' Home and Infirmary 1877 2 1900 25 Infants' Home & Infirmary (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01629 fulltext [Infants' Home & Infirmary] Serial F Annual report of the inspector of the public schools of the city of Toronto, for the year ending 1871 13 1888 29 8_02234 fulltext [Toronto Public School Board] Serial F Annual report of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Halifax, Nova Scotia for 1857 1 1883 26 Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Halifax 8_00494 fulltext [Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Halifax] Serial F Annual report of the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society of Montreal 1882 27 1888 33 Irish Protestant Benevolent Society (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00491 fulltext [Irish Protestant Benevolent Society] Serial F Annual report of the King's County Sabbath School Convention 1889 4 1889 4 8_01467 fulltext [King's County Sabbath School Convention] Serial F Annual report of the Kingston Religious Tract Society, Auxiliary to the Religious Tract Society of London 1830 1832 Kingston Religious Tract Society 8_00837 fulltext [Kingston Religious Tract Society] Serial F Annual report of the Ladies' Benevolent Society 1850 17 1850 17 Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Society 8_00337 fulltext [Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Society] Serial F Annual report of the Ladies' Protestant Home, of Quebec 1875 16 1881 22 8_01205 fulltext [Ladies' Protestant Home of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Lennox & Addington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for the year ending 31st December 1893 17 1900 24 Lennox and Addington Mutual Fire Insurance Co 8_00408 fulltext [Lennox and Addington Mutual Fire Insurance Co.] Serial F Annual report of the Literary & Historical Society of Quebec 1830 1830 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 8_00540 fulltext T. Cary & Co. Serial F Annual report of the Local Council of Ottawa in affiliation with the National Council of Women of Canada 1894 1 1894 1 Local Council of Women of Ottawa 8_00431 fulltext [Local Council of Women of Ottawa] Serial F Annual report of the Mackay Institution for Protestant Deaf-Mutes for the year ending 1882 13 1897 27 Mackay Institution for Protestant Deaf-Mutes 8_00532 fulltext [Mackay Institution for Protestant Deaf-Mutes] Serial F Annual report of the Magdalene Asylum, or Industrial House of Refuge for Females 1860 6 1876 21 8_01446 fulltext [Toronto Magdalene Asylum or Female House of Refuge] Serial F Annual report of the managers of St. Andrew's Church, Sarnia, for the year ending 31st March 1877 1877 8_01114 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual report of the managers of St. Andrew's Church, Sarnia, for the year ending 31st March 1877 1878 St. Andrew's Church (Sarnia, Ont.) 8_01114 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual report of the managers of the Montreal Home for Friendless Women 1875 1 1875 1 Montreal Home for Friendless Women 8_00335 fulltext [Montreal Home for Friendless Women] Serial F Annual report of the managers of the Protestant Home for Friendless Women 1876 2 1876 2 8_01070 fulltext [Protestant Home for Friendless Women] Serial F Annual report of the managing committee for 1855 1861 Toronto Horticultural Society 8_00874 fulltext [Toronto Horticultural Society] Serial F Annual report of the managing committee of the St. Andrew's Society of Ottawa 1871 1871 8_01232 fulltext [Managing Committee of the St. Andrew's Society of Ottawa] Serial F Annual report of the Manitoba Dairy Association 1894 9 1896 11 Manitoba Dairy Association 8_00693 fulltext David Philip, Queen's Printer Serial F Annual report of the McLeod Street Methodist Church for the year ended May 31 1893 1894 McLeod Street Methodist Church (Ottawa, Ont.) 8_00462 fulltext [McLeod Street Methodist Church] Serial F Annual report of the McNab Street Presbyterian Church of Hamilton, Ontario, for the year 1892 1900 McNab Street Presbyterian Church (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_00468 fulltext [MacNab Street Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual report of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal 1877 39 1899 65 8_01069 fulltext [Mechanics' Institute of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the medical superintendent of the Temporary Provincial Lunatic Asylum, at Toronto, from 1847 1847 Temporary Provincial Lunatic Asylum (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01619 fulltext [Temporary Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Annual report of the Mercantile Library Association of Montreal 1843 3 1866 26 Mercantile Library Association of Montreal 8_00562 fulltext [Mercantile Library Association of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Canada 1883 60 1901 77 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_00571 fulltext Published at the Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F Annual report of the Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 1834 9 1874 50 8_02162 fulltext [Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Catholic Sailors' Club 1898 3 1898 3 8_01236 fulltext [Montreal Catholic Sailors' Club] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Diet Dispensary 1890 11 1899 20 8_01368 fulltext [Montreal Diet Dispensary] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal District Committee in correspondence with the Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, for the years 1824 1835 8_01479 fulltext [Montreal District Committee, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal General Hospital 1857 36 1899 78 Montreal General Hospital 8_00510 fulltext [Montreal General Hospital] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Maternity for the year ending 1887 43 1899 56 8_01916 fulltext [Montreal Maternity] Serial P Annual report of the Montreal Mutual Building Society for the Year ending November 30th 1878 13 1886 21 Montreal Mutual Building Society 8_00490 fulltext [Montreal Mutual Building Society] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Protestant Orphan Asylum 1848 27 1899 78 Montreal Protestant Orphan Asylum 8_00461 fulltext [Montreal Protestant Orphan Asylum] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Religious Book & Tract Society, auxiliary to the London Tract Society 1857 22 1864 29 8_01092 fulltext [Montreal Religious Book and Tract Society] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Sabbath School Association, in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church 1862 2 1864 4 Montreal Sabbath School Association 8_00406 fulltext [Montreal Sabbath School Association] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Sailors' Institute 1888 27 1896 35 8_01953 fulltext [Montreal Sailors' Institute] Serial P Annual report of the Montreal Sanitary Association 1866 1 1870 5 Montreal Sanitary Association 8_00469 fulltext [Montreal Sanitary Association] Serial F Annual report of the Montreal Working Men's Mutual Benefit and Widows' and Orphans' Provident Society 1873 1873 Montreal Working Men's Mutual Benefit and Widows' and Orphans' Provident Society 8_00518 fulltext [Montreal Working Men's Mutual Benefit and Widows' and Orphans' Provident Society] Serial F Annual report of the National Council of Women of Canada 1893 1 1897 5 National Council of Women of Canada 8_00567 fulltext [National Council of Women of Canada] Serial F Annual report of the Natural History Society of Montreal 1827 1 1863 Natural History Society of Montreal 8_00682 fulltext [Natural History Society of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society 1854 1 1854 1 8_01973 fulltext [New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society] Serial P Annual report of the New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society 1854 1 1854 1 8_01973 fulltext [New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society] Serial P Annual report of the New City Gas Company of Montreal 1856 1856 8_01932 fulltext [New City Gas Company of Montreal] Serial P Annual report of the New England Society of Montreal 1854 1 1854 1 New England Society of Montreal 8_00869 fulltext [New England Society of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the News-boys' Lodging and Industrial Home for year ending 1872 3 1892 24 Newsboys' Lodging and Industrial Home 8_01633 fulltext [Newsboys' Lodging and Industrial Home] Serial F Annual report of the Night Refuge for the Homeless and of Seamen's Bethel and Reading Room, 186 Lower Water Street, near Shipping Office 1878 3 1878 3 8_02024 fulltext [Night Refuge for the Homeless] Serial F Annual report of the Notre Dame Hospital, Montreal 1882 2 1891 11 Notre-Dame Hospital (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00998 fulltext [Notre-Dame Hospital] Serial F Annual report of the Nova Scotia Chamber of Commerce, of Halifax, N.S. for the year 1883 1883 Halifax Chamber of Commerce 8_01011 fulltext [Halifax Chamber of Commerce] Serial F Annual report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm, for the year ending 31st December 1880 6 1899 21 8_01306 fulltext [Ontario Agricultural College] Serial F Annual report of the Ontario School of Agriculture and Experimental Farm, for the year ending 1874 1 1879 5 8_01305 fulltext [Ontario School of Agriculture] Serial F Annual report of the Ottawa Auxiliary Bible Society 1872 18 1900 45 8_00177 fulltext Ottawa Auxiliary Bible Society Serial F Annual Report of the Ottawa Humane Society 1893 6 1895 8 Ottawa Humane Society 8_00590 fulltext [Ottawa Humane Society] Serial F Annual report of the Ottawa Religious Book and Tract Society, presented at the meeting, held 1872 1 1872 1 8_01244 fulltext [Ottawa Religious Book and Tract Society] Serial F Annual report of the Pomological and Fruit Growing Society of the Province of Quebec 1894 1899 8_01317 fulltext [Pomological and Fruit Growing Society of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Prison Gate Mission and The Haven, 206 Seaton St., Toronto, Ont 1884 6 1895 18 8_01662 fulltext [Prison Gate Mission and the Haven] Serial F Annual report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America 1846 1855 8_02134 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America] Serial F Annual report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America at its grand annual meeting 1853 1853 8_02418 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British America] Serial F Annual report of the proceedings of the St. Patrick's Literary Association of Montreal 1859 1 1859 1 8_01659 fulltext [St. Patrick's Literary Association of Montreal] Serial F Annual report of the Protestant Home for Friendless Women 1877 3 1877 3 8_01212 fulltext [Protestant Home for Friendless Women] Serial F Annual report of the Protestant Industrial Rooms 38 38 8_02341 fulltext [Protestant Industrial Rooms] Serial P Annual report of the Protestant Infants' Home for the year ending March 30 1872 3 1898 29 Protestant Infants' Home (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00520 fulltext [Protestant Infants' Home] Serial F Annual report of the Provincial Building Society 1886 16 1886 16 8_02221 fulltext [Provincial Building Society] Serial F Annual report of the Public School Board of the city of Toronto for the year ending December 31 1889 30 1899 8_02100 fulltext [Toronto Public School Board] Serial F Annual report of the Quebec Board of Trade 1861 1879 8_01217 fulltext [Quebec Board of Trade] Serial F Annual report of the Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for the year 1820 1841 21 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_00790 fulltext [Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge] Serial F Annual report of the Quebec Ladies' Benevolent Society for 1839 2 1882 45 8_01230 fulltext [Quebec Ladies' Benevolent Society] Serial F Annual report of the Quebec Young Men's Christian Association 1879 10 1884 15 8_02072 fulltext [Quebec Young Men's Christian Association] Serial F Annual report of the Ristigouche [sic] Agricultural Society 1841 2 1853 14 8_02197 fulltext [Restigouche Agricultural Society] Serial F Annual report of the Sabrevois Mission and Colonial Church and School Society in the Diocese of Montreal from May 1st ... to April 30th 1888 1898 Sabrevois Mission 8_00553 fulltext Published by the Colonial Church and School Society Serial F Annual report of the Saint Gabriel Church, Montreal, for the year 1873 7 1899 8_00750 fulltext [St. Gabriel Church] Serial F Annual report of the Shakspeare Club for the year 1844 1845 8_01115 fulltext [Shakespeare Club] Serial F Annual report of the Shakspeare Club for the year 1844 1845 Shakespeare Club (Montréal, Quebec) 8_01115 fulltext [Shakespeare Club] Serial F Annual report of the Society for Converting & Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel Among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada, for the year ending October 1831 1 1838 7 Society for Converting & Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel Among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada 8_00796 fulltext [Society for Converting & Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel Among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada] Serial F Annual report of the South Eastern Railway Company, for the year ending June 30th 1882 2 1882 2 8_02187 fulltext [South Eastern Railway Company] Serial F Annual report of the St. Andrew's Society of Toronto from November 1871 36 1900 65 8_00752 fulltext [St. Andrew's Society of Toronto] Serial F Annual report of the St. George Snow Shoe Club 1880 8 1880 8 8_01478 fulltext [St. George Snow Shoe Club] Serial F Annual Report of the state of the Madras School, in New-Brunswick, for the year 1820 1820 Madras School 8_00495 fulltext [Madras School] Serial F Annual report of the Sunday School Union of the Province of Quebec, for the year 1890 54 1890 54 8_01938 fulltext [Sunday School Union of the Province of Quebec] Serial P Annual report of the Teachers' Association : minutes 1873 1873 8_01138 fulltext [Educational Association of Nova Scotia] Serial F Annual report of the Teachers' Association : minutes 1873 1874 Educational Association of Nova Scotia 8_01138 fulltext [Educational Association of Nova Scotia] Serial F Annual report of the Teachers' Association in connection with M'Gill Normal School, Montreal 1863 2 1863 2 8_01934 fulltext [Teachers' Association in connection with M'Gill Normal School] Serial P Annual report of the Temperance Union of Christian Women, of Portland, N.B 1878 1 1878 1 8_02199 fulltext [Temperance Union of Christian Women of Portland, N.B.] Serial F Annual report of the Temporal Committee of Knox Church, Ottawa 1869 25 1893 49 Knox Church (Ottawa, Ont.) 8_00377 fulltext [Temporal Committee of Knox Church] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Children's Aid Society 1891 1 1899 9 8_01098 fulltext [Children's Aid Society of Toronto] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto City Mission 1852 6 1864 Toronto City Mission (1845) 8_00943 fulltext [Toronto City Mission] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto City Mission 1890 11 1899 8_01052 fulltext [Toronto City Mission] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto General Dispensary and Lying-In Hospital 1852 1852 Toronto General Dispensary and Lying-In Hospital 8_00935 fulltext [Toronto General Dispensary and Lying-In Hospital] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Homoeopathic Hospital ... and of the Training School for Nurses and Women's Auxiliary for the year ending September 30th 1890 1 1891 2 8_01105 fulltext [Toronto Homoeopathic Hospital] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Industrial Refuge (Late Magdalen Asylum) and Aged Woman's Home 1884 30 1900 Toronto Industrial Refuge and Aged Woman's Home 8_01611 fulltext [Toronto Industrial Refuge and Aged Woman's Home] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Magdalene Asylum, or, Industrial House of Refuge 1876 1882 8_01277 fulltext [Toronto Magdalene Asylum or Industrial House of Refuge] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Mechanics' Institute 1846 1846 Toronto Mechanics' Institute 8_01605 fulltext [Toronto Mechanics' Institute] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Produce and Merchants' Exchange Association for the year 1866 1866 Toronto Produce and Merchants' Exchange Association 8_01607 fulltext [Toronto Produce and Merchants' Exchange Association] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Public Library 1883 1 1900 17 8_01133 fulltext [Toronto Public Library] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Relief Society 1888 13 1899 24 Toronto Relief Society 8_01606 fulltext [Toronto Relief Society] Serial F Annual report of the Toronto Young Women's Christian Guild 1895 8 1895 8 Toronto Young Women's Christian Guild 8_01610 fulltext [Toronto Young Women's Christian Guild] Serial F Annual report of the University Lying-in Hospital, Montreal 1854 11 1886 42 8_01914 fulltext [University Lying-in Hospital] Serial P Annual report of the Wakefield Chamber of Commerce 1885 22 1885 22 8_02120 fulltext [Wakefield Chamber of Commerce] Serial F Annual report of the Wesleyan Auxiliary Missionary Society, for the Nova Scotia District (including P.E. Island) 1826 10 1851 35 8_02269 fulltext [Wesleyan Auxiliary Missionary Society, for the Nova Scotia District] Serial F Annual report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society, for the New-Brunswick District 1827 2 1853 27 8_02163 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society, for the New-Brunswick District] Serial F Annual report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society, for the Nova-Scotia Western District 1853 36 1855 38 8_02270 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society, the Nova-Scotia Western District] Serial F Annual report of the Wesleyan Missionary Auxiliary Society, for the district of Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick and Prince Edward Island 1821 4 1826 8_02268 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society for the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick District] Serial F Annual report of the Woman's Christian Association, Hospital and Home for the Friendless in the city of Belleville 1889 11 1889 11 8_02010 fulltext [Woman's Christian Association] Monograph P Annual report of the Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto 1897 1899 8_02042 fulltext [Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto] Serial F Annual report of the Women's Christian Association of Quebec 1880 5 1884 9 8_02157 fulltext [Women's Christian Association of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Women's Christian Association of Quebec 1880 5 1884 9 8_02157 fulltext [Women's Christian Association of Quebec] Serial F Annual report of the Women's Christian Association, Toronto, Ontario 1876 3 1876 3 8_02107 fulltext [Women's Christian Association] Serial F Annual report of the Young Men's Christian Association of London, Ontario 1876 1876 8_02133 fulltext [Young Men's Christian Association] Serial F Annual report of the Young Men's Christian Association of the city of Winnipeg, year ending December 31st 1896 1896 8_02122 fulltext [Young Men's Christian Association of the city of Winnipeg] Serial F Annual report of the Young Women's Christian Association, Montreal 1875 1 1900 26 8_02158 fulltext [Montreal YWCA] Serial F Annual report of trustees of American Presbyterian Society of Montreal 1866 1866 1866 1866 8_00220 fulltext American Presbyterian Society Serial F Annual report presented to the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada by its executive committee 1851 1 1852 2 Anti-Slavery Society of Canada 8_00345 fulltext [Anti-Slavery Society of Canada] Serial F Annual report submitted at the ... annual meeting 1894 1894 8_01444 fulltext [Toronto Railway Company] Serial F Annual report, by-laws, rules and regulations and list of members of the Montreal Oratorio Society 1860 1 1860 1 8_01940 fulltext [Montreal Oratorio Society] Serial P Annual report, Easter 1883 1883 8_01237 fulltext [Church of St. John the Evangelist] Serial F Annual report, for year ending December 1896 4 1896 4 8_01371 fulltext [Prisoners' Aid Association of Montreal] Serial F Annual report, statements and list of shareholders of the Montreal Telegraph Company 1885 1885 8_01213 fulltext [Montreal Telegraph Company] Serial F Annual report, statements and treasurer's accounts of the University of Queen's College, Kingston 1858 1861 Queen's College (Kingston, Ont.) 8_00866 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F Annual report, with list of members 1874 1875 2 1875 8_01705 fulltext First issue 1873-74; Last issue 1875 Church Association of the Diocese of Toronto Serial F Annual reports for the Year ending 31st December 1878 1900 Crescent Street Presbyterian Church (Montréal, Québec) 8_00394 fulltext [Crescent Street Presbyterian Church] Serial F Annual reports of for the year ending September 30th 1876 1880 Ontario Institution for the Education of the Blind 8_00655 fulltext [Ontario Institution for the Education of the Blind] Serial F Annual reports of Chalmers' Church, Guelph, for year ending Dec. 31 1886 1886 Chalmers' Church (Guelph, Ont.) 8_00839 fulltext [Chalmers' Church] Serial F Annual reports of the Cathedral Sunday School, Cathedral Clothing Socity, Ladies' Aid Association, District Visiting Society, Provident Fund Society, Ladies' Bible Class, Cathedral Missionary Association, Association for Foreign Missions, Cathedral Band of Hope, Cathedral Auxiliary Association, etc., etc., etc., for the winter of 1880 1881 Christ Church Cathedral (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00648 fulltext [Christ Church Cathedral] Serial F Annual reports of the dairymen's and creameries' associations of the Province of Ontario 1890 1896 8_01352 fulltext [Ontario Department of Agriculture] Serial F Annual reports of the Fruit Growers' Association and Horticultural Society of British Columbia 1899 1900 8_00319 fulltext Volume online 9-10 Richard Wolfenden, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Annual reports of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal for the year 1878 1899 Harbour Commissioners of Montreal 8_00997 fulltext Published by Order of the Harbour Commissioners Serial F Annual reports of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, and affiliated clubs 1882 1888 8_01447 fulltext [Montreal Amateur Athletic Association] Serial F Annual reports of the Newcastle District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1839 1838 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_00983 fulltext [Newcastle District Committee, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)] Serial F Annual reports of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the years 1866 1867 Provincial Lunatic Asylum (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00878 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Annual reports of the St. George's Society of Montreal for the year , and list of officers and members 1872 1872 8_01949 fulltext [St. George's Society of Montreal] Serial P Annual reports, Easter 1878 1879 Church of St. George the Martyr (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00811 fulltext [Church of St. George the Martyr] Serial F Annual reports, for the year ending 31st December 1885 1885 8_01320 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual review of the trade & commerce of the city of Montreal for the year ending December 1857 1872 8_00409 fulltext A. Wilson Serial F Annual session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East 1864 1868 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00928 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East] Serial F Annual session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the Province of Quebec 1868 1871 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00929 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Annual session of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia 1899 33 1901 35 8_02358 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia] Serial F Annual statement 1865 1866 8_01281 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Annual statement of the trade of Toronto for the year ended December 31 : including the annual report of the Board of Trade, and a supplementary review in detail of the trade of the city in the various departments for that period / 1865 1865 Board of Trade of the City of Toronto 8_01624 fulltext [Board of Trade of the City of Toronto] Serial F Annual statements and list of shareholders of the Montreal Telegraph Company for the year 1880 1880 Montreal Telegraph Company 8_01023 fulltext [Montreal Telegraph Company] Serial F Annual transactions 1898 1899 3 8_01392 fulltext [United Empire Loyalist Association of Ontario] Serial F Appendice du ... des Journaux de l'Assemblée législative de la Province du Canada 1849 1859 9_00962 fulltext E.J. Barker Serial F Appendice du ... des Journaux de l'Assemblée législative de la Province du Canada 1843 1847 9_00962 fulltext E.J. Barker Serial F Appendice du ... des Journaux de l'Assemblée législative de la Province du Canada 1841 1841 9_00962 fulltext E.J. Barker Serial F Appendix to ... of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1855 1859 9_00955 fulltext G. Desbarats and T. Cary Serial F Appendix to ... of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1853 1853 9_00955 fulltext G. Desbarats and T. Cary Serial F Appendix to ... of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1844 1851 9_00955 fulltext G. Desbarats and T. Cary Serial F Appendix to ... of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1842 1842 9_00955 fulltext G. Desbarats and T. Cary Serial F Appendix to Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada 1825 1840 9_00942 fulltext W.L. Mackenzie Serial F Appendix to the ... Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of Lower Canada = : Appendice ... des journaux de la Chambre d'assemblée de la province du Bas-Canada. 1809 1837 9_00939 fulltext Printed by John Neilson Serial F Arcturus 1887-01-15 1 1 1887-06-25 1 24 8_06650 fulltext J.C. Dent Serial F Armstrong & Co's county of Elgin gazetteer and directory 1872 1872 1872 1872 8_00704 fulltext Armstrong & Co. Serial F Assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de la Caisse d'économie de Notre-Dame de Québec 1884 14 1899 29 Caisse d'économie de Notre-Dame de Québec 8_00418 fulltext [Caisse d'économie de Notre-Dame de Québec] Serial F Assemblee generale annuelle 1877 1877 8_01216 fulltext [Societe litteraire et historique de Quebec] Serial F Association record 1888-10-01 1 7 1888-10-01 1 7 Young Men's Christian Association of Montréal 8_04039 fulltext Young Men's Christian Association of Montreal Serial F Astronomical calculations for the year : containing, The rising, setting, places, and Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Also, The increase, decrease, and length of Days, with the Festivals, &c. Calculated for the Latitude and Meridian of Halifax in Nova-Scotia 1801 1801 Shoemaker 8_01142 fulltext Printed and Sold by Anthony Henry ... Serial F Astronomical calculations for the year : containing, The rising, setting, places, and Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, ... Also, The increase, decrease, and length of Days, with the Festivals, &c. Calculated for the Latitude and Meridian of Halifax in Nova-Scotia / 1801 1801 8_01142 fulltext Printed and Sold by Anthony Henry ... Serial F Astronomy and meteorology 1887-04-01 1 1887-10-01 1 8_04080 fulltext W.H. Smith Serial F Astrum Alberti 1883-01 1 1 1883-06 1 6 8_04389 fulltext Albert College Serial F At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1836 1838 9_00917 fulltext John Howe and Sons Serial F At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1832 1834 9_00917 fulltext John Howe and Sons Serial F At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1827 1830 9_00917 fulltext John Howe and Sons Serial F At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1823 1824 9_00917 fulltext John Howe and Sons Serial F At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia 1817 1820 9_00917 fulltext John Howe and Sons Serial F Athletic leaves 1888-09-25 1 1 1888-09-25 1 1 Montreal Amateur Athletic Association 8_04022 fulltext Printed and pub. for the M.A.A.A. by the Herald Co Serial F Auditor's report to the Board of trustees on capital and income accounts for the year ending 30th June 1894 1900 8_02109 fulltext [University of Toronto] Serial F Aurora trade guide and advertiser! 1865-04-01 1 1 1865-04-01 1 1 8_06074 fulltext J.R. Beden Serial F Aurore des Canadas 1845-09-05 7 34 1846-03-03 7 N_00464 fulltext F. Cinq-Mars Serial F Avon deanery magazine 1893-01-01 1893-01-01 Church of England 8_04783 fulltext Serial F Ayamiaywatikom mawnitosaykaekan : La croix de Ste Anne 1900-04-01 1 2 1903-11-01 2 40 Oblats de Marie-Immaculée 8_06771 fulltext Serial F Aylmer Saturday Night 1914-01-03 1 1 1914-01-03 1 1 N_00481 fulltext Published by Aylmer Citizens' League Serial F B.C. good templar 1893-10-16 1 1 1894-09-15 1 Independent Order of Good Templars 8_04510 fulltext Grand Lodge of British Columbia, Independent Order of Good Templars Serial F B.C. guide 1900-06-01 15 1900-06-01 15 8_04499 fulltext Serial F Baddeck telephone 1898-07-13 1 1 1900-08-15 N_00660 fulltext Chas. H. Peppy, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Banter 1874-10-01 1 7 1874-10-15 1 8 8_05139 fulltext Morton's News Agency Serial F Baptist year book for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island 1873 1878 1878 8_00241 fulltext First volume online 1873-74 Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Serial F Barker's Canadian monthly magazine 1846-06-01 1 2 1847-04-01 1 12 8_04173 fulltext E.J. Barker Serial F Begg & Lynch's hand-book and general guide to British Columbia 1893-04-01 1 1 1893-06-01 1 3 8_04494 fulltext B.C. Guide Pub. Co Serial F Begg's monthly and general guide to British Columbia 1893-07-01 1 4 1893-07-01 1 4 8_04495 fulltext A. Begg Serial F Belford's monthly magazine 1876-12-01 1 1878-05-01 3 8_06528 fulltext Belford Brothers Serial F Belleville city directory 1894 1900 8_00180 fulltext First volume online 1894-95; Last volume online 1899-1900 Union Publishing Company Serial F Bengough's cosmopolitan shorthand writer 1881-09-01 2 5 1883-04-01 3 12 Bengough, Thomas 8_04189 fulltext T. Bengough Serial F Bengough's illustrated monthly 1885-02-01 1 1 1885-02-01 1 1 8_04357 fulltext Published by Wm. Bengough & Co Serial F Bennett's county directories of Quebec, Levis, Beauce, Dorchester, Montmorency and Portneuf : including alphabetical miscellaneous street and business directories of Quebec and Levis 1877 1877 8_01948 fulltext E.C. Bennet Serial P Bennett's Quebec directory 1877 1877 1877 1877 8_00011 fulltext E.C. Bennett, Publisher Serial F Bible index and Christian sentinel 1882-04-01 2 4 1882-10-01 2 10 8_06057 fulltext Serial F Bible society recorder 1870-01-01 1 1 1892-10-01 24 3 Upper Canada Bible Society 8_04833 fulltext Upper Canada Bible Society Serial F Bibliotheca canadensis 1881-08-01 1 1 1881-08-01 1 8_04151 fulltext O. Frechette Serial F Bibliothèque canadienne 1898 1898 8_04153 fulltext Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur Serial F Biennial catalogue of Canadian Literary Institute, for 1866 1866 8_01997 fulltext [Canadian Literary Institute] Serial P Birks year book 1920 1921 1920 1921 8_03503 fulltext [Henry Birks and Sons] Serial F Biz 1894-01-01 1 2 1894-01-01 1 2 8_04355 fulltext S.C. Trethewey, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Bluenose amateur 1880-10-01 1 1 1880-10-01 1 1 8_06725 fulltext J.M. MacDonald Serial F Book list 1889-04-01 1 1889-04-01 1 W. R. Haight (Firm) 8_06112 fulltext W.R. Haight Serial F Books and notions 1884-08-01 1 1 1895-01-01 11 1 8_06027 fulltext J.J. Dyas Serial F Bookseller & stationer and Canadian newsdealer 1908-01-01 14 1 1910-03-01 16 3 8_06030 fulltext The Maclean Publishing Co., Limited Serial F Bookseller and stationer 1897-05-01 13 5 1907-12-01 23 5 8_06029 fulltext MacLean Pub. Co Serial F Bôrnin 1905-12-01 1 1 1908-02-01 3 3 8_06736 fulltext Serial F Boucher & Pratte's musical journal 1881-07-01 3 6 1882-12-01 4 11 8_04169 fulltext Boucher & Pratte Serial F Branigan's chronicles and curiosities 1859-01-01 1 9 1859-07-09 1 36 8_04204 fulltext T. Branigan Serial F Brant agriculturist and Indian magazine 1898-01-01 5 4 1898-01-01 5 4 8_04021 fulltext Serial F Brantford city directory 1896 1896 1896 1896 8_00077 fulltext The Brant Publishing Company Serial F Brantford city directory 1885 1885 1896 8_00181 fulltext Last volume online 1895-06-01 Union Publishing Company Serial F Brantford Daily Courier 1914-05-01 44 1918-12-28 47 N_00018 fulltext Published by The Brantford Courier Limited Serial F Bras d'Or Gazette 1900-04-25 5 6 1900-08-08 5 21 N_00659 fulltext Bras d'Or Gazette Publishing Co Serial F Brayley's family Medical Almanac 1878 1878 1899 1899 8_00052 fulltext J.W. Brayley Serial F Breath o' the heather 1917-04-01 1 1918-04-01 7 Canada 8_06803 fulltext 236th O.S. Batt., New Brunswick Kilties Serial F Bric-a-brac 1885-02-01 1 2 1885-02-01 1 2 8_04338 fulltext H.W. Robinson Serial F Bridgewater Bulletin 1902-11-18 12 24 1902-11-18 12 24 N_00031 fulltext C.J. Cragg & Co., Editors and Proprietors Serial F Bristol's illustrated almanac 1864 1864 1898 1898 8_00078 fulltext Serial F British American Book and Tract Society reporter 1873-07-01 1 4 1873-07-01 1 4 British American Book and Tract Society 8_05101 fulltext [[British American Book and Tract Society Serial F British American Presbyterian 1872-02-02 1 1 1877-10-26 6 299 Canada Presbyterian Church 8_06066 fulltext C.B. Robinson Serial F British Canadian 1863-03-11 3 10 1926-08-18 65 33 N_00271 fulltext Wm. Wallace Serial F British Columbia Financial Times 1914-05-16 1 1 1920-12-18 7 24 8_06868 fulltext Bradford W. Heyer, Editor and Publisher Serial F British Columbia fruit and farm magazine 1915-01-01 6 4 1917-12-01 10 12 United Farmers of British Columbia 8_06739 fulltext Fruit and Farm Co Serial F British Columbia magazine 1911-02-01 7 2 1913-12-01 9 12 8_06606 fulltext Man-to-Man Co Serial F British Columbia mining critic 1897-04-29 1 1 1898-08-20 2 17 8_04194 fulltext British Columbia Mining Critic Co. Serial F British Columbia mining prospectors' exchange and investors' guide 1899-01-01 1 1 1899-04-01 1 1 8_04025 fulltext Serial F British Columbia mining record 1904-07-01 11 7 1908-08-01 15 8 8_04963 fulltext British Columbia Record Serial F British Columbia monthly 1918-01 12 5 1927-12 27 2 8_06940 fulltext Serial F British Columbia Oddfellow 1896-08-01 1 9 1896-08-01 1 9 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 8_04658 fulltext A. Mackenzie, G.L. Center Serial F British Standard 1853-11-18 1 4 1854-01-06 1 11 N_00687 fulltext Benj. Drake, Publisher Serial F Brockville almanac for the year of our Lord 1866 1866 1873 1873 8_00136 fulltext D. Wylie Serial F Brown's Toronto city and home district directory 1846 1846 8_00012 fulltext Volume online 1846-47 George Brown Serial F Brown's Toronto General Directory 1856 1856 1861 1861 8_00013 fulltext No volume available online between 1857-1860 Printed and Published for W.R. Brown by MacLear & Co. Serial F Bruce in Khaki 1917-10-12 1 1 1917-11-16 1 6 Canada 8_06886 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by A. Lindsey Serial F Bryson's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1849 2 1854 7 8_00172 fulltext Campbell Bryson Serial F Buds and blossoms and friendly greetings 1884-01-01 8 1 1887-04-01 11 4 8_04298 fulltext J.F. Avery Serial F Bulletin 1900-04-14 1 1904-05-18 2 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 8_05116 fulltext The Society Serial F Bulletin annuel des travaux de l'Ecole polytechnique et distribution solennelle des prix aux elèves 1878 1880 8_00278 fulltext First volume online 1878-79; Last volume online 1879/80 Ecole polytechnique Serial F Bulletin de collect 1899-01-01 1 1 1900-07-03 1 4 Paroisse de St. Jean-Baptiste de Québec (Québec), Québec) 8_04492 fulltext Paroisse de St. Jean-Baptiste de Québec Serial F Bulletin de la Caisse nationale d'économie 1904-06-01 1 1 1911-10-01 8 10 Association Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal 8_06831 fulltext Serial F Bulletin de la milice canadienne 1807-08-26 1 1807-08-29 1 Canada 8_05007 fulltext A l'Imprimerie canadienne Serial F Bulletin de la Société bienveillante St-Roch 1893-04-01 1 1 1899-03-01 6 12 Société bienveillante St-Roch 8_04135 fulltext La Société Serial F Bulletin de la Société des artisans canadiens-français de la cité de Montréal 1891-04-10 1 1 1899-12-15 9 9 Société des artisans canadiens-français de la cité de Montréal 8_04054 fulltext La Société Serial F Bulletin de la Société d'industrie laitière de la province de Québec 1891-01-01 1 1894-04-01 7 Société d'industrie laitière de la province de Québec 8_04004 fulltext La Société Serial F Bulletin de l'Union-Allet 1873-08-25 1 1 1883-12-01 10 1 états pontificaux 8_06466 fulltext A. Ouimet Serial F Bulletin de Ste Anne de la Pointe-au-Père 1882-05-01 1 1 1883-04-01 1 1 8_04850 fulltext P. Sylvain Serial F Bulletin des recherches historiques 1895-01-01 1 1 1920-12-01 26 1 Société des études historiques (Québec) 8_06617 fulltext P.-G. Roy Serial F Bulletin du Bureau médical du Collège des médicins et chirurgiens de la province de Québec 1894-07-04 1894-09-26 Collège des médecins et chirurgiens de la province de Québec 8_05127 fulltext Le Collège Serial F Bulletin eucharistique 1896-01-01 1 1900-12-01 8_04589 fulltext Serial F Bulletin -Military Hospitals Commission Canada 1917-11-01 1917-11-01 Canada 8_06875 fulltext Published by The Military Hospitals Commission Serial F Bulletin no. ... de la Bibliotheque et du Musee du College Saint-Laurent, pres Montreal, Canada = : Bulletin no. ... of the Library and Museum of the St. Laurent College, near Montreal, Canada 1890 1897 13 College de Saint-Laurent 8_01828 fulltext [College de Saint-Laurent] Serial F Bulletin of the Canadian Army Medical Corps 1918-03-01 1 1 1918-11-01 1 7 Canada 8_06880 fulltext John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd Serial F Bulletin of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association 1898-09-01 2 1898-10-01 3 Canadian Manufacturers' Association 8_04062 fulltext Pub. for the Association by the Canadian Manufacturer Pub. Co Serial F Bulletin of the Dairymen's Association of the Province of Quebec 1891-01-01 1 1898-01-01 8 Dairymen's Association of the Province of Quebec 8_04005 fulltext The Association Serial F Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick 1881 1 1899 Natural History Society of New Brunswick 8_00549 fulltext [Natural History Society of New Brunswick] Serial F Bulletin of the Ontario hospitals for the insane 1907-02-01 1 1 1911-07-01 4 4 8_05213 fulltext L.K. Cameron Serial F Bulletin officiel 1895-05-15 1 1 1897-02-15 3 5 Union Saint-Joseph d'Ottawa 8_04105 fulltext Le Bureau Serial F Bulletin officiel canadien 1918-10-01 1 1 1919-08-28 1 46 Canada 8_06836 fulltext Directeur de l'Information Serial F Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association 1908-07-13 1 1909-04-12 39 8_06946 fulltext Aerial Experiment Association Serial F Burdock blood bitters almanac & key to health 1882 1882 1899 1899 8_00082 fulltext T. Milburn & Co. Serial F Burdock blood bitters pocket memorandum book 1892 1895 8_00089 fulltext First volume online 1892-93; Last volume online 1894-95 T. Milburn & Co. Serial F Business directory and book of reference for the town and county of Peterborough 1883 1884 8_00213 fulltext Volume online 1883-84 Times Printing Company Serial F Business directory of Calgary, Alberta, Canada 1885 1885 8_01253 fulltext Calgary Herald Printing & Publishing Co. Serial F C. Haight & Co.'s Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1869 1869 8_01108 fulltext Published by C. Haight & Co. Serial F C. Haight & Co.'s Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1869 1869 8_01108 fulltext Published by C. Haight & Co. Serial F C.A.S.C. news 1916-12-01 1 1917-06-01 Canada 8_06885 fulltext Published by Pte Jolly, Hut No. 3, Napier Barracks Serial F C.M.B.A. journal and Catholic society news 1892-12-01 4 6 1892-12-01 4 6 Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Canada 8_04168 fulltext Catholic Societies Publishing Co. Serial F Cabinet of literature 1838-11-01 1 1 1839-09-01 1 12 8_05006 fulltext Serial F Calandrier [sic] du peuple 1869 1869 8_01278 fulltext Serial F Calendar 1888 1888 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Kingston, Ont.) 8_00985 fulltext [Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons] Serial F Calendar 1888 1888 Mrs. Fletcher's Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01630 fulltext [Mrs. Fletcher's Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies] Serial F Calendar 1888 1900 8_01920 fulltext [McMaster University] Serial P Calendar 1895 1895 8_01958 fulltext Printed for the University, Dudley & Burns Serial P Calendar 1887 1887 8_02021 fulltext [Woodstock College] Serial P Calendar & catalogue of the University of Acadia College, for the academical year 1873 1878 8_02123 fulltext [Acadia College] Serial F Calendar and catalogue of the Mount Allison Wesleyan College 1878 1885 8_01981 fulltext [Mount Allison Wesleyan College] Serial P Calendar and catalogue of the University of Mount Allison College 1886 1896 8_02164 fulltext [University of Mount Allison College] Serial P Calendar and examination papers of Dalhousie College and University, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1867 1867 8_02077 fulltext [Dalhousie University] Serial F Calendar of Manitoba College at Winnipeg, Manitoba 1874 4 1874 4 8_01979 fulltext [Manitoba College] Serial P Calendar of Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., with announcements for the academical year 1891 1900 8_02286 fulltext [Acadia University] Serial F Calendar of Dalhousie College and University, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1876 1888 8_02611 fulltext [Dalhousie University] Serial F Calendar of Morrin College, Quebec 1865 4 1899 8_01393 fulltext [Morrin College] Serial F Calendar of Queen's College and University, Kingston, Canada, for the year 1883 1900 8_01129 fulltext [Queen's University] Serial F Calendar of St. Francis College (In affiliation with McGill University), Richmond, P.Q 1889 1889 8_01058 fulltext [St. Francis College] Serial F Calendar of St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, N.S 1890 1901 St. Francis Xavier's College (Antigonish, N.S.) 8_00971 fulltext [St. Francis Xavier's College] Serial F Calendar of the Baptist Seminary at Fredericton, N.B. for 1866 1867 Baptist Seminary (Fredericton, N.B.) 8_00990 fulltext [Baptist Seminary] Serial F Calendar of the Collegiate School for Boys, at Windsor, Nova Scotia 1894 1894 8_02036 fulltext Published under the Authority of the Governors of King's College, by the Collegiate School Committee Serial F Calendar of the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University 1893 61 1897 64 8_01929 fulltext Printed for the University by the Gazette Printing Co. Serial F Calendar of the law school of Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1884 1900 8_02056 fulltext Printed for the University by the Nova Scotia Printing Company Serial F Calendar of the Montreal Diocesan Theological College, affiliated with McGill University 1899 27 1899 27 8_02043 fulltext [Montreal Diocesan Theological College] Serial F Calendar of the Mount Allison Wesleyan Male Academy, Sackville, N.B 1879 1899 8_01982 fulltext [Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy] Serial P Calendar of the Presbyterian College, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1879 1900 8_01489 fulltext [Presbyterian College] Serial F Calendar of the School of Mining, Kingston, Ontario 1895 3 1900 8 8_01358 fulltext [School of Mining] Serial F Calendar of the Union Baptist Seminary, St. Martins, N.B., for the academical year : with catalogue for 1893 1893 8_02201 fulltext [Union Baptist Seminary] Serial P Calendar of the University of Acadia College, Wolfville, N.S., with announcements for the academical year 1889 1890 8_02285 fulltext [Acadia College] Serial F Calendar of the University of McGill College, Montreal 1860 1862 McGill University 8_01842 fulltext [McGill University] Serial F Calendar of the University of Mt. Allison College, Sackville, New Brunswick 1897 1900 8_02365 fulltext Printed for the University by J. & A. McMillan Serial P Calendar of the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton : academical year 1861 1883 8_01919 fulltext J. Simpson, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty Serial P Calendar of the University of Queen's College, Kingston, Canada 1862 1862 8_01128 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F Calendar of the University of Queen's College, Kingston, Canada 1862 1863 Queen's College (Kingston, Ont.) 8_01128 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F Calendar of the University of Victoria College, Cobourg, for the academic year 1861 1879 8_02111 fulltext [Victoria College] Serial F Calendar of the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal 1884 12 1899 8_02071 fulltext [Wesleyan Theological College] Serial F Calendar of Victoria University, Cobourg, Canada 1888 1891 8_02110 fulltext [Victoria University] Serial F Calendar of Victoria University, Toronto, Canada 1892 1900 8_02101 fulltext [Victoria University] Serial F Calendrier de N.D. de Grace, Hull 1899-03-01 1 1 1900-11-01 2 6 Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (Paroisse : Hull, Québec) 8_05159 fulltext Serial F Calgary real estate and live stock bulletin 1892-01-01 1 1 1892-01-01 1 1 8_04053 fulltext Fitz Gerald & Lucas Serial F Calgary standard 1912-03-16 1 48 1913-02-22 2 45 N_00313 fulltext Standard Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Calgary Sunday standard 1916-07-16 6 19 1917-03-11 7 1 N_00133 fulltext Serial F Calgary Western Standard 1916-03-18 7 2 1918-05-11 7 9 N_00134 fulltext Standard Newspaper Syndicate Serial F Cameron's directory and railway and steamship guide to Toronto 1892-06-01 1 1892-06-01 1 8_04856 fulltext Cameron Serial F Canada 1892-11-01 1 1 1892-11-01 1 1 8_04060 fulltext M.R. Knight Serial F Canada 1891-01-01 1 1 1892-07-01 2 43654 8_04112 fulltext M.R. Knight Serial F Canada : an illustrated weekly journal. 1908-02-08 9 109 1917-10-20 58 615 LeFroy 8_06953 fulltext R.H. Court Serial F Canada bookseller and stationer 1896-01-01 12 1 1897-04-01 13 1 8_06028 fulltext MacLean Pub. Co Serial F Canada Food Bulletin 1917-10-06 1 1919-01-01 22 Canada Food Board 8_06905 fulltext Food Controller's Office Serial F Canada health journal 1890-01-01 12 1 1891-12-01 13 12 8_04588 fulltext Canada Health Journal Serial F Canada health journal 1870-01-01 1 1 1870-05-01 1 5 8_05195 fulltext J. Cameron Serial F Canada inquirer 1840-12-08 2 18 1842-04-29 3 38 N_00234 fulltext Parke & Hackstaff Serial F Canada labor courier 1887-01-13 1 34 1887-01-13 1 34 N_00691 fulltext The Courier Co., Printers and Publishers Serial F Canada lancet 1863-03-14 1 1 1864-12-15 2 22 8_05197 fulltext Serial F Canada lancet 1870-09-01 3 1 1922-06-01 56 10 8_05199 fulltext Serial F Canada lumberman 1895-01-09 1 1 1905-01-04 11 49 8_04954 fulltext C.H. Mortimer Serial F Canada medical and surgical journal 1872-07-01 1 1 1888-06-01 16 11 8_05177 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F Canada medical journal and monthly record of medical and surgical science 1852-03-01 1 1 1853-02-01 1 12 8_04196 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F Canada medical journal and monthly record of medical and surgical science 1864-07-01 1 1 1872-06-01 8 12 8_05176 fulltext Dawson Bros. Serial F Canada military gazette, sporting and literary chronicle 1857-02-03 1 1 1857-05-15 1 14 8_04359 fulltext D. Kerr Serial F Canada poultry journal 1875-09-15 1 1 1876-08-15 1 12 8_04983 fulltext L.C. Thomas, Associate Editor and Publisher Serial F Canada Presbyterian 1877-11-02 1 1 1896-12-23 25 52 8_04796 fulltext C.B. Robinson Serial F Canada Sunday school advocate 1863-01-10 8 7 1874-09-26 19 24 Methodist Church of Canada 8_04918 fulltext A. Green Serial F Canadan uutiset 17 2 17 53 N_00589 fulltext The Canada News Publishing Co. Serial P Canada-revue 1891-01-01 2 1 1894-08-01 5 1 8_06562 fulltext A. Filiatreault Serial F Canada's Christmas 1888-12 1889-12 8_01564 fulltext William Bryce, Publisher Serial F Canadian agriculturist 1849-01-01 1 1 1863-12-01 15 12 Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada 8_04016 fulltext W. McDougall, G. Buckland Serial F Canadian breeder and agricultural review 1885-01-02 2 1 1885-12-31 2 1 8_04033 fulltext Serial F Canadian cement and concrete review 1907-03-01 1 7 1909-09-01 3 9 8_06861 fulltext Published by Cement and Concrete Publishing Company Serial F Canadian checkerist 1888-02-14 1 1 1888-02-14 1 1 8_04329 fulltext W.H. Darlington Serial F Canadian Churchman and Dominion churchman 1890-01-02 16 1 1898-02-24 24 8 Wooten 8_06917 fulltext Church of England Serial F Canadian Churchman, Dominion Churchman and Church Evangelist 1898-03-03 24 9 1920-12-08 47 53 Wooten 8_06918 fulltext Church of England in Canada Serial F Canadian Congregational year book 1873 1900 28 8_00178 fulltext First volume online 1873-74 Alexander Christiefor the Canadian Independent Publishing Company Serial F Canadian cultivator and household magazine 1890-10-01 1 1 1890-10-01 1 1 8_04056 fulltext G.H. Bradford Serial F Canadian dairyman and farmer 1884-09-01 1 2 1884-09-01 1 2 8_06672 fulltext Canadian Dairyman Pub. Co Serial F Canadian druggist 1889-07-01 1 1 1900-12-01 12 12 8_06091 fulltext W.J. Dyas Serial F Canadian electrical news and steam engineering journal 1891-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 10 12 Canadian Electrical Association 8_04468 fulltext C.H. Mortimer Serial F Canadian exhibitor 1886-07-01 1886-07-01 8_04172 fulltext Trades Publishing Co Serial F Canadian family almanac for the year 1893 1 1893 1 8_00102 fulltext The Berlin Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F Canadian farmer 1851-11-01 1 2 1851-11-01 1 2 8_04127 fulltext J. Smith Serial F Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1856 1856 8_00656 fulltext Published by John Armour Serial F Canadian farmers' gazette 1861-02-01 1 2 1861-02-01 1 2 8_04345 fulltext A. Webber Serial F Canadian field 1909-05-15 1 1 1909-05-15 1 1 8_06862 fulltext National Press Limited Serial F Canadian Forestry Journal 1905-01-01 1 1 1920-07-01 16 7 Canadian Forestry Association 8_06922 fulltext The Canadian Forestry Association Serial F Canadian free press 1849-01-30 1 5 1868-03-06 21 10 N_00300 fulltext Printed and Published by William Sutherland Serial F Canadian freeman and western general advertiser 1846-06-13 1 1 1846-12-12 1 26 N_00683 fulltext Published for L.C. Kearney Serial F Canadian hardware and metal merchant 1894-10-13 6 41 1894-10-13 6 41 8_04959 fulltext J.B. McLean Publishing Company Serial F Canadian historical quarterly 1899-12-01 1 1 1899-12-01 1 1 8_04076 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F Canadian history 1898-03-01 1 1900-12-01 1 8_04049 fulltext G.U. Hay Serial F Canadian home journal 1895-12-01 1 8 1901-05-01 8 2 8_04431 fulltext Home Journal Pub. Co Serial F Canadian home journal 1910-06-01 6 11 1918-08-01 15 4 8_06735 fulltext Canadian Woman's Magazine Pub. Co Serial F Canadian hospital news 1916-03-18 1 1 1917-12-27 7 1 Granville Canadian Special Hospital 8_06900 fulltext Printed and published at Chatham House, by a Committee Representing the Patients and Staffs of the Canadian Hospitals in Ramsgate Serial F Canadian journal of fabrics 1891-07-01 8 7 1904-12-01 21 12 8_04945 fulltext E.B. Biggar Serial F Canadian journal of homeopathy 1856-01-01 1 1857-03-01 2 3 8_06806 fulltext Serial F Canadian journal of mental hygiene 1919-04-01 1 1 1921-10-01 3 3 Mundie 8_06859 fulltext The Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene Serial F Canadian journal of photography 1870-03-01 2 2 1875-09-01 1 9 8_06636 fulltext Ewing & Co. Serial F Canadian labor leader 1912-10-26 1918-11-02 N_00559 fulltext Canada Labor Publishing Co., Limited Serial F Canadian live-stock journal 1885-01-01 2 1 1886-11-01 3 1 8_04045 fulltext Stock Journal Co Serial F Canadian magazine of science and the industrial arts, Patent Office record 1883-01-01 11 1 1892-01-01 20 1 Canada 8_04873 fulltext Burland Litho. Co. Serial F Canadian matrimonial news 1892-05-14 1 1 1892-05-14 1 1 8_04366 fulltext M. Watson Serial F Canadian mechanics' magazine and Patent Office record 1876-01-01 4 1 1878-12-01 6 12 Canada 8_04864 fulltext Burland-Desbarats Litho. Co. Serial F Canadian messenger 1874-08-15 9 16 1875-12-15 24 8_06232 fulltext J. Dougall Serial F Canadian military review 1880-02-01 1 1 1881-10-01 2 1 8_04148 fulltext Serial F Canadian mining & mechanical review 1891-01-01 10 1 1894-07-01 13 7 8_04199 fulltext Review Pub. Co Serial F Canadian mining review 1883-05-01 1 7 1890-12-01 9 12 8_04197 fulltext Serial F Canadian music and trades journal 1900-06-01 1 1 1920-05-01 20 12 8_04203 fulltext D.C. Nixon & Co. Serial F Canadian music folio 1892-11-01 1892-11-01 8_06072 fulltext D.J. Johnston Serial F Canadian official record 1918-11-26 1 9 1919-08-28 1 46 Canada 8_06835 fulltext Director of Public Information Serial F Canadian oil news 1921-07-01 1921-07-01 Archbold, Charles L 8_06864 fulltext Published by Canadian Oil Companies Limited Serial F Canadian out-door life 1905-01-01 1 1 1907-10-01 1 11 National Sanitarium Association of Canada 8_06712 fulltext National Sanitarium Association Serial F Canadian photographic standard 1895-04-01 3 4 1899-11-01 7 4 8_04128 fulltext D.H. Hogg Serial F Canadian phrenological and psychological magazine 1891-07-01 1891-12-01 8_04364 fulltext Serial F Canadian pictorial 1906-10-01 1 1 1913-04-01 8 5 8_06839 fulltext The Pictorial Publishing Co. Serial F Canadian poultry review 1877-12-01 1 1 1900-12-01 23 12 8_04175 fulltext Fullerton & Auld Serial F Canadian Railway and Marine World 1912-08 1920-12 8_06968 fulltext Acton Burrows, Limited Serial F Canadian railway and steamboat guide 1858-09-02 4 5 1858-09-02 4 5 8_04331 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by H. Rose Serial F Canadian record 1883-05-01 2 5 1883-05-01 2 5 8_05094 fulltext J.E. Hopper Serial F Canadian son of temperance 1852-01-05 2 1 1852-12-20 2 30 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04333 fulltext Serial F Canadian son of temperance and literary gem 1851-02-26 1 1 1851-12-29 1 24 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_06070 fulltext Serial F Canadian sportsman and livestock journal 1883-10-12 8 116 1914-05-11 1709 8_05090 fulltext E.K. Dodds Serial F Canadian stock-raisers' journal 1884-02-01 1 4 1884-06-01 1 8 8_04578 fulltext Stock Journal Co. Serial F Canadian Sunday magazine 1872-12-01 1 1 1873-11-01 1 12 8_06446 fulltext Kite, Higgins & Co Serial F Canadian tit-bits 1891-05-23 1 1 1891-05-23 1 1 8_04454 fulltext Serial F Canadian Wesleyan 1832-11-08 2 5 1832-11-08 2 5 Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church 8_06063 fulltext H. Ryan Serial F Canadian western standard 1918-05-18 7 10 1918-07-20 7 19 N_00135 fulltext Standard Newspaper Syndicate Serial F Canadian woodworker 1908-03-01 1 1 1908-12-01 1 10 8_06853 fulltext Biggar-Wilson Limited Serial F Canadiana 1889-01-01 1 1 1890-10-01 2 1 8_04190 fulltext Serial F Canadischer Familien Calender auf das Jahr 1863 1863 1897 1897 8_00150 fulltext Bodeser und Grubing Serial F Canadisches Volksblatt 1865-01-05 11 1 56 49 N_00735 fulltext Herausgegeben und Redigirt von Otto Pressprich Serial P Cardston Review 1921-05-12 20 16 1922-12-28 21 46 N_00096 fulltext Fred Burton Serial F Carleton Place almanac for the year ... and business directory 1874 1874 1874 1874 8_00137 fulltext Serial F Carters' Prince Edward Island almanac and miscellaneous directory 1894 1894 1897 1894 8_00105 fulltext Geo. Carter & Co. Serial F Case's directory of Fort William, Port Arthur and district of Thunder Bay for 1894 1 1894 1 8_00475 fulltext Published by Case & Perry Serial F Catalogue 1894 1894 8_01976 fulltext [Nova Scotia School of Horticulture] Serial P Catalogue 1894 1894 8_01976 fulltext [Nova Scotia School of Horticulture] Serial P Catalogue de la Societe de temperance de l'Eglise Saint Pierre de Montreal pour l'annee 1896 1896 8_01946 fulltext [Societe de temperance de l'Eglise Saint Pierre de Montreal] Serial P Catalogue des officiers et des élèves du Séminaire de Québec 1848 1856 8_00787 fulltext First issue 1847-48; Last issue 1855-56 Petit Séminaire Serial F Catalogue du Sem. de St. Hyacinthe pour l'annee scolaire 1872 1874 8_01250 fulltext [Seminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe] Serial F Catalogue of an extensive collection of books 1892-02-01 18 1914-05-01 259 John Britnell (Firm) 8_06084 fulltext John Britnell Serial F Catalogue of old and second-hand books 1885-01-01 1 1891-11-01 17 John Britnell (Firm) 8_06085 fulltext John Britnell Serial F Catalogue of rare occult books (some quite unique) : spiritualism, majick, astrology, mesmerism ... for sale ... by Williamson & Company 1898 1 1898 2 Williamson & Company 8_06118 fulltext Printed for Williamson & Co. at the Robinson-Arbuthnot Press Serial F Catalogue of St. Francis College, Richmond, C.E 1861 1864 St. Francis College (Richmond, Quebec) 8_00924 fulltext [St. Francis College] Serial F Catalogue of the Commercial Department of Woodstock College 1886 1886 8_02001 fulltext [Commercial Department of Woodstock College] Serial P Catalogue of the Hamilton Ladies' College (established 1860) Hamilton, Ontario, in affiliation with Victoria University 1892 1896 8_02005 fulltext [Hamilton Ladies' College] Serial P Catalogue of the Mount Allison Wesleyan College and Academy 1864 1877 8_01395 fulltext [Mount Allison Wesleyan College] Serial F Catalogue of the Mount Allison Wesleyan Ladies' Academy 1877 1885 8_01985 fulltext [Mount Allison Wesleyan Ladies' Academy] Serial P Catalogue of the Mount Allison Wesleyan Ladies' College 1886 1902 8_01986 fulltext [Mount Allison Ladies' College] Serial P Catalogue of the officers and students of Acadia Seminary, Wolfville, N.S 1896 1899 8_02284 fulltext First issue 1895-96; Last issue 1898-99 Acadia Seminary Serial F Catalogue of the officers and students of the Burlington Ladies' Academy, of Hamilton, Canada West 1846 1846 1848 1848 8_01696 fulltext Burlington Ladies' Academy Serial F Catalogue of the officers and students of the Toronto Baptist College, McMaster Hall 1881 1885 8_02019 fulltext First issue 1881-2; Last issue 1885-6 Toronto Baptist College Serial F Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of Acadia College : also on the teachers and pupils of Horton Academy 1854 1854 1871 8_02335 fulltext Last issue 1871-72 Acadia College Serial F Catalogue of the Ottawa Ladies' College 1873 1873 Ottawa Ladies' College 8_01621 fulltext [Ottawa Ladies' College] Serial F Catalogue of the Trustees, Instructors and Pupils of St. Stephen Academy, St. Stephen, N.B 1853-01 1 1853-01 1 8_02176 fulltext St. Stephen Academy Serial F Catalogue of the trustees, officers and students of the Canadian Literary Institute, for the year 1861 1862 8_01995 fulltext [Canadian Literary Institute] Serial P Caverhill's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1859 1859 1859 1859 8_00183 fulltext W.C.F. Caverhill, Bookseller and Stationer Serial F Caverhill's Toronto city directory 1859 1 1860 1 8_00300 fulltext W.C.F. Caverhill Serial F Chalmers Church watchman 1891-03-01 1 6 1891-03-01 1 6 Chalmers Church (Montréal, Quebec) 8_05047 fulltext Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor Serial F Chappelle's Prince Edward Island almanac and guide book 1877 1877 1893 1893 8_00062 fulltext Theo. L. Chappelle Serial F Charlton & Co.'s county of Kent gazetteer, general and business directory 1874 1875 8_00014 fulltext Volume online 1874-75 R.M. Charlton, Publisher and Compiler Serial F Charlton & Co's general directory of Windsor, Sandwich & Amherstburg for 1875 1876 8_00835 fulltext Charlton & Com'y, Publishers Serial F Charlton's Gazeteer, Business, Street & General Directory of the Town of Guelph for 1875 1877 Taylor 8_02438 fulltext R.M. Charlton, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F Charlton's general, street and business directory of the city of Kingston 1881 1882 8_00141 fulltext Volume online 1881-82 R.M. Charlton, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F Chas. Marshallsay & Co.'s directory of city of Brandon the year 1883 1883 1883 1883 8_00015 fulltext C. Marshallsay & Co. Serial F Chatham Banner 1888-12-12 24 50 1892-08-10 28 32 N_00667 fulltext Banner Printing Co Serial F Chatham directory for 1876 1 1876 1 8_00476 fulltext Compiled and Published by William W. Evans Serial F Chatham Gleaner of News, Literature & General Intelligence 1844-08-03 1 1 1844-08-03 1 1 N_00284 fulltext Printed and Published by Wiggins & Gould Serial F Chatham Market Guide 1896-12-05 11 13 1901-11-23 17 12 N_00664 fulltext W.E.Hamilton, B.A.,T.C.,D., Serial F Chatham Tribune 1879-06-20 2 25 1879-06-20 2 25 N_00663 fulltext W.R.Dobbyn Serial F Cherrier & Kirwin's Hamilton directory 1872 1873 8_00245 fulltext Volume online 1872-73 Cherrier & Kirwin, Editors, Proprietors and Publishers Serial F Cherrier & Kirwin's London directory 1872 1873 8_00256 fulltext Volume online 1872-73 Cherrier & Kirwin, Editors, Proprietors and Publishers Serial F Cherrier & Kirwin's Ottawa directory 1872 1 1873 1 8_00309 fulltext Cherrier & Kirwin, Editors, Proprietors and Publishers Serial F Cherrier & Kirwin's Quebec and Levis directory 1872 1872 8_00002 fulltext Volume online 1872-73 Cherrier & Kirwin, Editors, Proprietors and Publishers Serial F Cherrier, Kirwin & McGown's Toronto directory 1873 1873 1873 1873 8_00257 fulltext Cherrier, Kirwin & McGown, Editors, Proprietors & Publishers Serial F Cherrier's directory of Quebec and Levis for the year ending May 1 1875 14 1879 8_00004 fulltext No volume available online for 16th and 17th editions A. Cote & Co. Serial F Cherrier's Quebec City directory 1889 31 1890 31 8_00186 fulltext J. Dussault, Printer Serial F Cherrier's Quebec City directory for the year ending May 3 1882 23 1886 27 8_00006 fulltext Cherrier & Co., Publishers Serial F Cherrier's Quebec directory 1873 1873 8_00003 fulltext Volume online 1873-74 A.B. Cherrier, Sole Editor, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F Cherrier's Quebec directory for the year ending May 3 1880 21 1881 22 8_00005 fulltext Cherrier & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F Chevrons to stars 1917-04-01 1918-11-01 Canada 8_06782 fulltext Canadian Training School Serial F Chignecto Post 1870-05-26 1 2 1879-08-28 10 17 N_00121 fulltext J.E. Franklin & Co., Publishers Serial F Chignecto Post 1881-09-08 12 19 1896-07-23 27 2 N_00123 fulltext Serial F Chignecto Post and Borderer 1879-09-04 10 18 1881-09-01 12 18 N_00122 fulltext William C. Milner, Proprietor Serial F Chips 1890-12-01 1891-03-01 London Collegiate Institute (Ont.) 8_04800 fulltext London Collegiate Institute Serial F Christian observer 1851-01-01 1 1 1852-12-01 2 12 8_04888 fulltext A.T. McCord and J. Pyper Serial F Christian standard 1876-09-07 1 1 1876-09-07 1 1 8_06134 fulltext J. & A. McMillan Serial F Chronicle and gazette and Kingston commercial advertiser 1835-09-16 17 23 1946-03-14 27 74 N_00628 fulltext James Macfarlane Serial F Chronicle of the Diocese of Fredericton 1886-01-01 1 1 1886-11-01 1 11 Church of England 8_04526 fulltext Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick Serial F Chronicles of Cliveden 1917-06-30 1 1 1918-10-07 1 34 8_06925 fulltext the Chronicles of Cliveden Committee, at The Duchess of Connaught Canadian Military Hospital Serial F Church and home 1896-02-01 1 2 1897-12-01 2 12 8_04297 fulltext Serial F Church chimes 1874-12-01 1 4 1875-04-01 1 8 Catholic Church 8_04425 fulltext Serial F Church chronicle for the Diocese of Montreal 1860-05-01 1 1 1862-05-01 2 13 United Church of England and Ireland 8_04210 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F Church observer 1868-10-01 1 34 1870-12-28 3 51 8_04363 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors by Penny, Wilson & Co Serial F Church of England French mission record and annual report of Colonial Church and School Society for year ending Dec. 31st 1880 1880 1880 1880 8_00252 fulltext the Colonial Church and School Society Serial F Church of the Epiphany parish magazine 1895-01-01 5 10 1895-01-01 5 10 Church of the Epiphany (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06036 fulltext Serial F Church of the Redeemer parish magazine 1892-01-01 1 3 1897-04-01 6 4 8_04397 fulltext Serial F Church work 1878-03-01 3 1 1898-11-01 23 1 8_04286 fulltext Medical Pub. Co Serial F Churchill's annual 1885 1886 8_00145 fulltext Volume online 1885-86 Wm. Churchill & Co. Serial F Circulaire pour 1872 1872 8_02226 fulltext [Compagnie manufacturiere de Quebec] Serial F Circular and catalogue of the Wesleyan Female College, Hamilton 1861 1861 8_02002 fulltext [Wesleyan Female College] Serial P Circular of the Quebec School of Medicine 1848 1848 8_01658 fulltext [Quebec School of Medicine] Serial F City of Brantford and county of Brant Gazetteer and directory for the year 1880 1886 8_00258 fulltext First volume online 1880-81; Last volume online 1883-86 W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F City of Guelph Street, Alphabetical, General, Miscellaneous and classified business directory for the year 1892 1 1894 1 8_00259 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers Serial F City of Hamilton ... annual street, alphabetical, general, miscellaneous and classified business directory for the year 1888 15 1900 27 8_00026 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Compilers and Publishers Serial F City of Hamilton annual alphabetical, general, miscellaneous and subscribers' classified business directory for the year 1874 1 1888 14 8_00025 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co. Serial F City of Kingston Alphabetical, General, Miscellaneous and Classified Business directory for the year 1883 1 1889 3 8_00138 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers Serial F City of Kingston Street, Alphabetical, General, Miscellaneous and classified business directory for the year 1889 4 1893 8 8_00029 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers Serial F City of London and county of Middlesex gazetteer and directory 1874 1875 8_00296 fulltext Volume online 1874-75 Irwin & Co., Publishers Serial F City of London annual, alphabetical, general, miscellaneous and subscribers' classified business directory 1876 3 1877 3 8_00297 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Compilers and Publishers Serial F City of London directory 1863 1864 8_00066 fulltext Volume online 1863-4 Compiled and S. Wrigley Murphy Serial F City of Ottawa alphabetical, general, miscellaneous and subscribers' classified business directory 1873 1874 8_00308 fulltext Volume online 1873-74 Irwin & Co. Serial F City of Stratford and county of Perth Directory & Gazetteer 1885 3 1888 3 8_00298 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F City of Toronto directory 1867 1868 8_00288 fulltext Volume online 1867-68 W.C. Chewett & Co., Publishers Serial F Civic notabilities phrenologically sounded 1884-04-01 43467 1884-07-01 13 8_06087 fulltext Serial F Clanwilliam hustler 1894-05-26 1 1 1894-05-26 1 1 8_06110 fulltext Serial F Clothier and haberdasher 1910-07-01 10 6 1910-07-01 10 6 8_06842 fulltext H. Gagnier Limited Serial F Cogswell's nautical almanac 1886 1898 8_01163 fulltext [R.H. Cogswell] Serial F Coin and stamp 1882-05-01 1 1 1882-05-01 1 1 8_04567 fulltext Greenslade Serial F Collecte pour payer la dette de l'église St. Jean-Baptiste de Québec 1900-10-01 2 1 1901-07-03 2 4 Paroisse de St. Jean-Baptiste de Québec (Québec), Québec) 8_04493 fulltext Paroisse de St. Jean-Baptiste de Québec Serial F Collection des bons romans 1887-05-25 1 1 1887-06-25 1 1 8_04064 fulltext Lamarre Serial F Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society 1 4 8_01391 fulltext [New Brunswick Historical Society] Serial F Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society for the years 1879 2 1899 9 8_01348 fulltext [Nova Scotia Historical Society] Serial F College Bourget, Rigaud, P.Q 1890 1894 College Bourget 8_01834 fulltext [College Bourget] Serial F College commercial de St. Cesaire : annee scolaire ... 1879 1900 College commercial de Saint-Cesaire 8_01840 fulltext [College commercial de Saint-Cesaire] Serial F College de Saint-Laurent : annee academique ... 1883 1900 College de Saint-Laurent 8_01829 fulltext [College de Saint-Laurent] Serial F College de St. Cesaire : annee scolaire ... 1877 1878 College de St. Cesaire 8_01821 fulltext [College de St.-Cesaire] Serial F College St-Joseph de Saint-Boniface : annee academique ... 1886 1900 College de Saint-Boniface 8_01818 fulltext [College de Saint-Boniface] Serial F College times 1872-02-19 2 1 1905-03-17 Upper Canada College 8_05018 fulltext Upper Canada College Literary Society Serial F College topics 1897-11-02 1 1 1902-01-14 5 10 8_06026 fulltext Serial F Colonial advocate, or, The farmer, manufacturer, mechanic and fisherman's journal 1845-07-14 1 8 1845-07-14 1 8 N_00633 fulltext Christopher Smiler Serial F Colonial Empire 1861-03-30 1 2 1861-10-26 1 92 N_00363 fulltext Serial F Colonial Empire 1862-02-04 2 4 1862-04-01 2 20 N_00364 fulltext Serial N_00363 F Colonial Empire 1861-04-01 1 31 1862-04-08 1 143 N_00365 fulltext Serial F Colonial Farmer 1874-01-26 11 17 1877-03-25 15 77 N_00117 fulltext Lugrin & Son, Proprietors Serial F Colonial pearl 1839-01-04 3 1 1840-08-15 4 33 8_06498 fulltext T. Taylor Serial F Colonial phrenological journal and repository of science, literature, and general intelligence 1860-05-01 1 1 1860-06-01 1 2 8_04612 fulltext A.B. Parker Serial F Colton's Canada register and merchants' and farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1847 1847 8_00819 fulltext Published by A. Colton Serial F Columbian Methodist recorder 1899-04-01 1 1 1899-04-01 1 1 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04489 fulltext Province Pub. Co Serial F Coming back 1918-09-01 1 1 1918-09-01 1 1 8_06857 fulltext Printed and Published by Students, Vocational Schools, Winnipeg Serial F Commentaries upon topics demanding them 1878-05-04 1 1 1878-05-04 1 1 8_04965 fulltext Wm. S. Hall Serial F Companion and teacher 1876-11-01 2 1 1877-05-01 2 7 8_04402 fulltext Companion Pub. Co. Serial F Compte-rendu officiel des débats de la Chambre des communes du Canada 1883 1900 9_01973 fulltext MacLean, Roger Serial F Congregation de Marie Immaculee de la paroisse St-Jacques, Montreal 1897 1898 8_01944 fulltext [Congregation de Marie Immaculee de la paroisse St-Jacques] Serial P Congregational report of the MacNab Street Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ont., for the Year Ending January 31st 1877 1877 MacNab Street Presbyterian Church (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_00467 fulltext [MacNab Street Presbyterian Church] Serial F Congregational Reports for 1890 1893 Chalmers Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00555 fulltext [Chalmers Church] Serial F Conservation 1912-03-01 1 1 1921-05-01 10 5 Canada 8_04995 fulltext Commission of Conservation Serial F Conservative Standard and journal of literature, politics and news 1857-12-31 10 33 1857-12-31 10 33 N_00279 fulltext Serial F Construction 1907-10-01 1 1 1920-12-01 13 12 8_06651 fulltext H. Gagnier Serial F Contractors' and builders directory, embracing an alphabetical list of all architects, contractors, builders 1890 1890 8_00478 fulltext S. Sarner, Publisher Serial F Corrig school record 1887-10-01 1 3 1887-10-01 1 3 Corrig College (Victoria, B.C.) 8_04497 fulltext Record Pub. Co Serial F Corticelli home needlework 1899-01-01 1 1 1902-10-01 4 1 8_04846 fulltext Corticelli Silk Co Serial F Counties of Carleton, Lanark, Prescott, Russell and Ottawa directory 1884 1884 1884 1884 8_00310 fulltext O.L. Fuller Serial F Counties of Lincoln and Welland and city of St. Catharines directory and gazetteer for the years 1885 1 1885 1 8_00871 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers Serial F Counties of Perth and Waterloo gazetteer and general business directory for 1870 1870 8_01173 fulltext Hunter, Rose & Co., Printers & Publishers Serial F Counties of Perth and Waterloo gazetteer and general business directory for 1870 1871 Sutherland 8_01173 fulltext Hunter, Rose & Co., Printers & Publishers Serial F County of Brant gazetteer and directory for 1869 1869 8_00485 fulltext J. Sutherland, Publisher and Compiler Serial F County of Brant gazetteer and general business directory 1865 1866 8_00035 fulltext Volume online 1865-66 A.R. & John R. Sutherland Serial F County of Essex gazetteer and general and business directory 1866 1867 8_00034 fulltext Volume online 1866-67 Sutherland & Co., Publishers Serial F County of Halton gazetteer and directory 1869 1 1880 8_00037 fulltext Last volume online 1881-5 A. Lawson & Co., Publishers, Printers and Bookbinders Serial F County of Huron gazetteer and general business directory for 1863 1863 8_01190 fulltext Sutherland Bro's, Publishers and Printers Serial F County of Huron, Kincardine and Lucknow directory 1881 1881 8_00586 fulltext London Publishing Co., Publishers Serial F County of Kent gazetteer, and general business directory 1864 1865 8_00032 fulltext Volume online 1864-65 A.R. & John Sutherland, Publishers Serial F County of Lambton gazetteer, and general business directory, for 1864 1864 8_01189 fulltext Sutherland Bros., Publishers and Compilers Serial F County of Perth gazetteer and directory for 1882 1882 8_00488 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F County of Simcoe directory and gazetteer for the years 1884 4 1886 4 8_00044 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Compilers and Publishers Serial F County of Waterloo gazetteer and general business directory 1864 1 1864 1 8_00042 fulltext Mitchell & Co. Serial F County of Wentworth gazetteer and directory 1879 1 1886 3 8_00033 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Compilers and Publishers Serial F County of York gazetteer and directory 1881 1 1881 1 8_00486 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co. Serial F County of York gazetteer and directory for 1870 1871 8_00585 fulltext McEvoy & Co., Publishers Serial F Course of study during the session of ..., with list of students who received prizes at the close of the session 1845 1845 8_01349 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F Course of study for the year ..., catalogue, &c., for the year 1882 1897 8_01481 fulltext [Pictou Academy] Serial F Crag and canyon 1900-12-08 1 1 1900-12-08 1 1 8_04909 fulltext I. Byers Serial F Cresswell's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1899 1899 8_00364 fulltext Published by D.T. Cresswell Serial F Cropley's celestial spectator and York advertiser 1880 1 1 1880 1 1 8_04535 fulltext Printed and Published by H.A. Cropley, Printer, Bookseller, Stationer, Bookbinder, &c Serial F Cruikshank's comic almanac for Britain and the British American provinces 1865 1865 8_02128 fulltext James Campbell Serial F Cumberland County Academy calendar, Amherst, N.S 1897 1898 8_02032 fulltext [Cumberland County Academy] Serial F Cunnabell's city almanac and general business directory for the year of our Lord 1842 1842 8_01161 fulltext Published by William Cunnabell Serial F Cunnabell's city almanac and general business directory for the year of our Lord 1842 1842 8_01161 fulltext Published by William Cunnabell Serial F Cunnabell's Nova Scotia almanac for the year of our Lord 1842 9 1849 27 8_01153 fulltext Published by William Cunnabell Serial F Cunnabell's Nova Scotia almanac for the year of our Lord 1842 9 1850 17 8_01153 fulltext Published by William Cunnabell Serial F Cunnabell's Nova-Scotia almanac, and farmer's manual for the year of our Lord 1850 3 1 1860 4 2 8_01154 fulltext Published by W. Cunnabell Serial F Cunnabell's Nova-Scotia almanac, and farmer's manual for the year of our Lord 1851 3 1 1861 4 2 8_01154 fulltext Published by W. Cunnabell Serial F Curiosités de l'histoire de France 1885-10-01 1 1886-06-01 9 Collège Joliette 8_06098 fulltext Collège Joliette Serial F Cycling 1890-11-26 1 1 1897-04-01 7 1 8_04177 fulltext W.H. Miln, C.B. Robinson Serial F D. T. Cresswell's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1865 1865 1865 1865 8_00208 fulltext D.T. Cresswell Serial F Daily Advertiser 1864-06-28 1 48 1864-06-28 1 48 N_00101 fulltext J. Wilkinson, Proprietor Serial F Daily advertiser 1833-05-14 1833-10-31 147 N_00532 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors by Samuel Revans and Company Serial F Daily News 1878-02-09 1 1 1878-02-09 1 1 N_00616 fulltext Serial F Daily Record 1893-03-23 1 46 1897-01-30 5 25 N_00550 fulltext The Daily Record Co. Serial F Daily telegraph 1893-02-02 1 4 1893-03-22 1 45 N_00549 fulltext Serial F Das Echo 1893-06-06 1 1 1893-06-06 1 1 8_06097 fulltext A. Drenge Serial F Dau's society blue-book for Montreal 1898 1898 8_00482 fulltext Dau Publishing Co. Serial F Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1855 1855 9_01923 fulltext publisher not identified] Serial F Debates and proceedings of the Senate of Canada 1872 1900 9_08065 fulltext Times Print. and Pub. Company Serial F Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada 1875 1882 9_07185 fulltext C.W. Mitchell Serial F Debates of the Senate 1980 1980 9_08055 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F Debates of the Senate 1977 1977 9_08055 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F Debates of the Senate 1975 1975 9_08055 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F Debates of the Senate 1968 1968 9_08055 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F Débats de la Chambre des communes du Canada 1875 1882 9_01970 fulltext MacLean, Roger Serial F Débats du Sénat du Canada 1896 1900 9_02218 fulltext S.E. Dawson Serial F Deliberations de la ... session annuelle du Congres des metiers et du travail du Canada 1890 6 1897 13 8_01065 fulltext [Congres des metiers et du travail du Canada] Serial F Der Canada morgenstern 1839-06-06 1 1 1839-11-05 1 19 N_00746 fulltext Benjamin Burkholder und Comp. Serial P Der Canadische Bauernfreund 1857-04-03 23 1863-08-27 43 N_00542 fulltext Jakob Truscher Serial F Der Courier 10 31 25 52 N_00732 fulltext Herausgegeben von der Saskatchewan Courier Pub. Co., Ltd. Serial P Der Deutsche Canadier 1856-12-11 16 50 1864-08-11 24 30 N_00622 fulltext Elias Eby, Eigenthvemer Serial F Der Deutsche in Canada 1872-10 1 37 1874-04-01 3 15 8_04154 fulltext Marrhausen'schen Buchhandlung Serial F Der Evangeliums-Bote 1888-03-15 1 1 1890-12-15 3 12 Evangelical Association of North America 8_06067 fulltext Serial F Der Id = : The Israelite 3 12 3 45 N_00740 fulltext [The Israelite Publishing Company] Serial P Der Keneder Id = : Canadian Israelite 2 38 3 11 N_00739 fulltext Canadian Israelite Publishing Company Serial P Der Morgenstern 1839-11-21 1 20 1841-09-16 2 52 N_00747 fulltext Benjamin Burkholder Serial P Der Neu-Schottlandische Calender, auf das Jahr, nach der Heilbringenden Geburt unsers Herrn Jesu Christi 1790 1801 3 8_01159 fulltext Anton Henrich Serial F Der Neu-Schottländische Calender, auf das Jahr, nach der Heilbringenden Geburt unsers Herrn Jesu Christi 1790 1801 8_01159 fulltext Anton Henrich Serial F Der Nordwesten-kalender für das Jahr 1898 1900 8_00502 fulltext Nordwesten Publishing Co. Serial F Dew drops 1897-01-02 1 1 1900-12-29 4 1 8_04335 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F Diogenes 1868-11-13 1 1 1870-01-21 3 9 8_06209 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by M. Longmoore Serial F Directoire de la ville de Joliette pour l'année 1898 1 1898 1 8_00480 fulltext Publié par [Alb]ert Gervais Serial F Directoire de Trois-Rivières, Sorel et Berthier pour l'année 1879 1879 Watkins & Cie 8_00479 fulltext Compagnie de Publications et d'Impressions Lovell Serial F Directory and book of reference for the west riding of the county of Northumberland and the county of Durham 1880 1880 8_00588 fulltext Published by E.E. Dodds & Bro. Serial F Directory for the county of Bruce, Ontario, Canada 1876 1876 8_01166 fulltext Crabbe & Brownell Serial F Directory for the county of Bruce, Ontario, Canada 1876 1876 Brownell 8_01166 fulltext Crabbe & Brownell Serial F Directory for the towns of St. John's, Harbor Grace, and Carbonear, Newfoundland for 1885 1885 Sharpe, John 8_00525 fulltext Serial F Directory of Chambly Basin, Chambly Canton, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Cesaire, Rougemont, St. Hilaire, Beloeil, St. Bruno, Marieville, Laprairie, and St. Edouard 1877 1877 8_00201 fulltext Volume online 1877-78 Lovell Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Directory of Huntingdon, Beauharnois, St. Jean Chrysostome, Chateauguay, St. Timothee, Valleyfield, Durham, Howick, Hemmingford, Ste. Martine, Lacolle, St. Remi and Napierville 1877 1877 1877 1877 8_00202 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publising Co. Serial F Directory of St. Catharines, Thorold, Merritton and Port Dalhousie for 1877 1877 8_02173 fulltext Edward H. Williams Serial F Directory of St. Johns, West Farnham, Granby, West Shefford, Waterloo, Roxton Falls 1876 1876 1876 1876 8_00203 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publishing Company Serial F Directory of St. Scholastique, Lachute, Hull, &c., comprising Angers, Buckingham, Carillon, Cushing, East Templeton, Grenville, Hull, Lachute, Montebello, Papineauville, St. Andrews, St. Scholastique, St. Philippe, Stonefield, Templeton, and Thurso 1878 1878 1878 1878 8_00196 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Directory of the city of Kingston for 1857 2 1857 2 Flynn, Thomas 8_00484 fulltext T.W. Robinson, Bookseller and Stationer Serial F Directory of the city of Kingston with villages of Barriefield, Portsmouth & Cataraqui, and towns of Gananoque & Napanee 1873 1874 8_00140 fulltext Volume online 1873-74 Serial F Directory of the county of Hastings 1861 1889 8_00791 fulltext Published by Mackenzie Bowell Serial F Directory of the Dominion Methodist Church 1877 1877 8_01871 fulltext Published by the Trustees Serial P Directory of the Jarvis St. Baptist Church, Toronto 1897-08 1897-08 8_01716 fulltext Jarvis St. Baptist Church Serial F Directory of the studies, terms, &c. of the Canadian Literary Institute for the year 1875 1881 8_01999 fulltext [Canadian Literary Institute] Serial P Directory of the town of Guelph 1873 1873 8_01192 fulltext J.H. Hacking Serial F Directory of the town of Picton and county of Prince Edward, Canada West 1866 1 1866 1 8_00041 fulltext Henry Brock Serial F Directory of the town of Woodstock 1888 1888 8_01112 fulltext Published by Pattullo & Co. Serial F Directory of the United Counties of Peterborough & Victoria 1858 1858 1858 1858 8_00072 fulltext T. & .R. White Serial F Documents de la session 1860 1866 9_03315 fulltext Thompson Serial F Documents de la session 1868 1900 9_04051 fulltext I.B. Taylor Serial F Domestic style 1890-10-01 14 10 1890-10-01 14 10 8_05157 fulltext New York Domestic Fashion Serial F Dominion almanac 1868 1868 1875 1875 8_00057 fulltext John Dougall & Son Serial F Dominion bazaar 1877-06-01 1 2 1881-01-01 5 1 8_04552 fulltext Dominion Bazaar Co Serial F Dominion Church of England temperance journal 1886-05-01 1 1 1886-05-01 1 1 Church of England 8_04990 fulltext Published for the Proprietors, Messrs. A.C. Winton & Co Serial F Dominion Churchman 1875-01-06 1889-12-26 15 52 8_06916 fulltext Church of England Serial F Dominion dental journal 1889-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 12 12 Ontario Dental Association 8_04219 fulltext Dominion Dental Journal Pub. Co Serial F Dominion illustrated almanac 1887 1887 1887 1887 8_00127 fulltext Toronto Lithographing Co. Serial F Dominion mechanical & milling news 1884-02-01 1 6 1889-05-01 12 5 8_04279 fulltext Beaver Pub. Co Serial F Dominion medical monthly 1893-07-01 1 1 1895-06-01 4 1 8_05192 fulltext Medical Pub. Co Serial F Dominion Oddfellow 1883-06-07 3 4 1895-12-26 15 31 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 8_04192 fulltext Templeton & Beeman, Props Serial F Dominion Presbyterian 1898-12-17 1910-12-21 8_04182 fulltext Mount Royal Publishing Co'y Serial F Dominion printer 1873-07-01 1 1 1879-04-01 5 1 8_06447 fulltext Dominion Type Founding Co Serial F Dos Yiddishe vort = : The Israelite press 1930 20 4 1931 21 289 N_00741 fulltext [Feivel Simkin] Serial F Douglas E. Jerrold's newsbag 1854-10-04 1 1 1854-10-04 1 1 Jerrold 8_06150 fulltext Thompson Serial F Dr. Foote's health monthly 1881-09-01 6 9 1882-01-01 7 1 8_04178 fulltext Murray Hill Pub. Co Serial F Dr. Radway's almanac 1867 1867 1878 1892 8_00119 fulltext J. Radway Serial F Drysdale & Co.'s Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1887 1887 1887 1887 8_00118 fulltext Wm. Drysdale & Co. Serial F Durie & Son's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of Our Lord 1878 1878 8_00644 fulltext Published by J. Durie & Son Serial F Earnest Christianity 1873-01-01 1 1876-06-01 4 6 8_04328 fulltext Pub. for the proprietors at the Wesleyan Book Room Serial F East Kent plaindealer 1880-08-26 4 47 1889-07-18 13 38 N_00675 fulltext Constable & Somerville, Prop's. Serial F East Kent Plaindealer and Ridgetown Advocate 1877-11-15 2 7 1880-04-22 N_00674 fulltext Robert Constable, Publisher Serial F Easter greeting 1898-04-01 1898-04-01 King's Daughters 8_05035 fulltext Published by The King's Daughters Serial F Eastern Ontario gazetteer and directory 1898 1 1898 1 8_00481 fulltext Published by Ontario Publishing & Advertising Co. Serial F Eastern townships gazetteer & directory for the years 1875 1 1876 1 8_00094 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers and Proprietors Serial F Ecclesiastical gazette 1874-01-01 1 1 1874-01-01 1 1 Church of England 8_04258 fulltext Diocese of Ontario Serial F écho du Collège de Monnoir 1872-12-01 6 1874-01-10 2 6 Collège de Monnoir (Marieville, Québec) 8_06448 fulltext Collège de Monnoir Serial F Economic advertising 1909-10-01 2 2 1909-10-01 2 2 8_06793 fulltext Tobin & Stewart Serial F Edmonton Bulletin 1902-03-10 24 38 1914-03-09 14 20 N_00199 fulltext Bulletin Co., Ltd. Serial F Educational almanac, province of Quebec, for 1874 1876 8_01255 fulltext Serial F Educational journal of Western Canada 1899-03-01 1 1 1900-12-01 2 8 8_04401 fulltext Serial F Educational review 1887-06-01 1 1 19210-06-30 8_06877 fulltext Serial F Educational weekly 1885-01-01 1 1 1887-04-07 5 116 8_04915 fulltext Grip Print. and Pub. Co Serial F Educationalist 1860-09-01 1 1 1862-04-01 2 14 8_04412 fulltext H. Spencer Serial F Edwards' philatelic press list and advertiser of philatelists' supplies 1896-03-01 1 1 1898-07-01 2 3 Edwards 8_04544 fulltext Published by John Edwards, Philatelic Press Agent Serial F Electrical, mechanical and milling news 1889-06-01 12 6 1890-12-01 15 4 8_06115 fulltext C.H. Mortimer Serial F Embro courier 1908-09-16 1908-09-16 N_00710 fulltext The Embro Courier Company, Publishers Serial F En avant! 1888-09-01 41 1888-09-01 41 Armée du salut (Canada) 8_06686 fulltext Armée du Salut au Canada Serial F Energy 1899-06-01 1 1 1901-02-01 3 1 Canadian Philatelic Press Association 8_04551 fulltext Energy Pub. Co Serial F Enquire within 1892 1892 8_02031 fulltext [Young Men's Christian Association of Montreal] Serial F Enseignement secondaire au Canada : bulletin 1917-10-01 2 3 1921-06-01 3 5 Université Laval 8_06902 fulltext Publié par le Comité permanent des Maisons d'enseignements secondaire affiliées à l'University Laval de Québec Serial F Erie News 1859-02-10 1 15 1860-03-08 2 71 N_00272 fulltext W.H. Oliver Serial F Erskine Church echoes 1894-01-01 3 3 1897-01-23 6 , 3 Erskine Church (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_05069 fulltext Congregation, Erskine Presbyterian Church Serial F Evening Advocate 1917-01-02 4 1 1924-11-08 11 217 N_00097 fulltext Union Publishing Company Limited, Proprietors Serial F Events 1898-05-21 1 2 1905-09-23 8 12 8_04280 fulltext Events Publishing Company Serial F Events 1903-04-16 4 28 1908-11-12 11 2 N_00136 fulltext L.B. Williams, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Every Saturday 1886-12-18 1 1 1886-12-18 1 1 8_04257 fulltext Kribs & Cuzner, Editors & Proprietors Serial F Everywoman's world 1915-02-01 3 2 1923-02-01 18 2 8_06802 fulltext Continental Pub. Co Serial F Excelsior 1898-10-01 3 2 1903-03-01 7 4 St. Francis Xavier's College (Antigonish, N.S.) 8_05147 fulltext Students of St. Francis Xavier's College Serial F Exeter Advocate 1911-01-05 23 1912-12-26 26 N_00252 fulltext Sanders & Creech Serial F Exeter times 1911-01-12 38 1941 1912-04-24 38 1993 N_00253 fulltext Exeter Times Print. Co. Serial F Exhibition critic illustrated 1880-09-14 1880-09-15 8_04704 fulltext Published by James L. Wiseman Serial F Export trade of the port of Montreal for season 1897 1897 1899 1899 8_00159 fulltext Commercial Department of the Gazette Serial F Exports from Montreal 1896 1896 1896 1896 8_00126 fulltext Commercial Department of The Gazette Serial F Extracts from the calendar of the University of Toronto for the year 1891 1899 8_02118 fulltext [University of Toronto] Serial F Extracts from the minutes of the annual conference of the ministers and representatives of the people denominated Bible Christians 6 1883 29 8_02126 fulltext [Bible Christians] Serial F Extracts from the minutes of the Free Christian Baptist General Conference of New Brunswick 1851 1854 23 8_02050 fulltext [Free Christian Baptist General Conference of New Brunswick] Serial F Extrait du livre de compte de la Societe ecclesiastique de St. Michel en 1845 1872 8_01290 fulltext [Societe ecclesiastique de Saint-Michel] Serial F Extrait du livre de recettes de la Societe ecclesiastique St. Michel jusqu'au 1873 1874 8_01291 fulltext [Societe ecclesiastique de Saint-Michel] Serial F Extrait du registre de la Societe ecclesiastique de St. Michel pour l'annee 1816 1848 8_01284 fulltext [Societe ecclesiastique de Saint-Michel] Serial F Fair play 1883-02-15 1 13 1883-02-15 1 13 N_00469 fulltext Raines, Jaques, Publisher Serial F Farm and dairy & rural home 1909-01-07 28 1 1918-12-26 37 52 8_05026 fulltext Rural Publishing Company, Limited Serial F Farm and home 1899-11-01 20 394 1900-12-01 21 420 8_04698 fulltext Phelps Pub. Co Serial F Farm and ranch review 1917-12-05 13 23 1918-05-20 14 10 8_06740 fulltext Farm and Ranch Review Ltd Serial F Farmer's advocate and home journal 1906-02-07 41 698 1910-12-28 45 953 8_06921 fulltext Farmer's Advocate of Winnipeg, Limited Serial F Farmer's Advocate and Home Magazine 1877-10 12 10 1920-12 55 1475 Weld 8_06504 fulltext William Weld Serial F Farmer's advocate and Home magazine 1890-02 1 2 1906-01 61 697 8_06505 fulltext Wm. Weld Serial F Farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1875 1875 8_02155 fulltext Published by T. & R. White Serial F Farmer's journal 1873-01-09 3 28 1873-01-09 3 28 8_06750 fulltext C. Lussier Serial F Farming 1895-09-01 13 1 1900-04-17 17 1 8_04047 fulltext Bryant Press Serial F Fasti 1884-10-31 1 1 1884-10-31 1 1 8_04405 fulltext University College Serial F Fellows & Co.'s yearly almanac advertiser 1882 1882 8_02181 fulltext Serial F Fellows' almanac, containing calendar for 1868 1868 8_02185 fulltext Serial F Feuilleton illustré 1880-01-02 1 1 1888-04-26 9 1 8_04960 fulltext Houle Serial F Field Comforts 1915-10-01 1916-10-01 3 Canadian Field Comforts Commission 8_06897 fulltext Canadian Field Comforts Commission Serial F Figaro-revue 1863-05-26 1 1 1863-05-26 1 1 8_06237 fulltext G.-R. Grenier Serial F Fin, fur and feather 1894-04-01 1 5 1894-11-01 1 12 Nova Scotia Game Society 8_04293 fulltext C. de L. Black Serial F Final assembly of the former Grand Priory of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital, under the banner of the Great Priory of England and Wales, and inauguration of the National Great Priory of Canada : annual assembly 1876 1876 8_01875 fulltext [Grand Priory for the Dominion of Canada] Serial P Financial reports 1897-11 1897-11 8_00219 fulltext Volume online 1897-11 American Presbyterian Church Serial F Financial statement of the Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 1878 1879 Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 8_00428 fulltext Serial F Financial statements of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for Montreal from 1897 1897 8_02011 fulltext [Protestant Board of School Commissioners] Monograph P First Baptist Church pulpit 1889-01-01 1889-01-01 First Baptist Church (Yarmouth, N.S.) 8_05057 fulltext Serial F First Church Endeavorer 1890-08 1 1 1892-07 2 12 8_04350 fulltext Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor Serial F Fisher & Taylor's gazetteer and general directory of the county of Oxford 1874 1874 8_01175 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F Fisher & Taylor's gazetteer and general directory of the county of Oxford 1874 1875 8_01175 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F Fisher & Taylor's gazetteer and general directory of the county of Wellington 1875 1875 8_01170 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F Fisher & Taylor's gazetteer and general directory of the county of Wellington 1875 1876 8_01170 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F Fisher & Taylor's Toronto directory for the year 1874 1874 1874 1874 8_00030 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Proprietors and Publishers Serial F Footlight flashes 1877-06-08 2 16 1877-06-08 2 16 8_05163 fulltext Academy of Music Serial F Ford News 1923-06-14 5 47 1923-07-14 5 48 Ford Motor Company of Canada 8_06979 fulltext Published by the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited Serial F Foreign missionary tidings 1897-05-01 1 1 1901-04-01 17 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04416 fulltext Serial F Forest and farm 1888-12-22 3 6 1888-12-22 3 6 8_06977 fulltext Charles Stark Serial F Foster & MacKenzie's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of Our Lord 1870 1870 8_00654 fulltext Published by Foster & MacKenzie Serial F Foster & MacLeay's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of Our Lord 1869 1869 8_00653 fulltext Published by Foster & MacLeay Serial F Foster's blue book, or, Ladies' directory of Toronto 1900 2 1900 2 8_00101 fulltext J.G. Foster & Co., Publishers Serial F Foster's Brockville directory 1895 1 1900 3 8_00028 fulltext J.G. Foster & Co., Publishers Serial F Foster's Kingston directory 1894 1 1906 12 8_00031 fulltext J.G. Foster & Co., Publishers Serial F Foster's London city and Middlesex County directory 1896 1901 1901 8_00060 fulltext First volume online 1896-7 J.G. Foster & Co., Publishers Serial F Foster's Toronto blue book and home directory 1898 1898 1898 1898 8_00100 fulltext Compiled, J.G. Foster & Co. Serial F Fothergill's Toronto almanac and farmer's kalendar for the year 1840 1840 Fothergill 8_00917 fulltext Printed & Published at the Palladium Office Serial F Fred Burry's journal 1901-01-01 3 1 1901-12-01 3 11 Burry, Frederic W 8_04408 fulltext F.W. Burry Serial F Fred Burry's journal of new thought 1898-09-01 1 1 1898-09-01 1 1 Burry, Frederic W 8_04407 fulltext F.W. Burry Serial F Frederick's Prince Edward Island directory and book of useful information 1889 1890 8_00049 fulltext Volume online 1889-90 the Frederick's Publishing Company Serial F Free press 1887-02-17 1893-01-12 8 26 N_00470 fulltext Serial F Free Press almanac for 1875 1875 8_00722 fulltext [Free Press] Serial F Free Press Evening Telegraph and News 1862-12-22 60 1862-12-22 60 N_00317 fulltext Serial F Freethought journal 1877-09-14 1 1 1878-12-01 2 2 8_04919 fulltext Ontario Freethought Print. & Pub. Co Serial F Frou-frou 1896-05-02 1 1896-05-02 1 8_04093 fulltext Serial F Fruit and farm magazine 1913-10-01 5 1 1913-10-01 5 1 8_06737 fulltext Serial F Fuller's counties of Leeds, Grenville, Lanark and Renfrew directory for 1866 1866 8_01900 fulltext O.L. Fuller, Publisher Serial P Fuller's counties of Peterborough & Victoria directory for 1865 1866 8_00836 fulltext O.L. Fuller Serial F Furniture and upholstery journal and undertakers gazette 1901-06-01 8 6 1901-06-01 8 6 8_05031 fulltext J. Acton Pub. Co Serial F Gage's school examiner and monthly review 1881-01-01 1881-01-01 8_04403 fulltext Serial F Gatchell's pocket directory, city of Fredericton 1886 1886 1886 1886 8_00238 fulltext C.H. Gatchell Serial F Gazette des campagnes 1861-09-21 1895-04-22 31 8_06185 fulltext E. Dumais Serial F Gazette du commerce et de l'industrie, ou, Comptoir general d'annonces 1866-05-12 1 1866-07-20 1 1 8_06506 fulltext J.N. Duquet Serial F Gazette médicale 1865-08-01 1 1 1866-07-01 1 12 8_05191 fulltext Serial F Gazette municipale de Montréal = : Municipal gazette of Montreal 1904-02-08 1 1 1912-12-31 9 52 Montréal (Québec) 8_06865 fulltext La Ville de Montréal Serial F Gazette of the University of Victoria College, Cobourg, for the academic year 1856 1860 8_02806 fulltext [Victoria College] Serial F Gazetteer and business directory of Lincoln and Welland counties for 1879 1879 8_02172 fulltext William W. Evans Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the counties of Haldimand and Brant 1867 1867 1867 1867 8_00050 fulltext Irwin & Burnham, Publishers, W.H. Irwin, Geo. E. Burnham Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the counties of Kent, Lambton and Essex 1866 1866 8_01396 fulltext McEvoy & Co., Publishers, H.N. McEvoy, W.H. Irwin, Geo. R. Burnham Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Ontario for the year 1876 1876 8_00780 fulltext J.A. Crawford, Publisher Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Simcoe for 1866 1872 8_00802 fulltext McEvoy & Co., Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Waterloo 1867 1867 8_01171 fulltext Irwin & Burnham, Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Waterloo 1867 1867 8_01171 fulltext Irwin & Burnham, Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Wellington 1867 1867 8_01168 fulltext Irwin & Burnham, Publishers (Late McEvoy & Co.) Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Wellington 1867 1867 8_01168 fulltext Irwin & Burnham, Publishers (Late McEvoy & Co.) Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Wellington for 1871 1871 8_01169 fulltext A.O. Loomis & Co., Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the county of Wellington for 1871 1872 8_01169 fulltext A.O. Loomis & Co., Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and directory of the Great Western Railway and branches : embracing a complete Alphabetical & Classified Directory of business firms in Toronto, Hamilton, london, Brantford, St. Catharines, Guelph, St. Thomas, Chatham, Ingersoll, Dundas, Sarnia, Windsor, Woodstock, Paris, Galt, Walkerton, Strathroy, Simcoe, Tilsonburg and Clifton, together with every village and station on the above named route 1874 1875 Great Western Railway Company (Canada) 8_00808 fulltext Polk, Murphy & Co., Publishers Serial F Gazetteer and general business directory the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham 1865 1866 8_00051 fulltext Volume online 1865-66 Messrs. Sutherland & Co., Publishers Serial F Geikie's literary news 1856-11-01 1856-11-01 8_05593 fulltext J.C. Geikie Serial F General minutes made at the ... annual conference of the Primitive Methodist Connexion, Canada West 1854 1 1854 1 Primitive Methodist Church in Canada 8_02127 fulltext Published by the Executive Committee by order of the Conference Serial F General report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners 1855 1855 9_01063 fulltext C. Knight and Company Serial F General report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners 1846 1846 9_01063 fulltext C. Knight and Company Serial F General report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners 1843 1843 9_01063 fulltext C. Knight and Company Serial F General report of the Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society 1845 1846 Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 8_01001 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society] Serial F General statement as on 1864 1864 8_01933 fulltext [Commercial Bank of Canada] Serial P Gibson's monthly 1899-06-01 1 1 1899-07-01 1 2 8_06454 fulltext W.N. Gibson Serial F Glad tidings 1864-05-01 1 9 1864-05-01 1 9 8_06023 fulltext Serial F Golden Lion almanac 1873 1873 Golden Lion (Firm) 8_00348 fulltext Published by Robt. Walker & Sons Serial F Gospel messenger, or, Universalist advocate 1849-01-01 1 1 1849-12-01 1 12 8_05032 fulltext J.R. Lavell Serial F Gossip 1885-06-13 2 14 1885-07-18 2 19 8_06978 fulltext Gossip Publishing Company Serial F Grafton's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1873 1873 8_00347 fulltext Published by F.E. Grafton Serial F Grand annuaire de Quebec 1881 1881 1882 1882 8_00054 fulltext Ovide Frechette, Libraire-Editeur Serial F Grand rounds 1876-03-01 1 1876-07-01 5 Hunt-Morgan, Elizabeth Mary 8_04282 fulltext Serial F Grand Trunk Railway Gazetteer, Commercial Advertiser and business directory 1862 1 1862 1 Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 8_00055 fulltext J.L. Mitchell & A.O. Loomis, Publishers and Compilers Serial F Grange bulletin 1884-09-01 4 1 1884-09-01 4 1 Patrons of Husbandry 8_04569 fulltext Serial F Great Western gazetteer, commercial advertiser and business directory 1868 1868 8_01177 fulltext M. T. Platt Serial F Great Western gazetteer, commercial advertiser and business directory 1868 1868 Platt 8_01177 fulltext M. T. Platt Serial F Great Western Railway gazetteer, commercial advertiser and business directory 1861 1861 8_01176 fulltext J. L. Mitchell & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F Great Western Railway gazetteer, commercial advertiser and business directory 1861 1862 J. L. Mitchell & Co 8_01176 fulltext J. L. Mitchell & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F Grinchuckle 1869-09-23 1 1 1870-02-24 1 21 8_06186 fulltext A.G. Gilbert Serial F Grip 1873-05-24 1 1 1894-12-29 42 26 Bengough, J. W 8_06509 fulltext Serial F Grip's own library 1887-05-01 1 1 1887-07-01 1 3 8_06639 fulltext Grip Print. and Pub. Co Serial F Guelph & Galt Advertiser and Wellington district advocate 1848-11-16 4 20 1848-11-16 4 20 N_00027 fulltext John Smith Serial F Guelph city directory 1882 1886 8_00061 fulltext First volume online 1882-83; Last volume online 1885-86 Compiled and William W. Evans Serial F Guelph Evening Mercury 1867-07-20 1 1 1875-09-06 9 25 N_00211 fulltext McLagan & Innes, Publishers Serial F Guelph herald and literary, agricultural, and commercial gazette 1850-06-25 4 1 1851-12-02 5 24 N_00010 fulltext George Pirie Serial F Guelph Weekly Mercury 1872-02-29 19 19 1873-10-16 20 51 N_00611 fulltext James Innes, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F Guelph Weekly Mercury and advertiser 1874-02-05 21 15 1901-10-31 50 52 N_00612 fulltext Innes & Davidson, Publishers and Proprietors Serial F Guide d'affaires de St. Hyacinthe de 1869 1869 8_01235 fulltext Serial F Guide de St-Hyacinthe 1883 1 1898 1898 8_00120 fulltext Camille Lussier, Editeur-Proprietaire Serial F Guide du village de Longueuil = Longueuil Directory 1873 1874 8_00071 fulltext Volume online 1873-74 N. Marchand, Editeur Proprietaire Serial F Guide News, Watford and Alvinston 1882-01-06 8 1 1886-01-08 12 2 N_00474 fulltext James C. Tye Serial F Guleph Herald 1871-02-14 24 28 1901-01-23 29 19 N_00103 fulltext Serial F Hagaga 1893-09-01 1 2 1895-01-01 2 1 8_04500 fulltext J.B. McCullagh Serial F Haight's improved family almanac and ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon, the true places and aspects of the planets, rising and setting of the sun, and the rising, setting, and southing of the moon for the year of our Lord 1859 1861 8_00367 fulltext Published by C. Haight Serial F Haight's Prince Edward County almanac for the year of our Lord 1855 1855 8_00365 fulltext Published by C. Haight Serial F Half-yearly report submitted by the Board of Directors of the Northern Railway of Canada 1866 1875 Northern Railway Company of Canada 8_00573 fulltext [Northern Railway Company of Canada] Serial F Halifax and Dartmouth classified business directory and business manual, for 1876 1876 8_01134 fulltext Published by O'Flaherty & Walsh Serial F Halifax and Dartmouth classified business directory and business manual, for 1876 1877 8_01134 fulltext Published by O'Flaherty & Walsh Serial F Halifax and Dominion real estate register 1878-02-01 1879-09-01 40 8_04712 fulltext J. Naylor Serial F Halifax and provincial real estate register 1877-11-01 1878-01-01 8_04711 fulltext J. Naylor Serial F Halifax pearl 1838-01-06 2 1 1838-12-28 2 1 8_06510 fulltext W. Cunnabell Serial F Hamburger beobachter 1855-02-09 7 5 1856-02-22 8 7 N_00733 fulltext Redigirt und herausgegeben von Martin Rudolph Serial P Hamilton business and professional directory 1890 1890 8_00529 fulltext Published by the Union Publishing Co. Serial F Hamilton evening times 1891-06-15 34 140 1892-06-30 35 153 N_00492 fulltext Times Printing Company Serial F Hamilton physiog 1858-12-27 1 1 1858-12-27 1 1 8_04452 fulltext Serial F Hamilton Times 1892-07-04 35 155 1909-12-31 52 306 N_00138 fulltext Times Printing Company Serial F Hamilton Weekly Times 1864-01-01 7 1 1867-01-31 10 5 N_00115 fulltext C.E. Stewart & Co. Serial F Hamilton-Mills weekly 1920-08-28 1 1 1920-10-23 1 5 8_06800 fulltext Pub. by courtesy of the Canadian Red Cross Serial F Hand-book to British Columbia 1894-08-01 1894-08-01 8_04496 fulltext Begg & Hoare Serial F Hanington Bros'. almanac and receipt book 1883 1883 8_02219 fulltext Published by Hanington Bros., Chemists Serial F Hanington Bros.' New Brunswick almanac, seed catalogue and receipt book 1880 1881 8_02203 fulltext Published by Hanington Bros. Serial F Happy days 1886-02-06 1 3 1906-12-29 21 3 8_04385 fulltext W. Briggs, Methodist Book & Pub. House Serial F Hardware 1889-05-31 1 11 1889-05-31 1 11 8_04580 fulltext J.B. McLean Serial F Hartland advertiser 1897-12-11 1 43 1899-12-13 3 46 N_00347 fulltext Fred H. Stevens Serial P Hart's Canadian almanac and Repository of Useful Information for the United Counties of Lanark and Renfrew for the year 1862 1862 1886 1886 8_00152 fulltext John Hart Serial F Harvie's Prince Edward Island almanac 1868 1868 1881 1881 8_00279 fulltext Henry A. Harvie Serial F Haszard's Gazette 1851-08-26 21 1118 1852-12-28 22 1190 N_00161 fulltext James D. Haszard Serial F Haszard's gazette, farmers' journal and commercial advertiser 1853-01-04 1 1857-02-18 7 N_00162 fulltext George T. Haszard Serial F Havelock Standard 1898-01-06 3 18 1925-12-30 31 52 N_00028 fulltext P. Lancaster, Editor Serial F Health and home 1884-02-01 1 1 1884-03-01 1 1 Canadian Sanitary Association 8_05206 fulltext Serial F Heimir 1904-07-15 1 1 1914 9 12 Íslenzka Únítaríska Kyrkjufélagi í Vesturheimi 8_06741 fulltext Nokkrir Íslendingar í Vesturheimi Serial F Heimskringla 1886-09-09 1 1 1892-02-24 6 9 N_00128 fulltext Frimann B. Anderson Serial F Heimskringla 1893-04-01 8 28 1925-12-30 40 14 N_00130 fulltext Heimskringla Ptg. & Publ. Co. (Publishers) Serial F Heimskringla og ôldin 1892-03-02 6 10 1893-03-29 7 27 N_00129 fulltext Heimskringla Ptg. & Publ. Co. (Publishers) Serial F Helps by the way 1879-11-15 6 1879-11-15 6 8_04311 fulltext Thos. J. Hamilton Serial F Henderson's city of Winnipeg directory for 1890 11 1890 11 8_00109 fulltext Continued in 1897; no issues available online between 1891-1896 Published by the Henderson Directory Co. Serial F Henderson's city of Winnipeg directory for 1897 18 1897 18 8_00109 fulltext Continued from 1890; no issues available online between 1891-1896 Published by the Henderson Directory Co. Serial F Henderson's directory of Manitoba, the city of Winnipeg and incorporated towns of Manitoba (Emmerson and Portage La Prairie) for the year 1881 2 1882 8_00579 fulltext Winnipeg Directory Publishing Co. Serial F Henderson's directory of the city of Winnipeg and incorporated towns of Manitoba the year 1880 1880 1886 7 8_00083 fulltext J. Henderson Serial F Henry Birks & Sons, gold & silversmiths [catalogue] 1901 7 1902 8 8_03502 fulltext Henry Birks & Sons] Serial F Henry, Simpson & Co.'s Calendar Almanac for 1868 1868 8_00368 fulltext Henry, Simpson & Co. Serial F Herald and Universal Miscellany 1788-11-24 1 1 1789-11-16 1 52 N_00515 fulltext Printed by Wm. Moore, at the Herald Printing Office Serial F Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser 1789-11-26 1 1 1791-05-19 2 26 N_00513 fulltext Printed by Wm. Moore, at the Herald Printing Office Serial F Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser 1789-11-23 2 1 1791-07-25 3 36 N_00516 fulltext Printed by Wm. Moore, at the Herald Printing Office Serial F Home & school 1883-01-06 1 1 1890-12-27 8 26 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04663 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F Home and youth 1879-07-01 5 12 1898-02-01 6 7 8_04307 fulltext Home and Youth Publishing Co Serial F Home Circle Leader 1889-10-01 1 1 1890-09-01 1 12 Order of Canadian Home Circles 8_04310 fulltext Published by the Home Circle Printing and Publishing Co. of Toronto (Limited) Serial F Home knowledge monthly review 1890-08-01 1 9 1890-08-01 1 9 8_04272 fulltext Belden Bros. Serial F Home report 1868 1871 Home (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00636 fulltext [Home] Serial F Home study leaflet 1894-01-07 1 1 1895-02-10 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04473 fulltext T.F. Fotheringham Serial F Homoeopathic messenger 1895-12-01 1 1 1896-06-01 1 1 Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital 8_06542 fulltext Woman's Auxiliary Committee of the Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital Serial F Homoeopathic messenger : in connection with Grace Hospital 1896-01-15 1 1 1897-07-15 4 1 Grace Hospital (Toronto, Ont. 8_05205 fulltext Serial F Homoeopathic record 1896-07-01 1 7 1896-10-01 1 7 Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital 8_06543 fulltext Woman's Auxiliary Committee of the Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital Serial F Hope & Co.'s Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1871 1871 1871 1871 8_00277 fulltext James Hope & Co. Serial F Horsey & Brother's Kingston business directory for 1856 1856 8_01018 fulltext [Horsey & Brother] Serial F House of Commons debates 1979 1979 9_08054 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F House of Commons debates 1975 1975 9_08054 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F House of Commons debates 1967 1967 9_08054 fulltext Queen's Printer Serial F Hunter, Rose & Co.'s city of Ottawa directory including the villages of Aylmer, Buckingham, Kemptville, Pembroke, Richmond, and the town of Prescott 1870 1871 8_00129 fulltext Volume online 1870-71 Hunter, Rose & Co. Serial F Huron gazette 1848-05-26 1 14 1849-03-08 2 3 N_00026 fulltext John Bevans Giles Serial F Huron signal 1848-02-04 1 1 1890-09-19 43 2274 N_00197 fulltext Charles Dolsen Serial F Hutchin's improved family almanac and ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon ... for the year of our Lord 1856 1856 8_00366 fulltext Published by C. Haight Serial F Hutchinson's Hamilton directory 1862 1863 8_00110 fulltext Volume online 1862-63 John Eastwood & Co. Serial F Hutchinson's New Brunswick directory for 1865 1868 Hutchinson 8_00713 fulltext Thomas Hutchinson Serial F Hutchinson's Newfoundland directory 1864 1865 8_00131 fulltext Volume online 1864-65 Thomas McConnan Serial F Hutchinson's Nova Scotia directory for 1864 1866 8_01136 fulltext Thomas Hutchinson Serial F Hutchinson's Nova Scotia directory for 1864 1867 Hutchinson 8_01136 fulltext Thomas Hutchinson Serial F Hutchinson's Toronto directory 1862 1862 8_01106 fulltext Lovell & Gibson, Printers and Publishers Serial F Hutchinson's Toronto directory 1862 1863 Hutchinson 8_01106 fulltext Lovell & Gibson, Printers and Publishers Serial F Hutchinsons's St. John directory 1863 1864 8_00156 fulltext Volume online 1863-64 Thos. Hutchinson Serial F Iakentasetatha kahnawakeha tsini kahawis nonwa ioserate 1899 1899 1900 1900 8_00286 fulltext Tehoristorarakon L.A. Bergeron Serial F Iakentasetatha kahnawakeha tsini kahawis nonwa ioserate 1900 2 1900 2 8_00287 fulltext Tehoristorarakon L.A. Bergeron Serial F Illustrated Canadian almanac for the year 1889 1889 8_00542 fulltext The Copp, Clark Company (Limited) Serial F Illustrated Canadian Forestry Magazine 1920-08-01 16 8 1923-07-01 19 7 Canadian Forestry Association 8_06924 fulltext Canadian Forestry Association Serial F Illustrated Catholic Almanac of Ontario for ... with clergy list 1895 1895 1896 1896 8_00160 fulltext The Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood Serial F Illustrated London almanac, and commercial directory for 1861 1861 8_03509 fulltext Serial F Illustrated Saturday reader 1866-09-08 3 53 1867-03-02 3 78 8_04514 fulltext R. Worthington Serial F In & out 1918-11-01 1 1 1918-11-01 1 1 Canada 8_06652 fulltext Serial F Indicateur commercial de Montreal = : Trade and commerce indicator of Montreal 1894 1894 8_01951 fulltext Lacoste & Lacoste Serial P Industrial Canada 1896-01-01 1 1 1896-12-01 1 1 8_04483 fulltext W.S. Johnston Serial F Industrial world and national economist 1880-06-24 1 1 1881-11-24 3 72 8_04362 fulltext Industrial World Pub. Co. Serial F Ingersoll Daily Chronicle 1905-08-11 9 185 1916-10-31 N_00273 fulltext Chronicle Printing Co. Serial F Ingersoll Weekly Chronicle and Canadian dairyman 1913-04-17 1916-12-31 N_00311 fulltext W.J. Elliott Serial F Insurance and finance chronicle 1886-01-01 6 1 1898-03-04 18 9 8_04936 fulltext R.W. Smith Serial F Insurance society 1881-01-15 1 1 1885-12-01 5 12 8_04935 fulltext C.E. Goad Serial F International art printer 1895-10-01 1 8 1895-11-01 1 9 8_06024 fulltext A.M. Rutherford Serial F Inverness County bulletin and Port Hood greetings 1927-04-02 16 12 1927-04-02 16 12 N_00657 fulltext Inverness Publishing Co Serial F Irwin & Co.'s directory of the city of Quebec, Levis, St. Sauveur, Three Rivers, Sorel 1875 1 1876 1 8_00132 fulltext W.H. Irwin & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F J. Durie & Son's Canadian almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 8_00403 fulltext Published by J. Durie & Son Serial F J. Sullivan & Co.'s Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1871 1871 8_00454 fulltext Published by J. Sullivan & Co. Serial F J.A. Payzant's Canadian farmers' almanac, for the year of our Lord 1877 1877 8_01137 fulltext Published by J.A. Payzant Serial F J.A. Payzant's Canadian farmers' almanac, for the year of our Lord 1877 1877 8_01137 fulltext Published by J.A. Payzant Serial F J.F. Kimball's Brockville directory 1885 1887 8_00130 fulltext Volume online 1884-1885 J.F. Kimball, Publisher and Compiler Serial F Je dis tout 1909-03-15 1 1909-03-15 1 8_06901 fulltext Serial F Jeffrey's information for the people and almanac for 1870 1870 8_01497 fulltext F. Jeffrey Serial F John Dougall's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1860 1860 8_00401 fulltext John Dougall Serial F John Durie & Son's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1866 1866 8_00402 fulltext Published by J. Durie & Son Serial F John T. Wait's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1873 1873 8_01265 fulltext Published by John T. Wait Serial F John W. Gabriel's epitomized nautical almanac for 1883 1 1883 1 8_01025 fulltext Published by John W. Gabriel Serial F Joint passenger tariff to the Canadian North-West, northern Minnesota, Dakota and transcontinental points via Canadian routes 1888-08-15 2 1888-08-15 2 Canadian Pacific Railway Company 8_05148 fulltext Canadian Pacific Railway Serial F Josh Billings' farmer's allminax for the year of our Lord 1872 1877 8_00527 fulltext The Canadian News and Publishing Company Serial F Journal and proceedings of Her Majesty's Legislative Council of the province of Nova-Scotia 1836 1866 9_00947 fulltext King's Printer Serial F Journal and proceedings of the Hamilton Association 1882 1 1899 16 8_01887 fulltext [Hamilton Association] Serial P Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia 1811 1867 9_00946 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia 1785 1809 9_00946 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia 1777 1777 9_00946 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia 1767 1773 9_00946 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F Journal and transactions of the Wentworth Historical Society 1892 1 1899 2 8_02076 fulltext [Wentworth Historical Society] Serial F Journal Bulletin 1925-02-20 35 8 1925-02-20 35 8 N_00656 fulltext Published by the Eastern Journal Pub. Co Serial F Journal d'agriculture 1869-09-29 1 1 1873-02-12 4 20 8_06475 fulltext C. Lussier Serial F Journal d'agriculture, et procédés de la Société d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 1848-01-01 1 1 1853-04-01 6 4 Société d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 8_06246 fulltext La Société Serial F Journal de l'agriculteur et des travaux de la Chambre d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 1857-09-01 5 1 1858-08-01 5 12 Chambre d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 8_06249 fulltext De Montigny Serial F Journal de l'éducation 1880-01-01 1 1 1880-12-01 1 12 8_04146 fulltext J.B. Rolland Serial F Journal de Lévis 1865-04-18 1 2 1866-11-16 2 90 N_00144 fulltext O. Bégin, éditeur-Propriétaire Serial F Journal de l'instructin publique 1857-01-01 1 1 1879-06-01 23 6 Canada 8_06257 fulltext Département de l'instruction publique Serial F Journal de l'instruction publique 1881-01-01 1 1 1898-04-01 16 12 Corporation générale des instituteurs et institutrices catholiques de la province de Québec 8_04234 fulltext J.B. Rolland Serial F Journal de médecine de Québec : The Quebec medical journal. 1826-01-01 1 1827-07-01 2 Tessier, Xavier 8_05171 fulltext X. Tessier Serial F Journal d'économie rurale, de médecine et de chirurgie vétérinaire 1859-02-01 1 2 1859-03-01 1 3 8_06101 fulltext F. Vogeli Serial F Journal d'éducation 1881-01-27 1 1882-01-05 50 8_04252 fulltext L. Brousseau Serial F Journal des étudians 1840-12-12 1 1 1841-02-27 1 12 8_06212 fulltext J.V. De Lorme Serial F Journal des familles 1887-01-01 1 1 1888-02-11 2 1 8_04095 fulltext J.E. Bélair Serial F Journal d'hygiène populaire 1884-05-15 1 1 1895-01-01 11 1 Société d'hygiène de la province de Québec 8_05204 fulltext Société d'hygiène de la province de Québec Serial F Journal du cultivateur et procédés du Bureau d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 1853-05-01 1 1 1857-04-01 4 1 Chambre d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 8_06248 fulltext H. Ramsay Serial F Journal of agriculture 1865-03-01 1 1 1866-01-01 1 11 Board of Agriculture of Nova Scotia 8_04714 fulltext A. & W. MacKinlay Serial F Journal of education for Nova Scotia 1851-08-01 1 1 1853-01-01 2 4 Nova Scotia 8_05110 fulltext Serial F Journal of education for Upper Canada 1848-01-01 1 1 1867-07-01 20 7 Canada 8_06242 fulltext J.H. Lawrence Serial F Journal of education, Nova Scotia 1882-10-01 3 1 1916-02-01 Nova Scotia 8_05112 fulltext Serial F Journal of education, province of Ontario 1867-08-01 20 8 1877-07-01 30 7 Ontario 8_06243 fulltext Lovell and Gibson Serial F Journal of His Majesty's Council of Newfoundland 1836 1841 9_02221 fulltext Serial F Journal of His Majesty's Council of Prince Edward Island 1845 1866 9_00961 fulltext J.D. Haszard Serial F Journal of His Majesty's Council of Prince Edward Island 1827 1839 9_00961 fulltext J.D. Haszard Serial F Journal of proceedings of the annual session of the Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars, of the province of Nova Scotia 1867 1 1896 30 8_02070 fulltext [Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Good Templars, of the province of Nova Scotia] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the annual session of the National Lodge of Canada, United Temperance Association 1877 2 1877 2 8_01962 fulltext [National Lodge of Canada, United Temperance Association] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the annual session of the Right W. Grand Lodge 1875 21 1875 21 8_02142 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the World, Independent Order of Good Templars] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the annual session of the Worthy Grand Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, in the province of Nova Scotia 1865 2 1866 3 8_02394 fulltext [Worthy Grand Lodge of the British American Order of Good Templars, in the province of Nova Scotia] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the annual session of the Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of the British Order of Good Templars, in the province of New Brunswick 1865 2 1876 13 8_02180 fulltext [British Templars, Worthy Grand Lodge of New Brunswick] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the session of the Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars, of the province of Nova Scotia 1867 1 1867 1 8_02069 fulltext [Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars of the province of Nova Scotia] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the session of the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara 1875 1 1886 12 8_02053 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Niagara] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the ... and ... sessions of the Incorporated Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Ontario 1871 10 1893 31 8_01407 fulltext [Synod of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Ontario] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League 1874 4 1875 5 Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League 8_01618 fulltext [Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the ... annual session of the Dominion Grange, Patrons of Husbandry 1890 15 1890 15 8_01477 fulltext [Dominion Grange, Patrons of Husbandry] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the ... annual session of the Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benefit Society, Canada 1900 25 1900 25 8_01111 fulltext [Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benefit Society] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the ... United General Conference of the Methodist Church 1883 1 1898 5 8_01340 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of Manitoba and North-West Territories 1900 9 1900 9 8_01886 fulltext [Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of Manitoba and Northwest Territories] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada West, I.O.O.F 1856 1856 8_01901 fulltext Printed for the Grand Lodge by Brother Henry Racey Serial P Journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada West, I.O.O.F. at its annual communication 1860 6 1867 13 8_01903 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Canada West, I.O.O.F.] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa 1896 1 1900 5 Church of England in Canada 8_01559 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa] Serial F Journal of proceedings of the Most Worthy Grand Lodge, British Templars 1867 1 1873 7 8_02179 fulltext [Most Worthy Grand Lodge, British Templars] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the R.W. Grand Encampment of the Province of Ontario for the years 1870 1 1900 31 8_01881 fulltext [Grand Encampment of the Province of Ontario] Serial P Journal of proceedings of the R.W. Grand Lodge of Ontario, I.O. of O.F., at its annual communication 1868 14 1877 23 8_01888 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Ontario, I.O. of O.F.] Serial P Journal of psychosophy 1899-02-01 1 1 1899-06-01 1 1 8_04263 fulltext First School of Practical Psychosophy Serial F Journal of sectional proceedings 1884-09-01 5 1884-09-03 7 British Association for the Advancement of Science 8_04212 fulltext The Association Serial F Journal of temperance 1864-10-01 1865-02-01 8_04266 fulltext Evangelizer Office Serial F Journal of the ... session of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia 1870 9 1892 22 8_00243 fulltext Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia Serial F Journal of the ... session of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia 1894 23 1894 23 8_00244 fulltext Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia Serial F Journal of the ... session of the Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Ontario 1863 2 1869 8 8_01405 fulltext [Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Ontario] Serial F Journal of the ... session of the Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Ontario 1870 9 1870 9 8_01406 fulltext [Synod of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Ontario] Serial F Journal of the ... Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1871 12 1871 12 8_01440 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Montreal] Serial F Journal of the Canadian Bankers' Association 1893-09-01 1 1 1900-07-01 7 4 Canadian Bankers' Association 8_06720 fulltext Canadian Bankers' Association Serial F Journal of the General Assembly of Newfoundland 1843 1846 9_02227 fulltext Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland 1840 1841 9_02228 fulltext J. Shea Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland 1838 1838 9_02228 fulltext J. Shea Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland 1833 1836 9_02228 fulltext J. Shea Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland 1863 1867 9_02229 fulltext Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland 1848 1861 9_02229 fulltext Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1848 1866 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1830 1845 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1825 1827 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1817 1820 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1812 1812 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1810 1810 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1808 1808 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1806 1806 9_00960 fulltext J. Bagnall Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick 1859 1867 9_00951 fulltext C. Sower Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick 1857 1857 9_00951 fulltext C. Sower Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick 1856 1856 9_00951 fulltext C. Sower Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick 1803 1854 9_00951 fulltext C. Sower Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick 1786 1801 9_00951 fulltext C. Sower Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada 1825 1840 9_00941 fulltext W.L. Mackenzie Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly, Lower Canada 1808 1837 9_00938 fulltext Printed and sold by John Neilson Serial F Journal of the House of Assembly, Lower Canada 1792 1806 9_00938 fulltext Printed and sold by John Neilson Serial F Journal of the Legislative Council of Newfoundland 1833 1835 9_02220 fulltext Serial F Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick 1831 1867 9_00948 fulltext J. Simpson Serial F Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada 1825 1840 9_00940 fulltext J. Carey Serial F Journal of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia : being the transactions of the Society during the year ... 1893 1 1899 4 8_01384 fulltext [Mining Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Journal of the proceedings of the ... General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1874 1 1882 3 8_01341 fulltext Published by Samuel Rose ... for the Methodist Church of Canada Serial F Journal of the proceedings of the ... session of the London Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1881 8 1884 11 8_01344 fulltext Methodist Book and Publishing House Serial F Journal of the proceedings of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the Province of Nova Scotia at the quarterly session 1849-01-31 1876-11-07 9 4 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04610 fulltext The Division Serial F Journal of the Synod of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Huron 1873 1893 Church of England 8_01582 fulltext [Synod of the Church of England, in the Diocese of Huron] Serial F Journal pour tous 1878-07-27 1 1 1880-07-29 2 1 8_04925 fulltext P.N. bureau Serial F Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada 1868 1900 9_07171 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1853 1866 9_00952 fulltext Desbarats and Cary Serial F Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1844 1851 9_00952 fulltext Desbarats and Cary Serial F Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada 1842 1842 9_00952 fulltext Desbarats and Cary Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of British Columbia 659015951 1869 1871 9_01595 fulltext Govt. Printing Office Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of British Columbia 659015951 1864 1867 9_01595 fulltext Govt. Printing Office Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of the Island of Newfoundland 1848 1867 9_02222 fulltext H. Winton Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada 1856 1866 9_00967 fulltext R. Stanton Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada 1841 1854 9_00967 fulltext R. Stanton Serial F Journals of the Legislative Council of the province of Lower Canada 1792 1837 9_00943 fulltext J. Neilson Serial F Journals of the Senate of Canada 1868 1900 9_07154 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F Journals of the Special Council of the province of Lower Canada 1838 1841 9_00944 fulltext A.H. Armour and H. Ramsay Serial F Journaux de la Chambre des communes de la puissance du Canada 1867 1900 9_01941 fulltext Hunter, Rose et Lemieux Serial F Journaux de l'Assemblée législatif de la Province du Canada 1841 1866 9_00959 fulltext E.J. Barker Serial F Journaux du Conseil législatif de la Province du Canada 1841 1866 9_00969 fulltext J.C. Becket Serial F Journaux du Conseil spécial de la province du Bas-Canada 1838 1841 9_00945 fulltext T. Cary and G. Desbarats Serial F Journaux du Sénat du Canada 1867 1976 9_01893 fulltext [Imprimeur de la Reine Serial F Juvenile entertainer 1831-08-03 1 1 1832-07-25 1 52 8_04921 fulltext W. Milne Serial F Ka patakaikatek masinaigan ka ako nikigobanen Jesos 1879 1899 8_01257 fulltext Serial F Kalendar for 1881 1881 8_01462 fulltext [St. Margaret's Hall] Serial F Kamloops and district mining gazette 1899-01-01 1 1900-03-01 1 8_04507 fulltext Canadian Engineer Co Serial F Kamloops wawa 1891-05-02 1 1900-12-01 9 12 Le Jeune 8_04645 fulltext J.-M. R. LeJeune Serial F Kanada 1913 1 3 1913 1 15 N_00570 fulltext Ruska Vydavnycha Spilka v Kanadi = Ruthenian Publishing Co. Ltd. of Canada Serial F Kanadai Magyar Ujsag 5 1 11 72 N_00736 fulltext [Canadian Hungarian News Co. Ltd.] Serial P Kanadyiets = : The Canadian 1912-04-01 1 5 1913-12-01 2 23 N_00496 fulltext Spilka Kanadyiets Serial F Kennel gazette 1889-02-01 1 1 1889-12-01 1 1 8_04176 fulltext H.B. Donovan Serial F Kent County directory 1880 1880 1880 1880 8_00306 fulltext J.D. Carr & Co. Serial F Kermesse journal 1884-06-02 1 1884-06-10 7 Kermesse de Montréal 8_06690 fulltext Serial F King's College University magazine 1871-04-01 1 1 1871-04-01 1 1 8_04774 fulltext Serial F Kingston deanery magazine 1886-01-01 3 1 1889-01-01 6 1 Church of England. Diocese of Fredericton 8_04523 fulltext Deanery of Kingston Serial F Kingston medical quarterly 1896-10-01 1 1 1903-07-01 7 1 8_05203 fulltext Serial F Kitchener daily telegraph 1919-04-21 1921-12-09 N_00554 fulltext David Bean & Sons, Limited, Publishers Serial F Kitchitwa miteh atchimomasinahiganisa 1906-04-01 1 1920-12-01 8_06773 fulltext Kitchiwa Miteh Atchimo- masinahigan Serial F Klondike morning times 1897-07-17 1 1 1897-08 1 1 N_00020 fulltext date_last_issue 1897-08-32 (ie.31) Jos. Wangersheim, Publisher Serial F Knots and lashings 1917-11-02 1 1 1919-02-01 2 14 Ells 8_06845 fulltext Published by and for the Men of the E.T. D. Serial F Knox College monthly 1883-02-01 1 1 1887-04-01 5 6 8_05060 fulltext Metaphysical and Literary Society Serial F Kootenay mining standard 1899-05-01 1 8 1899-05-01 1 8 8_04764 fulltext Standard Pub. Co Serial F Kosmos 1885-07-01 3 1 1886-12-01 4 1 Science Association of Victoria University 8_04629 fulltext Science Association of Victoria University Serial F La bibliothèque à cinq cents 1886-04-08 1 1 1893-10-05 15 1 8_04017 fulltext Poirier, Bessette Serial F La bibliothèque canadienne, ou, Miscellanées historiques, scientifiques et littéraires 1825-06-01 1 1 1830-06-15 9 24 8_06164 fulltext Volume numbers are tome M. Bibaud Serial F La bibliothèque canadienne-française 1896-09-01 1 1 1897-12-01 1 12 Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul 8_04014 fulltext C.-J. Magnan Serial F La bibliothèque des bonnes lectures illustrées 180- 2 180- 3 8_04067 fulltext Société de publication des bonnes lectures illustrées Serial F La bibliothèque française 1887-01-01 1 1 1893-08-01 1 1 8_04029 fulltext Société des publications françaises Serial F La bibliothèque illustrée 1898-04-16 1 1 1898-04-16 1 1 8_04090 fulltext Patry & Peeters Serial F La bonne littérature française 1894-02-01 2 1899-05-01 2 8_04238 fulltext Leprohon, Leprohon & Guilbault Serial F La bonne nouvelle, ou, Le messager évangélique 1862-10-01 1 1 1862-10-01 1 1 8_06775 fulltext H. Mauny Serial F La Charité 1898-11-15 1 1898-11-29 13 Association des Dames de Charité de l'Asile de la Providence 8_04211 fulltext Association des Dames de Charité de l'Asile de la Providence Serial F La citadelle 1857-05-09 1 1 1859-12-01 2 20 8_06207 fulltext L.-P. Normand Serial F La clinique 1894-07-01 1 1 1900-07-01 6 12 8_05208 fulltext Serial F La cloche du dimanche 1897-10-14 1 1 1898-04-14 1 1 8_06565 fulltext G. Vekeman Serial F La corneille du nord! 1877-12-28 1 1 1877-12-28 1 1 8_06694 fulltext Bélair Serial F La Croix 1897-05 1 1 1897-05 1 1 8_04116 fulltext J.U. Begin Serial F La croix : Ayamiaywatik 1904-11-29 4 41 1905-04-01 6 54 Oblats de Marie-Immaculée 8_06772 fulltext Serial F La culture 1876-11-04 1 1 1876-11-18 1 2 8_06674 fulltext T. Bran Serial F La dosimétrie au Canada 1899-07-01 1 1 1901-07-01 3 1 8_05190 fulltext Serial F La famille 1891-01-01 1 1 1892-12-25 2 51 8_06252 fulltext F.A. Baillairgé Serial F La Famille chrétienne 1898-01-23 1 1 1902-05-01 5 12 8_04237 fulltext Jeanne d'Arc Serial F La feuille d'érable 1849-03-01 1 4 1849-03-01 1 4 8_06451 fulltext Echo des campagnes Serial F La feuille d'érable 1896-04-10 1 1 1896-06-25 1 6 8_06669 fulltext L.J. Beliveau Serial F La fortune 1892-05-27 1 1 1893-01-07 1 30 8_06452 fulltext Bedard, Brunet Serial F La France 1908-12-06 1 1 1908-12-06 1 1 8_06815 fulltext H. Dallemand Serial F La fronde 1913-11 1 1 1913-12 1 2 8_06962 fulltext A.-T. Lepine Serial F La Gazette de Joliette 1867-08-05 2 29 1888-11-29 23 30 N_00137 fulltext Imprimé et Publié par Fontaine & Granger Serial F La gazette des familles 1878-01-01 9 1 1878-12-15 9 24 8_06261 fulltext Bureau du Foyer domestique Serial F La gazette des familles canadiennes 1869-10-01 1 1 1877-12-01 8 12 8_06260 fulltext N.A. Leclerc Serial F La gazette médicale de Montréal 1887-02-01 1 1 1892-12-01 6 12 8_05207 fulltext Bureau de La Gazette Médical Serial F La gazette medicale des hôpitaux et d'hygiene 1874-09-01 1 1 1874-09-01 1 1 8_06598 fulltext J.G. Bibaud Serial F La Justice 1912-07-06 1914-08-14 3 12 N_00146 fulltext éditeur non identifié Serial F La kermesse 1892-09-23 1 1893-03-27 11 8_04485 fulltext L. Brousseau Serial F La kermesse 1895-10-14 1 1895-10-19 6 8_06711 fulltext Serial F La lancette canadienne 1847-01-04 1 1 1847-06-15 1 12 8_06192 fulltext J.L. Leprohon Serial F La lanterne 1868-09-17 1 1 1869-03-18 1 27 8_06265 fulltext A. Buies Serial F La lecture au foyer 1898-02-01 1 1 1898-04-01 1 3 8_04705 fulltext Serial F La lecture au foyer 1884-11-22 1 1 1884-11-22 1 1 8_06457 fulltext L. Belair Serial F La Liberté 1893-02-23 3 17 1893-02-23 3 17 N_00147 fulltext Serial F La Libre parole 1893-03-11 1 1 1893-03-18 1 2 N_00148 fulltext Publié par Michel Vidal & Cie Serial F La lime 1863-11-18 1 1 1864-01-23 1 2 8_06214 fulltext J.-G. Aubut Serial F La lyre d'or 1887-11-25 1889-06-01 2 6 8_04981 fulltext S. Drapeau Serial F La mascarade 1863-11-14 1 1 1863-12-10 1 4 8_06513 fulltext E. Vincent Serial F La mascotte 1900-05-06 1 1 1900-05-13 1 2 8_06819 fulltext G. Pineault Serial F La mère et l'enfant 1890-05-01 1 1891-10-01 2 8_04121 fulltext S. Lachapelle Serial F La mirliton 1897-02-27 1 1 1897-09-25 1 16 8_04096 fulltext Serial F La nacelle de Sainte-Ursule 1896-10-01 1 1897-09-01 4 Ursulines de Trois-Rivières 8_04709 fulltext Ursulines de Trois- Rivières Serial F La Nouvelle 1887-03-31 1 1 1887-03-31 1 1 Collège d'Ottawa 8_04122 fulltext Publié par les élèves du Collège d'Ottawa Serial F La Nouvelle-France 1881-05-01 1882-07-01 1 15 8_04664 fulltext Serial F La petite revue 1899-01-02 1 1 1900-12-20 2 1 8_04123 fulltext A. Pelletier Serial F La pharmacie laborieuse 1898-01-01 1 1 1898-04-01 1 4 8_06604 fulltext Serial F La police 1865-09-26 1 1865-09-30 3 8_06221 fulltext Serial F La Presse 1864-09-02 1 74 1864-09-02 1 74 N_00189 fulltext Lanctôt, Bouthillier et Thompson Serial F La propriétaire et l'ouvrier 1875-06-24 1875-07-31 1 1 8_04248 fulltext J. Chabert Serial F La revue agricole 1875-05-01 1 1 1876-04-01 1 1 8_06489 fulltext M.A. Kéroack Serial F La revue bleue 1895-02-20 1 1 1895-03-20 1 2 8_04099 fulltext G.W. Parent Serial F La revue canadienne 1844-12-01 1848-10-03 4 341 8_06272 fulltext L.O. Le Tourneux Serial F La Revue commerciale 1894-04-20 1 1 1894-07-20 1 14 8_04100 fulltext Emile LaSalle, Propriétaire-éditeur Serial F La revue de Montréal 1893-07-01 1 1 1893-07-01 1 1 8_06320 fulltext Serial F La revue de Québec 1889-10-10 1 1 1889-12-14 1 8 8_06317 fulltext Turcotte & Menard Serial F La revue des deux Frances 1897-10-01 1 1 1899-09-01 8_05133 fulltext Serial F La revue du commerce 1912-12-26 1 1 1912-12-26 1 1 8_06824 fulltext Cie d'impr. commerciale Serial F La revue du notariat 1898-08-15 1 1 1900-07-15 2 12 8_04910 fulltext Serial F La Revue Franco-Americaine 1908-04 1 1 1913-04 10 6 8_06972 fulltext Societe de la Revue franco-americaine Serial F La revue légale 1869-12-01 1 1920-12-01 26 12 8_05085 fulltext Serial F La revue médicale 1897-07-07 1 1 1905-03-14 3 52 8_05172 fulltext Serial F La revue médicale du Canada 1901-01 4 1 1904-11-02 8 18 8_06158 fulltext Serial F La revue nationale 1895-02-01 1 1 1896-03-01 3 14 8_04758 fulltext E. Senécal Serial F La Revue Populaire 1907-12-01 1 1 1920-12-01 13 12 8_06349 fulltext Poirier, Bessette & Cie Serial F La ruche littéraire illustrée, ou, Recueil de romans, poésie canadienne &c., inédits 1853-02-01 1 1 1859-06-01 5 4 8_06271 fulltext G.H. Cherrier Serial F La sangsue 1867-09-14 1 1 1867-09-21 1 1 8_06555 fulltext Serial F La scie 1863-10-29 1 1 1865-3-11 2 15 8_06226 fulltext C.C. Lescieur Serial F La scie 1878-07-25 1 3 1878-07-25 1 3 8_06692 fulltext Morissette & Cie Serial F La scie illustrée 1865-02-17 1 1 1866-05-12 2 24 8_06227 fulltext A. Guérard Serial F La semaine 1895-02-16 1 1 1895-04-15 1 4 8_04808 fulltext L. Brousseau Serial F La semaine 1864-01-02 1 1 1864-12-24 1 52 8_05095 fulltext C. Darveau Serial F La semaine agricole 1869-10-12 1872-04-26 4 41 8_04728 fulltext Duvernay, Frères Serial F La semaine commerciale 1894-08-17 1 1 1897-02-12 5 1 8_04102 fulltext L.E. Thompson Serial F La semaine religieuse de Montréal 1883-01-13 1 1 1920-12-27 76 26 église catholique 8_04695 fulltext Publiée avec l'approbation de Sa Grandeur Mgr l'évèque de Montréal Serial F La semaine religieuse de Québec 1888-08-16 1 1 1920-08-26 32 1 Eglise catholique 8_04729 fulltext J.A. Langlais Serial F La thémis 1879-02-01 1 1 1884-01-01 5 12 8_06738 fulltext E. Senécal Serial F La tombola 1890-09-30 2 1 1890-09-30 2 1 Cassette des pauvres (Oeuvre de bienfaisance) 8_05113 fulltext Cassette des Pauvres Serial F La vie artistique 1905-01-01 1 1 1905-11-25 1 1 8_06829 fulltext Serial F La vie canadienne 1918-07-11 1 1 1919-05-25 2 10 8_06830 fulltext Serial F La vie illustrée 1889-02-01 1 1 1889-06-01 1 17 8_06588 fulltext Société de publication illustrée Serial F La vie populaire 1905-03-01 1 1 1905-03-02 1 1 8_04107 fulltext F.X. Lessard Serial F La voix 1880-08-01 1 1 1880-08-01 1 1 8_06710 fulltext Serial F La voix de l'écolier du Collège Joliette 1876-10-02 1 1 1879-07-24 1 Collège Joliette 8_06485 fulltext Collège de Joliette Serial F La voix du Précieux Sang 1894-04-01 1 1 1898-03-01 4 12 Soeurs adoratrices du Précieux-Sang 8_04702 fulltext Soeurs du précieux sang Serial F La volonté 1876-03-22 1 3 1876-03-22 1 3 8_06325 fulltext P. Leroy Serial F L'abeille 1848-07-27 1 1 1881-06-23 14 38 8_04944 fulltext Petit Séminaire de Québec Serial F L'abeille canadienne 1833-12-7 1 1 1834-02-08 1 10 8_06201 fulltext F.X. Garneau Serial F L'abeille canadienne 1818-08-01 1 1 1819-01-15 1 12 8_06202 fulltext H. Mezière Serial F L'abeille canadienne 1843-08-04 1 1 1843-08-11 1 2 8_06327 fulltext J. Laurin Serial F L'abeille médicale 1879-01-01 1 1 1882-01-01 4 1 Ecole de médecine et de chirurgie de Montréal 8_05196 fulltext T. Berthiaume Serial F L'abeille paroissiale 1895-04-15 1 1896-05-01 14 8_04024 fulltext F.J. Granger Serial F Labor star 1919-01-16 1 1919-03-20 1 8 N_00503 fulltext Star Publishing Company Serial F L'Action Francaise 1917-01 1 1 1927-12 18 6 8_06944 fulltext Ligue d'action francaise Serial F Ladies at home 1893-02-01 1 1 1893-02-01 1 1 8_04315 fulltext Ladies' Companion Pub. Co Serial F Ladies' companion 1893-03-01 1 2 1893-03-01 1 2 8_04320 fulltext Ladies' Companion Pub. Co Serial F Ladies' pictorial weekly 1892-02-06 3 6 1892-06-25 3 26 8_06719 fulltext Ladies' Pictorial Co Serial F L'agriculteur 1889-09-01 1 1 1891-06-01 2 9 8_04262 fulltext A. Gauvin Serial F L'agriculteur 1858-09-01 11 1 1862-08-01 14 12 Chambre d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 8_04665 fulltext De Montigny Serial F L'agriculteur canadien 1886-06-01 1 1 1886-06-01 1 1 8_04081 fulltext H.A. Chaput Serial F L'album industriel 1894-12-08 1 1 1895-06-01 1 1 8_04013 fulltext T. Berthiaume Serial F L'album musical 1882-01-01 1 1 1884-05-01 3 1 8_04149 fulltext A. Filiatreault Serial F L'alliance nationale 1895-03-01 1 1 1919-12-01 25 43781 Alliance nationale 8_04163 fulltext Publié par La Société de secours mutuels l'Alliance nationale Serial F L'Almanach agricole pour l'annee 1886 1 1886 1 8_02210 fulltext Publie par D. Bruchesi, Libraire et Importateur de tapisseries, en gros et en detail Serial F L'Almanach canadien : Recueil de Statistiques et Renseignements au point de vue Religieux, Agricole, Commercial, Scientifique, etc., etc., etc 1883 1 1883 1 8_00380 fulltext Serial F L'Almanach de la Semaine agricole 1870 1870 1871 1871 8_00182 fulltext Publie par Duvernay, Frères Serial F L'Almanach de Montreal 1894 1894 1899 6 8_00206 fulltext Fontaine & Cie, Editeurs Serial F L'Almanach de St-Eustache illustre pour l'annee 1887 1887 1887 1887 8_00205 fulltext Alfred Limoges Serial F L'Almanach de St-Eustache pour l'annee 1882 1882 1884 6 8_00204 fulltext Afred Limoges Serial F L'Almanach des cantons de l'est pour l'annee 1886 1 1886 1 8_02159 fulltext Publie par la Librairie canadienne Serial F L'Almanach des familles pour l'annee 1857 1859 3 8_01222 fulltext Publie par Louis J. Racine Serial F L'Almanach du Monde pour l'annee 1887 1 1887 1 8_00195 fulltext Cie d'Imp. et Lith. Gebhardt-Berthiaume Serial F L'Almanach du peuple illustré pour l'année 1887 1893 24 8_00423 fulltext C.O. Beauchemin & fils, Libraires-Imprimeurs Serial F L'Almanach du peuple pour l'année 1870 1886 17 8_00422 fulltext C.O. Beauchemin & Valois, Libraires-Imprimeurs Serial F L'Almanach judiciaire, agricole, scolaire, municipal et commercial de la province de Québec pour 1874 1875 8_00378 fulltext Serial F L'Almanach populaire illustre pour l'annee 1892 1 1893 2 8_00069 fulltext Publie par J.M. Valois, Libraire-Editeur Serial F L'amateur de livres canadiens 1905-02-12 8 1905-03-05 17 8_06095 fulltext P. Gagnon Serial F L'ami de la religion et de la patrie 1847-11-27 1850-03-11 2 177 8_06175 fulltext S. Drapeau Serial F L'ami de la religion et du roi 1820-07-01 1 2 1820-09-01 1 4 8_04068 fulltext Imprimé par Ludger Duvernay Serial F L'ami des animaux 1869-06-01 1869-06-01 Société canadienne protectrice des animaux 8_06203 fulltext Société canadienne protectrice des animaux Serial F L'ami du lecteur 1899-12-15 1 1 1903-09-15 4 1 8_06573 fulltext Cie de l'Ami du lecteur Serial F Lanark herald 1850-11-29 1 10 1851-05-09 1 33 N_00540 fulltext James C. Poole Serial F Lance 1878-02-02 1 1 1878-05-18 1 16 8_06779 fulltext J.A. Wilkinson Serial F Langford's Montreal advertising almanac, illustrated 1868 1868 8_01088 fulltext [John Langford] Serial F Langford's Montreal advertising almanac, illustrated 1868 1868 8_01088 fulltext [John Langford] Serial F L'annexionniste 1891-10-10 1 1 1891-12-19 1 11 8_06625 fulltext Pigeon & Bureau Serial F L'annonceur 1880-06-19 1 1 1880-06-19 1 1 8_04845 fulltext L. Recio Serial F L'annonceur du Nord-Ouest 1902-01-01 1 1 1902-01-01 1 1 8_06808 fulltext N. Bérubé Serial F L'Annuaire de l'Association des régistrateurs de la province de Québec = : Annual record of the Registrars of the province of Quebec 1895 12 1901 17 Association des régistrateurs de la province de Québec 8_00419 fulltext [Association des régistrateurs de la province de Québec] Serial F L'annuaire des registrateurs de la province de Quebec pour l'annee 1885 1 1892 8 8_00076 fulltext Association des registrateurs de la province de Quebec Serial F L'anti-vaccinateur canadien-français 1885-12-24 1 1 1885-12-24 1 1 8_06330 fulltext Serial F L'Apôtre 1919-09-15 1 1 1920-08-15 1 12 Action sociale catholique 8_06907 fulltext Action sociale catholique Serial F L'argus 1826-08-30 1 1 1828-03-11 2 13 8_06204 fulltext L. Duvernay Serial F L'art musical 1896-10-01 1 1 1899-01-01 3 4 8_06244 fulltext L.E.N. Pratte Serial F L'artiste 1860-05-10 1 1 1860-05-18 1 2 8_04035 fulltext Imprimé pour les Propriétaires par J. Lovell Serial F L'association 1890-05-10 1891-05-03 1 41 Association catholique de bienfaisance mutuelle du Canada 8_04037 fulltext P. Masson Serial F L'Automobile au Canada 1922-03-01 2 10 1924-12-01 5 7 Quebec Provincial Motor League 8_06852 fulltext Serial F L'Avenir de l'Ouest 2083 1 3 1 3 N_00743 fulltext Serial P Law Department of the Western University, the London Law School 1885 1885 8_02167 fulltext [Law Department of the Western University] Serial F Le bazar 1886-08-07 1 1886-11-20 30 Oeuvre de la Cathédrale de Montréal 8_06336 fulltext Publié par les organisateurs du bazar Serial F Le bibliophile canadien 1895-08-01 1 1 1895-09-01 1 2 8_06777 fulltext R. Renault Serial F Le bienfaiteur 1892-09-10 1 1 1892-09-10 1 1 8_04091 fulltext Comité du monument Joliette Serial F Le bon combat 1893-01-01 9 43467 1893-11-01 9 16/17 8_06443 fulltext F.A. Baillairgé Serial F Le bouquet 1881-12-24 1 1 1882-01-07 1 3 8_06657 fulltext A.G. Beaudry Serial F Le bouquineur 1894-08-01 1 1 1894-09-01 1 2 8_06704 fulltext Librairie Saint-Michel Serial F Le bourru 1859-02-01 1 1 1860-01-28 1 46 8_06289 fulltext P. Lamoureux Serial F Le bourru 1885-08-08 1 1 1885-09-12 1 6 8_06337 fulltext Berthelot et Ste-Marie Serial F Le bulletin 1892-10-22 1 1 1892-10-29 1 2 8_04167 fulltext J.J. Grignon, Editeur-Propriétaire Serial F Le bulletin de la ferme 1913-07-15 1 1920-07-01 7 11 Association des jeunes cultivateurs 8_06809 fulltext Cie de publication du Bulletin de la ferme Serial F Le bulletin du Club Cartier 1880-03-01 1880-03-01 Club-Cartier (Montréal, Québec) 8_04136 fulltext Berthiaume & Sabourin Serial F Le bulletin médical de Québec 1899-09-01 1 1 1910-08-01 11 12 Société médicale de Québec 8_05212 fulltext Serial F Le Calendrier du Diocese de Quebec pour 1874 1879 8_01268 fulltext Publie par Augustin Cote et Cie Serial F Le Canada artistique 1889-12-01 1 1 1890-12-01 1 12 8_06437 fulltext A. Filiatreault Serial F Le Canada ecclésiastique : almanach-annuaire du clergé canadien 1887 1 1901 8_01558 fulltext Publié par Cadieux & Delorme Serial F Le Canada musical 1866-09-01 1 1 1881-04-01 7 12 8_06183 fulltext A.J. Boucher Serial F Le Canada sténographique 1900-10-01 1 1 1900-10-01 1 1 8_04092 fulltext M. Gabard Serial F Le Canada-français 1888-01-01 1 1905-03-04 4 Université Laval 8_04940 fulltext L.-J. Demers Serial F Le canadien illustré 1881-05-05 1 1 1882-01-19 1 1 8_06563 fulltext Serial F Le canadien-français 1915-11-01 1 1 1915-11-01 1 1 Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste d'Edmonton 8_06810 fulltext Société St-Jean-Baptiste d'Edmonton Serial F Le canard 1877-10-06 1 1 1888-01-14 11 1 8_06547 fulltext H. Berthe Serial F Le canard 1893-11-25 1 1 1900-12-29 23 1 8_06584 fulltext H. Berthelot Serial F Le canard 1877-08-18 1 1 1877-08-18 1 1 8_06693 fulltext Imprimé à bord du Canada Serial F Le cancan 1878-04-12 1 1 1878-07-27 1 16 8_06340 fulltext P. Larose Serial F Le carillon 1879-10-24 1 1 1879-12-13 1 6 8_06300 fulltext Bilaudeau Serial F Le castor 1877-09-01 1 1 1877-09-05 1 3 8_06595 fulltext Club typographique de Québec Serial F Le charivari 1878-04-09 1 1878-09-16 8 8_06564 fulltext J. Lessard Serial F Le charivari 1891-02-14 6 1 1891-03-03 6 4 8_06759 fulltext L. Bechery Serial F Le charivari canadien 1844-05-10 1 1 1844-10-03 1 29 8_06176 fulltext A. Fortier Serial F Le charivari canadien 1868-06-05 1 1 1868-11-13 1 24 8_06191 fulltext X. Pepin Serial F Le chasseur 1877-09-08 1 1 1877-09-08 1 1 8_06659 fulltext Publié à bord du Canada (Navire) Serial F Le Chercheur 1888-10-04 1 1 1889-12-15 2 24 8_04129 fulltext J.F. Dumontier Serial F Le chicot 1858 3 1858 3 8_06206 fulltext Serial F Le cochon 1878-07-11 1 1 1878-07-18 1 2 8_06680 fulltext Morissette & Cie Serial F Le coin du feu 1840-11-21 1 1 1841-11-13 1 52 8_04133 fulltext E. Parent Serial F Le coin du feu 1829 1829 Labrie 8_04140 fulltext Serial F Le coin du feu 1893-01-01 1 1 1896-11-01 4 11 8_06746 fulltext Serial F Le collectionneur 1886-05-01 1 1 1886-06-01 1 2 8_06620 fulltext J. LeRoux Serial F Le collégien 1873-10-31 1876-06-23 3 20 Séminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe 8_06621 fulltext Collège de Saint- Hyacinthe Serial F Le coq 1878-08-10 1 1 1878-08-31 1 4 8_06681 fulltext Huot & Cie Serial F Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 1858-08-18 1 1 1858-09-15 1 1 N_00742 fulltext Proprietaire, P. de Garro Serial P Le courrier du livre 1896-05-01 1 1 1905-03-14 5 1 8_04139 fulltext L. Brousseau Serial F Le couvent 1886-01-01 1 1 1899-05-01 14 1 8_04659 fulltext F.A. Baillairgé Serial F Le crapaud 1878-06-07 1 1 1878-10-09 1 18 8_06682 fulltext Bédard & Braseau Serial F Le Croise 1915-10 6 1 1916-09 6 12 8_06961 fulltext Action sociale catholique Serial F Le cyclope 1865-11-08 1 1 1865-12-6 1 4 8_06208 fulltext L.P. Normand Serial F Le cyclorama universel 1895-09-21 1 1 1897-07-10 4 14 8_06253 fulltext C.O. Beauchemin & fils Serial F Le demi-congé 1907-04-01 1 1907-05-18 1 3 8_06811 fulltext Impr. Bilaudeau Serial F Le diable à quatre 1900-01-08 1 1 1900-01-08 1 1 8_06683 fulltext Serial F Le diable bleu 1843-11-29 1 4 1843-11-29 1 4 8_06233 fulltext F. Cinq-Mars Serial F Le Directory de Quebec = : The Quebec directory 1894 1 1895 1 8_00038 fulltext Boulanger & Marcotte Serial F Le Directory de Quebec = : The Quebec handy directory 1894 1894 8_01252 fulltext Serial F Le drapeau 1889-09-01 1 1 1889-12-01 1 4 8_06684 fulltext Serial F Le drapeau 1914-02-15 1 1 1914-02-15 1 1 8_06799 fulltext Serial F Le fanal 1874-05-24 1 1 1879-06-07 1 3 8_06706 fulltext J. Bessette Serial F Le fantasque 1857-11-19 1 1 1858-06-23 1 30 8_04213 fulltext O. Coté, Proulx Serial F Le fantasque 1837-08-01 1 1 1849-02-24 7 28 8_06163 fulltext Imprimé par l'éditeur en Chef par J. Chamber-Dent Serial F Le fantasque 1879-10-23 1 1 1879-11-22 1 4 8_06303 fulltext A. Trepanier Serial F Le farceur 1878-10-26 1 1 1881-03-29 2 49 8_06566 fulltext H. Beaugrand Serial F Le feuilleton 1865-10-02 1 1 1867-03-01 2 11 8_06211 fulltext J.B. Bourdeau Serial F Le feuilleton, ou, Supplément du fantasque 1838-09-04 1838-12-20 8_04156 fulltext N. Aubin Serial F Le figaro 1876-03-10 1 1 1876-04-14 1 6 8_06268 fulltext Serial F Le figaro 1885-08-15 1 1 1885-08-15 1 1 8_06687 fulltext J.-F. Morissette Serial F Le figaro 1879-12-04 1 1 1879-12-04 1 1 8_06707 fulltext Serial F Le fileur 1906-10-01 1 1 1906-10-01 1 1 Fédération des ouvriers textiles du Canada 8_06814 fulltext Cie de publication Le Fileur Serial F Le forestier : The forester 1895-01-01 1 1 1895-02-01 1 2 Ordre indépendant des forestiers 8_06708 fulltext Cie de publ. du Forestier Serial F Le foyer canadien 1863-01-31 1 1866-11-30 1 8_06433 fulltext Bureau du Foyer canadien Serial F Le foyer des familles illustré 1896-10-23 1 1 1896-10-23 1 1 8_04137 fulltext C.A. Marchand Serial F Le foyer domestique 1876-03-01 1 1 1880-01-01 5 1 8_04008 fulltext Foyer domestique Serial F Le gascon 1858-03-03 1 1 1858-05-27 1 13 8_06288 fulltext P. Lamoureux Serial F Le glaneur 1836-12-01 1 1 1837-09-01 1 10 8_06189 fulltext J.P. Boucher-Belleville Serial F Le glaneur 1890-11-01 1 1 1892-10-10 11 9 8_06849 fulltext Pierre Georges Roy Serial F Le godendard 1889-05-04 1 1 1889-05-18 1 3 8_06270 fulltext J. Vaillant Serial F Le Grand almanach canadien illustre 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_00169 fulltext Louis J. Beliveau Serial F Le grognard 1881-11-12 1 1 1884-03-08 3 17 8_06304 fulltext H. Berthelot Serial F Le grognard 1862-09-27 1 1 1862-09-27 1 1 8_06714 fulltext C.D. Thériault Serial F Le Guide (directory) de la cite et du district de Trois-Rivières pour 1868 1871 8_00149 fulltext First volume online 1867-1868; Last volume online 1870-71 W.H. Rowen, Editeur et Proprietaire Serial F Le guide de l'acheteur 1881-10-01 1 1 1881-10-01 1 1 8_06660 fulltext J.-F. Morissette Serial F Le Guide du cultivateur, d'apres le grand Mathieu Lænsberg, ou, Nouvel astrologue universel, almanach de la temperature, pour l'an 1840 1 1842 3 8_01494 fulltext Publie par Louis Perrault Serial F Le Guide du cultivateur, ou, Almanac de la temperature pour chaque jour de l'annee 1834 1837 8_01511 fulltext Imprime & Publie par Ludger Duvernay Serial F Le Guide du cultivateur, ou, Nouvel almanac de la temperature pour chaque jour de l'annee 1830 1833 8_01493 fulltext Imprime & Publie par Ludger Duvernay Serial F Le guide sanitaire 1874-11-01 1 1 1874-11-01 1 1 8_06599 fulltext Tardif & Turcotte Serial F Le jardin littéraire illustré 1898-01-15 1 1 1898-03-15 1 1 8_04119 fulltext Serial F Le Jean-Baptiste 1880-06-24 1880-06-24 8_06689 fulltext H. Gagnon & Cie Serial F Le jeune age 1878-04-15 1 1 1879-01-15 1 19 8_06623 fulltext F.X. Boileau Serial F Le journal d'agriculture 1877-02-01 1 1 1879-04-01 2 1 Conseil de l'agriculture de la Province de Québec 8_04222 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F Le journal d'agriculture canadien 1844-01-01 1 1 1844-12-01 1 12 8_04789 fulltext W. Evans Serial F Le journal d'agriculture et d'horticulture 1897-11-08 1 1 1900-06-22 3 24 Québec (Province) 8_06476 fulltext Cie de pub. La Patrie Serial F Le journal d'agriculture illustré 1879-05-01 2 4 1897-10-15 20 4 Québec (Province) 8_04220 fulltext Département de l'Agriculture de la Province de Québec Serial F Le Journal de Françoise 1902-03-29 1 1 1909-04-15 7 8_06903 fulltext Serial F Le journal de l'exposition 1894-09-10 1 1894-09-12 2 8_06709 fulltext Leclerc et Roy Serial F Le journal de médecine et de chirurgie 1906-01-01 1 1910-12-24 5 24 8_05217 fulltext Serial F Le Journal de Rimouski 1899-07-06 1 1 1899-07-20 1 3 N_00145 fulltext Drapeau & Letourneau, Prop.-éditeurs Serial F Le journal des débats législatifs et littéraires du Canada 1858-02-12 1858-04-27 1 34 Canada 8_05052 fulltext M. Vidal Serial F Le journal des étudiants 1895-10-12 1 1 1896-03-07 1 19 Université Laval à Montréal 8_06266 fulltext Université Laval à Montréal Serial F Le Journal des familles : recueil de littérature 1881-07-07 1 1 1881-07-21 1 3 8_04142 fulltext G.A. Lavoie & Cie Serial F Le journal du dimanche 1883-12-22 1 1 1885-03-07 2 10 8_06264 fulltext M.E. Dansereau Serial F Le journal pour tous 1906-05-17 1 1 1907-01-03 2 1 8_05216 fulltext R. Villecourt Serial F Le littérateur canadien 1860-06-28 1 1 1861-07-06 2 1 8_06197 fulltext L.P. Normand Serial F Le loup-garou 1861-09-05 1 1 1861-09-05 1 1 8_06215 fulltext C.D. Thériault Serial F Le lutin 1884-06-07 1 1 1884-06-07 1 1 8_06458 fulltext B. Sauvageau Serial F Le maître de français 1893-02-01 1 1 1894-02-01 2 1 8_04120 fulltext L. Tesson Serial F Le ménestrel 1844-06-20 1 1 1845-01-16 2 3 8_06218 fulltext Plamondon et Cie Serial F Le menteur 1878-10-17 1 1 1878-10-26 1 1 8_06280 fulltext Serial F Le messager canadien du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus 1892-01-01 1 1 1902-12-01 11 12 Apostolat de la prière 8_04853 fulltext Serial F Le messager de la foi et des bonnes oeuvres 1873-03-15 1 1 1875-04-24 2 55 8_04147 fulltext E. Senécal Serial F Le Messager de la Ligue des hommes 1888 3 1888 3 8_01227 fulltext [Ligue des hommes] Serial F Le messager de Saint-Antoine 1895-06-01 1 1 1900-05-01 5 12 8_04488 fulltext Hôtel-Dieu Saint- Vallier Serial F Le messager de Sainte Anne 1883-11-01 2 1 1900-04-01 18 1 Séminaire de Rimouski 8_04785 fulltext M. Bolduc Serial F Le Miroir de la Jeunesse Scolaire 1910-08-31 1910-10-15 8_06850 fulltext Geo. Beauregard Serial F Le monde illustré 1884-05-10 1 1 1902-04-12 18 1 8_06290 fulltext Berthiaume & Sabourin Serial F Le moniteur 1831-05-01 1 1831-05-01 1 Association formée à Québec dans la vue de repandre des renseignemens contre l'intempérance 8_04904 fulltext Serial F Le moniteur du commerce 1881-02-25 1 1 1882-08-18 3 26 8_06662 fulltext Serial F Le Montréal 1899-10-08 1 1 1899-10-15 1 1 8_06459 fulltext La Cie du journal Le Montréal Serial F Le Mouvement catholique 1898-01-05 1 1 1900-06-25 5 26 Ayotte 8_04512 fulltext Eglise catholique Serial F Le musée canadien 1880-09-08 1 1 1909-12-01 5 6 8_06602 fulltext J.F. Morissette Serial F Le musée canadien 1875-08-01 1 1 1875-08-01 1 1 8_06624 fulltext J.F. Morissette Serial F Le national 1908-09-07 1 1 1908-09-07 1 1 8_06820 fulltext Serial F Le naturaliste canadien 1868-12-03 12 1900-12-30 27 12 8_06517 fulltext L. Provancher Serial F Le négociant canadien 1871-10-12 1 1 1874-04-02 3 1 8_06478 fulltext L.E. Morin Serial F Le nouvel an 1887-01-01 1887-01-01 8_06460 fulltext G.O. Corriveau Serial F Le Nouvel astrologue universel almanach de la temperature, de l'annee 1843 1846 8_01495 fulltext [editeur non identifie] Serial F Le passe-temps 1878-10-18 1 1 1878-10-18 1 1 8_04097 fulltext Serial F Le passe-temps 1862-07-22 1 1 1862-07-29 1 3 8_06220 fulltext L.P. Normand et A. Lauriault Serial F Le passe-temps 1895-02-02 1 1 1895-02-02 1 1 8_06821 fulltext Société de publication du Passe- Temps Serial F Le patriote 1878-05-28 1 1 1878-05-28 1 1 8_04150 fulltext C.E. Rouleau Serial F Le pèlerin 1895-11-04 1895-11-16 Bazar de Ste Cunégonde 8_04791 fulltext J.U.A. Geoffrion Serial F Le perroquet 1865-01-07 1 1 1865-08-12 1 30 8_06481 fulltext C.H. Moreau Serial F Le pétard 1881-03-26 1 1 1881-05-05 1 7 8_06278 fulltext A.V. Brazeau Serial F Le Petit almanach de la province de Quebec, pour l'annee 1868 1872 8_01068 fulltext Serial F Le Petit almanach de la province de Québec, pour l'année 1868 1872 8_01068 fulltext Serial F Le Petit almanach de Quebec, pour : contenant des ephemerides et plusieurs renseignements utiles 1857 1857 8_01243 fulltext Serial F Le Petit almanach du Bas-Canada pour l'annee 1857 1867 8_01067 fulltext Serial F Le Petit almanach du Bas-Canada pour l'année 1857 1867 8_01067 fulltext Serial F Le Petit almanach populaire pour 1896 2 1896 2 8_01267 fulltext Serial F Le petit canadien 1914-01-01 11 1 1918-12-01 15 12 Association Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal 8_06822 fulltext Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal Serial F Le petit canadien 1904-05-01 1 1 1904-05-01 1 1 8_06832 fulltext A. Boileau Serial F Le petit messager des coeurs de Jésus et de Marie 1890-01-01 1 1 1891-12-01 2 12 Apostolat de la prière 8_04896 fulltext Collège Ste-Marie Serial F Le petit messager du T-S Sacrement 1898-01-01 1920-12-01 Congrégation du Très Saint-Sacrement 8_04646 fulltext Bureau des oeuvres eucharistiques Serial F Le Peuple travailleur 1850-02-05 1 2 1850-04-09 1 11 N_00186 fulltext Gaspard Roch-Lettoré & Cie, Imprimeurs et propriétaires Serial F Le Phoenix 1841-06-30 1 3 1841-06-30 1 3 N_00187 fulltext Imprimé et publié par J.J. Williams Serial F Le pionnier canadien 1887-03-01 1 1 1887-03-01 1 1 8_06311 fulltext T. Bran Serial F Le Piou-piou 1918-07-19 1 38 1918-07-19 1 38 N_00188 fulltext Serial F Le prix courant 1887-09-09 1 1 1921-04-22 34 16 8_06619 fulltext Société de publication commerciale Serial F Le Progres 1888-09-06 1897-06-03 15 23 N_00727 fulltext Serial P Le Progres 3407 1 11 5 39 N_00737 fulltext Serial P Le progrès 1904-12-01 1 1 1907-10-26 1 1 8_06823 fulltext Serial F Le Progrès 1858-05-20 1 1 1858-12-08 1 24 N_00190 fulltext Publié par une Société en commandite de proprietaires canadiens-français Serial F Le Progrès de Fraserville 1888-05-11 4 24 1888-05-11 4 24 N_00191 fulltext J.-E. Mercier Serial F Le Progrès du Golfe 1904-12-30 1 36 1907-08-02 4 15 N_00192 fulltext La Cie de Publication de Rimouski Serial F Le propagateur 1890-03-15 1 1905-03-27 1 8_05045 fulltext Cadieux et Derome Serial F Le Propagateur de la dévotion à ste Philomène au Canada 1880-10-01 1 1889-09-01 20 Paquet, A. C. H 8_04576 fulltext C. Darveau Serial F Le propagateur des bons livres 1884-03-19 1 1 1890-02-01 6 1 8_06559 fulltext Cadieux et Derome Serial F Le Protecteur 1895-06-15 1 1 1895-07-15 1 2 Société de protection des malades 8_04244 fulltext Société de protection des malades Serial F Le Québecquois 1880-09-13 1 1 1880-10-04 1 18 N_00195 fulltext Rosa & Cie, éditeurs-Propriétaires Serial F Le recueil littéraire 1890-07-15 2 34 1892-03-25 1 24 8_06679 fulltext Serial F Le Réveil 1892-02-27 1 1 1892-02-27 1 1 8_04893 fulltext Serial F Le réveil 1876-05-27 1 1 1876-12-23 1 31 8_06315 fulltext A. Buies Serial F Le réveil 1894-09-08 1 1 1901-09-14 14 293 8_06556 fulltext A. Filiatreault Serial F Le rire 1906-04-01 1 1906-04-01 1 8_06826 fulltext F.M. Dorval Serial F Le Rosaire 1902-03-01 8 3 1914-12-01 8_06919 fulltext Pères Dominicains du Couvent de St- Hyacinthe Serial F Le Rosaire et les autres Dévotions Dominicaines 1895-01-01 1 1 1904-08-01 8 1 Dominicains 8_06904 fulltext Pères Dominicains du Couvent de St- Hyacinthe Serial F Le Rosaire pour tous 1897-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 4 12 8_04243 fulltext Pères dominicains du couvent de St- Hyacinthe Serial F Le samedi 1889-06-15 1893-06-03 8_06319 fulltext Société de publication du Samedi Serial F Le sauvage 1847-06-24 1 1 1847-07-03 1 2 8_04241 fulltext Serial F Le science populaire illustrée 1886-08-01 1 1 1887-03-15 1 10 8_06441 fulltext O. Cuisset Serial F Le scorpion 1854-08-05 1 1 1854-08-26 1 4 8_06228 fulltext A. Frelon Serial F Le semeur canadien 1851-02-27 1 1 1851-12-25 1 24 8_06484 fulltext N. Cyr Serial F Le Soir 1883-01-26 1 5 1883-01-27 1 6 N_00157 fulltext H. Beaugrand, Directeur-Propriétaire Serial F Le Soleil de l'Ouest 4429 6 7 6 7 N_00744 fulltext Compagnie 'Le Soleil de l'Ouest' Limitee Serial P Le souvenir 1900-04-01 1 1 1901-01-01 1 4 Enfants de Marie 8_04899 fulltext Serial F Le sport illustré 1899-06-10 1 1 1899-07-22 1 6 8_04103 fulltext A. Marion Serial F Le sténographe canadien 1889-03-01 1 1 1910-12-01 22 1 8_04125 fulltext J. de LaRochelle Serial F Le succés 1914-08-15 1914-08-15 8_06827 fulltext Société anonyme des éditions illustrées Serial F Le taon 1907-07-01 1 1910-02-01 11 8_06350 fulltext J. Charlebois Serial F Le temps 1838-07-18 1 1 1838-10-30 1 12 8_06275 fulltext Frs. Lemaitre Serial F Le temps 1863 1 1863 6 8_06534 fulltext Serial F Le Temps 1899-05-25 1916-01-31 22 209 N_00159 fulltext Cie de publication le Temps Serial F Le Terroir 1909-01 1 1 1909-12 1 8_06960 fulltext Last issue online is 10-12 Publiee par l'Ecole litteraire Serial F Le Terroir 1918-07 1 1 1920-05 2 9 8_06964 fulltext Societe des arts, sciences et lettres Serial F Le théâtre 1894-12-27 1 1 1895-01-02 1 1 8_04242 fulltext Théâtre de Québec Serial F Le Tout petit 1896-04-15 9 1896-04-15 9 Oeuvre de Trés Saint Sacrement 8_04892 fulltext Serial F Le trait d'union 1897-11-13 1 1 1897-12-18 1 6 8_04824 fulltext H. Roullaud et G. de Martigny Serial F Le trait d'union 1887-02-01 1 1 1896-09-19 7 2 8_06656 fulltext A.-T. Lépine Serial F Le Trappeur 1887-04-13 1 1 1887-04-20 1 2 N_00745 fulltext Serial P Le trésor des familles 1883-05-01 1883-05-01 8_06726 fulltext O. Fréchette Serial F Le trésor des familles, ou, Recueil classique et commercial, français et anglais, pour les élèves de tout âge et de tout degré : The family treasure, or, Classic and commercial collections, French and English, for students of every age and of all classes 1858-06-09 1 1 1858-06-30 1 2 Mauny 8_04509 fulltext Serial F Le triboulet 1879-11-01 1 1 1879-11-29 1 4 8_04104 fulltext A. Grignard Serial F Le veteran 1901-06-23 1 1 1901-06-23 1 1 8_06828 fulltext Serial F Le violon 1886-09-25 1 1 1888-01-28 2 19 8_06324 fulltext Serial F Le voleur 1881-06-02 1 1 1881-06-09 1 2 8_06279 fulltext Serial F Le vrai canard 1879-08-23 1 1 1881-11-05 3 12 8_06326 fulltext H. Berthelot Serial F L'écho 1891-03-19 1 1 1899-10-01 8 Association catholique de bienfaisance mutuelle du Canada 8_05053 fulltext B. de LaBruère Serial F L'echo de la France 1865 1 1869-12-01 9 84 8_06194 fulltext L. Richard Serial F L'echo de la Paroisse Jacques-Cartier 1901-09-01 1 1 1901-09-01 1 1 8_06812 fulltext G. Duval Serial F L'écho de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste 1884-12-04 1 1 1885-01-01 1 4 8_06727 fulltext W. Gascon Serial F L'écho de St-François 1911-01-01 1 1 1911-03-01 1 1 Capucins 8_06846 fulltext Frères-Mineurs Capucins du Canada Serial F L'Echo des Laurentides 1884-09-12 1 13 1884-09-19 1 14 N_00198 fulltext Simon Cimon, éditeur-proprietaire Serial F L'écho des tribunaux 1898-09-10 1 1 1898-11-21 1 12 8_06705 fulltext Cie de publication L'écho des tribunaux Serial F L'écho du cabinet de lecture paroissial de Montréal 1859-01-01 1 1 1873-12-01 15 12 8_06168 fulltext Serial F L'écho littéraire 1865-07-15 1 1 1865-07-15 1 1 8_06449 fulltext L.-P. Normand Serial F L'écho musical 1888-02-01 1 2 1888-07-01 1 43654 Association des corps de musique de la province de Québec 8_06596 fulltext Serial F L'école primaire 1880-01-01 1 1 1880-12-15 1 20 8_05063 fulltext Mercier & Cie Serial F L'Ecole rurale 1904-09-01 1 1 1905-06-01 1 10 8_05123 fulltext Serial F L'economiste canadien 1901-07-01 1 1 1901-07-01 1 1 8_06847 fulltext L.-G. Beaubien & Cie Serial F L'économiste canadien-français 1900-12-01 1 7 1900-12-01 Union franco-canadienne 8_05128 fulltext Serial F L'écrin littéraire 1892-11-27 1 1 1893-01-22 1 8 8_06622 fulltext L.-N. Cadieux de Courville & Cie Serial F L'égalité 1897-08-23 1 1 1898-10-20 2 47 8_06728 fulltext W. Gascon Serial F L'électeur 1866-05-19 1 1 1867-05-11 1 52 8_06210 fulltext A. Guérard Serial F L'encyclopédie canadienne 1842-03-01 1 1 1843-02-01 1 12 8_06162 fulltext Volume numbers are tome M. Bibaud Serial F L'enseignement primaire 1881-01-03 1 1 1920-06-01 41 1 8_04117 fulltext J.B. Clouthier Serial F Les annales du T.S. Rosaire 1892-01-01 1 1918-12-01 3 1 8_04043 fulltext L.E. Duguay Serial F Les annales térésiennes 1880-09-01 1 1895-06-01 9 Séminaire de Sainte-Thérèse 8_04000 fulltext Beauchemin & Valois Serial F Les beaux-arts 1863-04-01 1 1 1864-05-25 2 5 8_06167 fulltext Boucher & Manseau Serial F Les bons romans illustrés 1887-07-25 1 4 1887-07-25 1 4 8_04065 fulltext J.H.A. Lamarre Serial F Les cloches de Saint-Boniface 1902-01-15 1 1 1920-12-15 19 12 église catholique 8_06745 fulltext West Canada Pub. Co Serial F Les fleurs de la charité 1897-09-01 2 1 1900-08-01 4 1 8_04591 fulltext Serial F Les grelots de Saint-Boniface 1903-10-31 1 1 1903-10-31 1 1 8_06816 fulltext Serial F Les soirées canadiennes 1861-02-01 1865-12-01 5 12 8_04855 fulltext Volume and Issue numbers counted as Année and Livres e.g. num_last_issue_online 5ème année, 12e livre Brousseau Frères Serial F Les statuts provinciaux du Canada 1841 1851 9_00922 fulltext S. Derbishire et G. Desbarats Serial F Les vacances 1894-07-19 1 1 1894-09-03 1 6 8_04841 fulltext J. Tarte Serial F Les veillées des chaumières 1895-03-09 1 1 1895-03-09 1 1 8_04106 fulltext A. Roussin Serial F Les veillées du Père Bonsens 1865 1873-12-01 2 10 8_06229 fulltext N. Aubin Serial F Les veillées littéraires canadiennes 1853 1 1853 6 8_06239 fulltext Numbers are called veillée in French; e.g. Première veillée L.-J. Racine Serial F L'escholier 1915-10-14 1 1 1917-05-04 2 27 Université Laval à Montréal 8_06613 fulltext V. Barbeau, J. Chauvin, U. Paquin Serial F L'Espérance 1872-10-12 1 3 1872-11-30 1 11 N_00202 fulltext Philippe Masson Serial F L'essai 1894-12-01 1 1 1895-01-01 1 3 8_04138 fulltext Serial F L'étincelle 1902-12-06 1 1902-12-06 1 8_06813 fulltext Impr. royale Serial F L'étoile 1900-05-11 1 2 1900-09-12 1 35 N_00203 fulltext Imprimé et publié par la Cie d'Imprimeries des Trois-Rivières Serial F Letter leaflet of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Domestic and Foreign Missions of the Church of England in Canada 1893-02-01 1900-12-01 12 Church of England in Canada 8_04313 fulltext The Auxiliary Serial F L'étudiant 1911-12-21 1 1 1915-01-29 4 7 Université Laval à Montréal 8_06302 fulltext Serial F L'étudiant 1885-01-01 1 1 1892-12-15 8 1 8_06450 fulltext F.A. Baillairgé Serial F L'étudiant 1897-11-06 1 1 1897-11-20 1 3 Université Laval à Montréal 8_06747 fulltext Matte & McCaffrey Serial F L'Hebdomadaire 1895-03-27 16 218 1895-03-27 16 218 N_00139 fulltext Mercier & Cie, Edit.-Prop. Serial F Liberal weekly 1917-11-09 1 1 1917-12-28 1 8 8_06948 fulltext Liberal Party of Canada Serial F Library bulletin of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 1906-05-18 3 1907-07-01 4 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 8_05115 fulltext The Society Serial F Life echoes 1893-10 1 1 1894-02 2 4 8_05068 fulltext Canada Life Assurance Company Serial F L'illustration industrielle 1880-10-01 1 1 1880-10-01 1 1 8_06688 fulltext Rouilliard & Dumais Serial F L'illustration populaire 1895-06-08 1 1 1895-12-07 1 27 8_06069 fulltext Cie d'impr. metropolitaine Serial F L'impartial 1834-11-20 1 1 1835-05-14 1 25 8_06190 fulltext Raymond et Jaumenne Serial F L'impartial 1882-04-15 1 1 1882-04-15 1 1 8_06729 fulltext J.H. Malo Serial F L'Impartial 1885-01-22 1 1 1888-04-12 4 12 N_00142 fulltext Rouillard & Cie Serial F L'Impartial 1900-02-01 7 18 1911-05-30 3 46 N_00216 fulltext G. &. F.J. Buote Serial F L'Indépendance médicale 1921-06-15 2 2 1921-06-15 2 2 8_06980 fulltext Compagnie A.-P. Pigeon Ltd Serial F L'indicateur 1895-06-01 1 1 1895-06-01 1 1 8_04094 fulltext G.P. Labat Serial F L'Indicateur de Quebec & Levis = : The Quebec and Levis directory 1891 2 1904 15 8_00010 fulltext No volume available online for 4ème édition Boulanger & Marcotte Serial F L'Indicateur de Quebec = : The Quebec indicator 1889 1 1889 1 8_00009 fulltext T.L. Boulanger & E. Marcotte Serial F L'Industriel 1905-02-26 6 5 1907-09-06 6 16 N_00218 fulltext Publié par la Compagnie d'Imprimerie de Sawinigan Falls Serial F L'institut 1841-03-07 1 1 1841-05-22 1 12 8_06213 fulltext J.V. De Lorme Serial F L'Interprovincial 1910-02-19 1 1 1910-02-19 1 1 N_00143 fulltext Publié par Bérubé & Cie Serial F Liqueurs et tabacs : Liquors & tobaccos 1902-01-01 1 1 1902-01-01 1 1 Association des commerçants licenciés de vins et de liqueurs de la cité de Montréal 8_06817 fulltext Cie de publications commerciales Serial F L'Iroquois 1890-05-24 1 1 1890-06-21 1 5 8_06263 fulltext H. Berthelot Serial F List of members and Report of Annual Meeting 1894 1894 1894 1894 8_00174 fulltext John Lovell & Son Serial F List of members, Officers and Committees for ..., reports for the year 1899 1899 First Baptist Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00559 fulltext [First Baptist Church] Serial F Listowel Standard 1878-02-08 1 2 1882-12-29 5 50 N_00005 fulltext Hawkins & Kells Serial F Literary register and special advertiser 1857-02-01 1 1857-02-01 1 8_04776 fulltext W.H. Hagarty Serial F Liverpool Transcript 1861-01-31 7 46 1863-02-12 9 15 N_00017 fulltext S.J.M. Allen Serial F L'obervateur 1830-07-10 1 1 1831-07-02 2 26 8_06216 fulltext L. Duvernay Serial F L'observateur : journal critique. 1858-03-09 1 1 1860-03-21 2 46 8_06174 fulltext L.M. Darveau Serial F L'Observateur Naturaliste 1904-01-01 1 1 1907-01-01 1 1 8_06851 fulltext Walter-Fournier Venner Serial F L'oiseau-mouche 1893-01-01 1 1 1902-12-27 10 21 Séminaire de Chicoutimi 8_06296 fulltext Petit séminaire de Chicoutimi Serial F L'omnibus 1860-07-04 1 1 1860-10-31 1 34 8_06188 fulltext Sénécal et Frère Serial F L'omnibus 1869-08-14 1 1869-09-18 1 8_06572 fulltext L.F. Plainval Serial F London Advertiser 1890-01-01 27 60 1922-11-14 59 23493 N_00255 fulltext Serial F London Evening Advertiser 1922-11-28 60 23505 1925-12-31 62 24473 N_00257 fulltext Published by The London Advertiser Company, Limited Serial F London gazette 1836-07-27 1 1 1842-04-23 6 23 N_00233 fulltext Published by T. & B. Hodgkinson, Printers and Proprietors Serial F London gazette 1847-01-11 1 1 1847-01-11 1 1 N_00243 fulltext Wm. Sutherland Serial F London herald 1856-01-15 43 43 1857-01-20 2 44 N_00709 fulltext Published by Andrews & Coombe, Booksellers Serial F London herald and London and western districts advertiser 1843-01-07 1 1 1843-07-12 1 27 N_00308 fulltext Henry C. Grant Serial F London Herald and tri-weekly advertiser 1843-07-20 1 2 1843-07-20 1 2 N_00309 fulltext Henry C. Grant Serial F London Inquirer 1842-08-05 3 52 1845-02-28 6 30 N_00235 fulltext Geo. H. Hackstaff Serial F London monthly trade report and cheese and dairy record 1891-06-01 1 2 1891-06-01 1 2 8_04448 fulltext Matthews & Riddle Serial F London Morning Advertiser 1923-01-01 60 23534 1925-12-25 62 24468 N_00283 fulltext Published by The London Advertiser Company, Limited Serial F London Times 1848-07-21 177 1849-11-02 244 N_00238 fulltext J. Cowley, Proprietor Serial F London Times 1851-07-04 6 32 1852-04-02 7 17 N_00240 fulltext D.W. Hart Serial F London Times and Canada general advertiser 1846-01-02 44 1848-07-14 176 N_00237 fulltext J. Cowley, Proprietor Serial F London Times and western advertiser 1853-08-05 8 34 1855-02-02 10 6 N_00241 fulltext D.W. Hart Serial F Long Point Advocate 1843-09-16 2 19 1844-03-02 3 9 N_00274 fulltext J.H. Davis Serial F L'opinion publique 1892-12-16 1 1 1893-06-16 1 27 8_06461 fulltext E. Delpit Serial F L'opinion publique : journal illustré. 1870-01-01 1 1 1883-12-27 14 52 8_06274 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F L'orchestre 1893-10-16 1 1 1894-12-10 2 9 8_06179 fulltext Serial F L'ordre social 1850-03-28 1 1 1850-12-26 1 1 8_06479 fulltext S. Drapeau Serial F Lord's Day advocate 1906-11 3 12 1907-01 4 2 8_06949 fulltext The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada Serial F L'organe de la milice 1865-04-27 1 3 1866-03-29 1 3 8_06521 fulltext Amyot, Frenette et Cie Serial F L'ouvrier 1851-05-13 1 2 1851-05-13 1 2 8_04920 fulltext Frs. Pichet & Cie Serial F L'ouvrier 1883-12-15 1 3 1884-08-23 1 38 8_06956 fulltext Serial F Lovell & Gibson's Canada almanac and astronomical ephemeris for 1843 1846 8_00388 fulltext Lovell & Gibson Serial F Lovell's business and professional directory of cities and towns of Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Hamilton, Ottawa, St. John, N.B., Halifax, London, Winnipeg, Kingston, Victoria, Vancouver, St. Henri, Brantford, Peterboro', Charlottetown, Hull, Guelph, St. Thomas, Windsor, Sherbrooke, Belleville, Stratford, St. Catharines, St. Cunegonde, Chatham, Brockville, Moncton, Woodstock, Ont., Three Rivers, Galt, Owen Sound, Berlin, Levis, St. Hyacinthe, Cornwall, Sarnia, Sorel, New Westminster, Fredericton, Dartmouth, Yarmouth, Lindsay, Barrie, Valleyfield, Truro and Port Hope, and of all towns and banking villages in the Dominion of Canada, for 1896 1896 8_01053 fulltext John Lovell & Son, Publishers Serial F Lovell's business and professional directory of the province of Ontario for alphabetically arranged as to places, names, business and professions, with a classified business directory of the city of Montreal 1882 1882 8_00584 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell & Son Serial F Lovell's business and professional directory of the province of Quebec 1890 1890 8_00121 fulltext Volume online is 1890-91 John Lovell & Son Serial F Lovell's Business, Professional and Farmers' directory of the Eastern Townships 1898 1898 8_00383 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell & Son Serial F Lovell's city of Kingston directory 1878 1879 8_00307 fulltext Volume online 1878-79 John Lovell Serial F Lovell's classified business directory for : containing the names, business and address of every firm or person doing business in Montreal 1877 1891 5 8_00384 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publishing Company Serial F Lovell's directory of Sherbrooke, Coaticook, Richmond, Lennoxville, and Melbourne 1876 1876 8_00197 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Lovell's directory of Three Rivers, Sorel and Berthier 1876 1876 8_00417 fulltext Lovell Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Lovell's Montreal business directory for 1892 6 1900 13 8_00385 fulltext John Lovell & Son, Printers and Publishers Serial F Lovell's Province of New Brunswick directory 1871 1871 1871 1871 8_00112 fulltext John Lovell Serial F Lovell's Province of Newfoundland directory 1871 1871 1871 1871 8_00111 fulltext John Lovell Serial F Lovell's Province of Nova Scotia directory 1871 1871 1871 1871 8_00107 fulltext John Lovell Serial F Lovell's province of Ontario directory for 1871 1871 8_00583 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell Serial F Lovell's Province of Prince Edward Island directory for 1871 1 1871 1 8_00106 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell Serial F Lovell's Province of Quebec directory 1871 1871 1871 1871 8_00108 fulltext John Lovell Serial F Lower Canada agriculturist 1861-10-01 1866-12-01 Board of Agriculture of Lower Canada 8_04970 fulltext Office of the Provincial Agricultural Depot Serial F Lower Canada educational almanach for 1859 1867 8_01254 fulltext Serial F Lunenburg Progress 1882-09-14 4 41 1897-03-31 20 13 N_00037 fulltext Lunenburg Progress Publishing Company Serial F L'union médicale du Canada 1872-01-01 1 1 1912-12-01 41 12 8_05175 fulltext Serial F Lunn's Weekly 1911-04-15 1 1 1912-10-12 1 42 N_00038 fulltext Lunn Publishing Co Serial F Lynch's ready guide 1892-09-01 1892-09-01 8_04759 fulltext J.H.A. Lynch Serial F Lynch's ready guide to Victoria and British Columbia 1892-10-01 1893-04-01 8_04760 fulltext J.H.A. Lynch Serial F M.V. Lubon's records of fastest time and best performances in all departments of sport for the year 1887 1887 8_00514 fulltext M.V. Lubon Serial F Macdonald College magazine 1910-03 1 1 1919-05 9 4 8_06955 fulltext the Students Serial F Mackay's Quebec directory 1848 1852 3 8_00301 fulltext First volume online 1848/9 the Editor Robert W.S. Mackay Serial F Magasin du Bas-Canada 1832-01-01 1 1 1832-12-01 2 6 8_06217 fulltext M. Bibaud Serial F Magazine Québec 1909-11-25 1 5 1909-11-25 1 5 8_06833 fulltext A. Aubé Serial F Magazine -Québec 1914-10-09 1 1 1914-10-09 1 1 8_06818 fulltext A. Aubé Serial F Mail and Advocate 1916-12-19 1 2 1916-12-30 1 11 N_00448 fulltext Union Publishing Company Limited, Proprietors Serial F Man 1885-11-01 1 1 1886-06-01 1 8 8_04585 fulltext Serial F Manitoba and North West illustrated quarterly 1883-12-01 1 1 1905-02-26 1 2 8_04304 fulltext Bishop Engraving & Print. Co Serial F Manitoba directory 1976 1879 3 8_00211 fulltext First volume online 1876-77 LaRiviere & Gauvin Serial F Manitoba, Northwest and British Columbia lancet 1887-08-01 1 1 1889-06-01 2 11 8_05201 fulltext Serial F Man-to-man magazine 1910-07-01 6 7 1911-01-01 7 1 8_06607 fulltext Westward Ho! Pub. Co Serial F Manuel de sante et almanach des familles pour l'annee 1877 1877 8_01072 fulltext Publie par Picault & Cie., Pharmaciens Serial F Manuel de santé et almanach des familles pour l'année 1877 1877 8_01072 fulltext Publié par Picault & Cie., Pharmaciens Serial F Marine engineering of Canada 1922-02 12 2 1922-02 12 2 8_06950 fulltext The MacLean Publishing Company, Limited Serial F Maritime trade review 1874-03-01 1 3 1875-07-01 2 5 8_04531 fulltext F.L. Jones Serial F Marshlands 1895-12 1 1 1896-03 1 4 8_04607 fulltext Serial F Massey-Harris Convalescent Home in England For Canadian Soldiers 1916-04-01 1 1918-09-01 19 Massey-Harris Co 8_06892 fulltext Printed and published at Chatham House, by a Committee Representing the Patients and Staffs of the Canadian Hospitals in Ramsgate Serial F Massey-Harris illustrated 1897-01-01 1 1 1900-11-01 4 6 Massey-Harris Co 8_04516 fulltext Massey Press Serial F Massey's illustrated 1882-03-01 1 1884-12-01 9 Massey Manufacturing Company 8_06645 fulltext Massey Manufacturing Co Serial F Massey's illustrated 1888-12-01 7 3 1895-12-01 7 12 Massey Manufacturing Company 8_06744 fulltext Massey Press Serial F Massey's magazine 1896-01-01 1 1 1897-06-01 3 1 8_06514 fulltext Massey Press Serial F McAlpine & Co's Fredericton & York County directory for : containing an alphabetical directory and business directory of the city of Fredeedericton [sic], also an alphabetical directory of York County, with an appendix containing much useful information 1877 1 1877 1 8_02178 fulltext Published by Charles D. McAlpine & Co. Serial F McAlpine's business directory for : containing names of all business men and women in the cities of Saint John, N.B., Halifax, N.S., Charlottetown, P.E.I. 1877 1877 8_00621 fulltext Published by David McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Charlotte County directory 1886 1886 8_02204 fulltext Published by H. McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Charlottetown city directory for 1887 1887 8_02183 fulltext Published by Charles D. McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Dominion business classified directory 1873 1873 8_02184 fulltext Published by David McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Halifax city directory 1869 1901 8_00225 fulltext First volume online 1869/70; Last volume online 1900-01 David McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Hamilton city and county of Wentworth directory 1875 1875 8_00620 fulltext Published by McAlpine, Everet & Co. Serial F McAlpine's illustrated almanack 1886 1886 8_01165 fulltext Chas. D. McAlpine, Publisher Serial F McAlpine's London city and county of Middlesex directory 1875 1875 8_00619 fulltext Published by McAlpine, Everett & Co. Serial F McAlpine's Maritime and Newfoundland gazetteer for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the island of Newfoundland 1898 4 1898 4 8_00533 fulltext Published by the McAlpine Directory Co. Serial F McAlpine's Maritime province directory for 1870 1870 8_01056 fulltext Published by David McAlpine Serial F McAlpine's Ottawa & Kingston city directory 1875 1875 8_00719 fulltext Published by McAlpine, Everett & Co. Serial F McAlpine's Saint John city directory 1869 1900 1900 8_00231 fulltext First volume online 1869/70 Serial F McAlpine's Westmorland & Albert counties directory for 1885 2 1885 2 8_02195 fulltext Published by D. McAlpine & Son Serial F McAlpine's York and Carleton counties directory for 1885 1 1885 1 8_00776 fulltext Published by David McAlpine Serial F McGill fortnightly 1892-10-27 1 1 1898-03-31 6 1 McGill University 8_04603 fulltext Students of the University Serial F McGill Normal School, Montreal 1859 1900 45 8_01942 fulltext [McGill Normal School] Serial P McGill outlook 1898-09-29 1 1 1900-03-19 2 1 McGill University 8_04633 fulltext Students of the University Serial F McGill students' hand-book 1896 7 1900 11 8_02205 fulltext Published by The Young Men's Christian Association of McGill University Serial F Mechanics' Institute of St. John, N.B 1873 1888 Mechanics' Institute of Saint John (N.B.) 8_00471 fulltext [Mechanics' Institute of Saint John] Serial F Medical criticism 1882-09-02 1 1883-03-31 2 12 Edwards, David 8_05107 fulltext Serial F Medical science 1887-11-01 1 1 1889-02-01 2 4 8_05210 fulltext Serial F Meeting of and reports for season of 1899 1899 8_01936 fulltext [Laurentian Club] Serial P Meeting of Presbytery 1829 1830 8_01668 fulltext [United Presbytery of Upper Canada] Serial F Mélanges religieux 1840-11-21 1842-10-07 4 28 8_06170 fulltext J.C. Prince Serial F Mélanges religieux, politiques, commerciaux et littéraires 1847-09-14 11 1 1852-07-06 15 79 8_06172 fulltext J. Rivet et J. Chapleau Serial F Mélanges religieux, scientifiques, politiques et littéraires 1842-10-11 5 1 1847-09-10 10 72 8_06171 fulltext J.C. Prince Serial F Mercantile gazette and prices current 1862-11-14 1 1 1862-12-04 1 1 Merchants' Association (Victoria, B.C. 8_06120 fulltext British Colonist Office Serial F Mercantile law and bank directory 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_00264 fulltext Standard Mercantile Agency of Toronto Limited Serial F Message of good-will to men 1865-03-01 19 43528 1865-03-01 19 43528 Disciples of Christ 8_05988 fulltext D. Oliphant Serial F Messenger and Visitor 1885 1 1 1905 21 43 N_00372 fulltext The Maritime Baptist Publication Society Serial F Messenger of the Sacred Heart 1891-01-01 1 1892-05-01 2 Apostleship of Prayer 8_04900 fulltext League of the Sacred Heart Serial F Methodist magazine and review 1896-01-01 43 1 1906-12-01 64 6 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04976 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F Methodist recorder 1899-07-01 1 1 1899-09-01 1 3 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04490 fulltext British Columbia Conference of the Methodist Church Serial F Metropolitan fashions 1894-01-01 34 1 1896-02-01 38 2 8_06042 fulltext The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Limited Serial F Middlesex standard 1840-12-28 1 1 1850-01-22 1 3 N_00684 fulltext D.M. Gunn, Proprietor Serial F Might & Co.'s (late R.L. Polk & Co.) directory, St. John's, Harbor Grace and Carbonear, Newfoundland 1890 1 1890 1 Hills, R 8_00526 fulltext Might & Co., Publishers Serial F Might & Taylor & Co.'s Classified Business Directory of Toronto for 1879 1880 8_00904 fulltext Might & Taylor & Co., Publishers Serial F Milburn's magazine 1895-03-01 1 1895-03-01 1 8_05048 fulltext Serial F Military gazette 1857-08-29 1 33 1858-01-02 1 51 8_06198 fulltext W.A. Kirk Serial F Military gazette 1858-10-02 2 35 1858-10-02 2 35 8_06200 fulltext W.A. Kirk Serial F Military gazette and civil service record 1858-04-17 2 14 1858-08-14 2 31 8_06199 fulltext Printed for the Proprietor by P. Lamoureux Serial F Military Hospitals Commission bulletin 1916-06-01 2 1916-06-01 2 Canada 8_06871 fulltext Issued by The Military Hospitals Commission Serial F Military topics 1900-06-01 1 1 1900-06-01 1 1 8_05985 fulltext Military Publishing Co. Serial F Militia & volunteer service gazette 1862-04-19 1 6 1862-04-19 1 6 Canada 8_04522 fulltext R. Davis Serial F Miller's Canadian farmers almanac for the year of our Lord 1890 1898 8_01120 fulltext Published by Robert Miller, Son & Co. Serial F Miller's Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1864 1864 1900 1873 8_00164 fulltext Robert Miller Serial F Mining and engineering record 1919-01-01 24 1 1919-01-01 24 1 8_06910 fulltext Serial F Mining news 1897-02-03 1 15 1897-03-31 1 23 8_04318 fulltext H. Bragg Serial F Mining tit-bits 1899-08-01 1 8 1899-09-01 1 8 8_04027 fulltext Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island 1846 1 1872 27 8_00170 fulltext Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Serial F Minutes and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Sabbath School Association of the County of Peel 1869 11 1869 11 Sabbath School Association of the County of Peel 8_00977 fulltext [Sabbath School Association of the County of Peel] Serial F Minutes of annual general meeting of the shareholders 1872 1873 8_01397 fulltext [Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company] Serial F Minutes of conference of Sabbath School Teachers 1858 1858 8_01324 fulltext [Sabbath School Teachers] Serial F Minutes of meeting of County Court Clerks Association 1878 1886 10 8_02141 fulltext [County Court Clerks' Association] Serial F Minutes of meeting of the Presbytery of London of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1898-09-01 1900-11-01 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_06145 fulltext Presbytery of London Serial F Minutes of Ontario Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 1869 7 1880 17 8_01645 fulltext [Ontario Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of proceedings of the Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association in Montreal and Toronto 1897 1900 8_00087 fulltext First volume online 1896-1897; Last volume onlin 1899-1900 Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association Serial F Minutes of proceedings of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of Upper Canada 0 0 8_01921 fulltext Printed and Published at the Evening Times Office Serial P Minutes of several conversations between the ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in British North America at their annual conference 1833 9 1866 43 8_01904 fulltext Published at the Conference Office Serial P Minutes of several conversations between the ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, or Church, of Eastern British America 1855 1 1870 16 8_02102 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America] Serial F Minutes of Synod of the Presbyterian Church 1860 1861 8_01640 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick] Serial F Minutes of the annual Conference of the Free Baptists of Nova Scotia 1881 16 1889 24 8_02047 fulltext [Free Baptist Conference of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the annual conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, of Eastern British America 1871 17 1874 20 8_02276 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America] Serial F Minutes of the annual convention of the Maritime Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1891 9 1891 9 8_01992 fulltext [Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the Maritime Provinces] Serial P Minutes of the annual convention of the Provincial Educational Association of Nova Scotia 1885 6 1885 6 8_02222 fulltext [Provincial Educational Association of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the annual session of the Free Baptist Conference of Nova Scotia 1890 25 1900 35 8_02045 fulltext [Free Baptist Conference of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the annual session of the Free Christian Baptist General Conference of New Brunswick 1879 47 1900 68 8_02281 fulltext [Free Christian Baptist General Conference of New Brunswick] Serial F Minutes of the Conference of the Free Baptists of Nova Scotia 1867 2 1880 15 8_02046 fulltext [Free Baptist Conference of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the convention 1898 11 1898 11 8_01937 fulltext [Grand Council of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Canada] Serial P Minutes of the General Conference of the Free Christian Baptists of New-Brunswick 1855 23 1878 46 8_02051 fulltext [Free Christian Baptist General Conference of New Brunswick] Serial F Minutes of the Grand General Indian Council 1882 7 1888 10 8_01899 fulltext [Grand General Indian Council] Serial P Minutes of the session of the African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1858 5 1895 42 8_01967 fulltext [African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1880 13 1880 13 8_01968 fulltext [African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Central Baptist Association, of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1866 16 8_02044 fulltext [Central Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Central Baptist Association, of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1866 16 8_02044 fulltext [Central Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Eastern Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1886 8_02049 fulltext [Eastern Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. Session] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Eastern Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1886 8_02049 fulltext [Eastern Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. Session] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Eastern New Brunswick Baptist Association 1848 1 1882 35 8_02039 fulltext [Eastern New Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Eastern New Brunswick Baptist Association 1848 1 1882 35 8_02039 fulltext [Eastern New Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Prince Edward Island Baptist Association 1868 1 1882 15 8_01975 fulltext [Prince Edward Island Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Prince Edward Island Baptist Association 1868 1 1882 15 8_01975 fulltext [Prince Edward Island Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1882 32 8_02273 fulltext [Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1851 1 1882 32 8_02273 fulltext [Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Western New-Brunswick Baptist Association 1848 1 1892 45 8_01972 fulltext [Western New Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the session of the Western New-Brunswick Baptist Association 1848 1 1892 45 8_01972 fulltext [Western New Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial P Minutes of the Synod of Manitoba and the North-West Territories of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1897 15 1900 18 8_02447 fulltext [Synod of Manitoba and the North-West Territories] Monograph P Minutes of the ... annual assembly of the Congregational Union of Canada 1861 7 1862 9 8_01309 fulltext [Congregational Union of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual conference of the Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church 1840 12 1841 13 Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church 8_01599 fulltext [Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual conference of the Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church 1842 14 1864 36 Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church 8_01600 fulltext [Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual conference of the Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church 1865 37 1873 45 Methodist New Connexion Church of Canada 8_01638 fulltext [Methodist New Connexion Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual conference of the Primitive Methodist Church, Canada 1855 2 1883 30 Primitive Methodist Church in Canada 8_01615 fulltext [Primitive Methodist Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual convention of the Sabbath School Association of the county of Middlesex 1892 2 1892 2 8_01196 fulltext [Sabbath School Association] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual meeting of the Grand Association of Ontario of Patrons of Industry 1893 2 1895 4 Patrons of Industry of North America. Grand Association (Ont.) 8_01616 fulltext [Grand Association of Ontario of Patrons of Industry] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual session of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875 2 1879 6 8_01335 fulltext [Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual session of the Niagara Conference 1847 4 1848 5 Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 8_02026 fulltext Published by J. Bailey, for the M. E. Church Serial F Minutes of the ... annual session of the Ontario Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ 1899 45 1900 46 8_01667 fulltext [Ontario Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual session of the Southern Baptist Association of New Brunswick 1882 3 1884 5 8_01473 fulltext [Southern Baptist Association of New Brunswick] Serial F Minutes of the ... annual sessions of the Bay Quinte & Niagara Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 1849 6 1854 11 Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 8_01637 fulltext Published by J. Bailey for the M. E. Church Serial F Minutes of the ... conference of the Association of the New Jerusalem Church in Canada 1868 7 1868 7 8_01661 fulltext [Association of the New Jerusalem Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... London Annual Conference, of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875 2 1877 4 8_01342 fulltext Methodist Book-Room Serial F Minutes of the ... Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875 2 1883 10 8_01331 fulltext [Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Baptist Association 1845 24 1847 26 8_01490 fulltext [New-Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1886 3 8_01355 fulltext [Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1884 11 1884 11 8_01354 fulltext [Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Ontario Annual Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ 1898 44 1898 44 8_01666 fulltext [Ontario Annual Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Southern Baptist Association, of New Brunswick 1880 1 1881 2 8_01472 fulltext [Southern Baptist Association of New Brunswick] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron 1864 7 1869 12 United Church of England and Ireland 8_01580 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Huron] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron 1870 13 1872 15 Church of England 8_01581 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Huron] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church in Canada (formerly the Missionary Synod in Canada) in connexion with the United Presbyterian Synod in Scotland 1848 8 1861 26 8_01671 fulltext [Synod of the United Presbyterian Church in Canada (formerly the Missionary Synod in Canada) in connexion with the United Presbyterian Synod in Scotland] Serial F Minutes of the ... session of the Union Sabbath School Convention of Annapolis County 1880 7 1880 7 8_01471 fulltext [Union Sabbath School Convention of Annapolis County] Serial F Minutes of the ... sessions of the Missionary Synod of Canada, in connection with the United Associate Synod in Scotland 1846 1846 6 8_01664 fulltext [Missionary Synod of Canada, in connection with the United Associate Synod in Scotland] Serial F Minutes of the ... sessions of the Niagara and Bay of Quinte annual conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 1855 12 1862 19 Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 8_01636 fulltext [Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of the ... Toronto Annual Conference, of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875 2 1877 4 8_01347 fulltext Methodist Book-Room Serial F Minutes of the annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 1831 1831 8_03519 fulltext Published by Order of the Conference, at the Guardian Office Serial F Minutes of the annual meeting of the council of the Dominion Alliance 1890 1892 8_02055 fulltext [Dominion Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic],4c[18---19--] Serial F Minutes of the annual meeting of the Saint John Mechanics' Institute 1873 1873 Mechanics' Institute of Saint John (N.B.) 8_00472 fulltext [Mechanics' Institute of Saint John] Serial F Minutes of the Grand River Association of Regular Baptists, at their ... annual meeting 1854 10 1854 10 Grand River Association of Regular Baptists 8_01848 fulltext [Grand River Association of Regular Baptists] Serial F Minutes of the Maritime Woman's Christian Temperance Union : annual conventions 1886 4 1886 4 8_01991 fulltext [Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the Maritime Provinces] Serial P Minutes of the meeting of the United Presbytery of Upper Canada 1830 1830 8_01669 fulltext [United Presbytery of Upper Canada] Serial F Minutes of the Montreal Annual Conference, of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875 2 1877 4 8_01332 fulltext Methodist Book-Room Serial F Minutes of the New Brunswick Baptist Convention 1894 1899 6 8_01455 fulltext [New Brunswick Baptist Convention] Serial F Minutes of the New-Brunswick Baptist Association 1822 1844 8_01450 fulltext [New-Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1891 8 8_01399 fulltext [Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church] Serial F Minutes of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1880 7 1883 10 8_01639 fulltext [Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the Niagara Association at their ... annual meeting 1862 43 1862 43 8_01653 fulltext [Niagara Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the Niagara, Ontario and Bay Quinte annual conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 1863 1884 Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 8_02025 fulltext [Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of the Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick Baptist Association 1810 1821 8_01498 fulltext [Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Association 1822 1845 8_01499 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the Ontario Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the ... annual meeting 1883 6 1889 12 8_01373 fulltext [Ontario Woman's Christian Temperance Union] Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of a convention of delegates of the British American League 1849-07 1849-11 2 8_01890 fulltext [British American League] Serial P Minutes of the proceedings of the session of the London Annual Conference of the Methodist Church 1883 1883 8_02132 fulltext William Briggs Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Guelph Annual Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1894 11 8_01642 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the London Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1878 5 1880 7 8_01343 fulltext Methodist Book Room Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Manitoba & North West Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1883 1 1883 1 8_01402 fulltext [Manitoba & North West Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada] Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Manitoba & North-West Conference of the Methodist Church 1887 4 1898 15 8_01403 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Manitoba Annual Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1886 3 8_01401 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Montreal Annual Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1896 13 8_01334 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Montreal Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1879 6 1884 11 8_01333 fulltext Methodist Book Room Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Newfoundland Conference 1892 9 1900 17 8_01400 fulltext [Newfoundland Conference] Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Niagara Annual Conference of the Methodist Church 1884 1 1894 11 8_01339 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Nova Scotia Conference, of the Methodist Church 1887 4 1900 17 8_01357 fulltext [Nova Scotia Conference of the Methodist Church] Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the ... session of the Toronto Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada 1878 5 1883 10 8_01346 fulltext Methodist Book Room Serial F Minutes of the proceedings of the African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia 1868 1879 12 8_01969 fulltext [African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia] Serial P Minutes of the proceedings of the Canada Grand Trunk Telegraph Company : together with General by-laws and act of incorporation 1854 1854 Grand Trunk Telegraph Company 8_00439 fulltext [Grand Trunk Telegraph Company] Serial F Minutes of the session of the Nova Scotia Baptist Association 1846 1850 8_01500 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Association] Serial F Minutes of the sessions of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron held during the years 1868 1860 United Church of England and Ireland 8_01579 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Huron] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of the Free Church of Nova Scotia 1860 1860 8_01465 fulltext [Synod of the Free Church of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of the Maritime Provinces of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1875 1900 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_01614 fulltext [Synod of the Maritime Provinces of the Presbyterian Church in Canada] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland 1832 2 1845 16 8_01148 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Church of Scotland] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 1846 1860 8_01466 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America 1861 1875 8_01950 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America] Serial P Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America 1861 1875 8_01950 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America] Serial P Minutes of the Synod of the United Church of England & Ireland, in the Diocese of Huron 1861 1861 United Church of England and Ireland 8_01578 fulltext [Synod of the United Church of England & Ireland, in the Diocese of Huron] Serial F Minutes of the Synod of Toronto & Kingston of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1875 1900 8_02007 fulltext [Synod of Toronto and Kingston] Monograph P Minutes of the United Presbytery of Upper Canada 1830 1831-06 8_01670 fulltext [United Presbytery of Upper Canada] Serial F Minutes of the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Canada, held at Norwich 1881 1881 8_01188 fulltext [Society of Friends, Canada Yearly Meeting] Serial F Minutes of the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Canada, held at Pickering 1880 1881 8_01187 fulltext [Society of Friends, Canada Yearly Meeting] Serial F Minutes, correspondence and financial report of the Cemetery Committee of the Guelph Union Cemetery for the year 1856 1856 Guelph Union Cemetery 8_00830 fulltext [Cemetery Committee, Guelph Union Cemetery] Serial F Miramichi advance 1876-12-28 3 8 30 1 N_00342 fulltext D.G. Smith, Proprietor Serial P Miramichi news 1 2 2 8 N_00349 fulltext W.N. Duchemin, Publisher Serial P Missionary campaigner 1896-05-01 1 1 1898-12-01 3 8 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_05961 fulltext Serial F Missionary leaflet 1889-12-01 5 12 1893-11-01 9 11 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04347 fulltext Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Canada Serial F Missionary notices of the Methodist Church of Canada 1875-01-01 3 1 1878-08-01 3 18 Methodist Church of Canada 8_04655 fulltext Mission Rooms Serial F Missionary register of the Presbyterian Church of Nova-Scotia 1850-01-01 1 1 1860-12-01 11 12 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 8_04753 fulltext E.M. Macdonald Serial F Mitchell & Co.'s general directory for the city of Toronto and gazetteer of the counties of York and Peel for 1866 1866 8_00389 fulltext Toronto Serial F Mitchell & Co.'s general directory the city of Kingston and gazetteer of the counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington 1865 1 1865 1 8_00143 fulltext Mitchell & Co., Publishers Serial F Mitchell Advocate 1873-10-10 14 24 1922-10-05 63 27 N_00248 fulltext Davis Bros., Editors and Proprietors Serial F Mitchell Recorder 1877-08-30 1 1 1897-10-22 20 20 N_00315 fulltext Race & Comp'y Serial F Mitchell's Toronto directory 1864 1865 8_00228 fulltext Volume online 1864-65 J.L. Mitchell, Publisher Serial F Mnemosyne 1900-06-01 1 1 1900-06-01 1 1 8_04543 fulltext Published by the Western Normal Literary Society Serial F Money and risks 1898-10-01 5 10 1898-10-01 5 10 8_04144 fulltext Money and Risks Print. and Pub. Co Serial F Monthly calendar of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, St. Mary's 1895-12-01 1895-12-01 St. Mary's (Montréal, Quebec) 8_04703 fulltext Serial F Monthly freight and shipping report of R. P. Rithet & Co, Ltd. for 1898-01-01 1898-01-01 R. P. Rithet & Co 8_04765 fulltext The Company Serial F Monthly leaflet of the Canada Congregational Woman's Board of Missions 1895-11-01 1 1 1900-12-01 6 1 Congregational Union of Canada 8_04346 fulltext Canada Congregational Woman's Board of Missions Serial F Monthly letter 1893-12-01 9 12 1901-08-01 18 11 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04348 fulltext Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Canada Serial F Monthly letter leaflet 1886-10-01 3 6 1897-04-01 14 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04415 fulltext Serial F Monthly monitor 1854-03-01 1 4 1854-03-01 1 4 British American Friendly Society of Canada 8_06535 fulltext British American Friendly Society of Canada Serial F Monthly notes 1897-01-01 104 1909-03-01 250 St. Alban's Cathedral (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06039 fulltext Serial F Monthly paper 1892-12-01 1893-02-01 Christ Church Cathedral (Victoria, B.C.) 8_04761 fulltext Serial F Monthly returns of imports and exports at the Port of Toronto for 1882-01-01 1883-12-01 Board of Trade of the City of Toronto 8_06016 fulltext Serial F Monthly visitor of the Montreal Temperance Society 1847-08-01 5 1847-12-01 9 Montreal Temperance Society 8_04707 fulltext Montreal Temperance Society Serial F Monthly weather review 1897-12-01 1900-02-01 24 2 Canada 8_06716 fulltext The Service Serial F Montreal Bible reporter 1894-08-01 6 4 1894-08-01 6 4 Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society 8_04641 fulltext Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society Serial F Montreal business and professional directory, with telephone guide 1888 1888 8_00774 fulltext Published by the Union Publishing Co. Serial F Montreal church register 1876-09-01 1 1 1876-09-01 1 1 Church of England 8_04376 fulltext Rev. H.W. Nye Serial F Montreal church register and parish visitor 1876-12-01 1 2 1876-12-01 1 2 Church of England 8_04375 fulltext Rev. H.W. Nye Serial F Montreal city business directory 1884 1884 8_00773 fulltext Serial F Montreal classified business directory 1849 1850 Mackay, Robert W. Stuart 8_00643 fulltext Lovell & Gibson Serial F Montreal herald 1824-08-28 13 86 1834-04-14 23 71 N_00519 fulltext Printed and Published by A. Ferguson Serial F Montreal herald abstract 1834-12-16 1 4 1840-12-22 6 46 N_00535 fulltext Printed and Published by R. Weir, Jr. Serial F Montreal herald and daily commercial gazette 1834-07-01 24 53 1840-09-10 32 166 N_00520 fulltext Printed and Published by Robert Weir, Junior Serial F Montreal herald for the country 1834-05-03 24 3 1841-11-22 33 92 N_00534 fulltext Printed and Published by R. Weir, junior Serial F Montreal homoeopathic record 1896-11-01 1 11 1904-12-01 9 11 Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital 8_06544 fulltext Woman's Auxiliary Committee of the Montreal Homoeopathic Hospital Serial F Montreal life 1899-09-15 9 1 1900-05-18 9 1 8_04696 fulltext Metropolitan Co Serial F Montreal pharmaceutical journal 1891-11-01 2 8 1897-08-01 8 8 8_04719 fulltext J.D. Paterson Serial F Montreal philatelist 1878-03-01 3 1 1878-03-01 3 1 8_06292 fulltext J.J. McConkey Serial F Montreal Saturday night 1895-08-31 1 2 1895-09-14 1 4 8_04618 fulltext Saturday Night Pub. Co Serial F Montreal Weekly Herald 1893-02-15 37 7 1896-11-25 40 48 N_00536 fulltext The Montreal Herald Co'y Serial F Montreal weekly pilot 1846-01-01 3 147 1851-12-27 5 35 N_00539 fulltext Francis Hincks Serial F Montreal, its history and commercial register for 1878 1880 Borthwick 8_01036 fulltext Serial F Montréal-médical 1901-03-01 1 1 1910-01-25 10 11 8_05215 fulltext Serial F Morning chronicle, commercial and shipping gazette 1879-01-01 33 12 097 1886-12-31 40 14 N_00541 fulltext Printed and Published by J.J. Foote Serial F Morning Star 1912-03-04 1912-03-04 N_00055 fulltext C.W. Lunn, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Morpeth Gleaner 1860-02-01 1 5 1860-02-01 1 5 N_00670 fulltext G.W.Verrall, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F Morrin College, Quebec 1863 1 1863 1 Morrin College 8_01560 fulltext [Morrin College] Serial F Morse's Indian root pills almanac 1888 1888 8_01913 fulltext Serial P Moses Oates' weather book for 1881 1881 8_00457 fulltext Published by the Toronto News Co. ; New York : American News Co. Serial F Mother Seigel's almanac 1887 1900 8_00355 fulltext A.J. White, Limited Serial F Mount Tolmie herald 1891-09-19 1 1 1891-09-19 1 1 8_06123 fulltext Mount Tolmie Home Building Association Serial F Municipal bulletin of the city of Montreal = : Bulletin municipal de la cité de Montréal 1913-01-11 1 1 1915-12-25 3 52 Montréal (Québec) 8_06867 fulltext La Ville de Montréal Serial F N.Y.D 1916-05-10 1 1917-12-22 8 8_06898 fulltext 1st, 2nd and 3rd Field Ambulances Serial F Names of the members of the class of ..., with Home Addresses 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_02016 fulltext Ontario Normal College Serial F Na-na-Kwa, or, Dawn on the Northwest coast 1898-01-01 1 1900-10-01 12 8_04503 fulltext G.H. Raley Serial F Nason's east and west ridings of the county of York, or, Townships of Etobicoke, Markham, Scarboro', Vaughan & York directory 1871 1871 Nason, James Randle 8_00528 fulltext James Randle Nason Serial F Nelson weekly miner 1898-12-03 9 432 1902-04-18 11 545 N_00321 fulltext Nelson Miner Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Neu-Hamburger neutrale 1855-01-19 1 1 1857-12-25 3 52 N_00734 fulltext Herausgegeben von W.H. Boullee Serial P New Church Tidings 1889-02-01 2 2 1889-02-01 2 2 New Jerusalem Church 8_05109 fulltext Serial F New era 1865-11-10 1 1865-12-08 5 8_06100 fulltext W. Lightfoot Serial F 'New Party' bulletin 1889-02-01 1 1889-02-01 1 New Party 8_04615 fulltext New Party Serial F Newcastle farmer 1846-08-01 1 1 1849-01-01 3 5 8_04424 fulltext Chatterton & Ruttan Serial F Newfoundland monthly messenger 1876-01-01 3 1 1878-12-01 5 12 8_04410 fulltext Serial F News of the Week and Strait of Canso Shipping Gazette 1873-12-02 1 1875-08-17 2 32 N_00658 fulltext Gem Printing Association Serial F Norfolk Messenger 1852-01-22 2 16 1861-06-20 11 19 N_00275 fulltext C.B. Clancy Serial F Norfolk Reformer 1863-01-08 5 217 1890-11-27 33 9 N_00266 fulltext R. Thoroughgood Serial F North American notes and queries 1900-06 1 1 1901-03 1 9 8_05143 fulltext Raoul Renault Serial F North Sydney Herald 1874-06-17 2 32 1925-04-01 53 13 N_00056 fulltext A.C. Bertram, Publisher Serial F Northern messenger 1876-01-02 1909-12-24 8_04155 fulltext J. Dougall Serial F Northern tours 1898-11-01 1 1 1898-11-01 1 1 8_04592 fulltext Desbarats Serial F Northrop & Lyman's family almanac and guide to health 1889 1900 8_00523 fulltext Published by Northrop & Lyman Serial F Northumberland enterprise 1891-04-30 10 42 1891-05-21 10 45 8_06140 fulltext Enterprise Print. & Pub. Co. Serial F Notes for Bible study 1886-07-01 6 7 1889-07-01 9 7 8_06005 fulltext S.R. Briggs, Toronto Willard Tract Depository & Bible Depot Serial F Notre courrier 1896-02-01 1 1 1907-08-01 7 2 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 8_04118 fulltext The Manufacturers' Life Assurance Co., Propriétaire Serial F Nouvelles soirées canadiennes 1882-01-01 1 1 1888-07 7 8 8_04891 fulltext L.H. Taché Serial F Nova hromada = : New society 1911-02-16 1 1 1912-05-11 2 67 N_00497 fulltext Federatsyi Serial F Nova Scotia church chronicle 1865-07-01 1 1 1868-12-01 4 12 United Church of England and Ireland 8_04756 fulltext King's College Serial F Nova Scotia illustrated 1895-04-01 1 1 1895-12-01 1 1 8_04743 fulltext G.H. Bradford Serial F Nova Scotia royal gazette 1824-01-07 24 1226 1824-03-24 24 1237 N_00635 fulltext John Howe & Son, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Nova Scotian church monthly 1895-02-01 1 2 1895-02-01 1 2 8_04378 fulltext J.A. Stansfield Serial F Nova-Scotia calendar for 1830 1831 8_01591 fulltext Serial F Nova-Scotia temperance almanack for the year of our Lord 1835 1837 8_00499 fulltext Serial F Novyny = : News. 1913-01 1 1 1914-02 2 25 N_00498 fulltext Serial F Now and then 1915-12-15 1 1915-12-15 1 8_06934 fulltext No. 3 Canadian Field Ambulance, 1st Canadian Division, B.E.F. Serial F Nugent's business directory of the city of Halifax for 1858 1858 8_01135 fulltext Published by Richard P. Nugent Serial F Nugent's business directory of the city of Halifax for 1858 1859 8_01135 fulltext Published by Richard P. Nugent Serial F Nugent's Nova-Scotia people's almanack for the year of our Lord 1851 1 1856 6 8_00987 fulltext Printed and Published by R. Nugent Serial F Nugent's Nova-Scotia pocket almanack, for the year of our Lord 1842 1842 8_01156 fulltext Printed and Published by R. Nugent Serial F Nugent's Nova-Scotia pocket almanack, for the year of our Lord 1842 1842 8_01156 fulltext Printed and Published by R. Nugent Serial F O.L. Fuller's counties of Elgin & Norfolk directory for 1866 1866 8_00441 fulltext O.L. Fuller Serial F O.N.C. handbook : containing a list of students in attendance, with their home Addresses and the Officers of the Various Societies for the session ... 1899 1899 8_02017 fulltext Issue 1899-1900 Ontario Normal College Serial F Occasional paper 1893-10-01 34 1900-11-01 62 Church of England in Canada 8_04383 fulltext Serial F Officers and Students together with the prize list of Loyola College, Montreal 1898 1898 1900 8_02305 fulltext Last issue 1899-1900 Loyola College Serial F Officers, professors, course of study, &c. &c 1853 1855 8_01863 fulltext First issue 1853-4; Last issue 1855-6 Hew Ramsay Serial F Official minutes of the annual meeting of the Nova Scotia Farmers' Association 1900 5 1900 5 8_01978 fulltext [Nova Scotia Farmers' Association] Serial P Official proceedings 1907-01-19 1 1 1915-05-26 9 5 Central Railway and Engineering Club of Canada 8_05004 fulltext Central Railway and Engineering Club of Canada Serial F Official record of the Grand Lodge of Ontario : convention 1896 25 1900 29 8_01912 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Ontario] Serial P Official report of the debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada 1883 1900 9_07186 fulltext MacLean, Roger Serial F Official telephone directory, district of Eastern Ontario 1899-06 1899-06 Bell Telephone Company of Canada 8_00188 fulltext The Shareholder Publishing and Printing Office Serial F Official telephone directory, district of Western Ontario 1897-12 1897 1899-12 1899 8_00189 fulltext The Shareholder Publishing and Printing Office Serial F Official travellers' railway and steamboat guide and tourists' hand book for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island 1871-01-01 1 1874-08-01 2 3 8_05140 fulltext A.I. Harrington Serial F Officiers pour l'annee 1842 1842 8_01261 fulltext [Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Quebec] Serial F O'Hara's Canadian almanac for the year of our Lord 1881 1881 8_00920 fulltext Published by Henry O'Hara Serial F O'Hara's Dominion almanac for the year of our Lord 1875 1875 8_01318 fulltext Published by R. & H. O'Hara Serial F Oil Springs Advance 1915-02-04 7 2 1916-05-25 8 17 N_00290 fulltext Perkins & Co., Publishers Serial F Old McGill 1898 2 1900 4 McGill University 8_00993 fulltext [McGill University] Serial F Olsetemangeoei : migmaoi solnaltjit = Le messager micmac = The Micmac messenger 1908-05-01 253 1908-05-01 253 Pacifique 8_06791 fulltext R.P. Pacifique Serial F Once a month 1860-02-01 2 1860-08-01 8 8_06025 fulltext Provident Life Assurance and Investment Co Serial F Ontario and West Victoria gazette 1894-03-01 1896-01-01 8_06071 fulltext Jos. J. Cave Serial F Ontario gazetteer and business directory 1884 1889 8_00291 fulltext First volume online 1884-85; Last volume online is 1888-89 R.L. Polk & Co., R.L. Polk, J.W. Weeks, A. Duffill Serial F Ontario gazetteer and directory, including the provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba and the North-West Territories, also the City of Montreal, P.Q 1892 5 1892 5 8_00459 fulltext Published by Might's Directory Co. Serial F Ontario medical journal 1892-08-01 1 1 1895-06-01 3 11 8_05169 fulltext Ontario Medical Journal Pub. Co. Serial F Ontario Normal College monthly 1898-11-01 1902-05-01 Ontario Normal College 8_05070 fulltext Serial F Ontario Publishing Company, illustrated almanac 1875 1875 8_01319 fulltext Ontario Publishing Company Serial F Ontario s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-r 1916-06 1 1916-11 6 8_06930 fulltext Ontario Military Hospital Serial F Opérations, essais et rapport du Comité des fruits de la Société d'agriculture et d'horticulture de Montréal 1875 1875 Société d'horticulture de Montréal 8_00516 fulltext [Société d'horticulture de Montréal, Comité des fruits] Serial F Ordinances made and passed by the administrator of the government and Special Council for the affairs of the province of Lower Canada 1838 1841 9_00927 fulltext J.C. Fisher and W. Kemble Serial F Ordinances passed by the Legislative Council of British Columbia during the session 1864 1871 9_03445 fulltext Govt. Print. Office Serial F Ottawa directory for 1874 1875 8_00798 fulltext Printed and Published by A.S. Woodburn Serial F Ottawa Ladies' College, Ottawa, Ontario 1878 1878 8_01375 fulltext [Ottawa Ladies' College] Serial F Ottawa tribune 1899-03-28 4 37 1899-04-29 4 51 8_04932 fulltext Wrightson & Rathbone Serial F Ottawa's guide 1890-07-05 3 1890-10-05 6 8_04630 fulltext G.Moffat Serial F Our special 1881-04-01 1885-10-01 5 10 Young Men's Christian Association (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06020 fulltext Railway Committee of the Toronto Young Men's Christian Association Serial F Our boys 1883-01-01 1 1 1885-03-01 3 3 Young Men's Christian Association (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06021 fulltext Published by the Boy's Committee of the Toronto Young Men's Christian Association Serial F Our boys magazine 1896-08-01 3 2 1896-08-01 3 2 Victoria Industrial School (Mimico, Ont.) 8_06079 fulltext Published by the Boys of Victoria Industrial School Serial F Our calendar 1898-01-30 1 5 1901-12-29 4 51 North Baptist Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_04754 fulltext The Church Serial F Our church monthly 1896-01-01 2 13 1896-03-01 2 15 8_06075 fulltext J.A. Stansfield Serial F Our church tidings 1897-12-01 3 1 1901-05-20 4 7 8_06014 fulltext Serial F Our church tidings 1896-06 1 2 1896-06 1 2 8_06982 fulltext Serial F Our church tidings 1902-05-15 4 1 1904-05-20 5 9 8_06983 fulltext Serial F Our church tidings 1905-05-15 9 13 1906-05-21 9 14 8_06984 fulltext Serial F Our forest children 1887-06-01 1 5 1890-09-01 4 6 8_06666 fulltext Shingwauk Home Serial F Our home 1893-06-01 1 5 1897-06-01 5 11 8_04306 fulltext Wells & Richardson Co Serial F Our home companion 1876-09-01 1 9 1876-09-01 1 9 8_04638 fulltext Published by the Companion Publishing Company Serial F Our Lady of the sunshine : Morang's illustrated midsummer annual \ 1898 1898 8_02138 fulltext George N. Morang, Publisher Serial McEvoy, Bernard F Our messenger 1889-08-01 2 8 1889-08-01 2 8 8_04392 fulltext Printed and pub. at the Vidette Office Serial F Our mission 1885-12-19 2 7 1886-09-18 2 25 8_04462 fulltext Willard Tract Depository Serial F Our mission news 1886-07-01 1 1 1887-05-01 1 1 Church of England in Canada 8_04055 fulltext Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Serial F Our mission union 1884-08-16 1 1 1885-12-05 2 6 8_04461 fulltext Toronto Willard Tract Depository Serial F Our monthly 1892-02-01 2 2 1892-02-01 2 2 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 8_04428 fulltext Manufacturers Life and Accident Insurance Companies Serial F Our monthly 1896-05-01 1 1 1896-06-01 1 2 8_04626 fulltext G. Moffat Serial F Our own fireside 1885-01-01 2 10 1885-01-01 2 10 8_06054 fulltext J.S. Robertson Serial F Our own magazine 1870-04-01 1 2 1870-04-01 1 2 8_04465 fulltext Dominion Pub. Co Serial F Our record 1888-03-01 1 3 1888-05-01 1 5 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (London, Ont.) 8_04797 fulltext The Church Serial F Our society 1890-12-05 1 1 1891-09-01 1 8_04778 fulltext Serial F Our work 1887-11 1 8 1888-03 1 12 Young Men's Christian Association (London, Ont.) 8_06088 fulltext Dundas Street East Young Men's Christian Association Serial F Our young people 1886-01-01 1 9 1905-03-01 2 23 8_04464 fulltext Toronto Willard Tract Depository Serial F Our young people's mission union 1885-01-01 1 1 1905-02-27 1 8 8_04463 fulltext Toronto Willard Tract Depository Serial F Oxford and Norfolk gazetteer and general and business directory 1867 1867 1867 1867 8_00292 fulltext Sutherland & Co., Publishers Serial F Oxford County directory 1881 1881 1881 1881 8_00294 fulltext Crotty & Dart Serial F Oxford County W.C.T.U. directory, September 1890 1890 8_01183 fulltext [Oxford County Women's Christian Temperance Union] Serial F Oxford gazetteer and general business directory 1870 1871 8_00293 fulltext Volume online 1870/71 Hunter, Rose & Co., Publishers & Prorietors, that is, Proprietors Serial F Pain killer al[man]ac 1885 1885 8_01361 fulltext Davis & Lawrence Co. Limited Serial F Pain-killer almanac & family receipt book 1867 1867 8_01923 fulltext Perry Davis & Son Serial P Palmare 1869 1869 College de Saint-Laurent 8_01827 fulltext [College de Saint-Laurent] Serial F Palmare de ... , ou, Distribution solennelle des prix au College de Montreal 1841 1872 College de Montreal 8_01835 fulltext [College de Montreal] Serial F Palmare du Seminaire de Ste-Therese 1865 1865 Seminaire de Sainte-Therese 8_01843 fulltext [Seminaire de Sainte-Therese] Serial F Palmares de l'Ecole normale Jacques-Cartier 1898 1898 8_01869 fulltext [Ecole normale Jacques-Cartier] Serial P Palmares de l'Ecole polytechnique et de l'Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal 1880 1886 8_02059 fulltext [Ecole polytechnique] Serial F Palmares de l'Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal : annee academique ... 1882 1900 Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal 8_01820 fulltext [Academie commerciale catholique de Montreal] Serial F Paper and ink 1896-03-01 1896-06-01 2 5 8_04400 fulltext Buntin, Reid Serial F Parish and home 1890-12-01 1 1 1891-12-01 1 13 8_04373 fulltext Published for the Alumni Association of Wycliffe College by the J. E. Bryant Company (Limited) Serial F Parish and home 1893-01-01 17 1900-12-01 110 St. Paul's Church (Lindsay, Ont.) 8_04384 fulltext Printed for the Publisher at the Canadian Post Office Serial F Parish church work 1881-01-01 1 1 1882-12-01 2 12 St. George's Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06032 fulltext Serial F Parish magazine 1891-02-01 1 1891-11-01 4 St. Paul's Church (Lindsay, Ont.) 8_04374 fulltext Printed for the Publisher at the Canadian Post Office Serial F Parish magazine 1893-07-01 1895-01-01 St. James' Church (Stratford, Ont.) 8_04582 fulltext Stratford Beacon Serial F Parish magazine 1887-04-01 1 4 1887-11-01 1 11 8_04802 fulltext Southam & Brierley Serial F Parish magazine 1888-03-01 7 3 1888-03-01 7 3 Church of S. Matthias (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06038 fulltext Serial F Parish magazine, Richmond, Ont 1894-03-01 1 10 1894-05-01 1 12 St. John's Church (Richmond, Ont.) 8_06807 fulltext Serial F Parish notes 1891-02-01 1 1 1892-02-01 2 13 St. John's Church (Saint John, N.B.) 8_04819 fulltext Y.M.A. of St. John's Church Serial F Parish work 1889 1889 8_01463 fulltext [St. George's Church] Serial F Parke & Parke's almanac 1898 1900 8_01917 fulltext Published by Parke & Parke Serial P Parke's almanac 1897 1897 8_02578 fulltext Published by Parke & Parke Serial P Parliamentary debates ... of the province of Nova Scotia 659013398 1864 1867 9_01339 fulltext publisher not identified Serial F Parliamentary debates ... of the province of Nova Scotia 659013398 1861 1861 9_01339 fulltext publisher not identified Serial F Parliamentary debates ... of the province of Nova Scotia 659013398 1854 1859 9_01339 fulltext publisher not identified Serial F Parry Sound directory for 1899 1899 8_00779 fulltext Ireland & Bundy, Publishers Serial F Partie française de la revue militaire canadienne 1880-06-01 1 5 1880-08-01 1 5 8_04889 fulltext Presses de l'école d'artillirie Serial F Passepartout 1888-05-12 1 1 1892-02-27 4 41 8_06603 fulltext Rouilliard & Cie Serial F Perry Davis' pain killer almanac 1888 1888 8_01924 fulltext [Davis & Lawrence Company] Serial P Petaubun : Peep of day. 1862-03-01 2 2 1862-11-01 2 10 8_04933 fulltext T. Hurlburt Serial F Peterborough review almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 8_01172 fulltext Published by Robert Romaine Serial F Peterborough review almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 8_01172 fulltext Published by Robert Romaine Serial F Petit almanac ... de poche 1865 1865 8_01359 fulltext Serial F Petit almanac du Moniteur Acadien pour l'annee 1885 1885 8_01162 fulltext Ferd. Robidoux, Editeur Serial F Petit almanac du Moniteur Acadien pour l'année 1885 1885 8_01162 fulltext Ferd. Robidoux, Éditeur Serial F Petit almanach de Québec pour l'année 1852 1852 Drapeau 8_00769 fulltext Stanislas Drapeau Serial F Petit recueil littéraire 1888-11-01 1 1 1888-12-01 1 2 8_06309 fulltext L'Impr. Grenier Serial F Petite revue du Tiers-ordre et des intérêts du Coeur de Jésus 1884-02-01 1 1 1890-01-01 6 12 Franciscains 8_04249 fulltext Fraternité du Tiers-Ordre Franciscain de Montréal Serial F Petroleum Advertiser 1879-03-28 10 40 1883-05-11 14 44 N_00260 fulltext R. Herring Serial F Petrolia Advertiser and Canadian oil journal 1891-05-01 23 18 1898-02-23 23 9 N_00262 fulltext R. Herring, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Phrenological soundings of M.P.P.s 1884-02-01 1 1884-03-01 22 8_06086 fulltext Serial F Piano-Canada 1893-04-15 1 3 1895-07-20 3 6 8_06430 fulltext J.R. Brodeur Serial F Pictorial times 1887-01-15 1 1 1887-03-26 1 1 8_06549 fulltext Pictorial Times Pub. Co Serial F Pictou observer and eastern advertiser 1834-08-12 4 31 1834-08-12 4 31 N_00626 fulltext Andrew Reid Serial F Picturesque Quebec 1894-09-01 1 2 1895-03-01 1 8 Quebec and Lake St. John Railway 8_04727 fulltext G.H. Bradford Serial F Pigeons & pets 1888-12-01 1 1 1888-12-01 1 1 8_04725 fulltext H.B. Donovan Serial F Pleasant hours 1881-08-13 1 1 1900-12-29 20 1 8_04662 fulltext W. Briggs, Methodist Book and Pub. House Serial F Potter's almanac for the county of Renfrew for the year of our Lord 1873 1873 8_01121 fulltext J.W. Potter, Bookseller, Stationer, etc., etc. Serial F Potter's almanac for the county of Renfrew for the year of our Lord 1873 1873 8_01121 fulltext J.W. Potter, Bookseller, Stationer, etc., etc. Serial F Pow wow 1900-11-01 1 1 1900-12-01 1 2 8_04763 fulltext Serial F Presbyterian College journal 1881-01-01 1 1 1906-04-01 25 5 Presbyterian College (Montréal, Quebec) 8_04701 fulltext Alma Mater Society of the Presbyterian College Serial F Prince Edward Island gazette 1814-04-18 1 6 1822-05-11 4 2 N_00246 fulltext Printed by James Bagnall Serial F Princess Pat's post 1918-05 1 1 1918-11 1 7 8_06908 fulltext Serial F Prize list, and course of study 1846 1850 8_01350 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F Proceedings 1882 1892 7 8_01931 fulltext Published by the Society Serial P Proceedings at the ... annual meeting of the Ontario Temperance and Prohibitory League 1873 3 1873 3 8_01377 fulltext [Ontario Temperance and Prohibitory League] Serial F Proceedings at the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway 1873 1875 8_01064 fulltext [Toronto and Nipissing Railway Co.] Serial F Proceedings at the annual meeting of the Dominion Board of Trade 1871 1879 9 Dominion Board of Trade (Canada) 8_00325 fulltext [Dominion Board of Trade] Serial F Proceedings at the annual meeting of the Natural History Society of Montreal for the year ending May 1864 1881 8_00749 fulltext [Natural History Society of Montreal] Serial F Proceedings at the annual meeting of the St. John Agricultural Society, with the report of the directors for the year 1850 1851 8_01486 fulltext [St. John Agricultural Society] Serial F Proceedings of the anniversary of the Montreal Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1900 1900 8_02148 fulltext [Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society] Serial F Proceedings of the annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of New Brunswick 1873 2 1874 3 8_02206 fulltext [Catholic Total Abstinence Union of New Brunswick] Serial F Proceedings of the annual convention of the Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor, of the Province of Nova Scotia 1890 1 1890 1 8_02030 fulltext [Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor] Serial F Proceedings of the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec 1877 1 1895 18 8_02161 fulltext [Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec] Serial F Proceedings of the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec 1877 1 1895 18 8_02161 fulltext [Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec] Serial F Proceedings of the annual meeting of the share-holders of the Montreal City Passenger Railway Company 1863 1864 Montreal City Passenger Railway Company 8_00633 fulltext [Montreal City Passenger Railway Company] Serial F Proceedings of the annual session of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, A.O.U.W 1892 14 1892 14 8_02113 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Ontario, A.O.U.W.] Serial F Proceedings of the annual session of the Most Worthy Grand Lodge, British Templars 1874 8 1874 8 8_01959 fulltext [Most Worthy Grand Lodge of British Templars] Serial P Proceedings of the annual session of the Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Order of British Templars, late British American Order of Good Templars 1867 4 1873 10 8_01960 fulltext [Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Order of British Templars] Serial P Proceedings of the Dominion Convention of Young Men's Christian Associations 1877 1 1882 2 8_02062 fulltext Published by the Executive Committee Serial F Proceedings of the meeting of the Educational Institute of New Brunswick 1900 18 1900 18 8_02177 fulltext [Educational Institute of New Brunswick] Serial F Proceedings of the Sunday School Convention of the County of Halifax 1875 1 1875 1 8_02063 fulltext [Sunday School Convention] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the New Brunswick Sunday School Association 1894 11 1896 13 8_01461 fulltext [New Brunswick Sunday School Association] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association 1894 33 1900 39 8_01329 fulltext [Ontario Educational Association] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the Sabbath School Association of Canada 1867 4 1867 4 8_01650 fulltext Printed for the Association, by Lovell & Gibson Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual general meeting 1892 36 1897 41 8_00215 fulltext Bank of Toronto Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 1855 2 1861 7 Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 8_00396 fulltext [Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual meeting 1873 3 1873 3 Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League 8_01617 fulltext [Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual meeting 1892 17 1892 17 8_01442 fulltext [Odd-Fellows' Relief Association of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association 1878 1 1878 1 Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association 8_00358 fulltext [Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 1898 23 1900 25 8_01476 fulltext [Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1862 4 1863 5 8_01437 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Montreal] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 1878 5 1882 8 8_01474 fulltext [Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 1891 16 1897 22 8_01475 fulltext [Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry] Serial F Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Trades and Labor Congress of the Dominion of Canada 1891 7 1900 16 8_01081 fulltext [Trades and Labor Congress of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the ... meeting of the shareholders of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 1854 1 1854 1 Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada 8_00395 fulltext [Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the ... Provincial Sabbath School Convention 1887 21 1899 34 Sabbath School Association of Ontario 8_00979 fulltext [Sabbath School Association of Ontario] Serial F Proceedings of the ... session of the Canadian Trades & Labor Congress 1886 2 1890 6 8_01080 fulltext [Trades and Labor Congress of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the ... session of the Diocesan Synod of Newfoundland 1873 1 1879 4 8_00237 fulltext Diocesan Synod of Newfoundland Serial F Proceedings of the ... session of the Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 1874 1 1875 2 8_01552 fulltext [Dominion Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry] Serial F Proceedings of the ... Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1864 6 1868 10 8_01438 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Montreal] Serial F Proceedings of the ... Synod of the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1870 11 1870 11 8_01439 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Montreal] Serial F Proceedings of the annual convocation of the McGill University, Montreal 1863 1868 8_01394 fulltext [McGill University] Serial F Proceedings of the annual meeting of stockholders of the De Lery Gold Mining Company for : with annual reports of the Board of Directors and treasurer, &c., &c., &c 1869 4 1872 7 8_02008 fulltext [De Lery Gold Mining Company] Monograph P Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Board of Arts and Manufactures of Lower Canada 2/9/1905 1867 8_02194 fulltext [Board of Arts and Manufactures of Lower Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the annual session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East 1863 1863 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00938 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East] Serial F Proceedings of the Association of Dominion Land Surveyors at its annual meeting 1884 1 1887 4 8_01884 fulltext [Association of Dominion Land Surveyors] Serial P Proceedings of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors 1893 1 1899 7 8_00123 fulltext Printed for the Association by C. Blackett Robinson Serial F Proceedings of the Association of Provincial Land Surveyors of Ontario 1886 1 1892 7 8_00122 fulltext Printed for the Association by C. Blackett Robinson Serial F Proceedings of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association 1868 1868 1880 1880 8_00263 fulltext Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Serial F Proceedings of the Farmers' Association of Nova Scotia 1895 1898 4 8_01977 fulltext [Nova Scotia Farmers' Association] Serial P Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, of Nova Scotia 1871 1892 23 8_01482 fulltext [Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, of Nova Scotia] Serial F Proceedings of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East 1852 1862 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00927 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East] Serial F Proceedings of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance, Province of Canada West 1849 1863-06 8_01299 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance, of Canada West] Serial F Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ontario : annual convention 1880 9 1895 24 8_01911 fulltext [Grand Lodge of Ontario] Serial P Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America, at its grand annual session for 1854 1856 26 8_02419 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British America] Serial F Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of the Maritime Provinces : annual convention 1896 10 1898 12 8_03518 fulltext [Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of the Maritime Provinces] Serial P Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of the Maritime Provinces : annual session 1887 1 1895 9 8_01910 fulltext [Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of the Maritime Provinces] Serial P Proceedings of the Grand Priory, of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital (Knights Templar, St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta) for the Dominion of Canada : annual assembly 1872 1874 8_01873 fulltext [Grand Priory for the Dominion of Canada] Serial P Proceedings of the Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars, Canada 1860 1865 20 8_01954 fulltext [Grand Temple, Independent Order of Good Templars, Canada] Serial P Proceedings of the Great Priory of Canada at the annual assembly 1877 1884 8_01874 fulltext [National Great Priory of Canada] Serial P Proceedings of the Natural History Association of Miramichi 1899 1 1899 1 8_01943 fulltext [Natural History Association of Miramichi] Serial P Proceedings of the New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association for 1881 1895 8_01366 fulltext [New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association] Serial F Proceedings of the Ontario Rifle Association 1869 1899 8_01126 fulltext [Ontario Rifle Association] Serial F Proceedings of the Province of Quebec Rifle Association 1872 1896 8_01315 fulltext [Province of Quebec Rifle Association] Serial F Proceedings of the Provincial Rifle Association of Nova Scotia 1865 1870 8_01655 fulltext [Provincial Rifle Association of Nova Scotia] Serial F Proceedings of the Quebec Provincial Rifle Association 1870 1871 8_01314 fulltext [Quebec Provincial Rifle Association] Serial F Proceedings of the R.W. Grand Lodge of the Province of Ontario, Canada : annual session 1878 24 1900 46 8_01889 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Province of Ontario, Independent Order of Odd Fellows] Serial P Proceedings of the Royal Military College Club of Canada 1894 10 1899 16 R.M.C. Club of Canada 8_00970 fulltext [R.M.C. Club of Canada] Serial F Proceedings of the Select Standing Committee on Railroads, Canals and Telegraph Lines 1859 1859 9_01123 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America 1853 1853 8_02115 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America] Serial F Proceedings of the Sovereign Great Priory, Knights Templar, of Canada, at the annual assembly 1885 2 1900 17 8_01876 fulltext [Sovereign Great Priory of Canada] Serial P Proceedings of the Toronto, London, Hamilton, Bay of Quinte, Montreal, Manitoba and North-West, and British Columbia annual conferences of the Methodist Church 1899 1899 8_02139 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F Proceedings of the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends in Canada 1871 1878 12 8_01186 fulltext [Society of Friends, Canada Yearly Meeting] Serial F Proces verbal du Bureau de la Societe ecclesiastique de St. Michel 1813 1876 8_01283 fulltext [Societe ecclesiastique de Saint-Michel] Serial F Proces-verbal de la Caisse ecclesiastique de St. Jacques 1850 1882 8_01263 fulltext [Caisse ecclesiastique de Saint-Jacques] Serial F Proces-verbal de l'assemblee du Bureau de la Societe ecclesiastique S. Joseph 1880 1895 8_01496 fulltext [Societe ecclesiastique St-Joseph] Serial F Progres albertain 5 40 7 25 N_00738 fulltext [La Compagnie de Publication Progressive a Resp Ltee] Serial P Progress 1888 1 1 1902 N_00379 fulltext Edward S. Carter, Publisher Serial F Progress & Enterprise 1902-11-26 41 8 1902-11-26 41 8 N_00039 fulltext Serial F Progress-Enterprise 1918-12-04 57 6 1918-12-04 57 6 N_00040 fulltext Progress-Enterprise Co., Limited Serial F Property 1895-07-01 1 2 1895-07-01 1 2 8_05041 fulltext H. Bragg Serial F Prospectus 1892 2 1892 2 London and Canadian Loan and Agency Company 8_00453 fulltext [London and Canadian Loan and Agency Company] Serial F Prospectus 1897 1897 8_02644 fulltext Issue 1897-98 Acacia Villa School Serial F Prospectus 1890 1890 8_02035 fulltext [Eliock School] Serial F Prospectus and ... annual reports of the Canada Life Assurance Company 1847 1849 8_00171 fulltext Volume online 1-2 Canada Life Assurance Company Serial F Prospectus and course of studies 1880 1880 8_02189 fulltext [College of Ottawa] Serial F Prospectus annuel 1888 46 1889 47 8_02174 fulltext [Ecole de medecine et de chirurgie de Montreal] Serial F Prospectus for the year 1878 1878 8_01104 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Prospectus for the year 1878 1878 Stanstead Wesleyan College 8_01104 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Prospectus of Stanstead Wesleyan College, at Stanstead Plain, Province of Quebec 1874 1874 8_01102 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Prospectus of Stanstead Wesleyan College, at Stanstead Plain, Province of Quebec 1874 1875 Stanstead Wesleyan College 8_01102 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Prospectus of the Pictou County Conservatory of Music together with the calendar of the High School, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia 1898 1898 8_01469 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F Province of Ontario gazetteer and directory 1895 6 1895 6 8_00503 fulltext Pulished by The Might Directory Co., of Toronto, (Ltd.) Serial F Provincial Freeman 1853-03-24 1 1 1855-02-17 1 47 N_00107 fulltext Serial F Provincial Freeman and weekly advertiser 1855-03-10 2 2 1857-09-19 4 1 N_00601 fulltext Serial F Provincial Sunday School Convention of Nova Scotia 1888 1 1886 2 8_01487 fulltext [Provincial Sunday School Convention of Nova Scotia] Serial F Public health magazine 1875-07-01 1 1 1877-06-01 2 12 8_05170 fulltext Serial F Pulpit criticism 1882 1883-03-31 2 12 Edwards, David 8_05108 fulltext first_issue_online [No.] 1/2/3] Serial F Punch in Canada 1849-01-01 1 1 1850-04-17 2 13 8_06160 fulltext Printed and pub. for the proprietor, T. Blades de Walden Serial F Punch, or, The northern light! 1868-04-11 1 2 1868-04-11 1 2 8_06558 fulltext Langford's Serial F Pure gold 1871-06-16 1 1 1873-03-21 4 12 8_06649 fulltext George H. Flint Serial F Push 1894-01-26 1 1 1894-06-08 2 1 8_04606 fulltext Truro Public School Serial F Quarterly bulletin 1891-09-01 1892-01-01 Hamilton Public Library (Ont.) 8_05074 fulltext Serial F Quarterly report of the directors to the stockholders of the Montreal Mining Company 1852-11-17 1852-11-17 Montreal Mining Company 8_06155 fulltext Montreal Mining Company Serial F Quarterly report of the Dominion Secretary of the Patrons of Husbandry for the quarter ending 1878-06-30 1878-09-30 Patrons of Husbandry 8_04803 fulltext The Grange Serial F Quarterly report of the sub-committee of the Board of Arts & Manufactures for Lower Canada 1858-04-06 1858-04-06 Board of Arts and Manufactures for Lower Canada 8_05144 fulltext The Board Serial F Quebec classified business directory 1850 1850 8_00504 fulltext Lovell & Gibson Serial F Quebec colonist 1855-03-23 1 186 1855-03-23 1 186 N_00149 fulltext Serial F Quebec herald and universal miscellany 1788-11-24 1 1 1788-11-24 1 1 N_00514 fulltext Printed by Wm. Moore, at the Herald Printing Office Serial F Queen's college journal 1879-04-05 6 11 1893-02-25 20 15 Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) 8_06784 fulltext Alma Mater Society Serial F Queen's County gazette 1897-02-10 1 1 1902-09-03 6 30 N_00166 fulltext Lockett & Stewart, Publishers Serial F Queen's medical quarterly 1903-10-01 8 1 1909-04-01 13 1 8_06553 fulltext Serial F Queen's quarterly 1893-07-01 1 1 1900-04-01 7 4 Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) 8_06723 fulltext Pub. for the Committee by the News Pub. House Serial F Queen's University journal 1893-03-04 20 16 1914-01-01 40 2 Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) 8_06785 fulltext Alma Mater Society of Queen's University Serial F R. & A. Miller's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1852 1852 1863 1863 8_00163 fulltext R. & A. Miller Serial F R.M.R. Growler 1916-01-01 1 1 1916-01-01 1 1 Canada 8_06896 fulltext Printed by F.J. Parson, Ltd. and Published by Lieut. G.L. Dobbin, 14th Canadians, Headquarters, Canadian Infantry Brigade, B.E.F. Serial F Railton's directory for the city of London, C.W 1856 1857 8_00988 fulltext Published by Geo. Railton, Notary Public Serial F Railway journal 1882-03-03 2 2 1882-03-03 2 2 8_06592 fulltext H. Mott Serial F Railway life 1887-01-01 2 1 1888-10-01 3 10 8_05079 fulltext W.B. Campbell Serial F Ranok = : The morning 1910-08-15 7 13 1913-12-31 7 N_00507 fulltext Ranok Publishing Company Serial F Rapport annuel adopte a l'assemblee generale annuelle du 1881 10 1882 11 8_01214 fulltext [Societe de construction metropolitaine] Serial F Rapport annuel aux actionnaires de la Societe de construction de Quebec 1853 4 1853 4 8_01338 fulltext [Societe de construction de Quebec] Serial F Rapport annuel de la Chambre de commerce de Quebec pour 1889 1889 8_02152 fulltext [Chambre de commerce du district de Quebec] Serial F Rapport annuel de la Chambre de Commerce de St. Hyacinthe 1893 1893 8_00608 fulltext [Chambre de commerce de St-Hyacinthe] Serial F Rapport annuel de la Compagnie de navigation d'Yamaska pour 1858 1 1861 3 8_00234 fulltext Compagnie de navigation d'Yamaska Serial F Rapport annuel de la Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec 1882 1882 8_02022 fulltext [Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec] Serial F Rapport annuel de la Societe pomologique et d'horticulture fruitiere de la province de Quebec 1895 1899 8_01316 fulltext [Societe de pomologie et de culture des fruits de la province de Quebec] Serial F Rapport annuel de la Societe St-Jean-Baptiste de Montreal 1896 1 1897 2 8_01095 fulltext [Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montreal] Serial F Rapport annuel de l'agent général de la Société générale de colonisation et de rapatriement de la province de Québec 1894 1894 Société générale de colonisation et de repatriement de la province de Québec 8_00974 fulltext [Société générale de colonisation et de repatriement de la province de Québec] Serial F Rapport annuel de l'Hopital Notre-Dame, Montreal 1880 1 1899 20 8_01060 fulltext [Hopital Notre-Dame] Serial F Rapport annuel de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Hyacinthe 1898 1 1898 1 Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Hyacinthe 8_00340 fulltext [Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Hyacinthe] Serial F Rapport annuel des directeurs 1883 3 1883 3 8_01211 fulltext [Association mutuelle de prevoyance du Canada] Serial F Rapport annuel des directeurs de la Societe canadienne-francair [sic] de construction 1879 9 1880 11 8_01223 fulltext [Societe canadienne-francaise de construction de Montreal] Serial F Rapport annuel des directeurs, aux actionnaires 1876 1 1881 8_01225 fulltext [Societe permanente de construction des artisans] Serial F Rapport annuel du comite de regie de l'Union Saint-Joseph a St-Roch de Quebec 1894 18 1899 23 Union St-Joseph a St-Roch de Quebec 8_01824 fulltext [Comite de regie de l'Union Saint-Joseph a St-Roch de Quebec] Serial F Rapport annuel du surintendant de l'Aqueduc de Montreal pour l'annee finissant le 31 janvier 1863 1875 8_02125 fulltext [Comite de l'aqueduc] Serial F Rapport annuel pour 1891 1891 Chemin de fer de Québec et du Lac-Saint-Jean 8_00411 fulltext [Chemin de fer de Québec et du Lac-Saint-Jean] Serial F Rapport annuel pour l'année ... / la Société de rapatriement et de colonisation du Lac St-Jean 1898 1900 Société de rapatriement et de colonisation du Lac Saint-Jean 8_00362 fulltext [Société de rapatriement et de colonisation du Lac Saint-Jean] Serial F Rapport annuel sur l'Institution catholique des sourds-muets pour la province de Québec ... pour l'année 1874 1 1898 Institution catholique des sourds-muets pour la province de Québec 8_00433 fulltext [Institution catholique des sourds-muets pour la province de Québec] Serial F Rapport de la ... convention des Missionaires agricoles tenue a N.-D. d'Oka 1896 2 1896 2 8_01260 fulltext [Missionaires agricoles] Serial F Rapport de la ... reunion annuelle de l'Association des bons chemins du district de Bedford 1898 1 1898 1 Association des bons chemins du District de Bedford 8_01831 fulltext Publie par le Departement de l'Agriculture de la Province de Quebec Serial F Rapport de la Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec 1883 2 1899 18 8_02023 fulltext [Societe d'industrie laitiere de la province de Quebec] Serial F Rapport de l'annee 1868 1870 8_01248 fulltext [Oeuvre du patronage] Serial F Rapport de l'Asile Saint-Jean-de-Dieu pour l'annee 1898 1898 1898 1898 8_00199 fulltext Charles Pageau, Imprimeur de Sa Très Graceiuse Majeste La Reine Serial F Rapport de l'Association de la propagation de la foi pour le Diocèse de Montréal 1871-01-01 15 1873-09-01 27 Association de la propagation de la foi (Diocèse de Montréal) 8_05151 fulltext Nouveau-Monde Serial F Rapport des directeurs de la Cie de Nav. du Richelieu & d'Ontario à l'assemblée générale annuelle 1883 1883 Compagnie de navigation du Richelieu et d'Ontario 8_00657 fulltext [Compagnie de navigation du Richelieu et d'Ontario] Serial F Rapport des directeurs de la Compagnie d'Assurance Mutuelle contre le feu, de Montmagny 1887 15 1887 15 Compagnie d'assurance mutuelle de Montmagny, contre le feu et la foudre 8_00420 fulltext [Compagnie d'assurance mutuelle de Montmagny, contre le feu et la foudre] Serial F Rapport des directeurs et liste des actionnaires de la Cie de Nav. du Richelieu et d'Ontario 1886 1886 8_01941 fulltext [Compagnie de navigation du Richelieu et d'Ontario] Serial P Rapport des Directeurs pour l'année 1890 1890 Compagnie d'assurance des citoyens du Canada 8_00427 fulltext [Compagnie d'assurance des citoyens du Canada] Serial F Rapport du Conseil superieur de Quebec pour l'annee 1886 1899 8_01266 fulltext [Conseil superieur de Quebec] Serial F Rapport du Conseil supérieur du Canada 1878 1891 Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul 8_00973 fulltext [Conseil supérieur du Canada, Société de St. Vincent de Paul] Serial F Rapport du president 1896 1896 8_02061 fulltext [Chambre de commerce de Trois-Rivieres] Serial F Rapport financier de l'Oeuvre de la Cathedrale de Montreal 1887 1887 Oeuvre de la Cathedrale de Montreal 8_01817 fulltext [Oeuvre de la Cathedrale de Montreal] Serial F Rapport financier des Commissaires d'ecoles catholiques romains de la cite de Montreal 1872 1899 8_02065 fulltext [Commissaires d'ecoles catholiques romains de la cite de Montreal] Serial F Rapport officiel de l'annee academique 1898 1898 8_02124 fulltext [Universite Laval a Montreal] Serial F Rapport semi-annuel 1899 1900 8_02060 fulltext [College des medecins et chirurgiens de la province de Quebec] Serial F Rapport Sur le Service de l'Asile d'Alienes de Quebec 1875 1875 1881 8_00198 fulltext Last volume online 1880-81 Asile d'alienes de Quebec Serial F Rapport sur les archives publiques 1882 1882 1921 8_03506 fulltext Last volume online 1919/20/21 Imprimerie MacLean, Roger et Cie Serial F Rapports annuels de la Compagnie de pret et credit fonciers 1872 1874 8_01238 fulltext [Compagnie de pret et credit fonciers] Serial F Rapports annuels de la Societe de construction mutuelle des artisans 1873 1873 8_01220 fulltext [Societe de construction mutuelle des artisans (Montreal, Quebec)] Serial F Rapports annuels de la Société permanente de construction du district de Montréal 1863 1872 Société permanente de construction du district de Montréal 8_00981 fulltext [Société permanente de construction du district de Montréal] Serial F Rapports annuels des directeurs et du secretaire-tresorier 1872 1 1872 1 8_01245 fulltext [Societe de construction Montarville] Serial F Rapports de pratique de Québec : Quebec practice reports. 1905-03-13 1 1905-03-14 21 8_04999 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F Rapports officiels 1867 1867 1868 1868 8_00295 fulltext Conseil general du Barreau du Bas-Canada Serial F Real estate chronicle 1904-11-29 1 1 1907-09-01 8 9 8_05042 fulltext J.Y. Caldwell Serial F Real estate record 1891-02-01 1 1 1891-02-01 1 1 8_04446 fulltext McCuaig & Mainwaring Serial F Real estate record 1897-01-01 10 1 1900-12-01 13 1 8_04742 fulltext J. Cradockk Simpson & Co Serial F Reconstruction 1918-03-01 1918-03-01 Canada 8_06870 fulltext Published by the Invalided Soldiers' Commission Serial F Record of proceedings of the annual session of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of Manitoba and Northwest Territories 1897 6 1898 7 8_01885 fulltext [Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of Manitoba and Northwest Territories] Serial P Recueil de documents pour le clergé du Diocèse de Valleyfield 1896-08-15 1896-08-15 église catholique 8_04851 fulltext Serial F Regina directory for 1885 1885 8_00561 fulltext Serial F Register of graduates, &c. for 1885 1885 1886 1886 8_02724 fulltext Henry Rowsell Serial F Register of the University of Toronto for the year 1898 1898 1898 1898 8_02725 fulltext University of Toronto Serial F Religion et patrie 1891-10-01 1 1891-10-01 1 8_04098 fulltext Comité de membres de la Ligue des hommes Serial F Report 1888 5 1896 13 Girls' Friendly Society in Canada 8_00803 fulltext [Girls' Friendly Society in Canada] Serial F Report 1875 1875 Lewiston and Queenston Bridge Company 8_00452 fulltext [Lewiston and Queenston Bridge Company] Serial F Report [of] the Council of the Literary and Historical Society 1833 1868 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 8_00387 fulltext [Literary and Historical Society of Quebec] Serial F Report and accounts of the Committee of Management, and reports of the auditor and headmaster for the year ending 30th June 1898 1898 8_02188 fulltext [Bishop's College School Association] Serial F Report and accounts to 31st December 1875 1875 Canada Landed Credit Co 8_00351 fulltext [Canada Landed Credit Comp'y] Serial F Report and proceedings at the ... annual meeting of the Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Company 1853 2 1856 5 Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Company 8_00353 fulltext [Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Company] Serial F Report and proceedings of the ... annual general meeting of the Canada Life Assurance Company 1849 3 1854 8 Canada Life Assurance Company 8_00352 fulltext [Canada Life Assurance Company] Serial F Report and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Toronto Sabbath School Union 1857 1 1857 1 Toronto Sabbath School Union 8_01608 fulltext [Toronto Sabbath School Union] Serial F Report by the Board of Directors, of the Canada Life Assurance Company 1859 12 1862 Canada Life Assurance Company 8_01603 fulltext [Canada Life Assurance Company] Serial F Report for the year 1885 1886 8_00074 fulltext Volume online 1885-86 Art Association of Ottawa Serial F Report for the year ending 30th June ... submitted by the directors of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway Co., at the annual meeting of the shareholders 1873 1879 8_01398 fulltext [Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company] Serial F Report for the year ending December 31st 1883 1883 1883 1883 8_00091 fulltext Canadian Pacific Railway Company Serial F Report of annual meeting 1899 1899 1900 1900 8_00176 fulltext John Lovell & Son Serial F Report of Augmentation Committee (Eastern Section) for 1889 1889 8_01193 fulltext [Augmentation Committee (Eastern Section)] Serial F Report of Council of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers 1895 1895 1895 1895 8_00229 fulltext Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Serial F Report of Executive Council presented at the annual meeting 1873 1873 8_01952 fulltext [Dominion Board of Trade] Serial P Report of F.M. Board 1880 1880 8_01989 fulltext [Foreign Mission Board] Serial P Report of proceedings of annual meeting 1888 13 1888 13 8_01879 fulltext The Canadian Manufacturer Publishing Co. (Ltd.) Serial P Report of proceedings of ... annual meeting 1886 11 1886 11 8_01378 fulltext The Canadian Manufacturer Publishing Co., Limited Serial F Report of proceedings of annual meeting 1896 1896 1896 1896 8_00175 fulltext John Lovell & Son Serial F Report of proceedings of the Association of Dominion Land Surveyors at its annual meeting 1888 5 1892 9 8_01883 fulltext [Association of Dominion Land Surveyors] Serial P Report of proceedings of the Provincial Rifle Association of Prince Edward Island for the year 1898 1898 8_01456 fulltext [Provincial Rifle Association of Prince Edward Island] Serial F Report of secretary for 1894 1894 Game and Inland Fishery Protection Service 8_00572 fulltext [Game and Inland Fishery Protection Service] Serial F Report of St. Paul's Alms House of Industry for Girls at No. 14 Tower Road 1868 1895-04 St. Paul's Alms House of Industry for Girls (Halifax, N.S.) 8_01634 fulltext [St. Paul's Alms House of Industry for Girls] Serial F Report of Sunday Schools in fifty parishes and missions of the Diocese of Toronto 1864 1864 8_02114 fulltext [Diocese of Toronto] Serial F Report of the anniversary of the Wesleyan Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Society, for the city of Quebec 1837 19 1838 20 8_02171 fulltext [Wesleyan Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Society, for the city of Quebec] Serial F Report of the annual meeting of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West 1885 26 1900 41 8_02112 fulltext [Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West] Serial F Report of the annual session of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge Orange Young Britons 1878 7 1878 7 8_02116 fulltext [Grand Lodge Orange Young Britons] Serial F Report of the annual session of the Right Worshipful the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America 1858 29 1888 59 8_02079 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America] Serial F Report of the annual session of the Right Worshipful the Grand Orange Lodge of Western Ontario 1868 9 1882 23 8_02264 fulltext [Grand Orange Lodge of Western Ontario] Serial F Report of the convention of the Provincial Educational Association 1895 12 1895 12 8_02223 fulltext [Provincial Educational Association of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the (revived) Kingston Auxiliary Bible Society 1830 1 1851 Kingston Auxiliary Bible Society 8_00410 fulltext [Kingston Auxiliary Bible Society] Serial F Report of the ... annual district collection in aid of the St. Patrick's Montreal Orphan Asylum 1859 1 1863 5 8_01082 fulltext [St. Patrick's Montreal Orphan Asylum] Serial F Report of the ... annual collection in aid of the St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum, Montreal 1877 19 1877 19 8_01084 fulltext [St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum] Serial F Report of the ... annual convention of the Canadian Inter-Collegiate Missionary Alliance 1887 3 1888 4 Canadian Inter-Collegiate Missionary Alliance 8_00392 fulltext [Canadian Inter-Collegiate Missionary Alliance] Serial F Report of the ... annual convention of the Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers of the province of Quebec 1867 4 1879 16 8_01376 fulltext [Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Report of the ... annual meeting of the Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario 1890 5 1897 12 Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario 8_01565 fulltext [Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario] Serial F Report of the ... annual meeting of the Canadian Forestry Association 1900 1 1900 1 8_00221 fulltext Government Printing Bureau Serial F Report of the ... annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Sons of England Benevolent Society, Canada 1882 7 1888 13 8_01296 fulltext [Grand Lodge of the Sons of England Benevolent Society] Serial F Report of the ... annual meeting of the Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benefit Society, Canada 1896 21 1899 24 8_01110 fulltext [Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benefit Society] Serial F Report of the ... annual meeting of the Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benevolent Society, Canada 1889 14 1894 19 8_01297 fulltext [Supreme Grand Lodge, Sons of England Benevolent Society] Serial F Report of the ... session of the ... Synod of the Diocese of British Columbia 1892 5 3 1892 5 3 Church of England 8_01570 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of British Columbia] Serial F Report of the ... Synod of the Diocese of British Columbia 1875 1 1875 1 Church of England 8_01569 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of British Columbia] Serial F Report of the ... triennial Synod of the Diocese of Athabasca 1894 3 1900 4 8_00846 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Athabasca] Serial F Report of the annual convention of the Halton Sabbath School Association 1872 1878 Halton Sabbath School Association 8_00829 fulltext [Halton Sabbath School Association] Serial F Report of the annual meeting 1884 1884 1884 1884 8_00128 fulltext Art Association of Ottawa Serial F Report of the annual meeting for year ... of the Industrial School Association of Toronto 1888 1898 Industrial School Association of Toronto 8_00444 fulltext [Industrial School Association of Toronto] Serial F Report of the annual meeting of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 1843 1843 Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 8_01000 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society] Serial F Report of the Board of Directors of the Grand River Navigation Company 1843 1843 1845 1845 8_00283 fulltext Board of Directors of the Grand River Navigation Company Serial F Report of the Board of Directors of the Shubenaccadie Canal Company, to the shareholders 1831 1832 Shubenaccadie Canal Company 8_01587 fulltext [Shubenaccadie Canal Company] Serial F Report of the Board of Directors of the Toronto Mechanics' Institute, with an abstract of the annual meeting 1861 1861 Toronto Mechanics' Institute 8_01601 fulltext [Toronto Mechanics' Institute] Serial F Report of the Board of Foreign Missions for the Diocese of Fredericton 1877 4 1877 4 8_02034 fulltext [Board of Foreign Missions for the Diocese of Fredericton] Serial F Report of the Board of French Evangelization of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, together with financial statement for the year ending 1880 1898 8_01643 fulltext [Board of French Evangelization of the Presbyterian Church in Canada] Serial F Report of the Board of Managers of the Halifax Asylum for the Blind 1871 1 1877 7 Halifax Asylum for the Blind 8_00338 fulltext [Halifax Asylum for the Blind] Serial F Report of the Board of Managers of the Halifax Institution for the Blind 1878 8 1883 13 Halifax Institution for the Blind 8_00354 fulltext [Halifax Institution for the Blind] Serial F Report of the Board of Managers of the Halifax School for the Blind, together with the act of incorporation, and constitution and by-laws 1884 14 1890 20 8_01139 fulltext [Halifax School for the Blind] Serial F Report of the Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa for the years 1868 1868 8_00227 fulltext Volume online 1866/1867/1868 Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa Serial F Report of the Board of Trade, Toronto 1856 1856 Board of Trade of the City of Toronto 8_00822 fulltext [Board of Trade of the City of Toronto] Serial F Report of the Boards of Home and Foreign Missions ... to the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia 1877 1 1878 2 Church of England 8_00994 fulltext [Boards of Home and Foreign Missions] Serial F Report of the British Columbia Fruit Growers' and Horticultural Society from May ... to August 1895 7 1897 7 8_00318 fulltext Richard Wolfenden, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Report of the Bureau of Archives for the province of Ontario 1911 1916 9_70137 fulltext L.K. Cameron Serial F Report of the Bureau of Archives for the province of Ontario 1907 1907 9_70137 fulltext L.K. Cameron Serial F Report of the Canada Baptist Missionary Society 1845 9 1847 11 Canada Baptist Missionary Society 8_00415 fulltext [Canada Baptist Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the Canada Central Railway Co'y. for the Year Ending 30th June 1869 1 1869 1 Canada Central Railway Company 8_00375 fulltext [Canada Central Railway Company] Serial F Report of the Canadian Dairymen's Association, with accompanying papers, &c. for the years 1869 1873 6 Canadian Dairymen's Association 8_00809 fulltext [Canadian Dairymen's Association] Serial F Report of the Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Missionary Society, auxiliary to the Methodist New Connexion Missionary Society in England 1848 1865 Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church 8_00894 fulltext [Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the Charlotte County Auxiliary Bible Society, formed at Saint Andrews (New Brunswick,) 13th December, 1824, and of its branches & ladies' associations 1824 1 1824 1 8_02196 fulltext Printed for the Society by Peter Stubs Serial F Report of the church wardens and select vestry of Christ Church Cathedral, for the year ending at Easter 1851 1852 8_02068 fulltext [Christ Church Cathedral] Serial F Report of the church-wardens, Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal 1864 1864 1898 1898 8_00209 fulltext Christ Church Cathedral Serial F Report of the Citizens' Committee of the Shelter for the Homeless for the year 1876 1877 Shelter for the Homeless (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00914 fulltext [Shelter for the Homeless] Serial F Report of the City of Hamilton Religious Tract and Missionary Society 1857 3 1857 3 Religious Tract and Missionary Society (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_01849 fulltext [Religious Tract and Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the City of Quebec Agricultural Society 1871 1871 City of Quebec Agricultural Society 8_01816 fulltext [City of Quebec Agricultural Society] Serial F Report of the Coldstream Mechanics' Institute for 1894 1894 8_02147 fulltext [Coldstream Mechanics' Institute] Serial F Report of the Colonial Church & School Society for the Diocese of Montreal, Canada 1853 1 1878 26 8_00085 fulltext Colonial Church and School Society Serial F Report of the committee for ... of the St. George's Society of Toronto, instituted for the relief of sick and destitute Englishmen and their descendants 1867 1899 65 8_01651 fulltext [St. George's Society of Toronto] Serial F Report of the committee of management of the corporation of the St. George's Society of Ottawa for the year ending April 1870 1873 St. George's Society of Ottawa 8_01150 fulltext [St. George's Society of Ottawa] Serial F Report of the committee of management of the corporation of the St. George's Society of Ottawa for the year ending ... April 1870 1872 8_01150 fulltext [St. George's Society of Ottawa] Serial F Report of the committee of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Foreign Missionary Society 1845 1845 8_01652 fulltext [Nova Scotia Baptist Foreign Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the committee of the Pictou Auxiliary Bible Society for the year ending February 1860 36 1877 52 8_01468 fulltext [Pictou Auxiliary Bible Society] Serial F Report of the Committee of the Toronto Board of Trade 1841 1841 1841 1841 8_00070 fulltext Board of Trade of the City of Toronto Serial F Report of the council of the Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario for the year 1883 1883 Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario 8_01577 fulltext [Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario] Serial F Report of the council of the Board of Trade for the year ended 31st March 1855 1886 Montreal Board of Trade 8_01061 fulltext [Montreal Board of Trade] Serial F Report of the council of the New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association 1879 1879 8_01365 fulltext [New Brunswick Rifle Association] Serial F Report of the council to the Association for the year ending December 1879 1879 1895 1895 8_00095 fulltext Art Association of Montreal Serial F Report of the Dairy Association of the Province of Quebec 1886 5 1900 19 8_00315 fulltext Charles Francois Langlois, Printer to Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen Serial F Report of the Dairymen's Association of British Columbia 1896 1897 8_00265 fulltext Volume online 1896/1897 Richard Wolfenden, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Report of the Deacons' Court and Managing Committee of St. Andrew's Church, London, Ont. for the year 1868 1875 8_01201 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Report of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia for the year 1851 4 1853 16 United Church of England and Ireland 8_00534 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island for 1840 1868 United Church of England and Ireland 8_00554 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island] Serial F Report of the Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island for the year 1869 1872 Church of England 8_02612 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Prince Edward Island] Serial F Report of the directors 1877 1882 Merchants' Bank of Canada 8_00647 fulltext [Merchants' Bank of Canada] Serial F Report of the directors for the year ending 1853-06 1876-07-31 45 Great Western Railway Company (Canada) 8_01841 fulltext [Great Western Railway Company (Canada)] Serial F Report of the directors of the Cobourg and Peterborough Railway Company, to the stockholders 1853 1857 3 Cobourg and Peterborough Railway Company 8_00356 fulltext [Cobourg and Peterborough Railway Company] Serial F Report of the directors of the Company 1896 1896 8_02227 fulltext [Saint John Rural Cemetery Company] Serial F Report of the directors of the Montreal & New York Railroad Company, to the proprietors 1853 2 1853 2 Montreal and New York Railroad Company 8_01626 fulltext [Montreal and New York Railroad Company] Serial F Report of the directors of the Montreal and Lachine Rail-Road Company 1847 1847 Montreal and Lachine Rail-Road Company 8_00634 fulltext [Montreal and Lachine Rail-Road Company] Serial F Report of the directors of the Montreal Mining Company to the stockholders at the annual general meeting 1847 2 1869 24 Montreal Mining Company 8_00493 fulltext [Montreal Mining Company] Serial F Report of the directors of the Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railroad Company, to the stockholders 1857 1857 8_01051 fulltext [Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railroad Company] Serial F Report of the directors to the shareholders at their ... annual general meeting 1867 49 1900 2 8_00217 fulltext Bank of Montreal Serial F Report of the directors to the shareholders at their ... annual general meeting, held 1870 1871 8_01294 fulltext [Quebec Bank] Serial F Report of the directors to the shareholders of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada For the Year ending 31st December 1880 1 1900 21 8_00036 fulltext Bell Telephone Company Serial F Report of the directors to the shareholders of the Citizens Insurance Company 1878 1882 Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 8_00435 fulltext [Citizens Insurance Company of Canada] Serial F Report of the directors to the shareholders of the Montreal Telegraph Company 1886 1886 8_01210 fulltext [Montreal Telegraph Company] Serial F Report of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association 1881 1881 1893 1893 8_00267 fulltext Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Serial F Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario for the year 1871 1873 Entomological Society of Ontario 8_00666 fulltext [Entomological Society of Ontario] Serial F Report of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia 1870 33 1876 39 Church of England 8_02338 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the executive committee of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia for the year 1854 17 1869 32 United Church of England and Ireland 8_00535 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the Executive Committee of the Niagara Falls Association 1885 1885 8_01276 fulltext [Niagara Falls Association] Serial F Report of the Executive Committee of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 1846 1847 Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 8_03516 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society] Serial F Report of the Executive Committee, of the Montreal Fire Relief Fund 1851 2 1851 2 8_01233 fulltext [Executive Committee, Montreal Fire Relief Fund] Serial F Report of the Female Home Society 1871 1878 Female Home Society 8_00334 fulltext [Female Home Society] Serial F Report of the Female Protection Society for the year 1855 1855 Female Protection Society 8_00357 fulltext [Female Protection Society] Serial F Report of the Fraser Institute to 30th June 1878 1 1889 11 8_00253 fulltext Fraser Institute Serial F Report of the French Mission Scheme for the year ending 23rd May 1866 1866 8_02020 fulltext [Committee on the French Mission Scheme] Serial F Report of the Fruit Committee of the Montreal Agricultural and Horticultural Society 1876 1 1876 1 Montreal Horticultural Society 8_00515 fulltext [Montreal Horticultural Society, Fruit Committee] Serial F Report of the Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia for the year 1874 1874 Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia 8_00545 fulltext [Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Abbottsford 1878 1878 Fruit Growers' Association of Abbottsford (Quebec) 8_00538 fulltext [Fruit Growers' Association of Abbottsford] Serial F Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario for the year 1870 1887 Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario 8_00332 fulltext [Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario] Serial F Report of the Game and Inland Fishery Protection Society of Nova Scotia 1879 1881 Game and Inland Fishery Protection Society of Nova Scotia 8_00541 fulltext [Game and Inland Fishery Protection Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the General Committee, of the Toronto Mechanics' Institute, for the year ending May 1854 1859 8_01323 fulltext [Toronto Mechanics' Institute] Serial F Report of the Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New-Brunswick 1837 18 1837 18 Madras School 8_00496 fulltext [Madras School] Serial F Report of the Halifax Ladies' Bible Society 1851 3 1884 39 8_01155 fulltext [Halifax Ladies' Bible Association] Serial F Report of the Hamilton city branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society 1854 15 1854 15 8_02074 fulltext [Hamilton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society] Serial F Report of the Home District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for 1827 1831 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_00967 fulltext [York Committee] Serial F Report of the Home Mission Committee (Eastern Section) for 1889 1889 8_01194 fulltext [Home Mission Committee (Eastern Section)] Serial F Report of the Hospital for Sick Children, 31 Avenue Street, Toronto, from 1875 1880 Hospital for Sick Children 8_00322 fulltext [Hospital for Sick Children] Serial F Report of the House of Industry, city of Toronto for the year 1873 1885 House of Industry (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00363 fulltext [House of Industry] Serial F Report of the Indian Orphanage and Juvenile Mission Scheme, for the year ending May 31st 1876 1876 8_02168 fulltext [Indian Orphanage and Juvenile Mission Scheme] Serial F Report of the inspectors and the medical superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the year 1865 1865 8_01311 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the Labrador Mission for 1865 1865 Labrador Mission 8_00400 fulltext [Labrador Mission] Serial F Report of the Ladies' Benevolent Society for the year 1838 1840 Ladies' Benevolent Society (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00999 fulltext [Ladies' Benevolent Society] Serial F Report of the Ladies' Domestic Mission, Belleville, Ontario 1870 1 1870 1 Ladies' Domestic Mission (Belleville, Ont.) 8_00451 fulltext [Ladies' Domestic Mission] Serial F Report of the Magdalen Asylum, and Industrial House of Refuge for Females 1857 3 1859 5 8_01445 fulltext [Toronto Magdalene Asylum or Female House of Refuge] Serial F Report of the manager of the European and North American Railway for the year ending 1868 1868 8_02153 fulltext [European and North American Railway Company] Serial F Report of the medical superintendent for 1871 1871 8_01322 fulltext [Rockwood Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the medical superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the twelve months ending 30th Sept 1868 1880 8_01313 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the medical superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the year 1864 1864 8_01310 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the medical superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, with accounts and returns for the year 1873 1891 44 8_01308 fulltext G.E. Fenety, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Report of the Micmac Mission for the year ending December 31 1866 1867 8_01158 fulltext [Micmac Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the Micmac Mission for the year ending December 31 1866 1867 Micmac Missionary Society 8_01158 fulltext [Micmac Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the Midland District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for 1827 1 1831 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_00976 fulltext [Midland District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain] Serial F Report of the Mission to the Lumbermen in the valley of the Ottawa 1870 3 1871 4 8_01646 fulltext [Mission to the Lumbermen in the valley of the Ottawa] Serial F Report of the Missionary Society of the Primitive Methodist Church in Canada, auxiliary to the English Conference, from April 30th ... to April 30th 1855 1881 Primitive Methodist Church in Canada 8_00591 fulltext Printed for the Society, by Thomas Cuttell & Son Serial F Report of the Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society 1820 1 1899 79 Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society 8_00450 fulltext Printed for the Society by N. Mower Serial F Report of the Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec for the year 1877 3 1881 8 Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec 8_00558 fulltext [Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Report of the Montreal Ladies' Educational Association 1871 1 1884 14 8_01074 fulltext [Montreal Ladies' Educational Association] Serial F Report of the Montreal Sailors' Institute for the year ending 31st January 1869 1870 Montreal Sailors' Institute 8_00507 fulltext [Montreal Sailors' Institute] Serial F Report of the Montreal Young Men's Christian Association 1864 1873 23 Montreal Young Men's Christian Association 8_00512 fulltext [Montreal Young Men's Christian Association] Serial F Report of the Montreal-District Branch of the Society for Propagating the Gospel, Among the Indians and Destitute Settlers in Lower Canada 1839 2 1841 4 8_01116 fulltext [Montreal-District Branch of the Society for Propagating the Gospel, Among the Indians and Destitute Settlers in Lower Canada] Serial F Report of the New Brunswick Auxiliary Bible Society 1819 1 1899 8 New Brunswick Auxiliary Bible Society 8_00566 fulltext [New Brunswick Auxiliary Bible Society] Serial F Report of the New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association 1867 1 1867 1 8_01364 fulltext [New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association] Serial F Report of the New-Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Board 1856 3 1856 3 8_01974 fulltext [New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society] Serial P Report of the New-Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Board 1856 3 1856 3 8_01974 fulltext [New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society] Serial P Report of the Niagara District Committee, in correspondence with the Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1827 1 1829 3 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) 8_00975 fulltext Niagara District Committee, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) Serial F Report of the Northumberland Agricultural Society for the years 1849 1849 8_02200 fulltext [Northumberland Agricultural Society] Serial F Report of the Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society, for the year ending June 1833 1837 Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society 8_01002 fulltext [Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society] Serial F Report of the Nova-Scotia Bible Society 1816 2 1900 71 Nova Scotia Bible Society 8_01590 fulltext [Nova Scotia Bible Society] Serial F Report of the operations of the Society of St. Vincent of Paul for the year 1870 1891 Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Conferences (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00978 fulltext [Halifax Conference, Society of St. Vincent de Paul] Serial F Report of the Parochial Association Committee for the year 1860 1860 1860 1860 8_00236 fulltext Parochial Association Committee Serial F Report of the Pictou Sabbath School Society 1824 2 1824 2 Pictou Sabbath School Society 8_01585 fulltext [Pictou Sabbath School Society] Serial F Report of the president and directors of the Ottawa and Prescott Railway Company 1857 1857 8_01443 fulltext [Ottawa and Prescott Railway Company] Serial F Report of the president and directors of the St. Lawrence Mining Company 1853 1854 St. Lawrence Mining Company 8_00880 fulltext [St. Lawrence Mining Company] Serial F Report of the president and directors to the shareholders 1856 1856 Hamilton & Port Dover Railway Company 8_00413 fulltext [Hamilton & Port Dover Railway] Serial F Report of the president and directors to the stockholders of the Midland Railway of Canada for the fiscal year ending 31st of December 1872 1872 Midland Railway of Canada 8_00723 fulltext [Midland Railway of Canada] Serial F Report of the Principal of Upper Canada College for the year and the statement of the Bursar showing the receipts and disbursements for the same period 1899 1899 8_02136 fulltext [Upper Canada College] Serial F Report of the proceedings at the ... annual meeting of the shareholders of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company 1898 17 1899 18 8_00098 fulltext Canadian Pacific Railway Company Serial F Report of the proceedings of the annual session of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Western Canada 1860 1 1867 8 8_02160 fulltext [Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Western Canada] Serial F Report of the proceedings of the subsidiary H.C. meeting 1893 9 1899 12 8_02169 fulltext Published by the Executive Council Serial F Report of the proceedings of the ... annual convention of the Sabbath School Union in the county of Halton 1859 1 1859 1 8_01644 fulltext [Sabbath School Union] Serial F Report of the proceedings of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia 1839 1 1850 30 8_02052 fulltext [Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia] Serial F Report of the proceedings of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association 1894 1894 1900 1900 8_00268 fulltext Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Serial F Report of the proceedings of the Female Society for the Relief of Poor Women in Child-birth 1824 1824 Female Society for the Relief of Poor Women in Child-birth 8_00814 fulltext [Female Society for the Relief of Poor Women in Child-birth] Serial F Report of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for Montreal, with financial statements and statistics of attendance, for the scholastic year 1894 1894 8_02369 fulltext [Protestant Board of School Commissioners] Monograph P Report of the Protestant Poor Relief Committee 1877 1877 8_01665 fulltext [Protestant Poor Relief Committee] Serial F Report of the Protestant Poor Relief Committee, for the winter of 1855 1855 8_01327 fulltext [Protestant Poor Relief Committee] Serial F Report of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the fifteen months ending 30 Sept 1867 1867 8_01312 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, for the year 1863 1863 Provincial Lunatic Asylum (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00965 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the Quebec Auxiliary Tract Society 1854 1858 Quebec Auxiliary Tract Society 8_00980 fulltext [Quebec Auxiliary Tract Society] Serial F Report of the Quebec Bible Society for the year 1825 1825 8_01259 fulltext [Quebec Bible Society] Serial F Report of the Quebec Ladies' Bible Association for the year 1882 1883 Quebec Ladies' Bible Association 8_00696 fulltext [Quebec Ladies' Bible Association] Serial F Report of the Quebec Lunatic Asylum 1872 1884 Quebec Lunatic Asylum 8_00672 fulltext [Quebec Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Report of the Royal Agricultural Society of Prince Edward Island, for the year ending 1857 1857 8_01484 fulltext [Royal Agricultural Society of Prince Edward Island] Serial F Report of the Saint John Church Missionary Society 1881 16 1881 16 8_02215 fulltext [Saint John Church Missionary Society] Serial F Report of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto, for the year 1880 1890 8_01249 fulltext [Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto] Serial F Report of the St. James' Young Men's Christian Association, of Toronto, with list of members, and other information 1861 1 1861 1 St. James' Young Men's Christian Association of Toronto 8_01609 fulltext [St. James' Young Men's Christian Association of Toronto] Serial F Report of the state of the Madras School incorporated by the name of the Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New-Brunswick 1841 22 1863 44 Madras School 8_00497 fulltext Serial F Report of the Sunday School Union Society, of Canada, for 1828 6 1828 6 8_02656 fulltext Printed for the Society at the office of the Montreal Herald and New Montreal Gazette Serial P Report of the Superior Council of Canada for the year 1879 1879 Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Superior Council of Canada 8_00972 fulltext [Superior Council of Canada, Society of St. Vincent de Paul] Serial F Report of the Toronto Ladies' Bible Association, to March 31st 1846 1 1848 3 8_01117 fulltext [Toronto Ladies' Bible Association] Serial F Report of the Toronto Prisoners' Aid Society, for the year 1874 1876 Toronto Prisoners' Aid Society 8_00907 fulltext [Toronto Prisoners' Aid Society] Serial F Report of the Toronto Street Railway Company 1861 1 1861 1 8_01657 fulltext [Toronto Street Railway Company] Serial F Report of the Trustees & Deacons' Court of Knox Church for congregational year 1868 1869 Knox Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00857 fulltext [Knox Church] Serial F Report of the trustees of the House of Industry, Toronto, for the year 1851 1872 House of Industry (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00446 fulltext [House of Industry] Serial F Report of the trustees of the Montreal Mining Company to the shareholders at the adjourned general meeting of the 30th November 1846 1846 Montreal Mining Company 8_00492 fulltext [Montreal Mining Company] Serial F Report of the Upper Canada Religious Tract & Book Society, for the year 1832 1 1891 59 8_02041 fulltext [Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society] Serial F Report of the Western Ontario Bible Society (Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society) from 1885 20 1898 32 8_02129 fulltext [Western Ontario Bible Society] Serial F Report of the York County Central Agricultural Society for the year 1849 1849 8_02214 fulltext [York County Central Agricultural Society] Serial F Report on Canadian archives 1881 1881 1922 8_03505 fulltext Last issue 1919/20/21 Printed by MacLean, Roger & Co. Serial F Report on foreign correspondence, being an appendix to the proceedings for the year 1878 1878 8_02220 fulltext [Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada] Serial F Report on the Peter Redpath Museum of McGill University 1882-04 1 1883 2 8_01483 fulltext [Redpath Museum] Serial F Report submitted by the Board of Directors of the Northern Railway of Canada, to the annual meeting of the proprietors, held at the company's office, Wednesday 1859 1882 Northern Railway Company of Canada 8_00576 fulltext [Northern Railway Company of Canada] Serial F Report submitted by the Board of Directors of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company to the annual meeting of the proprietors 1854 1857 Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company 8_00772 fulltext [Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company] Serial F Report to the citizens of the Board of Common School Trustees of the city of Kingston to 1867 1867 8_02009 fulltext [Board of Common School Trustees] Monograph P Reports 1887 1887 Medicine Hat Coal and Mining Company 8_00458 fulltext Serial F Reports for 1879 1891 Industrial Exhibition Association of Toronto 8_00448 fulltext [Industrial Exhibition Association of Toronto] Serial F Reports for the year ended 31st December 1878 1894 St. Paul's Church (Montréal, Quebec) 8_01510 fulltext [St. Paul's Church] Serial F Reports for year ending December 31st 1883 1897 8_02213 fulltext [St. David's Presbyterian Church] Serial F Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, with tables of cases and principal matters 1884 1 1889 6 8_01892 fulltext Robert D. Richardson, Publisher Serial P Reports of the Board of Commissioners and of the superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum of New-Brunswick, for the year 1850 1855 Provincial Lunatic Asylum of New-Brunswick 8_01627 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum of New-Brunswick] Serial F Reports of the Boards of Home & Foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia, for 1849 1849 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 8_01598 fulltext [Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia] Serial F Reports of the Endowment Board of the University of Toronto, of Upper Canada College and Royal Grammar School, of the Caput of the University of Toronto and of the principal of Upper Canada College for the year 1851 2 1851 2 8_02135 fulltext [Board of Endowment of the University of Toronto and Upper Canada College and Royal Grammar School] Serial F Reports of the medical superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, from 1st July to 1st March 1853 1862 Provincial Lunatic Asylum (Toronto, Ont.) 8_00966 fulltext [Provincial Lunatic Asylum] Serial F Reports of the president and treasurer of the Toronto Board of Trade for the year 1883 1883 1886 1886 8_00046 fulltext Board of Trade of the City of Toronto Serial F Reports of the president, treasurer and secretary of the Board of Trade of the City of Toronto for the year 1889 1889 1893 1894 8_00047 fulltext Board of Trade of the City of Toronto Serial F Reports of the secular committee and the missionary & benevolent societies of the Lagauchetière Street Canada Presbyterian Church, Montreal for 1862 1863 Lagauchetière Street Canada Presbyterian Church (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00370 fulltext [Lagauchetière Street Canada Presbyterian Church] Serial F Résumé des conférences ecclésiastiques du Diocèse de Montréal 1877 1900 église catholique 8_00788 fulltext [éditeur non identifié] Serial F Resume des conferences ecclesiastiques du diocese d'Ottawa 1879 1879 8_01206 fulltext Serial F Revue agricole, manufacturière, commerciale et de colonisation 1861-10-01 1868-10-01 Chambre d'agriculture du Bas-Canada 8_04971 fulltext Bureau au dépôt agricole provincial Serial F Revue canadienne 1864-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 2 1 8_06483 fulltext E. Senécal Serial F Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence 1871 1 1 1873-05-01 3 4 8_05081 fulltext Dawson Serial F Revue de l'art 1895-12-01 1 1 1895-12-01 1 1 8_04894 fulltext A. Ferland Serial F Revue de législation et de jurisprudence 1845-11-01 1 2 1848-09-01 3 12 8_04905 fulltext Serial F Revue de Montréal 1877-02-01 1 1 1881-01-01 5 1 8_04757 fulltext Serial F Revue Dominicaine 1915-01-01 21 2 1920-12-01 Dominicains 8_06920 fulltext Couvent de Notre-Dame du Rosaire Serial F Revue du Tiers-ordre et de la Terre sainte 1891-01-01 7 1 1916-12-01 32 1 Franciscains 8_04240 fulltext Franciscain de l'Observance de Montréal Serial F Revue ecclésiastique 1896-09-15 1 2 1905-06-15 17 2 église catholique 8_04852 fulltext Serial F Revue générale de médecine, de pharmacie et d'hygiène pratiques 1898-05-01 1 3 1898-07-01 1 5 8_04898 fulltext Serial F Revue générale de pharmacie et d'hygiène pratiques 1898-03-01 1 1 1898-04-01 1 2 8_04897 fulltext Serial 8_04897 F Revue immobilière et industrielle 1913-06-01 1 1 1913-06-01 1 1 8_06825 fulltext P. Roy Serial F Revue littéraire de l'Université d'Ottawa 1900-01-01 1 1 1906-11-01 7 8 Le Jeune 8_05051 fulltext En Vente Au Juniorat du Sacré-CÅ“ur Serial F Revue mensuelle dévouée a l'émancipation coloniale et à l'union douanière avec les états-Unis 1880-02-01 1 1880-02-01 1 8_06500 fulltext J.X. Perrault Serial F Revue universelle 1895-09-07 1 1 1895-09-07 1 1 8_04101 fulltext L. Féval Serial F Rifle Association, 7th Military District, Upper Canada 1863 1 1863 1 Rifle Association (7th Military District, Upper Canada) 8_01625 fulltext [Rifle Association, 7th Military District, Upper Canada] Serial F Robert H. Cogswell's abridgement of the nautical almanac 1879 1880 8_01597 fulltext Robert H. Cogswell Serial F Robert Stark's Canadian almanac and receipt book for the year 1862 1863 8_00986 fulltext Published by Robert Stark Serial F Robertson & Cook's Toronto city directory for 1870 1871 Irwin 8_01021 fulltext Serial F Robertson's Canadian railway and steam navigation guide 1864-01-01 1864-01-01 8_05118 fulltext J.R. Robertson Serial F Rod and gun in Canada 1899-06-01 1 1 1905-05-01 6 12 8_04788 fulltext Rod and Gun Pub. Co Serial F Rodney Mercury 1900-03-29 17 24 1925-12-31 N_00265 fulltext Serial F Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly and national review 1878-07-01 1 1 1882-06-01 8 6 8_04708 fulltext Rose-Belford Pub. Co Serial F Rossland Weekly Miner 1896-12-03 2 40 1904-04-14 10 7 N_00011 fulltext Rossland Miner Printing & Publishing Co Serial F Rouge et noir 1880-01-01 1 1 1887-12-01 8 9 Trinity College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_04730 fulltext Students of Trinity College Serial F Rough notes 1863-11-10 1 39 1865-07-04 3 13 N_00688 fulltext Serial F Rowsell's city of Toronto and county of York directory for 1850 1851 8_00505 fulltext Henry Rowsell Serial Armstrong, J F Royal Canadian Yacht Club 1890 1890 8_01485 fulltext [Royal Canadian Yacht Club] Serial F Royal gazette and Prince Edward Island recorder 1826-04-08 1 4 1827-06-09 1 9 N_00256 fulltext Printed by James Bagnall, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty Serial F Royal Herald 1805-02-16 1 4 1806-10-08 1 27 N_00517 fulltext Printed by James Bagnall, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty Serial F Rundschau vom Berge Karmel 1897-10-01 1 1 1899-09-01 2 1 8_06000 fulltext Mount Carmel College Serial F S.P.C.A. journal 1879-11-01 1 2 1879-11-01 1 2 Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 8_04611 fulltext Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Serial F Sabbath Reformation Society 1858 8 1858 8 8_01300 fulltext [Kingston Sabbath Reformation Society] Serial F Sabbath Reformation Society 1851 1851 8_01302 fulltext [Kingston Sabbath Reformation Society] Serial F Sabbath School Teachers' Institute 1871 2 1871 2 8_01647 fulltext [Toronto Sabbath School Association] Serial F Sackville Cricket Club Literary Society 1865 1867 8_01195 fulltext [Sackville Cricket Club Literary Society] Serial F Saint John Daily News illustrated almanac 1874 1875 8_02182 fulltext Published by Willis & Mott Serial F Saint John business directory and almanac, for 1857 1857 8_02225 fulltext Published by C.A. Everett, and Geo. W. Day Serial F Saint John observer 1853-07-12 1 1 1855-10-24 3 16 N_00354 fulltext D.A. Cameron Serial F Saint John observer, and general advertiser 1857-01-20 1 1 1857-01-20 1 1 N_00355 fulltext D.A. Cameron, Proprietor Serial F Saint John prices current 1868-02-01 1868-12-05 8_04810 fulltext Serial F Salt Spring Island parish and home 1895-12-01 1 1901-10-01 5 8_04653 fulltext Serial F Saskatchewan courier 1 1 7 44 N_00731 fulltext Herausgegeben von Saskatchewan Courier Publ. Co. Ltd. Serial P Saskatchewan Labor's Realm 1907-05-31 1 1 1908-07-31 1 52 N_00088 fulltext Saskatchewan Labor's Realm Co. Serial F Saskatchewan medical journal 1909-01-01 1 1 1910-12-01 2 12 8_05218 fulltext Committee of Publication, Saskatchewan Medical Association Serial F Saturday evening magazine 1833-11-09 1 1 1834-05-31 1 28 8_04361 fulltext Leclere, Jones Serial F Saturday ledger 1890-01-01 1905-03-04 8_05997 fulltext Serial F Schneider & Taylor's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1870 1871 8_00687 fulltext Published by Schneider & Taylor Serial F School and home 1904-11-29 9 5 1905-11-15 9 5 8_05080 fulltext Educational Publishing Co., Limited Serial F School and home 1904-12-01 9 6 1905-11-15 9 6 8_05083 fulltext Educational Publishing Co., Limited Serial F School and home 1905-02-26 9 6 1905-11-15 9 6 8_05084 fulltext Educational Publishing Co., Limited Serial F Scientific Canadian mechanics' magazine and Patent Office record 1879-01-01 7 1 1882-12-01 10 12 Canada 8_04865 fulltext Burland-Desbarats Litho. Co. Serial F Secular thought 1896-10-17 20 15 1899-04-15 25 14 Canadian Secular Union 8_04737 fulltext C.M. Ellis Serial F Select Knights of Canada Journal and advocate 1891-05-01 2 1 1891-05-01 2 1 Select Knights of Canada 8_05975 fulltext Watt & Wilkinson Serial F Semi-annual circular 1905-02-17 1 1905-02-17 1 Rand 8_04528 fulltext Education Office Serial F Semi-annual Conference of the Mennonite Church of Waterloo County 1893-04 1894-09 8_01993 fulltext [Conference of the Mennonite Church] Serial P Semi-annual report of the Upper Canada Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and for the Blind 1865 1865 8_02040 fulltext [Upper Canada Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and for the Blind] Serial F Semi-annual session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East 1862 1867 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00930 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Canada East] Serial F Semi-annual session of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the Province of Quebec 1868 1871 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_00931 fulltext [Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the Province of Quebec] Serial F Semi-Weekly Klondike nugget 1900-01-10 4 1 1900-03-11 4 18 N_00078 fulltext Allen Bros, Publishers Serial F Semi-Weekly Signal 1871-08-29 10 1 1872-02-27 10 53 N_00597 fulltext Geo. Cox & Abraham Smith, Proprietors Serial F Semi-Weekly Signal and Huron and Bruce advertiser 1866-11-27 5 26 1871-07-28 9 96 N_00604 fulltext W.T. Cox, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Session programme for the primary department 1896-01-01 1898-12-01 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04478 fulltext Serial F Sessional papers 1869 1866 9_01607 fulltext Thompson Serial F Sessional papers of the Dominion of Canada 1868 1900 9_08052 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F Setaneoei : migmaoi solnaltjitj = Le messager micmac = The Micmac messenger 1908-06-01 254 1920-04-01 393 Pacifique 8_06792 fulltext R.P. Pacifique Serial F Shaftesbury hall monthly bulletin 1885-09 1 1 1885-12 1 4 8_06019 fulltext Follows Shaftesbury hall weekly bulletin, no title_id change Toronto Young Men's Christian Association Serial 8_06019 F Shaftesbury hall weekly bulletin 1880-06-26 1 1 1885-08-29 6 35 8_06019 fulltext Followed by Shaftesbury hall monthly bulletin, no title_id change Toronto Young Men's Christian Association Serial F Shell hole advance 1917-02-22 1 1 1917-02-22 1 1 Canada 8_06797 fulltext Serial F Sherbrooke city directory for 1887 1896 8_00506 fulltext Published by J.P. Royer Serial F Sherbrooke Examiner 1899-10-27 1105 1899-10-27 1105 N_00156 fulltext W.A. Morehouse & Co Serial F Shewan's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1862 1862 8_00905 fulltext Published by M. Shewan Serial F Sidney and islands review 1913-04-25 1 20 1918-11-21 11 45 N_00119 fulltext Published by the Sidney Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F Sidney and islands review and Saanich gazette 1918-12-12 11 45 1921-12-29 N_00120 fulltext Alfred Cunningham, Publisher and Editor Serial F Silent echo 1892-04-29 1 1 1892-04-29 1 1 8_04734 fulltext Institution for the Deaf and Dumb Serial F Simcoe Standard 1852-07-21 5 28 1853-02-09 6 6 N_00278 fulltext John B. Abbott Serial F Simcoe Standard and agricultural, commercial and literary gazette 1849-09-19 2 38 1851-08-27 4 34 N_00277 fulltext John B. Abbott Serial F Simmonds's colonial magazine 1847-07-01 11 43 1847-11-01 12 47 8_04854 fulltext Simmonds & Ward, Foreign and Colonial Office Serial F Sinclair's journal of British North America 1849-03-03 1 1 1849-08-18 1 13 8_06180 fulltext P. Sinclair Serial F Sinclair's monthly circular and literary gazette 1855-03-01 1 3 1857-03-01 3 3 8_06181 fulltext P. Sinclair Serial F Sinclair's Quebec pocket almanac, for 1854 1854 8_01326 fulltext Published by Peter Sinclair Serial F Sinclair's weekly advertiser 1860-11-30 1 40 1860-12-14 1 41 8_06182 fulltext P. Sinclair Serial F Sons of England record 1897-08-15 2 3 1898-07-15 2 2 Sons of England Benefit Society 8_04922 fulltext Sons of England Benefit Society Serial F Souvenir de la retraite pastorale de : catalogue des pretres de l'Archidiocese de Quebec par ordre d'anciennete dans le sacerdoce 1871 1899 8_01330 fulltext [Eglise catholique, Archidiocese de Quebec] Serial F Splint record 1915-12 1916-01 2 8_06933 fulltext No. 2 Field Ambulance, 1st Canadian Division, B.E.F. Serial F Sport 1887-06-14 1 2 1887-06-14 1 2 8_04794 fulltext J.A. Lowe Serial F Sporting life 1889-07-15 1 24 1889-07-15 1 24 8_06678 fulltext J. Crossley Serial F St. Andrews Beacon 1889-05-09 1 2 1914-12-31 26 22 N_00438 fulltext R.E. Armstrong, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F St. Andrews standard, New-Brunswick 1834-09-25 2 1 1837-12-30 4 50 N_00525 fulltext George N. Smith Serial F St. Anthony's Canadian messenger 1896-03-01 1 3 1896-03-01 1 3 8_05999 fulltext Pub. under the patronage of His Grace The Bishop of Chicoutimi Serial F St. Catharines directory for 1876 1 1875 1 8_00784 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F St. Catharines general and business directory for 1874 1874 8_01200 fulltext J. Horwitz Serial F St. Clarens review 1896-06-01 1896-06-01 St. Clarens Avenue Methodist Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_05965 fulltext Pub. by the E.L. of C.E. of St. Clarens Avenue Methodist Church Serial F St. George's parish journal 1884-01-01 4 1 1887-12-01 7 12 St. George's Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06034 fulltext Serial F St. George's parish magazine 1883-01-01 3 1 1883-12-01 3 12 St. George's Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06033 fulltext Serial F St. George's parish magazine 1898-01-01 18 1 1908-01-01 28 1 St. George's Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06035 fulltext Serial F St. James' parish paper 1893-02-01 14 1893-02-01 14 St. James' Parish (Vancouver, B.C. 8_06126 fulltext St. James' Church Serial F St. Jerome's College, Berlin, Ont., Canada (on the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway) : scholastic year ... 1890 1890 St. Jerome's College 8_01838 fulltext [St. Jerome's College] Serial F St. John chronicle 1857-05-08 21 36 1859-04-01 23 16 N_00383 fulltext William Durant Serial P St. John chronicle and colonial conservative 1851-07-18 15 45 1856-02-22 20 25 N_00381 fulltext William Durant Serial P St. John semi-weekly sun 1898-07-02 21 27 29 87 N_00375 fulltext Sun Printing Company Serial P St. John star 1 123 7 31 N_00370 fulltext The Sun Printing Company (Ltd.) Serial P St. John's Church record and parish notes 1892-03-01 2 14 1893-01-01 2 24 St. John's Church (Saint John, N.B.) 8_04820 fulltext G.A. Knodell Serial F St. John's messenger 1892 1896-12-25 Sisterhood of St. John the Divine 8_04391 fulltext Serial F St. Lawrence advance 1874-11-27 1 4 1876-12-07 3 5 N_00341 fulltext D.G. Smith, Editor and Proprietor Serial P St. Luke's parish post 1873-01-01 1873-12-01 St. Luke's Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_04609 fulltext St. Luke's Church Association Serial F St. Matthew's message 1889-04-01 1 1 1890-02-01 1 11 St. Matthew's Church (London, Ont.) 8_04798 fulltext Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor Serial F St. Paul's Church monthly magazine 1898-01-01 4 1 1898-01-01 4 1 8_04816 fulltext The Church Serial F St. Paul's parish magazine 1887-04-01 1 4 1887-06-01 1 6 8_05030 fulltext Southam & Brierley Serial F St. Peter's Bote 2 1 1 28 52 N_00730 fulltext Benediktiner-Vatern von St. Peter's Priorat Serial P St. Peter's Church parish magazine 1892-08-01 2 8 1892-08-01 2 8 St. Peter's Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06037 fulltext Serial F St. Thomas business directory and holiday budget 1887 1887 8_01181 fulltext Serial F St. Thomas chronicle and Middlesex general advertiser 1843-11-04 1 3 1843-11-04 1 3 N_00682 fulltext O'Reilly & Newcombe, Publishers and Proprietors Serial F St. Thomas city directory 1886 2 1899 11 8_01049 fulltext Union Publishing Co'y, Publishers Serial F St. Thomas item 1876-12-09 1878-12-21 N_00689 fulltext Chas. Burke Serial F St. Thomas Journal 1876-12-26 1 1 1881-04-05 4 444 N_00287 fulltext Journal Printing Company Serial F St. Thomas reporter 1880-01-30 1 3 1880-07-09 1 24 N_00690 fulltext Published by Chas. Burke Serial F St. Thomas standard 1844-05-16 1 1 1846-05-23 2 52 N_00268 fulltext Printed for the Proprietor ... by O'Reilly & Newcombe Serial F St. Thomas watchman and Middlesex general advertiser 1851-01-11 1 5 1851-02-08 1 9 N_00686 fulltext N.W. Bate, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F Stadacona Fire and Life Insurance Company : annual general meeting of the Stadacona Fire and Life Insurance Company 1876 2 1876 2 8_02218 fulltext [Stadacona Fire and Life Insurance Company] Serial F Stamp-lore 1896-06-01 1 1 1897-01-15 1 5 8_04687 fulltext Commercial Print. Co Serial F Stanley's Canadian almanac for the year of our Lord 1890 1890 8_01077 fulltext Published by W. Stanley Serial F Statement of affairs for the year ending April 25 1887 1888 8_01867 fulltext [St. Paul's Church] Serial P Statement of the funds & effects of the City of London Building Society on January 31 1857 1857 City of London Building Society 8_00726 fulltext [City of London Building Society] Serial F Statement of the funds and effects of the Toronto Building Society 1852 1854 Toronto Building Society 8_00923 fulltext [Toronto Building Society] Serial F Statement of the objects, advantages and progress of the company and Report of Annual Meeting 1863 1874 Canada Landed Credit Co 8_00350 fulltext [Canada Landed Credit Company] Serial F Statement of the result of the business of the Bank for the year ended 1898-04-30 1900-10-31 8_00218 fulltext First volume online 1898-04-30; Last volume online 1900-10-31 Bank of Montreal Serial F Statements relating to the home and foreign trade of the Dominion of Canada; also, Annual report of the commerce of Montreal for 1870 8 1883 8_00645 fulltext Serial F Statistical return and financial statement of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, from 1860 1860 Presbyterian Church of Canada 8_01613 fulltext [Presbyterian Church of Canada] Serial F Statutes of Canada 1867 1872 9_08050 fulltext M. Cameron Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1815 1840 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1812 1813 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1804 1808 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1801 1802 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1797 1799 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of Her Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1792 1795 9_10042 fulltext G. Tiffany Serial F Statutes of the Province of Canada 1852 1866 9_00925 fulltext S. Derbishire and G. Desbarats Serial F Statuts de la province du Canada 1854 1866 9_00923 fulltext S. Derbishire et G. Desbarats Serial F Statuts de la province du Canada 1852 1852 9_00923 fulltext S. Derbishire et G. Desbarats Serial F Statuts du Canada 1867 1872 9_01839 fulltext M. Cameron Serial F Stewart's literary quarterly magazine 1867-04-01 1 1 1870-01-01 3 4 8_04804 fulltext G. Stewart Serial F Stewart's quarterly 1870-04-01 4 1 1872-01-01 5 4 8_04722 fulltext G. Stewart Serial F St-Hyacinthe illustré : St-Hyacinthe illustrated 1886-12-01 1 1886-12-01 1 8_06718 fulltext Cie. de Gravure et d'impr. George Bishop Serial F Street guide to the city of Toronto, showing the names of householders on the respective streets 1884 1884 R. L. Polk & Co 8_01595 fulltext R .L. Polk & Co. Serial F Street railway service 1919-12-06 3 2 1919-12-06 3 2 London Street Railway (Ont.) 8_05002 fulltext Published by the London Street Railway Co Serial F Students' hand book 1890 1894 8_01360 fulltext Published by McGill University Y.M.C.A. Serial F Subscribers' directory, Eastern exchanges 1889-11 1891-11 8_00190 fulltext First volume online November (1889); Last volume online November (1891) Bell Telephone Company of Canada Serial F Subscribers' directory, Hamilton and Dundas exchanges 1890-01 1896-01 8_00261 fulltext First volume online 1890-01; Last volume online 1896-01 Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, Ontario Dept. Serial F Subscribers' directory, London and St. Thomas exchanges 1890 1890 8_00103 fulltext Volume online 1890-02 Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Serial F Subscribers' directory, London exchange 1896-02 1896-02 8_00104 fulltext Volume online 1896-02 Bell Telephone Company of Canada Serial F Subscribers' directory, Montreal exchange 1893 1893 8_00191 fulltext Volume online 1893-07 D. Bentley & Co. Serial F Subscribers' directory, Ottawa 1894 1896 8_00192 fulltext First volume online 1894-01; Last volume online 1896-07 Bell Telephone Co'y of Canada Serial F Subscribers' directory, Quebec, Levis & Etchemin 1890 1890 1890 1890 8_00162 fulltext Bell Telephone Company of Canada Serial F Subscribers' directory, Western exchanges 1893-12 1893-12 8_00262 fulltext Volume online 1893-12 Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Ontario Dept. Serial F Subscribers real estate directory 1876-09-01 1877-01-01 8_04710 fulltext F.C. Wakefield Serial F Summary of the financial position of the Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 1882 1882 Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 8_00429 fulltext [Citizens Insurance Company of Canada] Serial F Sunbeams 1890-04-12 1 2 1890-06-14 1 11 8_06590 fulltext Sun Pub. Co Serial F Sunday lollipops 1875 4 1875 4 8_04883 fulltext Serial F Sunday School Convention of Nova Scotia 1893 9 1896 12 8_01488 fulltext Published by the Executive Committee Serial F Sunday school guardian for the Province of Canada 1846-04-01 1 4 1879-11-22 1 22 Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 8_04422 fulltext Wesleyan-Methodist Book Room Serial F Sunday school helper 1892-09-01 2 4 1892-10-01 2 4 New Brunswick Sunday School Association 8_04875 fulltext Serial F Sunday-School Banner for Teachers and Young People 1873-01-01 6 1 1905-12-01 39 12 8_04860 fulltext Serial F Sunshine 1896-01-01 1903-01-01 21 4 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 8_04239 fulltext Published by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Serial F Sunshine magazine 1905-01-01 23 3 1905-04-01 23 3 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 8_06863 fulltext Published Quarterly by the Advertising and Supplies Department Serial F Sutherland & Co.'s Hamilton city directory for 1866 1866 8_00487 fulltext Sutherland & Co., Publishers Serial F Sutherland's city of Ottawa directory for 1868 1869 8_01050 fulltext Printed and Published by Hunter, Rose & Company Serial F Sutherland's Counties of Kent and Essex Gazetteer and General Business Directory for 1870 1871 McEvoy 8_00785 fulltext James Sutherland, Publisher Serial F Sutherland's county of Huron gazetteer and general directory for 1869 1869 8_00489 fulltext Jas. Sutherland & Co., Publishers and Compilers Serial F Sydney Mines Star 1904-12-30 2 34 1905-10-18 2 34 N_00654 fulltext Serial F Sydney morning news 1907-11-28 1 21 1907-11-28 1 21 N_00650 fulltext Published by the Cape Breton Printing Company, Limited Serial F Syllabus of the English and Commercial Department 1840 1840 8_01453 fulltext [Royal Acadian School] Serial F Synod of the Church known as the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick : minutes of meeting held ... 1862 1864 8_01641 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick] Serial F Synopsis of the proceedings of the Board, and of the Executive Committee of Trustees of Queen's College, Kingston 1852 1856 8_01304 fulltext [Board, and of the Executive Committee of Trustees of Queen's College] Serial F Tank tatler 1918-10 1919-02 1 4 8_06927 fulltext Polsue Ltd. Serial F Tarot 1896-02-13 1 1 1896-03-13 1 2 8_06629 fulltext Tarot Press Serial F Tchun! 1916-12-16 1 1 1917-12-15 1 5 Canada 8_06801 fulltext Canadian Corps Training School Serial F Teare's directory & hand book of the province of Prince Edward Island for 1880 1881 Teare, Robert 8_00664 fulltext Published and Sold by Teare & Co. Serial F The de luxe magazine 1913-01-01 1 1 1914-04-01 3 1 8_06578 fulltext De-Luxe Pub. Co Serial F The Golden Lion household and farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 Golden Lion (Firm) 8_00373 fulltext Published by Robert Walker & Sons Serial F The Newmarket era farmers' almanac! for 1875 1875 8_00793 fulltext Published especially for Era Subscribers by the Editor [James W. Smith] Serial Smith, James W F The ABC railway and steamboat travellers' guide 1880-05-01 2 1880-08-01 5 Commercial Travellers' Association 8_04042 fulltext J. Theo. Robinson Serial F The abstainer 1856-10-15 1 1 1873-05-07 18 19 Sons of Temperance of Nova Scotia 8_04951 fulltext J. Barnes Serial F The academy 1885-12-01 2 1 1893-12-01 9 1 Pictou Academy 8_04866 fulltext Serial F The Academy Annual 1897-12 1900-12 8_02625 fulltext Issues Christmas (Year) the Students Serial F The Academy gossip 1871-02-01 1 1 1871-02-01 1 1 Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy 8_04540 fulltext Published at Office of Chignecto Post Serial F The Acadian 1883-10-12 2 1 1888-02-24 7 28 N_00090 fulltext Davison Bros., Publishers & Proprietors Serial F The Acadian 1904-01-01 23 14 1925-12-31 45 11 N_00093 fulltext Davison Bros. Serial F The Acadian and Berwick Times 1888-03-02 7 29 1889-04-05 8 33 N_00091 fulltext Davison Bros., Editors and Proprietors Serial F The Acadian and King's Co. Times 1889-04-12 8 34 1900-06-22 19 40 N_00092 fulltext Davison Bros., Editors & Proprietors Serial F The Acadian magazine 1826-07 1 1 1827-01 2 19 8_06936 fulltext Serial F The Acadian recorder 101 14 110 152 N_00718 fulltext Blackadar Bros. Serial P The Acadian scientist 1883-01-01 1 1 1884-02-01 2 2 Acadian Science Club 8_04007 fulltext Acadian Science Club Serial F The acts and proceedings of the Synod of Manitoba and the North-West Territories of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1884 1 1896 14 8_02006 fulltext [Synod of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories] Monograph P The acts and proceedings of the ... Synod of British Columbia of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1892 1 1900 9 8_01663 fulltext [Synod of British Columbia of the Presbyterian Church in Canada] Serial F The acts and proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Church of Scotland 1846 17 1875 49 8_01144 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Church of Scotland] Serial F The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1861 1862 9_01815 fulltext King's Printer Serial F The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1854 1855 9_01815 fulltext King's Printer Serial F The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1851 1852 9_01815 fulltext King's Printer Serial F The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1833 1847 9_01815 fulltext King's Printer Serial F The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1817 1819 9_01815 fulltext King's Printer Serial F The advance 1900-02-05 1 1 1900-02-05 1 1 8_06092 fulltext Published by the pupils of Waller Street School Serial F The Advance 1889-02-28 1 1 1925-12-24 36 40 N_00223 fulltext Blue & Smith, Proprietors Serial F The Advertiser 1894-08-10 11 27 1918-11-29 N_00041 fulltext H.G. Harris, Editor and Manager Serial F The Advertiser-Topic 1919-10-23 34 47 1925-12-31 41 5 N_00263 fulltext Petrolia Printing & Publishing Co. Limited Serial F The adviser 1862-06-01 2 1 1864-10-01 4 4 8_06058 fulltext Serial F The Advocate 1894-02-08 1 1 1895-01-31 1 52 8_04183 fulltext Louis P. Kribs, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Advocate 1885-09-16 1 4 1889-03-20 4 29 8_06138 fulltext J. Coram, Proprietor Serial F The Advocate 1897-12-24 5 2 1916-09-01 23 39 N_00058 fulltext Advocate Printing and Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Advocate 1885-10-29 13 50 1888-12-13 17 6 N_00561 fulltext Serial F The aetna 1877-01-01 9 2 1879-04-01 11 3 Aetna Insurance Company 8_04962 fulltext Wm. H. Orr Serial F The African missions of the White Fathers 1910-10-01 2 10 1914-05-01 6 5 White Fathers 8_04287 fulltext White Fathers Serial F The agents' companion 1874-12-01 1 1 1875-01-01 1 2 8_04342 fulltext Companion Pub. Co Serial F The Agricultural farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1876 1876 8_01157 fulltext Serial F The Agricultural farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1876 1876 Canada Agricultural Insurance Company 8_01157 fulltext Serial F The Agriculturist 1878-04-20 1 2 1879-09-06 2 22 N_00167 fulltext Andrew Lipsett Serial F The agriculturist & Canadian journal 1848-01-01 1 1 1848-12-15 1 16 8_04332 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by Brewer, McPhail Serial F The Albert star 1894-07-04 1 8 1895-04-03 1 47 N_00348 fulltext Albert Star Publishing Company Serial P The Alberta farmer and Calgary weekly herald 1918-03-14 35 6 1921-12-29 34 7018 N_00152 fulltext Published by the proprietors, The Herald Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Alberta Star 1907-05-03 8 51 1911-06-30 13 1 N_00094 fulltext David H. Elton Serial F The Almafilian 1889-02-01 3 5 1889-02-01 3 5 8_04113 fulltext Alma College Serial F The altar and the throne 1871-03-01 1 3 1871-04-26 1 7 8_06464 fulltext D. Browne Serial F The alumni of King's College, Windsor 1849 1849 1853 8_02296 fulltext Last issue 1853-54 King's College Serial F The amaranth 1841-01-01 1 1 1843-12-01 3 12 8_04643 fulltext R. Shives Serial F The amateura 1889-05-01 1 7 1889-05-01 1 7 8_04537 fulltext U.D.L. & M. Society Serial F The Anglo-American magazine 1852-07-01 1 1 1855-11-01 7 43591 8_04640 fulltext T. MacLear Serial F The Anglo-American matrimonial journal 1886-12-01 1 1 1886-12-01 1 1 8_04015 fulltext Serial F The Anglo-Israel ensign 1880-08-01 1 1 1880-12-01 1 9 8_04299 fulltext J. Ross Serial F The Anglo-Saxon 1887-12-01 1 4 1900-01-01 13 4 Sons of England Benevolent Society 8_05013 fulltext Mason & Reynolds Serial F The annual announcement of Trinity Medical School 1877 1898 8_01336 fulltext [Trinity Medical College] Serial F The annual general financial statement for the year ending April 30 1877 1877 8_01179 fulltext [Port Hope Methodist Church] Serial F The annual report for Upper Canada College for the year ending June 30th 1892 1893 8_02104 fulltext [Upper Canada College] Serial F The annual report of the Kingston Auxiliary of the London Religious Tract Society for 1848 1866 Religious Tract Society (Great Britain) 8_00607 fulltext [Kingston Auxiliary of the London Religious Tract Society] Serial F The annual report of the Kingston Sabbath Reformation Society, for 1852 3 1857 7 8_01301 fulltext [Kingston Sabbath Reformation Society] Serial F The annual report of the managing & other committees of St. Andrew's Church, London, for the year 1876 1894 8_01199 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F The annual report of the Midland District Branch of the Diocesian, that is, Diocesan Church Society 1856 1856 United Church of England and Ireland 8_00359 fulltext [Midland District Branch of the Diocesan Church Society] Serial F The annual report of the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society for Canada West 1853 1854 Primitive Methodist Church in Canada 8_00951 fulltext [Primitive Methodist Missionary Society for Canada West] Serial F The antidote 1892-06-18 1 1 1893-06-10 1 52 8_04066 fulltext M.S. Foley Serial F The Argus 1891-10-07 2 45 1902-12-02 13 49 N_00042 fulltext Lunenburg County Printing and Publishing Company (Limited) Serial F The arion 1880-10-01 1 1 1881-09-01 1 12 8_06630 fulltext J.D. Kerrison Serial F The arrow 1886-03-25 1 1 1886-08-21 1 20 8_04323 fulltext Crawford & Hunter Serial F The Arthur advocate 1862-03-22 2 36 1862-06-07 2 46 8_06136 fulltext T.G. Greenham Serial F The atheneum 1883-08-01 1 1 1883-08-01 1 1 8_04340 fulltext T. Bengough Serial F The Athens Reporter 1915-09-15 31 36 1921-12-29 37 15 N_00084 fulltext T.T. Shaw, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Athens reporter & County of Leeds advertiser 1888-01-08 5 2 1915-09-08 31 34 N_00083 fulltext Athens, Leeds County, Ontario Serial F The Athens Reporter and Leeds County advertiser 1923-01-11 38 16 1925-04-23 41 17 N_00085 fulltext H.E. Bywater, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The aurora 1894-11-01 2 23 1895-02-01 3 26 8_04339 fulltext Rupert's Land Industrial School Serial F The Aylesford union 1897-03-01 1 1 1898-07-01 2 9 Baptist Young People's Union (Aylesford, N.S.) 8_05055 fulltext B.Y.P.U. of the Upper Aylesford Baptist Church Serial F The Aylmer Enterprise 1869-11-05 1 10 1870-07-28 1 47 N_00479 fulltext M.L. Aldrich, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The Aylmer express 1890-12-12 12 10 1925-12-31 N_00221 fulltext D.H. Price, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Aylmer paper 1877-12-28 5 26 1877-12-28 5 26 N_00480 fulltext J.C. Pankhurst, Editor Serial F The Aylmer sun 1890-01-02 4 10 1911-03-09 24 9 N_00482 fulltext Geo. M. Winn Serial F The B.C. home magazine 1907-04-01 1 1 1907-04-01 1 1 8_06576 fulltext B.C. Home Magazine Serial F The B.C. mining exchange and investors' guide 1899-05-01 1 5 1899-07-01 1 5 8_04026 fulltext Serial F The B.C. mining exchange and investor's guide and mining tit-bits 1889-10-01 1 10 1900-12-01 3 10 8_04028 fulltext Serial F The Bank of New Brunswick, incorporated 1820 1893 1894 8_02216 fulltext [Bank of New Brunswick] Serial F The bankers' journal and financial review 1892-11-01 4 2 1892-11-01 4 2 8_04063 fulltext F. Weir Serial F The Baptist reporter 1894-05-01 2 12 1894-05-01 2 12 8_04799 fulltext Serial F The Baptist year book for Ontario and Quebec 1877 1887 31 8_01085 fulltext T. Hill & Son, Caxton Press Serial F The Baptist year book for Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and the North-West Territories 1888 1888 1900 44 8_00224 fulltext authority of the Baptist Denominational Societies Serial F The Baptist Year Book of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada 1879 1879 1900 1900 8_00274 fulltext Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces Serial F The Barrage 1917-11-01 1 1 1917-11-01 1 1 Canada 8_06882 fulltext Published by the Canadian Reserve Artillery Brigade Serial F The barrister 1894-12-01 1 1 1897-12-01 3 10 8_05021 fulltext Law Pub. Co Serial F The bazaar 1887-01-01 1 1 1887-01-01 1 1 8_04857 fulltext Bazaar Print. Co Serial F The Beacon 1915-01-07 26 23 1919-08-09 31 3 N_00006 fulltext Beacon Press Company Serial F The Beaver 1918-12-14 1 1 1919-06-07 1 26 Khaki University of Canada (United Kingdom) 8_06889 fulltext Serial F The bee 1835-05-27 1 1 1838-05-16 3 52 8_04553 fulltext J. Dawson Serial F The bee 1866-06-02 1 4 1866-06-23 1 6 8_06096 fulltext Serial F The Bee 1890-01-17 1 1 1891-12-25 2 48 N_00025 fulltext R.S. Pelton, Editor and Prop. Serial F The beehive 1874-09-26 1 1 1875-12-01 1 8 8_04358 fulltext Published for the Proprietor by Rogers & Larminie Serial F The Belleville directory for ..., to which is added a directory of Napanee, Trenton and Brighton 1877 1877 8_00474 fulltext Lovell Printing and Pulishing Company Serial F The bema 1893-05-01 4 7 1893-05-01 4 7 Union Baptist Seminary 8_04530 fulltext Union Baptist Seminary Serial F The berean 1844-04-04 1 1 1849-03-22 5 52 8_06442 fulltext G. Stanley Serial F The Berlin News Record 1904-06-06 1916-08-31 N_00296 fulltext The German Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, Proprietors Serial F The Berlin News Record 1904-06-16 27 23 1911-01-26 34 N_00298 fulltext Serial F The Berlin Telegraph And Waterloo County General Intelligencer 1857-04-10 5 15 1864-10-07 12 38 N_00544 fulltext Elias Eby Serial F The Bible advocate 1837-05-01 1 1 1838-04-01 1 12 Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society 8_04111 fulltext Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society Serial F The Bible Christian 1845-01-01 2 1 1848-12-01 5 12 Montreal Unitarian Society 8_06195 fulltext Committee of the Montreal Unitarian Society Serial F The Bible indicator 1869-06-01 2 1 1870-05-01 2 12 Disciples of Christ 8_06060 fulltext Serial F The bicycle 1882-09-01 1 1 1883-03-01 1 1 Canadian Wheelmen's Association 8_04858 fulltext Serial F The biological review of Ontario 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-10-01 1 4 8_05155 fulltext Biological Society of Ontario Serial F The Blenheim world 1897-02-04 1 22 1897-02-04 1 22 N_00486 fulltext Serial F The Blister 1916-06-01 1 1 1916-06-30 1 2 Canada 8_06883 fulltext No. 5 Canadian General Hospital Serial F The Bluenose 1900-10-06 1 1 1900-12-29 1 13 8_04162 fulltext Published by the Imperial Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F The Bothwell times 1882-05-04 8 7 1882-05-04 8 7 N_00488 fulltext Serial F The boys' own philatelist 1897-12-01 1 1 1898-10-22 2 4 8_05153 fulltext Ontario Philatelic Co Serial F The Brandon Daily News 1912-12-31 1 40 1914-12-11 3 22 N_00112 fulltext News Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Brandon Weekly Sun 1912-09-12 30 33 1920-12-16 38 43 N_00110 fulltext Sun Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F The brazier 1916-02-15 1917-04-01 Canada 8_06780 fulltext Printed and pub. at the Front for the Canadian Scottish, 16th Batt., C.E.F. Serial F The British American cultivator 1842-01-01 1 1 1847-12-01 3 12 8_04019 fulltext J. Eastwood & W.G. Edmundson Serial F The British American journal 1860-01-01 1 1 1862-12-01 3 12 8_05183 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F The British American journal of medical and physical science 1845-04-01 1 1 1850-04-01 5 12 8_05180 fulltext J.C. Becket Serial F The British American magazine 1863-05-01 1 1 1864-04-01 2 12 8_06696 fulltext Rollo and Adam Serial F The British American medical & physical journal 1850-05-01 1 1 1852-01-01 7 8 8_05181 fulltext W. Salter Serial F The British Canadian review 1862-12-01 1 1 1863-02-01 1 1 8_06554 fulltext Printed and pub. for the proprietor by Hunter, Rose Serial F The British colonial magazine 1852 1 1853 26 8_06947 fulltext Published for the Proprietors by Henry Roswell Serial F The British Columbia commercial journal 1891-03-17 1 1 1897-05-18 7 9 8_06102 fulltext L.G. Henderson Serial F The British Columbia Federationist 1911-11-18 4 47 1925-06-05 17 23 N_00500 fulltext Owned and published by Vancouver Trades and Labour Council Serial F The British Columbia home journal 1894-10-13 4 1 1895-01-26 4 16 8_06943 fulltext Serial F The British Columbia labor news 1921-07-29 1 1 1922-05-26 1 29 N_00508 fulltext Serial F The British Columbia law notes 1894-02-01 1 1 1894-03-01 1 2 8_05039 fulltext Serial F The British Columbia medical register 1890 1900 British Columbia Medical Council 8_02604 fulltext The Council Serial F The British Columbia monthly and mining review 1889-02-01 1 2 1889-03-01 1 3 8_04766 fulltext J.M. Leet Serial F The British Columbian fancier 1894-05-01 1 1 1895-06-01 1 7 Nanaimo Poultry Society 8_04511 fulltext Nanaimo Poultry Society Serial F The British Columbian magazine 1889-06-01 1 1 1889-06-01 1 1 8_04506 fulltext Dominion Magazine Co. Serial F The British North American magazine and colonial journal 1831-02-01 1 1 1831-02-01 1 1 8_04913 fulltext Serial F The British Pacific 1902-06-01 1 1 1902-07-01 1 1 8_06574 fulltext British Pacific Pub. Co Serial F The British-American register 1803-01-08 1 1 1803-08-06 2 1 8_06241 fulltext Printed by John Neilson Serial F The broad-axe 1871-03-14 1 4 1871-04-11 1 6 8_04160 fulltext Serial F The Brockville almanac, or, Eastern calendar for the year of our Lord 1841 1841 1849 1849 8_00064 fulltext Printed and sold, Wholesale & Retail, by Wm. Buell Serial F The Budget 1888-01-01 8 1 1893-09-01 13 9 8_04579 fulltext W. Campbell Serial F The budget 1870-11-12 1 1 1870-12-10 1 5 8_06561 fulltext J. Carrel Serial F The bulletin 1900-11-24 1 1 1900-11-24 1 1 8_04061 fulltext Collis Serial F The bulletin 1903-09-01 12 9 1906-05-01 15 5 8_05132 fulltext Bulletin Publishing Company Serial F The bullfrog 1864-09-03 1 1865-04-29 33 8_06089 fulltext Serial F The bystander 1880-01-01 1 1890-09-01 1 8_06586 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F The C.M.B.A. herald 1891-07-22 1 1 1891-07-22 1 1 Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Canada 8_04041 fulltext The Association Serial F The C.R.O. Bulletin 1918-06-18 1 1 1919-03-29 1 22 Canada 8_06891 fulltext Published by G.F. Low, From the Canadian Record Office Serial F The cadet 1852-04-01 1 1 1854-03-01 2 12 8_04208 fulltext J.C. Becket Serial F The cadet 1867-03-01 1 2 1867-03-01 1 2 Cadets of Temperance 8_04536 fulltext Publication Committee of the Grand Section of New Brunswick Serial F The Cadets' trumpet 1880-02-01 1 1 1880-12-01 2 5 Cadets of Temperance 8_04295 fulltext Cadets of Temperance, Victoria Section No. 13 Serial F The Caledonia interchange 1900-10-01 5 1900-10-31 5 8_04502 fulltext Printed at C.M.S. Mission ... by ... J.B. McCullagh's Indian Boys Serial F The calendar 1898 1898 8_02033 fulltext [Davenport School] Serial F The calendar and financial statement of Wycliffe College (in affiliation with the University of Toronto), Toronto 1891 1897 8_02105 fulltext [Wycliffe College] Serial F The Calendar for the year 1878 1880 8_01990 fulltext [University of Halifax] Serial P The calendar of King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia for the year of our Lord 1855 1900 8_01970 fulltext [King's College] Serial P The calendar of Ridley College, St. Catharines, Ont 1897 1898 8_01204 fulltext [Ridley College] Serial F The calendar of the Lindsay Collegiate Institute for the year 1893 1895 8_02117 fulltext [Lindsay Collegiate Institute] Serial F The calendar of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, for the session 1880 1899 Presbyterian College (Montréal, Quebec) 8_01632 fulltext [Presbyterian College] Serial F The calendar of the Protestant Episcopal Divinity School (Wycliffe College) Toronto for 1882 1882 8_01660 fulltext [Wycliffe College] Serial F The calendar of the Trinity College School, Port Hope, for the year of our Lord 1871 1900 Trinity College School (Port Hope, Ont.) 8_01604 fulltext [Trinity College School] Serial F The calendar of the University of Ottawa 1899 1901 University of Ottawa 8_01574 fulltext [University of Ottawa] Serial F The calendar of the University of Toronto and University College, for 1887 1900 8_02103 fulltext [University of Toronto] Serial P The calendar of the University of Trinity College, Toronto, for the year of our Lord 1853 1889 University of Trinity College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_01620 fulltext [University of Trinity College] Serial F The calendar of the Western University, London, Ont. for the year of our Lord 1881 1899 8_02165 fulltext [Western University] Serial F The calendar of University College, Toronto, for 1857 1886 8_01905 fulltext [University College] Serial P The calendar of Wycliffe College (in affiliation with the University of Toronto), Toronto, for 1885 1889 8_02106 fulltext [Wycliffe College] Serial F The calendar of Wycliffe College, federated with the University of Toronto, Toronto 1899 1899 8_02441 fulltext [Wycliffe College] Serial F The Calgary diocesan magazine 1899-07-01 1 1 1902-07-01 6 Church of England in Canada 8_05977 fulltext Serial F The Calgary weekly herald 1912-03-21 29 6753 1918-03-07 35 6764 N_00573 fulltext Herald Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The calliope 1859-03-15 1 1 1859-08-30 1 13 8_04887 fulltext Serial F The calliopean 1847-11-23 1 1 1848-10-09 1 24 Burlington Ladies' Academy 8_05963 fulltext P. Ruthven Serial F The camp fire 1894-07-01 1 1 1902-06-01 8 12 Order of Good Templars 8_04052 fulltext F.S. Spence Serial F The Campbellton Graphic 1909-01-12 1925-12-31 30 25 N_00340 fulltext Anslow Bros. Company Ltd Serial F The Canada (monthly) general railway and steam navigation guide 1856-06-01 1 1856-07-01 2 8_04367 fulltext Pub. for the Proprietor by MacLear Serial F The Canada almanac and farmer's calendar for the year of our Lord 1833 1833 1834 1834 8_00285 fulltext Joseph Wilson Serial F The Canada bank note reporter 1859-12-01 3 6 1859-12-01 3 6 8_06713 fulltext Provincial Bank of Canada Serial F The Canada Baptist magazine and missionary register 1837-06-01 1 1 1841-12-01 5 6 Canada Baptist Missionary Society 8_05067 fulltext Pub. by W. Greig for the Canadian Baptist Missionary Society Serial F The Canada bookseller 1870-03-01 1 1 1871-07-01 2 2 8_05008 fulltext Adam, Stevenson Serial F The Canada bookseller 1865-03-01 1867-12-01 8_06003 fulltext Rollo & Adam Serial F The Canada bookseller miscellany and advertiser 1872-01-01 1 1 1872-12-01 2 1 8_05011 fulltext Adam, Stevenson Serial F The Canada Christian monthly 1873-07-01 1 1 1878-12-01 8 12 8_04174 fulltext J. Morrison Serial F The Canada citizen and temperance herald 1883-07-06 4 1 1888-06-22 9 52 8_06073 fulltext Citizen Pub. Co Serial F The Canada commercial register, or, Montreal counting-house directory for 1834 1834 8_00813 fulltext Serial F The Canada educational monthly 1897-08-01 19 1902-12-01 24 8_04044 fulltext Canada Educational Monthly Pub. Co Serial F The Canada educational monthly and school chronicle 1879-01-01 1 1897-06-01 19 8_04023 fulltext Educational Monthly Pub. Co Serial F The Canada farmer 1847-01-29 1 1 1847-12-18 1 24 8_04205 fulltext R. Brewer Serial F The Canada farmer 1864-01-15 1 1 1876-12-15 13 12 8_04206 fulltext G. Brown Serial F The Canada farmer 1855-01-01 1 1 1855-05-01 1 5 8_04884 fulltext J.E. Force Serial F The Canada farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1848 1 1 1848 1 1 8_00117 fulltext Campbell Bryson Serial F The Canada farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1849 1849 8_01229 fulltext Published by J.W. Harrison, Book and Job Printer Serial F The Canada health journal 1886-09-01 8 9 1888-06-01 10 6 8_04586 fulltext Health Journal Serial F The Canada journal of dental science 1868-06-01 1 1 1879-08-01 4 4 8_04218 fulltext W.G. Beers Serial F The Canada Landed Credit Company almanack 1869 1869 Canada Landed Credit Co 8_00327 fulltext [Canada Landed Credit Company] Serial F The Canada law journal 1868-01-01 4 1 1922-12-01 58 7 8_04911 fulltext W.C. Chewett Serial F The Canada law journal 1867-07-01 3 1 1868-10-01 4 4 Kirby, James 8_05019 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F The Canada Life Assurance Company's almanac and repository of useful knowledge for the year 1851 1852 Canada Life Assurance Company 8_00815 fulltext [Canada Life Assurance Company] Serial F The Canada lumberman 1887-10-01 7 10 1904-12-01 24 10 8_04953 fulltext A.G. Mortimer Serial F The Canada lumberman and millers', manufacturers' and miners gazette 1881-10-15 1 1 1887-09-01 7 1 8_04420 fulltext A. Begg Serial F The Canada medical record 1872-08-01 1 1 1904-04-01 32 4 8_05185 fulltext Serial F The Canada school journal 1877-06-01 1 1 1886-12-16 11 24 8_04030 fulltext A. Miller Serial F The Canada stamp and coin journal 1888-07-01 1 1 1889-05-01 1 11 8_04564 fulltext J.R. Findlay Serial F The Canada stamp sheet 1900-12-15 1 4 1901-02-15 1 6 8_04563 fulltext W.G.L. Paxman Serial F The Canada temperance advocate 1835-05-01 1 1 1855-05-01 21 9 Montreal Temperance Society 8_05000 fulltext Serial F The Canada visitor, or, Monthly magazine 1837-07-01 1 2 1837-07-01 1 2 8_05135 fulltext Pub. for the Proprietor by W. Greig Serial F The Canadian 1895-03-01 1 1 1900-12-01 6 12 Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Canada 8_04723 fulltext Grand Council of the C.M.B.A. of Canada Serial F The Canadian advertiser 1893-06-01 1 1 1893-07-01 1 2 8_04057 fulltext Canadian Advertiser Pub. Co. Serial F The Canadian agricultural journal 1844-01-01 1 1 1846-12-01 3 12 Evans 8_05005 fulltext W. Evans Serial F The Canadian annual 1893 1901 8_02015 fulltext Serial F The Canadian annual digest 1896 1899 8_01576 fulltext Canada Law Journal Company Serial Masters, Charles H F The Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal 1872-07-01 1 1 1899-10-01 2 4 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal 8_06467 fulltext Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal Serial F The Canadian architect and builder 1888-01-01 1 1 1908-04-01 22 4 Ontario Association of Architects 8_06627 fulltext C.H. Mortimer Serial F The Canadian athletic news 1886-05-07 1 1 1886-07-16 1 11 8_06444 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian bee journal 1885-04-01 1 1 1913-02-01 21 2 8_04191 fulltext D.A. Jones Serial F The Canadian bibliographer and library record 1889-11-01 1 1 1890-01-01 1 1 8_04050 fulltext Griffin & Kidner Serial F The Canadian bookseller 1888-03-15 1 1 1888-12-01 1 9 8_06633 fulltext Canadian Bookseller Co Serial F The Canadian bookseller & library journal 1898-02-01 10 11 1898-02-01 11 11 8_06615 fulltext Hunter, Rose Serial F The Canadian boy 1901-05-01 2 6 1902-08-01 3 5 8_04997 fulltext Serial F The Canadian builder and mechanics' magazine 1869-05-01 1 4 1869-05-01 1 4 8_06699 fulltext Dyas & Wilkens Serial F The Canadian casket 1831 1 1 1832-09-29 1 18 8_04356 fulltext A. Crosman Serial F The Canadian cheese and butter maker 1898-07-01 1 1 1898-12-01 1 1 8_04006 fulltext G.F. Brown Serial F The Canadian Christian examiner and Presbyterian review 1837-03-01 1 1 1840-12-01 4 12 Presbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland 8_04998 fulltext W.D. Miller Serial F The Canadian Church Juvenile 1895-01-01 3 25 1895-01-01 3 25 Church of England in Canada 8_05980 fulltext Board of Management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Serial F The Canadian church magazine 1895-03-01 1897-12-01 8_06583 fulltext Serial F The Canadian church magazine and mission news 1887-06-01 1 12 1900-08-01 14 12 Church of England in Canada 8_04040 fulltext Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Serial F The Canadian church missionary gleaner 1897-04-01 2 4 1902-07-01 7 7 8_05982 fulltext Canadian Church Missionary Society Serial F The Canadian church press 1860-05-23 1 1 1860-09-26 1 19 8_04069 fulltext Lovell and Gibson Serial F The Canadian churchman 1852-08-05 1 1 1853-06-16 1 46 8_06530 fulltext A.F. Plees Serial F The Canadian churchman's almanac for the year of our Lord 1862 1862 1862 1862 8_00239 fulltext Serial F The Canadian collector 1898-09-01 1 1 1898-09-01 1 1 8_04570 fulltext F.I. Weaver Serial F The Canadian collector and philatelic punch 1899-04-01 1 2 1899-06-01 1 3 8_04571 fulltext E.A. Giller Serial F The Canadian contract record 1889-11-27 1 1 1908-05-06 19 1 8_06062 fulltext C.H. Mortimer Serial F The Canadian co-operator & patron 1886-07-01 5 58 1886-07-01 5 58 Patrons of Husbandry 8_04433 fulltext R.J. Doyle Serial F The Canadian courier 1906-12-01 1 1 1918-09-28 23 26 Cooper 8_06911 fulltext Courier Press, Limited Serial F The Canadian craftsman and Masonic record 1877-07-15 11 7 1902-10-01 37 4 8_04075 fulltext J.B. Trayes Serial F The Canadian cricket field 1882-05-10 1 1 1882-09-13 1 15 8_04070 fulltext A.G. Brown, G.G.S. Lindsey Serial F The Canadian dairyman and farming world 1908-02-12 27 4 1908-12-30 27 50 8_05025 fulltext Published by The Dairyman Publishing Company Limited and Farming World, Limited Serial F The Canadian day-star 1861-11-01 1 1864-12-01 3 8_04360 fulltext Serial F The Canadian dry goods review 1891-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 10 12 8_04470 fulltext Dry Goods Review Co. Serial F The Canadian ecclesiastical gazette 1850-06-08 1 1 1853-10-06 3 12 8_04308 fulltext G. Stanley Serial F The Canadian ecclesiastical gazette, or, Monthly church register for the dioceses of Quebec, Toronto, and Montreal 1854-01-01 1 1 1862-12-15 9 24 8_04459 fulltext H. Rowsell Serial F The Canadian Eclectic Magazine of foreign literature, science and art 1871-12-01 1 1 1872-02-01 1 3 8_04839 fulltext Serial F The Canadian economist 1846-05-02 1 1 1847-05-08 2 2 Montreal Free Trade Association 8_05050 fulltext Printed for the Committee of the Montreal Free Trade Association, Donoghue & Mantz Serial F The Canadian electrical news 1881-03-31 1 1 1884-06-15 1 8_04058 fulltext Hart Bros Serial F The Canadian engineer 1893-05-01 1920-06-24 8_04084 fulltext Canadian Engineer Co Serial F The Canadian engineering news 1893-01-31 1 1 1893-04-29 1 1 8_04051 fulltext W.E. Gower Serial F The Canadian entomologist 1868-08-01 1 1 1920-12-01 52 12 Entomological Society of Canada (1863-1871) 8_05087 fulltext The Society Serial F The Canadian Epworth era 1899-01 1 1 1915-08 17 8 Briggs 8_04326 fulltext Epworth League Serial F The Canadian evangelist 1890-05-01 5 1 1895-03-01 9 21 Disciples of Christ 8_04635 fulltext Evangelist Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian evangelist and Disciple of Christ 1896-05-01 11 1 1896-10-15 11 1 Disciples of Christ 8_04637 fulltext G. Munro Serial F The Canadian family herald 1851-11-29 1 1 1852-12-04 1 52 8_04337 fulltext Printed for D. McDougall by J. Stephens Serial F The Canadian farm annual for 1879 1880 8_00329 fulltext The Mail Serial F The Canadian farmer and grange record 1878-08-20 1 1 1886-07-24 6 303 Patrons of Husbandry 8_06055 fulltext N.B. Colcock Serial F The Canadian farmer and mechanic 1841-08-16 1 1 1841-10-18 1 3 8_04109 fulltext Garfield & Good Serial F The Canadian farmer-labor advocate 1925-06-12 17 24 1925-07-17 17 29 N_00501 fulltext Labor Publishing Co Serial F The Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1881 1881 1881 1881 8_00114 fulltext James Hope & Co. Serial F The Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 1881 1881 8_00179 fulltext Robert Miller Serial F The Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1876 1876 8_00328 fulltext Published by A. Matheson Serial F The Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1880 1880 1880 1880 8_00249 fulltext H.H. Henderson & Co. Serial F The Canadian farmers and mechanics' almanac for 1847 1847 8_00919 fulltext Published by Eastwood & Co. Serial F The Canadian Farmers' and Mechanics' almanac for the year 1853 1853 8_00331 fulltext Printed and Published by Brewer, McPhail & Co. Serial F The Canadian field-naturalist 1919-04-01 33 1 1920-12-01 34 9 Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club 8_05001 fulltext Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club Serial F The Canadian fireside 1888-02-01 1 1 1888-02-01 1 1 8_04071 fulltext W. Bennet Serial F The Canadian florist and cottage gardener 1885-01-01 1 1 1886-10-01 2 1 8_04115 fulltext F. Mason Serial F The Canadian freemason 1860-04-09 1861-04-01 1 12 8_04079 fulltext C. Hill Serial F The Canadian freemason 1874-08-01 1 1 1874-08-01 1 1 8_04365 fulltext Aldrich & Co. Serial F The Canadian gem and family visitor 1848-06-01 1 6 1849-12-01 2 12 8_06493 fulltext Serial F The Canadian gentleman's journal and sporting times 1875-05-28 4 196 1879-02-07 7 389 8_04325 fulltext P. Collins Serial F The Canadian granger 1876-09-01 1 11 1877-03-01 2 5 Patrons of Husbandry 8_04059 fulltext W.L. Brown & Co Serial F The Canadian green bag 1895-01-01 1 1 1895-01-01 1 1 8_04171 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F The Canadian grocer & general storekeeper 1891-01-02 5 1 1920-12-31 34 53 8_06959 fulltext J.B. McLean & Co., Ltd. Serial F The Canadian harness banner 1893-01-01 1 1 1893-01-01 1 1 8_06795 fulltext V.A. Coleman Serial F The Canadian Home Journal 1862-04-24 1 1 1876-12-22 1 146 N_00286 fulltext Archibald McLachlin Serial F The Canadian honey producer 1887-03-01 1 1 1889-12-01 3 1 8_04986 fulltext E.L. Goold Serial F The Canadian horticultural magazine 1897-04-01 1 1 1899-02-01 2 1 8_04158 fulltext Montreal Horticultural Society Serial F The Canadian horticulturist 1878-01-01 1 1 1914-12-01 37 1 Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario 8_04048 fulltext Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario Serial F The Canadian illustrated news 1869-10-30 1 1 1883-12-29 28 26 8_06230 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Canadian illustrated news 1862-10-08 1 1 1864-02-13 3 11 8_06635 fulltext H. Brown & Co. Serial F The Canadian illustrated shorthand writer 1880-05-01 1 1 1881-08-01 2 4 8_04442 fulltext Bengough Bros Serial F The Canadian independent 1858-07-01 5 1 1894-10-01 13 10 8_04946 fulltext MacLear Serial F The Canadian Indian 1890-10-01 1 1 1891-09-01 1 12 Canadian Indian Research and Aid Society 8_06250 fulltext J. Rutherford Serial F The Canadian Industrial Review 1913-01 8 1 1913-01 8 1 8_06952 fulltext Serial F The Canadian journal 1852-08-01 1 1 1855-12-01 3 17 Canadian Institute (1849-1914) 8_04982 fulltext Pub. by H. Scobie, for the Council of the Canadian Institute Serial F The Canadian journal 1882-10-14 1 1 1882-11-14 1 2 8_05995 fulltext Serial F The Canadian journal of commerce, finance and insurance review 1885-07-31 21 5 1913-04-25 76 16 8_06298 fulltext M.S. Foley Serial F The Canadian journal of health 1894-11-01 1 1 1894-11-01 1 1 8_04450 fulltext W.H. Fox Serial F The Canadian journal of industry, science, and art 1856-01-01 1 1 1867-12-01 11 66 Canadian Institute (1849-1914) 8_05122 fulltext Printed for the Canadian Institute by Lovell and Gibson Serial F The Canadian journal of medical science 1876-01-01 1 1 1882-12-01 7 12 8_05186 fulltext Serial F The Canadian journal of medicine and surgery 1897-01-01 1 1 1915-11-01 38 5 8_05193 fulltext Serial F The Canadian journal of Odd-Fellowship 1875-01-01 1 1 1876-12-01 2 12 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 8_04336 fulltext Odd-Fellows' Printing and Publishing Association Serial F The Canadian journal of philately 1893-06-01 1 1 1893-07-01 1 2 8_04548 fulltext H.A. Fowler Serial F The Canadian journal of science, literature, and history 1868-12-01 12 1 1878-01-01 15 8 Canadian Institute (1849-1914) 8_05012 fulltext Printed for the Canadian Institute by W.C. Chewett Serial F The Canadian labor advocate 1925-07-24 17 30 1926-04-29 18 17 N_00502 fulltext Labor Publishing Co Serial F The Canadian law list 1890 1890 1900 1900 8_01561 fulltext Serial F The Canadian Liberal monthly 1913-09 1 1 1918-04 5 8 8_06951 fulltext Liberal Party of Canada Serial F The Canadian literary journal 1870-07-01 1 1 1871-06-01 1 12 8_04226 fulltext Flint & Van Norman Serial F The Canadian literary magazine 1833-04-01 1 1 1833-10-01 1 3 8_04225 fulltext G. Gurnett Serial F The Canadian literary news letter and booksellers' advertiser 1855-01-01 1 1 1855-01-01 1 1 8_04235 fulltext H. Ramsay Serial F The Canadian live-stock and farm journal 1886-12-01 3 12 1895-08-01 12 12 8_04046 fulltext Stock Journal Co Serial F The Canadian magazine 1871-07-01 1 1 1872-01-01 2 1 8_04227 fulltext Irving, Flint Serial F The Canadian magazine 1833-01-01 1 1 1833-04-01 1 4 8_04229 fulltext R. Stanton Serial F The Canadian magazine 1893-03-01 1 1 1921-04-01 56 6 8_06251 fulltext Ontario Pub. Co. Serial F The Canadian magazine and literary repository 1823-07-01 1 1 1835-06-01 4 24 8_06234 fulltext N. Mower Serial F The Canadian manufacturer 1908-09-04 1 1 1908-12-18 1 15 8_05040 fulltext Canadian Manufacturer Publishing Co., Limited Serial F The Canadian manufacturer and industrial world 1882-01-06 1 1 1908-08-21 57 4 8_04937 fulltext Canadian Manufacturer Co Serial F The Canadian Masonic pioneer 1856-06-02 1 1 1857-05-01 1 12 8_04078 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by Owler & Stevenson Serial F The Canadian medical quarterly 1919-05-01 4 4 1919-05-01 4 4 8_06855 fulltext Published at St. Martin's House by The Macmillans in Canada Serial F The Canadian medical review 1895-01-01 1 1 1898-12-01 8 6 8_05188 fulltext Canadian Medical Review Co. Serial F The Canadian mercantile almanack 1843 1843 1849 1849 8_00216 fulltext Hugh Scobie Serial F The Canadian mercantile annual 1873 1873 1876 1876 8_00056 fulltext Compiled and Dun, Wiman & Co. Serial F The Canadian mercantile test 1861-07-01 40 1861-07-01 40 8_04330 fulltext Serial F The Canadian merchant's magazine and commercial review 1857-04-01 1 1 1859-10-01 5 3 8_06193 fulltext W. Weir Serial F The Canadian messenger 1892-06-01 2 5 1899-10-01 9 10 Apostleship of Prayer 8_04901 fulltext Serial F The Canadian messenger of the Sacred Heart 1899-11-01 9 11 1900-12-01 10 12 Apostleship of Prayer 8_04902 fulltext Serial F The Canadian Methodist magazine 1875-01-01 1 1 1888-12-01 28 6 8_04086 fulltext S. Rose Serial F The Canadian Methodist quarterly 1889-01-01 1 1 1893-10-01 5 1 8_04088 fulltext Published under the auspices of the Theological Unions of Victoria and Mount Allison Colleges Serial F The Canadian Methodist review 1894-01-01 6 1 1895-12-01 7 6 8_04087 fulltext Published under the Auspices of the Theological Union Serial F The Canadian military gazette 1878-10-22 1 1 1878-10-22 1 1 8_04977 fulltext Printed for the Publisher at the Gazette Printing House Serial F The Canadian military gazette 1892-08-15 7 31 1896-12-15 11 24 8_06551 fulltext Serial F The Canadian military review 1877-08-01 1 1 1877-08-01 1 1 8_04186 fulltext Serial F The Canadian militia gazette 1885-05-12 1 1 1892-07-28 7 30 8_06550 fulltext J.D. Taylor Serial F The Canadian militiaman 1905-03-05 1 1905-03-13 1 Canada 8_05150 fulltext G.M. Rose Serial F The Canadian miller and grain trade review 1892-01 2 1 1894-09 4 9 8_06064 fulltext A.G. Mortimer Serial F The Canadian miner 1897-01-16 1 1 1897-05-15 1 1 8_04956 fulltext Canadian Miner Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian mining gazette 1899-04-21 1 1 1899-04-21 1 1 8_04184 fulltext Serial F The Canadian Mining Journal 1907-03-15 28 3 1920-12-31 41 52 8_06967 fulltext the Mines Publishing Co., Limited Serial F The Canadian mining manual 1890 1 1891 1 8_00270 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian mining manual and companies directory 1892 2 1894 4 8_00271 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian Mining Manual and Mining companies' Year Book 1898 8 1900 10 8_00273 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian mining review 1894-08-01 13 8 1907-02-01 28 2 8_04198 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian mining, iron and steel manual 1895 5 1897 7 8_00272 fulltext B.T.A. Bell Serial F The Canadian miscellany, or, The religious, literary and statistical intelligencer 1828-04-01 1 1 1828-08-01 1 5 8_06166 fulltext H. Esson Serial F The Canadian missionary link 1878-07-01 1 1 1927-10-01 69 1 8_04082 fulltext Serial F The Canadian Monetary Times and insurance chronicle 1867-08-15 1 1 1870-03-18 3 31 8_06969 fulltext Robertson & Cook, Publishers for the Company of Proprietors Serial F The Canadian monthly and national review 1872-01-01 1 1 1878-06-01 13 6 8_05010 fulltext Adam, Stevenson Serial F The Canadian monthly free press 1877-11-01 1 1 1877-11-01 1 1 8_04368 fulltext Devins & Bolton Serial F The Canadian municipal journal 1891-01-01 1 1 1892-09-01 2 8_04741 fulltext A.L. Willson Serial F The Canadian municipal journal 1905-05-01 1 5 1922-07-01 18 7 Union of Canadian Municipalities 8_06869 fulltext The The Canadian Municipal Journal Co Serial F The Canadian music and drama 1895-11-01 1 1 1895-12-01 1 2 8_04849 fulltext Canadian Music and Drama Serial F The Canadian musician 1893-06-01 5 6 1894-05-01 6 6 8_04427 fulltext Whaley, Royce Serial F The Canadian mute 1892-02-15 1 1 1901-12-02 9 1 Ontario Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb 8_04409 fulltext Institution for the Deaf and Dumb Serial F The Canadian nation 1890-01-02 1 1 1890-01-02 1 1 8_06009 fulltext Serial F The Canadian naturalist and geologist 1856-02-01 1 1 1905-02-10 3 6 Natural History Society of Montreal 8_04260 fulltext B. Dawson Serial F The Canadian naturalist and quarterly journal of science 1869-03-01 4 1 1905-02-25 10 8 Natural History Society of Montreal 8_04261 fulltext Dawson Bros. Serial F The Canadian Navy list for 1926-02-01 1949-07-01 Canada 8_06834 fulltext F.A. Acland, King's Printer Serial F The Canadian North West 1880-01-01 1 1 1880-01-01 1 1 8_04141 fulltext A. Begg Serial F The Canadian ornithologist 1873-07-01 1 1 1873-07-01 1 1 8_04740 fulltext Willing & Williamson Serial F The Canadian osteopath 1900-08-01 1 1 1900-08-01 1 1 8_06616 fulltext Dominion Institute of Osteopathy Serial F The Canadian Patent Office record 1873-03-01 1 1 1900-12-31 28 12 Canada 8_04863 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Canadian Patent Office record and mechanics' magazine 1873-03-01 1 1 1875-12-01 3 12 Canada 8_04862 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Canadian patriot 1864-01-01 1 1 1864-07-01 1 7 8_06463 fulltext J. Willet Serial F The Canadian pharmaceutical journal 1868-11-01 1 7 1901-07-01 34 12 Canadian Pharmaceutical Association 8_05106 fulltext J.M. Trout Serial F The Canadian Philatelic and Curio Advertiser 1886-02-01 1 2 1886-04-01 1 4 8_04572 fulltext A.L. Hamilton Serial F The Canadian philatelic journal 1888-12-01 2 1 1888-12-01 2 1 8_04152 fulltext H.E. French Serial F The Canadian philatelic journal 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-01-01 1 1 8_04561 fulltext Canadian Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian philatelic magazine 1893-11-01 1 1 1901-09-01 7 1 Canadian Sons of Philatelia 8_04554 fulltext A.M. Muirhead Serial F The Canadian philatelic review 1899-02-10 4 3 1899-04-25 5 1 8_04939 fulltext F.I. Weaver Serial F The Canadian philatelic weekly 1894-01-04 1 1 1894-02-22 1 8 8_04556 fulltext L.M. Staebler Serial F The Canadian philatelic weekly 1898-11-12 1 1 1899-05-06 2 1 8_04565 fulltext Serial F The Canadian philatelic weekly 1898-11-02 2 5 1899-01-12 4 1 8_05152 fulltext F.I. Weaver Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1891-04-15 1 1 1896-05-01 1 2 Philatelic Society of Canada 8_04550 fulltext L.M. Staebler Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1886-09-01 1 1 1886-09-01 1 1 8_04555 fulltext G.A. Lowe Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1872-09-01 1 1 1873-01-01 1 4 8_04557 fulltext International Stamp Co Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1885-01-01 1 2 1885-04-01 1 5 8_04559 fulltext L.F. Barker Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1872-01-01 1 1 1872-03-01 1 3 8_04562 fulltext Birt, Williams & Co Serial F The Canadian philatelist 1888-01-01 1 1 1888-06-01 1 1 8_04566 fulltext Canadian Philatelic Co Serial F The Canadian philatelist and numismatist 1885-05-01 1 6 1885-05-01 1 6 8_04558 fulltext L.F. Barker Serial F The Canadian phonetic pioneer 1858-07-01 1 1 1861-09-01 3 5 8_04974 fulltext W.H. Orr Serial F The Canadian pictorial & illustrated war news 1885-05-16 1 7 1885-08-29 2 8_06594 fulltext Grip Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian Post illustrated almanac, farmer's diary and Victoria Business directory 1874 1874 1874 1874 8_00147 fulltext Chas. D. Barr Serial F The Canadian poultry chronicle 1870-07-01 1 1 1872-06-01 2 12 8_04322 fulltext Pub. for the proprietors by the Globe Print. Co Serial F The Canadian practitioner 1883-01-01 8 1 1898-12-01 23 12 8_05187 fulltext Carswell Serial F The Canadian practitioner and review 1899-01-01 24 1 1910-12-01 35 12 8_05189 fulltext Canadian Practitioner and Review Co Serial F The Canadian presbyter 1857-01-01 1 1 1858-12-01 2 12 8_04077 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F The Canadian Presbyterian magazine 1851-07-01 1 1 1854-06-01 3 12 United Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04398 fulltext Serial F The Canadian printer 1861-01-01 1 2 1871-08-01 2 1 8_05117 fulltext C.T. Palsgrave Serial F The Canadian printer & publisher 1892-05-01 1 1 1900-12-01 9 12 8_04955 fulltext J.B. McLean Serial F The Canadian prison Sunday 1892-11-01 1 1 1892-11-01 1 1 Prisoners' Aid Association of Canada 8_04224 fulltext Prisoners' Aid Association of Canada Serial F The Canadian punch 1868-02-05 1 1 1868-02-12 1 2 8_06283 fulltext W.H. Hicks Serial F The Canadian quarterly agricultural and industrial magazine 1838-05-01 1 1 1838-08-01 1 2 Evans, William 8_06205 fulltext W. Evans Serial F The Canadian quarterly review 1856-01-01 1 1856-04-01 2 8_04451 fulltext Serial F The Canadian quarterly review and family magazine 1863-10-01 1 1 1866-04-01 2 4 8_04230 fulltext Pub. for G.D. Griffin by Donnelley & Lawson Serial F The Canadian queen 1890-09-01 2 9 1892-11-01 6 4 8_06638 fulltext Queen Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian record of science 1905-02-26 1 1 1916-09-01 9 8 Natural History Society of Montreal 8_04195 fulltext Natural History Society Serial F The Canadian Red Cross Special 1916-08-19 1 1 1916-12-02 1 16 8_06932 fulltext Buxton and High Peak Herald Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The Canadian review and literary & historical journal 1824-07-01 1 1 1825-03-01 2 3 8_04968 fulltext H.H. Cunningham Serial F The Canadian review and magazine 1826-02-01 2 4 1826-09-01 3 5 8_04987 fulltext Printed for the proprietor at the Office of the Montreal Gazette Serial F The Canadian Royal Arcanum Journal 1894-05-01 1 1 1894-05-01 1 1 Royal Arcanum 8_05973 fulltext Serial F The Canadian sapper 1918-02-01 1 1 1919-04-01 3 15 Canada 8_06893 fulltext Canadian Engineers Training Depot Serial F The Canadian science monthly 1884-03-01 2 3 1885-10-01 3 3 8_04165 fulltext A.J. Pineo Serial F The Canadian shoe & leather directory : a hand-book of the shoe and leather and kindred industries of the Dominion 1890 1 1892 8_02012 fulltext James Acton, Publisher Monograph P The Canadian shoe and leather journal 1900-10-01 13 10 1900-10-01 13 10 8_04108 fulltext J. Acton Pub. Co Serial F The Canadian shorthand review 1894-05-01 1 1 1894-11-01 1 1 8_06664 fulltext T.B. Benness Serial F The Canadian son of temperance [and] literary gem 1853-01-03 3 1 1853-12-27 3 52 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04334 fulltext Serial F The Canadian spectator 1878-01-05 1 1 1880-12-25 3 52 8_06724 fulltext Canadian Spectator Co Serial F The Canadian sportsman and naturalist 1881-01-15 1 1 1883-12-01 3 11 8_06546 fulltext W. Couper Serial F The Canadian Sportsman's Annual 1885 1885 8_00560 fulltext E. King Dodds, Editor and Publisher Serial F The Canadian temperance almanac and teetotaller's year book for the year of our Lord 1877 1877 1877 1877 8_00250 fulltext The Canadian Temperance Book Room Serial F The Canadian thresherman and farmer 1910-01-01 15 1 1919-12-01 24 12 8_04973 fulltext E.H. Heath Company, Limited Serial F The Canadian tourist and Montreal city guide 1862-07-01 1862-07-01 8_06494 fulltext J.W. Coleman Serial F The Canadian trade review 1894-07-06 17 9 1902-05-23 32 26 8_04949 fulltext H. Harvey Serial F The Canadian Trade Unionist 1925-12-22 5 1 1925-12-22 5 1 N_00613 fulltext Canadian Trade Union Publishing Co. Serial F The Canadian United Presbyterian magazine 1854-01-01 1 1 1861-12-01 8 12 Canada Presbyterian Church 8_04980 fulltext C. Fletcher Serial F The Canadian United Service magazine 1897-05-01 3 1 1898-11-01 4 2 Canadian United Service Club 8_04130 fulltext United Service Club Serial F The Canadian war 1915-01-02 2 1915-03-20 12 8_06854 fulltext Serial F The Canadian war pictorial : a photographic record 1905-02-26 1 1905-04-01 4 8_06749 fulltext Issued for the Canadian War Records Office by Hodder and Stoughton Serial F The Canadian weekly stamp news 1896-08-27 1 1 1897-06-01 2 3 8_04568 fulltext W.R. Adams Serial F The Canadian wheelman 1883-09-01 1 1 1887-10-01 4 12 Canadian Wheelmen's Association 8_04231 fulltext W.K. Evans, J.B. Dignam Serial F The Canadian year book 1899 2 1900 3 8_00096 fulltext Alfred Hewett Serial F The Canadiann photographic journal 1892-02-01 1 1 1897-02-01 6 2 8_06637 fulltext G. Gilson, H.C. Tugwell Serial F The Canning Gazette 1889-04-27 1 22 1889-04-27 1 22 N_00032 fulltext G.W. Woodworth, Proprietor Serial F The Cape Breton Advocate 1875-04-15 3 23 1882-03-23 10 20 N_00043 fulltext R.J. Molloy Serial F The Cape Breton news 1862-01-04 1865-09-30 N_00640 fulltext James P. Ward Serial F The Cape-Breton advocate and general weekly miscellany 1841-05-12 1 38 1841-05-12 1 38 N_00648 fulltext Richard Huntington Serial F The Carbonear herald and outport telephone 1879-05-22 1 1 1882-02-17 3 34 N_00179 fulltext J.A. Rochfort Serial F The Carbonear herald and railroad journal 1882-03-17 3 35 1882-08-26 N_00180 fulltext E.J. Brennan Serial F The Cardston Globe 1920-08-07 18 35 1921-04-28 20 14 N_00095 fulltext Fred Burton Serial F The Cardston Record 1898-08-06 1 1 1899-05-05 1 41 N_00008 fulltext C. Edgar Snow Serial F The Carleton Observer 1915-06-10 6 52 1925-06-10 16 52 N_00114 fulltext Published by The Observer Limited Serial F The Carleton Place herald 1851-05-16 1 34 1925-12-30 76 25 N_00543 fulltext James C. Poole Serial F The Carmelite review 1893-01-01 1 1 1903-09-01 11 9 Carmelite Fathers of North America 8_04324 fulltext Carmelite Fathers of North America Serial F The Carriage and implement journal (of Canada) 1900-03-01 1 1 1900-03-01 1 1 8_04193 fulltext Published by W.H. Miln & Co. Serial F The cartoon 1878-08-20 1 1 1878-08-20 1 1 8_04534 fulltext R. & E. Armstrong Serial F The Casket 1860-12-13 8 50 1907-02-07 55 6 N_00044 fulltext John Boyd, Publisher & Proprietor Serial F The cathedral monthly 1897-01-01 1898-05-01 8_05096 fulltext Christ Church Cathedral Serial F The Catholic 1830-10-22 1 1 1844-04-24 4 31 8_04110 fulltext Patriot and Farmer's Monitor Serial F The Catholic Almanac of Ontario and clergy list 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_00142 fulltext Serial F The Catholic monthly calendar 1898-05-01 1 2 1898-05-01 1 2 8_04187 fulltext G.M. Rose & Sons Serial F The Catholic record 1878-10-04 1 1 1925-12-26 47 2463 8_06663 fulltext T. Coffey Serial F The Catholic register 1893-01-05 1 1 1908-12-31 16 1 8_04934 fulltext Serial F The Catholic shield 1881-05-01 1 1 1882-03-01 1 1 8_04975 fulltext Serial F The Catholic visitor 1874-12-01 1 1 1875-05-01 1 6 8_04214 fulltext Ferdinand Bélanger Serial F The Catholic weekly review 1887-02-19 1 1 1892-12-31 6 1 Catholic Church 8_04950 fulltext H.F. McIntosh and A.C. Macdonell Serial F The Catholographer, or, Universal writer 1868 1 1 1868 1 2 8_05149 fulltext Edward Collom Serial F The CCS Review 1918-01-01 1918-03-01 1 2 Canada 8_06890 fulltext 2nd and 3rd Canadian Casualty Clearing Stations Serial F The Champion 1912-08 1 1 1914-04 2 4 Bishop 8_06957 fulltext The Political Equality League (Victoria Branch) Serial F The Charlottetown herald 1882-11-08 1921-12-28 52 N_00193 fulltext Richard Walsh, Publisher Serial F The Chatham banner 1866-06-07 2 22 1883-05-09 19 N_00665 fulltext J.R. Gemmill, Publisher & Proprietor Serial F The Chatham Banner News 1901-04-04 1901-04-04 N_00669 fulltext A.C. Woodward, Publisher Serial F The Chatham Daily Planet 1899-11-17 8 289 1907-10-23 16 254 N_00087 fulltext A. Stephenson Serial F The Chatham Daily Planet 1895-07-01 4 1896-05-16 5 129 N_00490 fulltext Serial F The Chatham directory and county gazetteer 1885 1886 8_00016 fulltext Volume online 1885-86 Compiled and James Soutar Serial F The Chatham Weekly Banner 1884-01-19 20 3.5 1884-01-19 20 3.5 N_00666 fulltext Banner Printing Co. Serial F The Cheap family almanac for the year 1849 1849 8_01994 fulltext Published by J. Swain & Co. Serial P The children's missionary and Sabbath school record 1843-11-01 1845-12-01 2 12 8_04233 fulltext Pub. for the Canada Sunday School Union by J.C. Becket Serial F The children's record 1886-01-01 1 1 1899-12-01 14 1 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04614 fulltext E. Scott Serial F The child's Bible expositor, or, Lessons and records of the Sunday school 1841-01-02 1 2 1842-01-15 1 25 Leonard, Mrs 8_04343 fulltext H. Rowsell Serial F The Chosen friend 1892-01-15 1 1 1892-01-15 1 1 Order of Chosen Friends 8_04601 fulltext Chosen Friend Printing and Publishing Co Serial F The Christian 1839-06-01 1 1 1848-12-01 4 12 8_04161 fulltext W.W. Eaton Serial F The Christian 1883-11-01 1 1 1900-12-01 18 2 Disciples of Christ 8_06151 fulltext Barnes Serial F The Christian banner 1852-01-01 6 1 1858-12-01 12 12 Disciples of Christ 8_04344 fulltext D. Oliphant Serial F The Christian gem 1845-09-01 1 1845-09-01 1 8_04613 fulltext W. Cunnabell & J. Belcher Serial F The Christian gleaner 1833-01-01 1 1 1838-05-01 2 12 8_04296 fulltext Serial F The Christian helper 1877-05-15 1 1 1879-05-01 2 12 8_05056 fulltext Serial F The Christian instructor and Missionary register of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 1856-01-01 1 1 1860-12-01 5 12 Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia 8_05017 fulltext Serial F The Christian luminary 1845-12-15 1 21 1845-12-15 1 21 Canada Christian Conference 8_06431 fulltext Pub. by a select committee Serial F The Christian mirror 1841-08-12 1 1 1844-09-12 3 52 8_06468 fulltext J.E.L. Miller Serial F The Christian record 1843-07-01 1 1 1843-07-01 1 1 8_04164 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by Stiles & Fraser Serial F The Christian recorder 1819-03-01 1 1 1821-02-01 2 12 8_04132 fulltext Printed at the U.C. Gazette Office Serial F The Christian register 1823-01-01 1 1 1823-12-15 1 24 8_06235 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors by A. Gray Serial F The Christian reporter 1881-02-15 2 2 1881-02-15 2 2 8_04143 fulltext Bengough, Moore & Co., Publishers Serial F The Christian sentinel 1830-09-03 1 1 1831-04-22 1 34 United Church of England and Ireland 8_06236 fulltext G. Stobbs Serial F The Christian sentinel and Anglo-Canadian churchman's magazine 1827-01-01 1 1 1829-03-01 3 2 United Church of England and Ireland 8_06161 fulltext H.H. Cunningham Serial F The Christian watchman 1861-01-02 1 1 1861-12-26 1 52 N_00362 fulltext Geo. W. Day, Proprietor Serial P The Christian worker 1881-11-01 1 1 1886-03-01 5 5 Disciples of Christ 8_04387 fulltext H.R. Sherman Serial F The chronicle 1898-03-11 18 10 1920-12-31 40 50 8_04460 fulltext R. Wilson-Smith Serial F The church 1837-05-06 1 1 1852-07-29 15 51 8_06496 fulltext Printed for the Managing Committee by R.D. Chatterton Serial F The church 1853-06-23 16 47 1856-07-25 19 52 8_06732 fulltext A.F. Plees Serial F The Church Bell 1900-02-01 2 2 1900-10-01 2 10 8_04529 fulltext Serial F The Church chronicle 1863-04-01 1 1 1870-06-01 8 2 United Church of England and Ireland 8_06031 fulltext H. Rowsell Serial F The Church evangelist 1895-06-06 17 1 1897-05-13 18 50 8_04994 fulltext Church of England Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The church guardian 1879-07-03 1 12 1895-05-29 16 48 8_06497 fulltext Church Guardian Serial F The church herald 1871-09-28 3 21 1875-06-24 6 44 8_04457 fulltext Church Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The church magazine 1865-05-01 1 1 1867-03-01 3 11 8_04126 fulltext W.M. Wright Serial F The church magazine 1868-01-01 1 1 1868-04-01 1 4 8_04201 fulltext J. Douglas Borthwick Serial F The church messenger for the Diocese of Qu'Appelle 1891-03-02 4 3 1892-01-01 5 1 8_04393 fulltext S. John's College Serial F The church miscellany 1879-06-01 1881-03-01 First Congregational Church (Kingston, Ont.) 8_04327 fulltext First Congregational Church Serial F The Church monthly and the Haldimand Deanery magazine 1900-01-01 1900-12-01 8_04380 fulltext Serial F The church observer 1897-09-01 3 38 1898-12-01 4 38 8_04277 fulltext Serial F The church of Old England 1866-04-01 1 1 1867-01-01 2 4 8_04134 fulltext J.P. McMillin Serial F The church record 1897-02-01 1 2 1897-12-01 1 12 Church of England in Canada 8_04656 fulltext H. Morey Serial F The church record for Diocese of New Westminster 1898-06-01 2 6 1899-09-01 3 9 Church of England in Canada 8_04657 fulltext H. Morey Serial F The church review 1892-01-01 2 8 1892-01-01 2 8 Church of England 8_04868 fulltext G. Haslam Serial F The Church standard 1868-01-01 1 1 1868-01-01 10 1 8_04443 fulltext Serial F The Church times 1852-09-25 5 39 1858-01-09 10 2 8_04967 fulltext W. Gossip Serial F The Churchman's almanac for the year of our Lord 1844 1844 1852 1852 8_00115 fulltext H. & W. Rowsell Serial F The churchman's friend 1856-02-01 1 5 1857-06-01 2 9 United Church of England and Ireland 8_04423 fulltext Serial F The Churchman's magazine and monthly review 1869-07-01 1 1 1871-08-01 2 10 8_04131 fulltext Printed and Published by T. and R. White Serial F The Citizen 1909-02-06 1 6 1909-12-01 N_00074 fulltext Citizen Publishing Company Serial F The Citizens' Insurance Company 1877 1877 Citizens Insurance Company of Canada 8_00434 fulltext [Citizens Insurance Company of Canada] Serial F The city advertiser and monthly visitor 1852-12-01 1 1 1852-12-01 1 1 8_04216 fulltext Wilsons and Nolan Serial F The city life 1879-04-09 1 1 1879-06-04 1 9 8_04215 fulltext City Life Pub. Co Serial F The city magazine 1847-05-01 1 1 1847-05-01 1 1 8_05971 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by J.W. Harrison Serial F The City of Hamilton directory 1856 1856 1858 1858 8_00246 fulltext William A. Shepard Serial F The City of Toronto and the home district commercial directory and register, with almanack and calendar for 1837 1837 Walton, George 8_00027 fulltext Serial F The civil service review 1893-03-01 1 1 1893-05-01 1 5 8_04221 fulltext Paynter Serial F The Civilian 1908-05-08 1 1 1921-05-01 14 6 Grierson 8_06848 fulltext Ottawa Printing Co. Serial F The Clanny 1903-09-12 1 5 1903-09-12 1 5 N_00643 fulltext Lawson & Brodie, Publishers Serial F The Clansman 1916-11-22 1 1 1917-10-18 1 36 Canada 8_06894 fulltext Published by the Reserve Battalion, in the interest of the Highland Battalions of Canada Serial F The Coast-Guard 1898-05-05 2 2 1898-05-05 2 2 N_00045 fulltext M.H. Nickerson, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Colchester Sun 1883-05-16 13 20 1883-05-16 13 20 N_00072 fulltext W.B. Alley., Editor & Proprietor Serial F The collegian 1897-01-01 2 1 1897-12-01 2 10 Methodist College (St. John's, N.L.) 8_06157 fulltext The College Serial F The Colonial churchman 1835-12-03 1 1 1840-12-10 5 28 United Church of England and Ireland 8_04181 fulltext E.A. Moody Serial F The colonial farmer 1841-06-01 1 1 1843-07-16 3 2 8_04769 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F The Colonial herald and Prince Edward Island advertiser 1838-01-06 1 23 1841-12-25 230 N_00537 fulltext Printed and published by J.B. Cooper & Co. Serial F The colonial Protestant and journal of literature & science 1848-01-01 1 1 1849-03-01 2 3 8_04200 fulltext R. Campbell Serial F The Colonial review 1862-12-20 1 12 1862-12-20 1 12 8_04288 fulltext J. & A. McMillan Serial F The Colonial Standard 1858-11-23 1 4 1858-11-23 1 4 N_00046 fulltext S.H. Holmes, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The colonist 1892-01-01 6 8 1905-03-10 10 12 8_05023 fulltext The Colonist Serial F The Colonist. 1895 37 43 1895 37 64 Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) N_00332 fulltext The Colonist Printing & Publishing Co'y Serial F The Colonizer 1883-12-01 8 1884-05-01 9 Temperance Colonization Society 8_04223 fulltext Temperance Colonization Society (Limited) Serial F The comet 1894-03-31 1 1 1894-03-31 1 1 8_04232 fulltext Thoburn Serial F The comet 1875-01-18 1 1 1875-01-18 1 1 8_06109 fulltext Serial F The commercial 1882-10-03 1 1 1903-09-19 21 54 8_04957 fulltext Steen & Boyce Serial F The commercial list 1818-05-14 3 1 1819-11-29 4 30 8_06743 fulltext Printed for the proprietors at the New Printing-Office Serial F The Commercial messenger and British Canadian literary gazette 1840-04-03 1 11 1842-10-19 3 95 N_00538 fulltext Serial F The commercial review 1878-06-29 5 47 1880-02-07 7 7 8_06469 fulltext Commercial Review Pub. Co Serial F The Conception-Bay man 1856-09-03 1 1 1859-02-16 3 16 N_00174 fulltext George Webber Serial F The Confederate 1919-03-07 1 9 1920-12-31 1 53 N_00556 fulltext Published under the auspices of the Dominion Labour Party and the Trades and Labor Council of Brandon Serial F The constitution 1878-04-29 1 45 1878-04-29 1 45 8_04931 fulltext Serial F The Convoy call 1916-10-26 1 3 1916-12-25 Canada 8_06884 fulltext No. 5 Canadian General Hospital Serial F The cottager's friend and guide of the young 1854-02-01 1 1 1855-12-01 2 12 8_04202 fulltext Printed by T.H. Bentley, for J. Donogh Serial F The County of Durham directory for 1869 1869 8_01174 fulltext J.C. Conner Serial F The County of Durham directory for 1869 1870 Conner 8_01174 fulltext J.C. Conner Serial F The County of Lambton municipal and legal directory for the year 1900 1 1900 1 8_00589 fulltext Published by order of the County Council Serial F The County of Perth Canadian almanac for the year of our Lord 1875 1875 8_00330 fulltext Published by Alexander Matheson Serial F The County of Peterborough directory 1870 1 1871 1 8_00043 fulltext Published and compiled by J.C. Conner Serial F The County of Wellington gazetteer and directory for 1879 1879 8_00587 fulltext Published by Armstrong & Delion Serial F The Courier 1913-01-06 41 268 1913-03-03 41 311 N_00073 fulltext The Brantford Courier, Limited Serial F The craftsman and British American Masonic record 1866-10-01 1 1 1869-09-15 3 12 8_04073 fulltext T. & R. White Serial F The craftsman and Canadian Masonic record 1869-10-01 4 1 1877-06-01 11 6 8_04074 fulltext T. & R. White Serial F The cricketer 1886-03-01 1 1 1886-03-04 1 4 8_05162 fulltext Serial F The criterion 1885-04-08 1 8 1885-04-08 1 8 8_05972 fulltext John W. Treen Serial F The critic 1893-05-23 2 21 1893-12-29 10 21 8_04952 fulltext Critic Pub. Co Serial F The critic 1883-05-12 1 1 1883-12-15 1 6 Edwards, David 8_05974 fulltext D. Edwards Serial F The cross 1843-03-04 1 1 1849-12-29 5 52 Society for the Propagation of the Faith 8_04966 fulltext J.P. Walsh Serial F The Daily Gleaner 1901-01-05 11 4 1925-12-31 35 304 N_00126 fulltext Jas. H. Crocket Serial F The Daily Herald 1913-04-25 12 325 1920-11-02 20 206 N_00116 fulltext J.S.H Matson Serial F The Daily Klondike Nugget 1900-01-09 1 1 1903-07-14 4 167 N_00022 fulltext Allen Bros, Publisher Serial F The Daily Mail 1914-01-15 1 1 1914-04-30 1 88 N_00014 fulltext Daily Mail Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F The Daily News 1905-01-16 6 1905-01-16 6 N_00047 fulltext Serial F The Daily News 1911-06-15 2 134 1922-06-30 13 152 N_00323 fulltext Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Daily News-Advertiser 1912-07-02 51 1 1917-08-31 33 208 N_00324 fulltext The News-Advertiser Printing and Publishing Company Serial F The Daily Planet 1897-01-06 6 16 1899-11-16 8 288 N_00009 fulltext S. Stephenson Serial F The Daily record and judicial news 1891-05-09 3 2 1891-12-31 3 171 8_04745 fulltext Jos. Daoust and Fulton & Richard Serial F The daily recorder 1874-09-16 3 1 1874-10-03 3 16 Methodist Church of Canada 8_04352 fulltext Serial F The Daily Telegraph 1898-01-03 2 198 1919-04-19 N_00553 fulltext Berlin Publishing Co., Limited, Props. Serial F The Daily telegraph 1921-12-10 1922-07-15 N_00555 fulltext Serial N_00553 F The dairyman 1886-04-01 2 4 1886-04-01 2 4 8_04179 fulltext J. Cheesman Serial F The Dawn of Tomorrow 1923-07-14 1 1 1925-12-19 3 13 N_00229 fulltext Dawn of Tomorrow Publishing Co. Serial F The Dead Horse Corner Gazette 1915-10-01 1915-12-01 Canada 8_06899 fulltext Published when possible, by the 4th Batt. First Canadian Contingent, B.E.F., on active Service Serial F The Deanery magazine 1889-02-01 6 2 1889-12-01 6 12 Church of England. Diocese of Fredericton 8_04524 fulltext Deanery of Kingston Serial F The delineator 1891-07-01 38 1 1900-08-01 56 2 8_04228 fulltext Delineator Pub. Co Serial F The Diamond Dye almanac and household guide 1886 1886 1887 1887 8_00065 fulltext Wells, Richardson & Co. Serial F The diocesan and parish magazine, Victoria, B.C 1887-10-01 4 4 1892-12-01 6 43781 8_04660 fulltext Serial F The Diocese of Montreal 1870 1875 Church of England 8_01583 fulltext [Synod of the Diocese of Montreal] Serial F The Disciple of Christ and Canadian evangelist 1895-03-15 9 22 1896-04-15 10 22 Disciples of Christ 8_04636 fulltext G. Munro Serial F The docket 1894-01-24 5 1 1894-01-24 5 1 8_04253 fulltext Docket Pub. Co. Serial F The Dominion 1902-03-27 7 22 1902-03-27 7 22 N_00672 fulltext E.V. Bingham Serial F The Dominion almanac 1871 1871 1873 1873 8_00059 fulltext Times Printing and Publishing Company Serial F The Dominion almanac 1870 1870 1871 1871 8_00223 fulltext W.T. Urquhart and H.L. Forbes Serial F The Dominion almanac and daily remembrancer for the year 1874 1874 1876 1876 8_00155 fulltext James Hope & Co. Serial F The Dominion annual register and review for the ... year of the Canadian union 1878 1878 1886 1886 8_00207 fulltext Dawson Brothers, Publishers Serial F The Dominion dry goods report 1884-05-01 1 7 1884-05-01 1 7 8_06541 fulltext Trades Pub. Co Serial F The Dominion family almanac for the year of our Lord 1875 1875 1878 1878 8_00116 fulltext Evans, Mercer & Co. Serial F The Dominion illustrated 1888-07-07 1 1 1891-12-01 1 8_06470 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Dominion illustrated monthly 1892-02-01 1 1 1893-06-01 2 1 8_06471 fulltext Sabiston Litho. & Pub. Co Serial F The Dominion magazine 1908-08-01 1 6 1908-08-01 1 6 8_06575 fulltext Dominion Pub. Co Serial F The Dominion medical journal 1868-09-01 1 1 1870-08-01 2 12 8_05198 fulltext Serial F The Dominion medical monthly and Ontario medical journal 1895-07-01 5 1 1916-12-01 47 6 8_06539 fulltext Medical Pub. Co. Serial F The Dominion Monthly Journal of Music and General Miscellany 1876-11 1876-11 8_06077 fulltext Sargant & Eldridge Serial F The Dominion musical journal 1891-08-01 1 2 1891-08-01 1 2 8_05976 fulltext Timms Serial F The Dominion News 1906-06-15 1 1 1906-07-14 1 3 N_00642 fulltext Serial F The Dominion philatelist 1889-01-01 1 1 1897-12-01 7 1 Canadian Philatelic Association 8_04546 fulltext H.F. Ketcheson Serial F The Dominion Review 1896-03-01 1 1 1900-06-01 5 6 8_04180 fulltext C.M. Ellis, Printer and Publisher Serial F The Dominion review 1882-07-15 1 1 1882-07-15 1 1 8_04259 fulltext W. Drysdale Serial F The Dominion sanitary journal 1883-10-15 6 1 1885-06-01 7 8 8_05209 fulltext Serial F The Dominion statist 1890-10-01 1890-10-01 8_05064 fulltext Citizen Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F The Dominion watchman 1878-10 3 4 1878-10 3 4 8_05071 fulltext Geo. D. Griffin, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Dominion watchman and national reformer 1880-07-01 5 3 1880-07-01 5 3 8_04436 fulltext Published by Geo. D. Griffin Serial F The Dutton enterprise 1881-12-29 1 1 1888-05-10 7 20 N_00224 fulltext W.F. Phelps, Publisher Serial F The East Elgin reformer 1914-01-15 27 3 1916-01-06 28 1 N_00608 fulltext Wm. Powell, Proprietor Serial F The East Elgin reformer and Aylmer sun 1911-03-16 24 10 1914-01-08 27 2 N_00483 fulltext Wm. Powell, Publisher Serial F The East Elgin tribune 1916-01-13 28 2 1916-12-28 28 52 N_00609 fulltext Charlton & Anger, Proprietors Serial F The East Huron Gazette 1892-01-07 1 6 1893-03-30 17 N_00003 fulltext J.W. Green Serial F The Eastern Chronicle 1895-05-16 54 20 1904-03-01 59 18 N_00048 fulltext Serial F The Eastern Chronicle 1847-09-23 5 38 1853-01-11 11 2 N_00049 fulltext Edward M. McDonald, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The Eastern era 1888-05-17 1 20 1888-05-17 1 20 8_04114 fulltext Wrigley & Grayson Serial F The Eastern Federationist 1919-03-08 2 1 1919-10-25 2 34 N_00557 fulltext Published by the Pictou County Trades and Labor Council and Federation of Labor Serial F The Eastern Law Reporter 1909-07-01 7 1 1911-08-10 9 13 8_06945 fulltext The Carswell Company, Limited Serial F The Eastern townships business & farmers directory 1888 1889 8_00040 fulltext Volume online 1888-89 E.R. Smith & Son, Publishers Serial F The Eastern townships business and farmers directory 1892 1 1892 1 8_00483 fulltext Published by Might's Directory Co. Serial F The Eastern townships directory 1882 1882 1882 1882 8_00039 fulltext Normandeau & Co., Compilers and Publishers Serial F The ecclesiastical and missionary record for the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1844-08-01 1 1 1861-10-01 17 12 Presbyterian Church of Canada 8_04399 fulltext J. Webster Serial F The Echo 1894-03-23 1 3 1894-03-23 1 0.3 N_00694 fulltext Mulhall Bros., Publishers Serial F The Echo 1890-10-04 1 1 1892-09-24 2 52 N_00588 fulltext The Echo Printing and Publishing Co. Serial P The Echo 1890-06-03 1 3 1890-09-01 N_00750 fulltext Published under the auspices of Montreal Typographical Union No. 176 Serial P The echo and Protestant Episcopal recorder 1856-02-01 5 12 1867-07-10 16 28 8_06976 fulltext MacLear & Co. Serial F The Echo of clairvaux 1880-05-01 1 1 1880-06-01 1 2 McInnes 8_04292 fulltext Serial F The eclipse 1877-11-24 1 1 1877-11-24 1 1 8_06685 fulltext Serial F The economist 1906-04-01 10 4 1906-04-01 10 4 8_05062 fulltext Economist Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The educational circular 1876-01-01 3 1882-01-01 14 New Brunswick 8_04010 fulltext Printed for the Education Dept. at the Daily Telegraph Steam Job Rooms Serial F The educational journal 1887-04-15 1 1 1897-02-15 10 1 8_06472 fulltext Grip Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The educational record of the province of Quebec 1881-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 20 12 Quebec (Province) 8_04834 fulltext Gazette Print. Co Serial F The educator 1868-04-15 1 4 1868-10-15 1 4 8_04406 fulltext Jones & Co Serial F The Elgin Sun 1900-12-27 2 7 1925-12-31 27 2 N_00292 fulltext Claxton & Whitwam Serial F The Emigrant 1848-07-08 1 20 1848-07-08 1 20 N_00200 fulltext Printed and published for the proprietors by John Donaghue Serial F The endeavor herald 1896-08-01 7 8 1899-12-01 11 11 8_06056 fulltext Endeavor Herald Co Serial F The enquirer 1821-05-01 1 1 1822-04-01 1 12 8_04145 fulltext W.H. Shadgett Serial F The enquirer 1880-03-01 3 1880-03-01 3 8_04267 fulltext Thos. J. Hamilton Serial F The Enterprise 1889-03-09 1889-03-09 N_00050 fulltext Dennis Bros. Serial F The Enterprise of East Northumberland 1900-12-20 8 25 1908-07-16 26 3 8_06137 fulltext Serial F The Entrance 1895-12-15 1 9 1897-06-15 2 19 8_04426 fulltext Serial F The episcopon 1859-01-17 2 1859-01-17 2 Trinity College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06111 fulltext Serial F The Euclid Era 1898-02-18 1 13 1898-02-18 1 13 Euclid Avenue Methodist Church (Toronto, Ont.) 8_05966 fulltext Serial F The Evangelical Churchman 1884-01-03 8 35 1884-12-25 9 33 8_06937 fulltext The Evangelical Churchman Publishing Company Serial F The Evangelical pioneer 1847-10-18 1850-04-11 3 15 8_06981 fulltext James Inglish Serial F The Evening banner 1895-07-02 2 70 1897-07-17 4 2 N_00668 fulltext The Banner Printing Co. Serial F The Evening Canadian 1883-05-18 1 194 1883-05-18 1 194 N_00204 fulltext Toronto Printing Company (Limited) Serial F The Evening despatch 1863-03-31 1 2 1863-04-13 1 12 N_00378 fulltext Saint John, N.B. Serial P The Evening Free Press 1875-05-14 19 5608 1877-06-09 20 6302 N_00293 fulltext London Free Press Printing Co. Serial F The Evening Free Press 1908-05-01 1911-01-26 N_00399 fulltext London Free Press Ptg. Co., Ltd. Serial F The Evening gazette 1889-01-01 2 201 1891-12-31 4 1134 N_00361 fulltext John A. Bowes Serial F The Evening journal 1919-03-13 1920-05-01 N_00181 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F The Evening Journal 1886-03-26 5 158 1900-01-26 19 124 N_00206 fulltext The Journal Company Serial F The Evening Mercury 1901-10-12 34 296 1901-12-11 35 32 N_00617 fulltext McIntosh & Galbraith, Publishers and Proprietors Serial F The Evening province 1916-06-24 1916-06-24 N_00625 fulltext Province Publishers Serial F The Evening Province and Standard 1914-03-17 11 64 1915-12-13 12 288 N_00207 fulltext Saskatchewan Publishing Co. Serial F The Evening Telegram 1886-07-27 8 174 1925-12-31 47 299 N_00208 fulltext W.J. Herder, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F The Evening times 1905-02-09 1 112 1910-02-01 5 123 N_00357 fulltext St. John Times Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The Evening Times 1885-01-02 28 2 1891-06-13 34 139 N_00491 fulltext Times Printing Company Serial F The Evening times star 1910-05-02 5 198 1914-12-31 10 73 N_00358 fulltext St. John Times Printing and Publishing Co. Serial F The examiner : L'observateur 1861-01-01 1 1861-03-01 3 Bar of the Province of Quebec 8_05066 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by J. Lovell Serial F The exchange and mart 1884-04-05 1 1 1884-05-10 2 3 8_04445 fulltext Serial F The exchange news 1898-06-02 1 2 1899-02-09 1 209 8_04805 fulltext Pub. for the Exchange News Co. by M.M. Sabiston Serial F The exchange news and commercial advertiser 1899-02-10 1 210 1900-05-04 2 279 8_04806 fulltext M.M. Sabiston Serial F The expositor of holiness 1882-07-01 1 1 1894-08-01 13 43499 Canada Holiness Association 8_04390 fulltext Pub. under the auspices of the Canada Holiness Association Serial F The eye glass 1918-06-01 1918-06-01 8_05003 fulltext H.C. Brown, Oph. D. Serial F The Family Christian almanac for the year of our Lord 1846 1847 1847 1848 8_00084 fulltext R.D. Wadsworth Serial F The family circle 1879-03-01 2 9 1883-12-01 7 13 8_04274 fulltext J.F. Latimer Serial F The farm and fireside 1888-10-18 1894-01-23 8_04435 fulltext Serial F The farmer 1879-01-01 1 1 1879-01-01 1 1 8_06146 fulltext P.R. Lamb Serial F The farmer and mechanic 1848-10-01 1 1 1849-08-01 1 11 8_04276 fulltext Eastwood Serial F The farmer's advocate 1871-01 6 1 1877-09 12 9 Weld 8_06503 fulltext William Weld, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Farmers' almanac 1877 1877 1877 1877 8_00113 fulltext Canada Agricultural Insurance Co'y Serial F The Farmers' almanack and New-Brunswick calendar for the year of our Lord 1845 1845 8_02175 fulltext Serial F The farmer's journal and transactions of the Lower Canada Board of Agriculture 1854-06-01 2 2 1860-08-01 12 12 Board of Agriculture of Lower Canada 8_06434 fulltext H. Ramsay Serial F The farmer's manual 1844-05-01 1 1 1845-05-01 2 1 8_04533 fulltext J.P.A. Phillips Serial F The Farmer's manual 1880-01-01 1 1 1880-01-01 1 1 8_04624 fulltext G.W. Woodworth Serial F The Farmersville reporter & County of Leeds advertiser 1886-12-22 2 52 1889-01-01 5 1 N_00082 fulltext Bethuel Loverin, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The Farming world 1900-09-04 18 1 1902-10-28 21 18 8_04236 fulltext D.T. McAinsh Serial F The Farming world 1907-04-15 16 8 1907-12-16 26 24 8_05124 fulltext Published by Farming World Limited Serial F The Farming world and Canadian farm & home 1903-02-02 12 1 1907-04-01 26 7 8_05015 fulltext Dominion Phelps Limited Serial F The favorite 1872-12-28 1874-06-27 3 26 8_04749 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Fernie Free Press 1899-03-04 1 8 1925-12-25 54 26 N_00220 fulltext G.G. Henderson, Editor and Manager Serial F The fiery cross 1895-10-01 1 1 1896-05-01 2 1 8_06597 fulltext T.D. MacDonald Serial F The Financial Times 1912-11-30 1 24 1912-11-30 1 24 N_00209 fulltext Montreal Financial Times Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The fire journal 1880-02-01 1 10 1880-03-01 1 11 8_04429 fulltext Toronto Pub. Co Serial F The fonetic herald 1885-01-01 1 1 1886-11-01 2 19 8_04541 fulltext A. Hamilton Serial F The Fortyniner 1904-12-01 1 1 1905-04-01 1 6 Canada 8_06895 fulltext Published by the 49th Battalion, C.E.F. Serial F The free press 1822-10-10 1 1 1824-06-24 1 48 8_06184 fulltext Serial F The Free Press 1876-06-08 29 1431 1881-05-26 34 N_00294 fulltext London Free Press Printing Co. Serial F The Free Press 1877-06-11 20 6212 1904-08-02 N_00295 fulltext Free Press Printing Company Serial F The Free press 1873-08-02 18 4697 1907-10-30 N_00305 fulltext London Free Press Printing Co. Serial F The Free Press 1865-04-20 2 29 1871-09-28 8 26 N_00600 fulltext I.B. Gidney, Proprietor Serial F The Free press 1824-01-13 9 1824-03-23 9 N_00636 fulltext Edmund Ward Serial F The Free Press Ottawa Valley almanack and farmers' barometer for the year 1874 1874 1874 1874 8_00165 fulltext Free Press Serial F The Freeholder 1916-12-28 65 52 1916-12-28 65 52 N_00212 fulltext C.W. Young, Proprietor Serial F The Freeman's Journal, and commercial advertiser 1846-12-29 3 59 1846-12-29 3 59 N_00213 fulltext Christopher Flanagan Serial F The Freemason 1889-11-01 9 8 1889-11-01 9 8 8_04467 fulltext Cowan & Co. Serial F The Freemason's journal 1870-01-15 1 1 1870-09-15 1 9 8_06473 fulltext T. Parsons Serial F The fruit magazine 1909-10-01 1 1 1909-10-01 1 1 8_06670 fulltext Fruit Magazine Pub. Co Serial F The funeral director 1890-03-15 4 3 1890-03-15 4 3 8_04305 fulltext D.R. Nelson Serial F The G.C.I. record 1901-12-01 2 1 1902-08-01 2 7 Galt Collegiate Institute (Galt, Ont.) 8_06844 fulltext Galt Collegiate Institute Serial F The garland 1832-09-15 1 1 1833-08-31 1 26 8_06634 fulltext W. Smyth Serial F The Gaspé magazine and instructive miscellany 1849-08-01 1 1 1850-06-01 1 11 8_05119 fulltext R.W. Kelly Serial F The Gatineau beaver 1899-12-02 1 1899-12-02 1 Canada 8_04317 fulltext Sergeant's Mess at the Drill Hall Serial F The gavel 1870-01-01 1 1 1870-03-01 1 1 8_06080 fulltext R. Ramsay Serial F The gavel and Freemason's journal 1871-09-01 2 9 1871-09-01 2 9 8_06545 fulltext Canadian Masonic Pub. Co Serial F The Gazette 1851-07-29 21 1115 1851-08-19 21 1117 N_00163 fulltext James D. Haszard Serial F The Gazette 1893-06-29 2 28 1895-04-11 4 15 N_00318 fulltext J.W. Green Serial F The Gazette almanac for the year of our Lord 1878 1878 1890 1890 8_00167 fulltext Serial F The Gazette farmers' almanac for the year of our Lord 1873 1875 8_01221 fulltext Published by T. & R. White Serial F The Gem 1879-06-14 1 3 1879-06-14 1 3 8_04527 fulltext R. & E. Armstrong, Editors and Proprietors Serial F The Girl's own paper 1897-10-02 19 927 1898-09-24 19 978 8_04991 fulltext Serial F The Glace Bay standard 1909-09-28 1 65 1909-09-28 1 65 N_00644 fulltext Glace Bay Printing Co Serial F The glass of fashion up to date 1897-05-01 35 5 1897-07-01 35 5 8_05156 fulltext Delineator Pub. Co Serial F The Gleaner 1886-11 11 1900-12-01 15 12 8_04275 fulltext T. Somerville Serial F The Gleaner 1884-05-13 1 6 1889-11-23 6 38 N_00125 fulltext Jas. H. Crockeet, Proprietor Serial F The Gleaner 1886-01-27 6 1886-10-13 7 41 N_00618 fulltext Jas. H. Crocket Serial F The Gleaner 1902-08-01 20 61 1902-08-01 20 61 N_00619 fulltext Jas. H. Crocket Serial F The Glencoe Transcript 1886-04-08 15 14 1925-12-24 54 52 N_00227 fulltext Sutherland Bros. Serial F The glowworm 1891-07-01 1 1 1891-07-01 1 1 8_04265 fulltext Serial F The Goderich almanac and cookbook for 1897 1897 8_02130 fulltext Published by W.C. Goode, Chemist Serial F The Goderich Star 1882-06-30 17 16 1925-12-24 62 N_00581 fulltext Mitchell & Carey, Publisher Serial F The Goderich Star 1868-05-22 3 21 1868-10-02 3 123 N_00605 fulltext Serial F The Gold Hunter and Farmers' Journal 1891-03-28 3 27 1891-03-28 3 27 N_00051 fulltext W.H. Banks Serial F The golden crusader 1893-06-01 1 1 1894-07-01 1 10 8_06455 fulltext G.C. Huttemeyer Serial F The good Canadian, or, Household physician 1871-01-01 1871-12-01 Hall 8_05161 fulltext V.B. Hall Serial F The good news 1861-01-01 1 1 1872-09-01 2 17 8_06044 fulltext R. Kennedy Serial F The Gospel tribune and Christian communionist 1856-05-01 3 1 1857-04-01 3 12 Evangelical Alliance 8_04290 fulltext R. Dick Serial F The Gospel tribune for alliance and intercommunion throughout evangelical Christendom 1854-05-01 1 1 1856-04-01 2 12 Evangelical Alliance 8_04289 fulltext R. Dick Serial F The gossip 1887-05-01 2 1 1887-06-01 2 2 8_04690 fulltext Gossip Pub. Co Serial F The Grain growers' guide 1908-06 1 1 1918-12 11 52 8_06965 fulltext Grain Growers' Grain Co., Ltd. Serial F The granger 1875-11-01 1 1 1876-04-01 1 6 Patrons of Husbandry 8_04439 fulltext Serial F The Granite town greetings 2 31 N_00389 fulltext Greetings Publishing Company, Ltd. Serial P The great west magazine 1898-09-01 13 1 1899-10-01 14 1 8_06507 fulltext Weiss & Roberts Serial F The gridiron 1859-10-08 1 12 1859-10-08 1 12 8_06285 fulltext M. Montgomory Serial F The Gripsack : Facts, Figures and Fancies for Travellers in the Provinces 1888-07-01 1888-07-01 8_06906 fulltext Knowles & Reynolds, Publishers Serial F The growler 1864-07-22 1 1 1864-08-19 1 4 8_06640 fulltext Serial F The grumbler 1858-03-20 1 1 1859-10-15 2 31 8_06641 fulltext Continued in 1860 with no title_id change but new series numbering Serial F The grumbler 1860-03-17 1 1 1860-06-02 1 11 8_06641 fulltext Continued in 1862 with no title_id change but new series numbering Serial F The grumbler 1862-12-06 1 1 1865-06-24 4 1 8_06641 fulltext Continued in 1869 with no title_id change but new series numbering; no issues available between 1866 and 1868 Serial F The grumbler 1869-01-01 1 1 1869-01-01 1 1 8_06641 fulltext Continued in 1865 with no title_id change but new series numbering; no issues available between 1866 and 1868 Serial F The guardian 1860-01-01 1 1 1860-09-01 1 9 8_06081 fulltext Serial F The guardian 1839-04-24 1 43 1840-03-03 3 36 8_06755 fulltext J. Spike Serial F The Guelph Advertiser 1865-06-01 20 1037 1865-06-01 20 1037 N_00102 fulltext J. Wilkinson, Proprietor Serial F The Guelph Advertiser and Elora and Fergus Examiner 1860-01-20 15 29 1860-01-20 15 29 N_00100 fulltext J. Wilkinson Serial F The Guelph Advocate 1896-10-07 1 1 1900-03-03 7 64 N_00105 fulltext Advocate Printing Co. Serial F The Guelph Daily Mercury and Advertiser 1876-01-06 9 122 1901-02-28 34 147 N_00106 fulltext Innes & Davidson Serial F The Guelph herald 1866-10-02 20 15 1887-10-06 41 40 N_00494 fulltext Guelph, County of Wellington, C.W. Ont. Serial F The Guelph herald and general advertiser for the United Counties of Wellington, Waterloo and Grey 1852-07-06 6 3 1864-03-29 17 873 N_00493 fulltext George Pirie Serial F The Guelph Mercury 1864-01-08 11 14 1872-02-15 19 17 N_00610 fulltext McLagan & Innes Serial F The Guelph Weekly Herald 1889-12-05 44 280 1899-12-14 N_00182 fulltext H. Gummer, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The guide 1895-07-01 4 1 1895-07-01 4 1 Battleford Industrial School for Indians 8_05979 fulltext Indian Industrial School Serial F The Guide Advocate 1886-01-22 12 3 1893-04-14 19 15 N_00475 fulltext Jas. C. Tye, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Guide-Advocate 1896-04-24 22 17 1906-05-18 32 19 N_00477 fulltext T. Harris & Co., Proprietors Serial F The Guleph Echo 1877-02-24 1 8 1877-02-24 1 8 N_00104 fulltext Serial F The Guysboro Gazette 1895-08-02 2 5 1895-08-02 2 5 N_00052 fulltext M.H. Davison, Editor and Lessee Serial F The Haldimand Deanery magazine 1899-12-01 1899-12-01 8_04379 fulltext Serial F The Haldimand Deanery magazine 1901-01-01 2 1 1902-12-01 2 12 8_04381 fulltext Serial F The Halifax Herald 1897-11-24 23 277 1897-11-24 23 277 N_00215 fulltext Herald Printing & Publishing Serial F The Halifax journal 1824-01-05 1842-11-07 N_00631 fulltext Serial F The Halifax monthly magazine 1830-06-01 1 1 1833-01-01 3 32 8_04924 fulltext Serial F The Halifax morning herald and general advertiser 1845-03-14 6 32 1845-03-14 6 32 N_00509 fulltext W. Cunnabell Serial F The Halifax philatelic magazine 1897-01-01 1 1 1897-10-01 2 1 Halifax Philatelic Pub. Co 8_04575 fulltext Muirhead & Van Malder Serial F The Halifax philatelist 1887-01-01 1 1 1889-07-01 3 5 8_04772 fulltext Halifax Philatelic Co Serial F The Halifax, N.S. business directory 1863 1863 1863 1863 8_00247 fulltext Compiled and Pubished by Luke Hutchinson Serial F The Hamilton city directory for 1888 1 1888 1 R.L. Polk & Co 8_00530 fulltext R.L. Polk & Co. Serial F The Hamilton times 1899-01-03 42 1 1903-02-13 45 13 N_00620 fulltext Times Printing Co., Limited Serial F The harbinger 1842-01-01 1 1 1843-12-15 2 12 8_04455 fulltext Printed for the Committee by J. Lovell Serial F The hard wheat belt 1898-02-01 1 1 1902-09-01 5 15 8_05121 fulltext Western Pub. Co. Serial F The harp 1874-05-01 1 1 1881-10-01 7 12 8_06196 fulltext F. Callahan Serial F The Hawkesbury Bulletin, And Strait of Canso Shipping Gazette 1896-06-19 4 20 1896-06-19 6 20 N_00655 fulltext J.J. Williams, proprietor Serial F The Head Light 1889-10-05 1 8 1917-05-12 1 3 N_00053 fulltext C.W. Lunn, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Head Quarters, or, Literary, Political, and Commercial Journal 1846-01-21 3 131 1846-03-07 3 140 N_00634 fulltext James P.A. Phillips, Proprietor Serial F The health journal 1888-07-01 10 7 1889-12-01 11 12 8_04587 fulltext Health Journal Serial F The hearthstone 1872-01-06 3 1 1872-12-28 3 1 8_06548 fulltext Northrup & Co Serial F The Heather 1916-04-08 1 1 1916-04-08 1 1 Canada 8_06486 fulltext 185th Battalion, Cape Breton Highlanders Serial F The Herald 1877-07-14 1 30 1878-12-14 2 54 N_00369 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F The herald 1886-12-01 2 20 1903-01-01 8_04542 fulltext Serial F The Herald 1864-11-09 5 1874-01-21 4 18 N_00140 fulltext Printed and Published by Edward Reilly, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Herald 1884-10-16 4 23 1884-10-16 4 23 N_00141 fulltext Hewson & Osborne, Proprietors Serial N_00140 F The Herald 1889-12-14 1 1 1905-10-13 16 90 N_00185 fulltext Herald Printing and Publishing Co Serial F The herald of truth 1843-07-29 1 1 1843-11-04 1 11 8_04291 fulltext Friends of Truth Serial F The High school journal 1890-01-01 1 2 1890-01-01 1 2 8_05992 fulltext Published monthly under the Auspices of the High School Literary Society Serial F The high school monthly 1890-12-01 1 1 1891-03-01 1 4 New Glasgow High School (N.S) 8_04780 fulltext Students of the New Glasgow High School Serial F The Historical almanac 1872 1872 1872 1872 8_00276 fulltext C.E. Huckett & Co. Serial F The Holiday advertiser 1880-12-01 2 1880-12-01 2 8_04538 fulltext W.A. Barnes Serial F The home and foreign record of the Canada Presbyterian Church 1861-11-01 1 1 1875-12-01 14 12 Canada Presbyterian Church 8_06018 fulltext Printed for the Committee by W.C. Chewett Serial F The home and foreign record of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America 1861-01-01 1 1875-12-01 15 Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America 8_04281 fulltext J. Barnes Serial F The home and school supplement 1885-09-01 3 1 1886-03-01 4 1 8_04518 fulltext Supplement Co Serial F The home journal 1861-06-01 1 1 1861-08-17 1 12 8_06001 fulltext W. Halley Serial F The home journal 1906-06-01 2 2 1910-05-01 6 10 8_06734 fulltext Canadian Woman's Magazine Pub. Co Serial F The Home Journal 1859-03-24 1 1 1862-04-17 4 3 N_00285 fulltext Arch'd McLachlin Serial F The Home Journal Almanac for 1874 1874 8_00369 fulltext A. McLachlin Serial F The Home mission journal 1898-11-01 1 1 1904-12-29 6 24 Hughes, John Harris 8_04294 fulltext Committee of the Home Mission Board of New Brunswick Serial F The home study quarterly 1898-04-01 4 2 1920-10-01 26 4 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04479 fulltext Pub. under authority of the General Assembly Serial F The home study quarterly for intermediate scholars 1896-01-01 2 1 1898-01-01 4 1 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04477 fulltext Serial F The home study quarterly for senior scholars and the home department 1895-01-01 1 1 1898-01-01 4 1 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04476 fulltext Serial F The homiletic monthly 1883-10-01 8 1 1884-12-01 8 15 8_05104 fulltext Funk & Wagnalls Serial F The homiletic review 1885-01-01 9 1 1899-03-01 37 3 8_05105 fulltext Funk & Wagnalls Serial F The honest injun 1897-10-23 1 1 1897-11-06 1 1 8_04508 fulltext D. Falconer Serial F The Household almanac 1889 1889 8_01918 fulltext Henry, Johnson & Lord Serial P The household companion 1891-09-01 1 1 1891-09-01 1 1 8_05061 fulltext J.E. Bryant Serial F The household journal 1888-01-01 13 2 1888-01-01 13 2 8_04271 fulltext Serial F The household life 1884-05-01 1 3 1884-05-01 1 3 8_04251 fulltext T.H. Churchill Serial F The House-Keepers' almanac and shopping guide 1895 1895 8_01071 fulltext Serial F The Hum of the college 1894-12-01 1 5 1894-12-01 1 5 8_05098 fulltext Mt. Allison Ladies' College Rhetoric Class Serial F The icicle 1886-05-01 1 2 1886-05-01 1 2 8_05092 fulltext Serial F The Illustrated annual register of rural affairs and cultivator almanac for the year 1856 2 1857 3 Thomas, John Jacob 8_00449 fulltext Published by H. Ramsay Serial F The Illustrated Dominion Almanac for 1870 1870 8_00859 fulltext Published by J.W. Rooklidge Serial F The Illustrated historical almanac 1872 1872 1875 1875 8_00302 fulltext Serial F The illustrated journal of agriculture 1879-05-01 1 1 1897-10-01 19 4 Quebec (Province) 8_04170 fulltext E. Senecal Serial F The illustrated police news and sporting times 1879-07-04 1 1 1879-08-02 1 5 8_06600 fulltext Patton, Phelan & Berthelot Serial F The illustrated war news 1885-04-04 1 1 1885-05-09 1 6 8_06601 fulltext Grip Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The impartial 1834-11-20 1 1 1834-11-20 1 1 8_04159 fulltext Raymond et Jaumenne Serial F The imprint 1893-05-01 1 1 1895-06-01 2 2 Toronto Type Foundry Company 8_04481 fulltext Toronto Type Foundry Serial F The Independent 1902-04-05 5 2 1904-08-22 9 21 N_00607 fulltext Independent Printing Company Serial F The Independent forester 1884-03-01 4 5 1900-09-15 21 3 Independent Order of Foresters 8_04284 fulltext Independent Order of Foresters Serial F The index 1866-09-01 1 1 1866-09-01 1 1 Bryant, Stratton & Odell's Business College 8_05984 fulltext Serial F The index of current events 1888-09-06 1 1 1890-12-01 3 12 8_04303 fulltext H. Dalby Serial F The indian 1885-12-30 1 1 1886-12-29 1 24 8_06642 fulltext Indian Pub. Co Serial F The Indian magazine 1893-10-01 1 1 1897-07-01 4 10 8_04020 fulltext Serial F The Indicator 1919-10-18 1 1 1919-12-27 1 20 8_06520 fulltext Socialist Party of Canada Serial F The industrial advocate 1899-10-01 4 1899-10-01 4 8_06049 fulltext Maritime Newspaper Co Serial F The Ingersoll Chronicle 1897-01-06 1 3 1905-08-10 9 184 N_00319 fulltext Chronicle Printing Co. Serial F The Ingersoll chronicle and Canadian dairyman 1884-01-10 31 19 1913-04-10 N_00310 fulltext G.F. Gurnett Serial F The Ingersoll Chronicle and County of Oxford intelligencer 1857-09-04 5 2 1884-01-03 31 18 N_00307 fulltext J.S. Gurnett Serial F The Ingersoll chronicle and general intelligencer for the County of Oxford 1854-08-12 1 1857-08-28 5 1 N_00291 fulltext J.S. Gurnett Serial F The Inquirer and Three Rivers commercial advertiser 1857-12-12 4 55 1861-06-01 7 101 N_00219 fulltext George Lanigan Serial F The Institute 1889-03-01 1 1 1889-03-01 1 1 Vancouver Young People's Methodist Institute 8_05126 fulltext Vancouver Young People's Methodist Institute Serial F The Institute leaflet for church Sunday schools 1886-12-05 6 2 1886-12-05 6 2 8_05078 fulltext Rowsell & Hutchison Serial F The instructor 1860-01-01 3 1 1861-03-01 4 4 8_04012 fulltext Serial F The instructor 1835-04-28 1 1836-04-30 51 8_04278 fulltext J.E.L. Miller Serial F The insurance guide 1871-04-01 1 1 1871-04-01 1 1 8_06568 fulltext Goff's General Insurance Agency Serial F The Intelligencer almanac 1899 1899 1899 1899 8_00275 fulltext The Intelligencer Printing and Publishing House, Limited Serial F The Intelligencer Family Almanac for 1872 1876 8_00443 fulltext Published at the Intelligencer Buildings Serial F The Interdenominational holiness Berean 1901-10-01 12 10 1901-10-01 12 10 8_05022 fulltext J. McD. Kerr Serial F The international philatelist 1892-10-01 1 1 1893-10-23 1 2 8_04549 fulltext W.S. Weatherston Serial F The international railway and steam navigation guide 1869-07-01 59 1869-07-01 59 8_06093 fulltext C.R. Chisholm Serial F The international railway guide 1867-06-01 33 1868-10-01 33 8_04941 fulltext M. Longmoore Serial F The investigator 1894-01-01 12 1 1898-10-01 26 10 8_04724 fulltext John T. White & Co Serial F The iodine chronicle 1915-10-25 1 1916-02-29 6 Canada 8_06748 fulltext No. 1 Canadian Field Ambulance, BEF Serial F The Iodine Chronicle 1918-03 15 1918-07 16 8_06931 fulltext No. 1 Canadian Field Ambulance Serial F The Island motorist 1917-07-01 4 3 1917-07-01 4 3 Island Automobile Association (Victoria, B.C.) 8_06856 fulltext Serial F The Island Reporter 1886-03-25 3 1 1903-04-29 20 17 N_00641 fulltext A.E. McPherson Serial F The jester 1878-03-15 1 5 1879-06-27 3 2 8_06474 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Journal 1891-01-14 12 2 1891-04-22 12 16 N_00547 fulltext R. Drummond Serial F The Journal and Pictou news 1891-06-03 12 23 1891-12-02 12 49 N_00548 fulltext R. Drummond Serial F The journal of agriculture and horticulture 1898-01-01 1 1 1901-06-15 4 24 Quebec (Province) 8_06477 fulltext La Patrie Pub. Co Serial F The Journal of Commerce 1914-02-14 77 7 1920-12-28 48 52 8_06343 fulltext The Industrial and Educational Press, Limited Serial F The Journal of Commerce and Shareholder 1913-05-03 76 17 1914-02-07 77 6 8_06975 fulltext The Commerce Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The journal of commerce, finance and insurance review 1875-08-20 1 1 1885-07-24 21 4 8_06277 fulltext M.S. Foley Serial F The journal of education 1857-02-01 1 1 1879-05-01 23 5 Canada 8_05086 fulltext Dept. of Education Serial F The journal of education and agriculture for the province of Nova Scotia 1858-07-01 1 1 1860-06-01 2 12 Nova Scotia 8_06004 fulltext A. & W. Mackinlay Serial F The journal of education for the province of Nova Scotia 1866-09-01 1 1 1882-04-01 2 5 Nova Scotia 8_05111 fulltext Education Office Serial F The journal of the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada 1861-01-01 1 1868-02-01 8 Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada 8_06643 fulltext Printed for the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada by W.C. Chewett Serial F The journal of the Canadian Mining Institute 1898 1 1900 3 8_00269 fulltext Canadian Mining Institute Serial F The journal of the Federated Canadian Mining Institute : Being the Proceedings for the Year 1896 1 1898 3 8_00187 fulltext the Secretary-Treasurer Serial F The journal of the French Canadian Missionary Society 1872-07-01 1 1875-02-01 1 French Canadian Missionary Society 8_04418 fulltext Serial F The journal of the times 1858-09-01 1 1 1905-02-02 2 8_04750 fulltext last_issue: [Vol. 2, no. 3/4 (May/June 1860)] Macallaster & Paine Serial F The jubilee philatelist 1899-10-02 1 1 1900-06-01 1 9 8_04574 fulltext Jubilee Stamp and Pub. Co Serial F The jubilee philatelist and Mount Royal stamp news 1900-07-01 1 10 1900-12-01 2 2 8_04573 fulltext Jubilee Stamp and Pub. Co Serial F The jubilee remembrancer 1853-04-01 1854-04-01 British and Foreign Bible Society 8_04713 fulltext Jubilee Committee of the Nova Scotia Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society Serial F The Jubilee sun 1897-06-30 1 1 1897-06-30 1 1 8_06121 fulltext Serial F The jury 1886-04-24 1 1 1887-05-17 3 1 8_04270 fulltext W.N. Ritchie Serial F The juvenile Presbyterian 1856-04-01 1 1 1861-12-01 6 12 Presbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland 8_06041 fulltext Printed and issued for the Lay Association by J. Lovell Serial F The Kamloops mining record 1899-05-01 4 10 1899-05-01 4 10 8_06108 fulltext T.H. Leeming Serial F The Kamloops phonographer 1892-06-01 1893-01-01 7 8_04498 fulltext St. Louis Mission Serial F The Keewatin hustler 1888-12-12 1 1 1888-12-12 1 1 8_06130 fulltext Serial F The Khan's weekly 1895-02-08 1 1 1895-02-08 1 1 8_05058 fulltext Serial F The Kingston almanac for the year of our Lord 1836 1842 8_00498 fulltext Serial F The kit-bag : (a Chap-Book) 1903-02-04 1 3 1903-02-04 1 3 Roberts 8_06860 fulltext Messrs. Bodkin, Winslow & Roberts Serial F The Kit-bag of the O.T.C 1918-09-15 1 2 1918-09-15 1 2 Canada 8_06841 fulltext Canaidan Officers Training Corps Serial F The Klondike News 1897-08-25 1 1 1897-08-25 1 1 N_00024 fulltext Serial F The Klondike nugget 1898-06-16 1900-01-06 3 54 N_00021 fulltext Metropolitan Printing & Binding Co. (of Seattle) Serial F The Knox College monthly and Presbyterian magazine 1887-05-01 6 1 1896-08-01 20 3 8_05059 fulltext Alumni Association and the Metaphysical and Literary Society of Knox College Serial F The labor advocate 1890-12-05 1 1 1891-10-02 1 44 8_04369 fulltext Grip Print. & Pub. Co. Serial F The Labor leader 1919-01-11 1 1 1919-11-01 1 43 N_00560 fulltext Serial F The ladies' bazar 1890-04-01 3 4 1891-05-01 4 5 8_04314 fulltext Ladies' Bazar Pub. Co Serial F The ladies journal 1881-04-01 5 7 1902-05-01 24 5 8_06511 fulltext Auxiliary Pub. Co Serial F The lake magazine 1892-08-01 1 1 1893-04-01 1 1 8_06585 fulltext Lake Pub. Co Serial F The lamp 1894-08-15 1 1 1900-07-15 4 5 8_04273 fulltext Toronto Branch of the Theosopical Society Serial F The Lancaster argus 1891-12-01 1 8 1891-12-01 1 8 8_05091 fulltext New Brunswick Insane Asylum Serial F The land we live in 1888-05-01 1 5 1893-01-01 5 1 8_06456 fulltext D. Thomas Serial F The landmark 1875-07-01 1 1 1876-06-01 1 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland 8_04706 fulltext J.T. Henderson Serial F The Lankastr orgus 1894-01-01 4 1 1894-01-01 4 1 8_05989 fulltext New Brunswick Insane Asylum Serial F The law reporter : Journal de jurisprudence 1854-02-01 1 1 1854-06-01 1 5 Morin 8_05145 fulltext H. Ramsay Serial F The Leader 1890-09-01 1 1 1891-01-01 1 5 Young Men's Christian Association (Truro, N.S.) 8_06971 fulltext Truro Young Men's Christian Association Serial F The Leader 1904-12-01 23 46 1907-09-04 24 30 N_00076 fulltext Leader Publishing Co., Limited Serial F The Leader, The Patriot and News of the Week almanac for the year 1861 1861 8_00455 fulltext Serial F The legal news 1878-01-05 1 1 1897-12-15 20 24 Kirby, James 8_04844 fulltext R. White Serial F The Legal, municipal and educational pocket directory the judicial district of Simcoe for the year 1873 1873 1873 1873 8_00305 fulltext Serial F The Lennoxville magazine 1867-01 1 1 1868-11 1 11 Bishop's University 8_04484 fulltext Dawson Bros. Serial F The Lever 1896-02-01 1 1 1896-02-01 1 1 Young Men's Christian Associations 8_06515 fulltext Maritime Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations Serial F The Liberal 1836-09-15 4 37 1837-11-02 5 44 N_00681 fulltext Serial F The liberal Christian 1854-01-01 1 1 1855-12-01 2 12 8_06644 fulltext H. & G.M. Rose Serial F The Library : [report] / 1893 1893 Law Society of Upper Canada 8_00341 fulltext [Law Society of Upper Canada] Serial F The licensed victuallers' gazette 1897-11-11 1 1 1897-11-11 1 1 8_04312 fulltext Licensed Victuallers' Gazette Co Serial F The life boat 1852-04-01 1 1 1856-12-01 5 12 8_04739 fulltext F.W. Campbell Serial F The listening post 1915-08-10 1 1938-01-01 34 Canada 8_06774 fulltext British Expeditionary Force Serial F The Listowel Banner 1867-05-04 2 12 1900-12-27 35 41 N_00228 fulltext Hacking & Tilt, Publishers Serial F The literary echo 1874-08-15 1 4 1875-06-01 22 22 8_04755 fulltext Ross Sisters Serial F The literary garland 1838-12-01 1 1 1851-12-01 9 12 8_06178 fulltext J. Lovell Serial F The literary news 1888-03-01 9 3 1888-03-01 9 3 8_04501 fulltext B.C. Stationery Co Serial F The Literary transcript and general intelligencer 1838-01-13 1 1 1839-01-12 1 133 8_04301 fulltext Serial F The little joker 1898-06-22 1 1 1898-06-25 1 2 8_06107 fulltext Serial F The little scissors 1870-05-01 1 1 1870-06-01 1 2 8_06698 fulltext Bell & Woodburn Serial F The Liverpool Times 1879-02-27 3 35 1879-02-27 3 35 N_00033 fulltext Edwin C. Parker, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Living laborer 1876-01-01 6 1 1876-01-01 6 1 8_06059 fulltext Harvey, Smith & Company Serial F The local courts' and municipal gazette 1865-01-01 1 1872-12-01 8 8_04861 fulltext W.C. Chewett Serial F The London city and Middlesex County directory 1884 1884 1895 1895 8_00135 fulltext R.L. Polk & Co. Serial F The London evening free press 1911-01-27 1925-12-31 N_00400 fulltext London Free Press Ptg. Co., Ltd. Serial F The London Free Press 1872-11-27 17 4494 1873-08-01 17 4696 N_00304 fulltext London Free Press Printing Co. Serial F The London Free Press 1907-10-31 1925-12-25 N_00306 fulltext London Free Press Ptg. Co., Ltd. Serial F The London Free Press and daily western advertiser 1856-01-04 1 207 1857-10-26 3 148 N_00301 fulltext J. & S. Blackburn, Proprietors Serial F The London Free Press and daily western advertiser 1857-11-30 3 158 1872-07-23 17 4384 N_00303 fulltext J. & S. Blackburn, Proprietors Serial F The London Free Press and western advertiser 1857-10-20 3 149 1857-11-27 3 157 N_00302 fulltext J. & S. Blackburn, Proprietors Serial F The London sun 1832-01-26 1 19 1832-01-26 1 19 N_00230 fulltext Robert Heron Serial F The Londonderry Arc-Light and Iron Enterprise 1888-12-21 1 1 1889-08-16 2 10 N_00034 fulltext Michener & Co Serial F The Londonderry Times 1888-05-05 1888-10-27 1 25 N_00035 fulltext J.W. Morrison Serial F The Lounger 1896-07-01 1 1 1897-01-01 2 1 Coughlin 8_04269 fulltext The Lounger Publishing Co. Serial F The Lower Canada almanack and Montreal commercial directory, for 1840 1840 8_01240 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell Serial F The Lower Canada farmers' & mechanics' almanack For the Year 1834 1836 8_00580 fulltext Published and Sold at the Office of the Quebec Gazette Serial F The Lower Canada law almanac for 1859 1862 8_01256 fulltext Printed and Published by John Lovell Serial F The Lower Canada law journal 1865-07-01 1 1867-06-01 2 12 Kirby, James 8_05020 fulltext Dawson Bros Serial F The Lunenburg Daily News 1923-01-09 1923-01-09 N_00036 fulltext Serial F The Maccabees' tent 1881-05-01 2 12 1881-07-01 3 2 Knights of the Maccabees of the World 8_05036 fulltext Serial F The magic lantern 1848-03-01 1 1 1848-09-15 1 6 8_06255 fulltext Printed for the Proprietor by P. Gendron Serial F The Mail and Advocate 1914-05-01 1 89 2019-12-30 1 11 N_00013 fulltext Mail and Advocate Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F The Manitoba and North-West monthly 1885-02-01 1 1885-03-01 1 Manitoba and North-West Immigrants' Protective Association 8_06665 fulltext Manitoba and North-West Immigrants' Protective Association Serial F The Manitoba and west Canada lancet 1897-05-01 5 1 1899-04-01 6 12 Manitoba Medical Association 8_05200 fulltext Serial F The Manitoba Good Templar 1897-02-01 1 1 1897-02-01 1 1 Independent Order of Good Templars 8_04319 fulltext Independent Order of Good Templars, Grand Lodge of Manitoba and N.W.T. Serial F The Manitoba law journal and law reports 1884-01-01 1 1 1885-12-01 2 12 8_06715 fulltext R.D. Richardson Serial F The Manitoba Liberal 1871-09-27 1 12 1872-06-15 1 44 N_00546 fulltext Stewart Mulvey, Editor and Manager Serial F The Manitoba messenger 1893-08-01 1 1 1893-08-01 1 1 Provincial Union of Christian Endeavour Societies 8_04264 fulltext The Union Serial F The Manitoba reports : containing reports of cases decided in the Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba 1890 8 1897 12 8_01893 fulltext Robt. D. Richardson Serial P The Manitoba trade review 1872-01-01 1 1 1872-01-15 1 2 8_06805 fulltext A. Begg Serial F The Manitoba University calendar, for the year 1881 1898 University of Manitoba 8_01563 fulltext [University of Manitoba] Serial F The Manitoban 1891-12-01 1 1 1893-07-01 2 7 8_06661 fulltext Manitoban Pub. Co Serial F The maple leaf 1852-07-01 1 1 1854-12-01 4 12 8_04716 fulltext Printed and pub. for E.H. Lay by J.C. Becket Serial F The maple leaf 1891-03-01 1 1 1891-03-01 1 1 8_06798 fulltext Star Pub. Co Serial F The Maple Leaf 1915-09 1 1 1 2 8_06963 fulltext Serial F The Maple-leaf, or, Canadian annual : a Literary Souvenir for ... 1847 1849 8_00473 fulltext Henry Rowsell Serial F The Maritime agriculturist 1889-07-10 1 1 1891-05-01 3 1 8_04577 fulltext Paterson & Gilbert Serial F The Maritime Farmer 1879-09-13 1 2 1889-04-24 10 34 N_00343 fulltext Published by the Maritime Farmer Association Serial F The Maritime medical news 1888-11-01 1 1 1910-12-01 22 12 8_05184 fulltext Serial F The Maritime Mining Record 1899-11-08 2 8 1920-06-09 22 23 8_05120 fulltext R. Drummond, Publisher Serial F The Maritime monthly 1873-01 1 1 1875-05 5 5 8_06512 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors at the Steam Printing Establishment of J. & A. McMillan Serial F The Maritime philatelist 1891-02-01 1 1 1891-04-01 1 1 8_04254 fulltext J.J. Wallis Serial F The Maritime Presbyterian 1881-04-15 1 1 1891-12-01 11 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04964 fulltext E. Scott Serial F The Maritime Sentinel and North Shore advocate 1874-08-20 2 85 1874-10-08 2 92 N_00054 fulltext Cumberland Printing and Publishing Co Serial F The marriage aid 1884-01-01 3 1 1884-01-01 3 1 Mutual Marriage Aid Association of Canada 8_04625 fulltext Mutual Marriage Aid Association of Canada Serial F The Martlet 1908-10-29 1 2 1909-03-19 1 20 McGill University 8_04979 fulltext Students of McGill University Serial F The marturion 1867-04-01 1 9 1867-04-01 1 9 8_04581 fulltext Serial F The Masonic mirror and Pythian herald 1871-01-01 1 4 1871-01-01 1 4 8_04525 fulltext R. Parkin Serial F The mayflower, or, Ladies Acadian newspaper 1851-05-01 1 1 1852-02-01 1 9 Herbert, Mary Eliza 8_06646 fulltext M.E. Herbert Serial F The McGill martlet 1910-10-06 3 1 1911-03-09 3 19 McGill University 8_04978 fulltext Students of McGill University Serial F The McGill University Magazine 1901-12-01 1 1 1906-05-01 5 2 McGill University 8_06878 fulltext A.T. Chapman Serial F The McGilliken 1916-02-15 1 14 1916-02-15 1 14 Canadian General Hospital, no. 3 8_06786 fulltext No. 3 Canadian General Hospital Serial F The McLaughlin Carriage Co., Oshawa, Ont 1891 1891 1915 1915 8_09551 fulltext Some issues cross multiple years, e.g. issue 1906-7 in 1906 McLaughlin Carriage Co. Serial F The McMaster University monthly 1891-06-01 1900-05-01 McMaster University 8_04597 fulltext Serial F The Mechanics & labourers' almanack and The Crookshank Estate advertizer 1864 1864 8_00870 fulltext W.C. Chewett & Co. Serial F The medical chronicle, or, Montreal monthly journal of medicine & surgery 1853-06-01 1 1 1859-05-01 6 12 8_05182 fulltext Printed from the proprietors by Moore, Owler & Stevenson Serial F The medical missionary 1891-03-01 1 1 1891-03-01 1 1 8_04449 fulltext Missionary Board of the Medical Students' Y.M.C.A. Serial F The medical register for Upper Canada 1867-01-01 1867-01-01 General Council of Medical Education and Registration of Upper Canada 8_00631 fulltext General Council of Medical Education and Registration of Upper Canada Serial F The medical register of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec 1877 1879 8_01776 fulltext Volume online 1877-79 College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec Serial F The medical times 1873-07-05 1 1 1873-12-27 1 26 8_05211 fulltext J. Neish Serial F The Mercantile agency reference book (and key) for the Dominion of Canada 1873 1891 8_01269 fulltext Dun, Wiman & Co. Serial F The mercantile and legal record for British Columbia 1902-06-10 10 43 1903-05-27 12 40 8_05103 fulltext R.G. Dun Serial F The mercantile review 1887-10-01 1 1 1887-10-01 1 1 8_04316 fulltext F.B. Linden Serial F The mercantile test and legal record 1881-08-25 11 34 1889-03-14 19 11 8_04482 fulltext Serial F The Merchantman 1874-08-01 2 2 1874-10-01 2 4 8_04821 fulltext Serial F The Merchants' almanac for 1846 1846 8_00638 fulltext Armour & Ramsay Serial F The merchants' magazine and financial review 1891-04-01 1 1 1891-09-01 1 6 Weir, Frank 8_04547 fulltext F. Weir Serial F The messenger of the civil courts 1885-05-04 1 47 1886-06-23 2 86 8_06516 fulltext Globensky & Co Serial F The Methodist annual for 1885 1885 8_00896 fulltext William Briggs ; Serial MacLean, John F The Methodist Episcopal almanac for the year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1846 1846 8_00958 fulltext Published by Joseph H. Leonard Serial F The Methodist magazine 1889-01 29 1 1895-12-01 42 6 8_04085 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F The Methodist monthly 1882-06 1 4 1882-08 1 6 8_04354 fulltext Young People's Literary Association of the Brant Avenue Methodist Church Serial F The Methodist observer 1888-01-07 2 1 1888-01-07 2 1 8_06053 fulltext James' Publishing House Serial F The microcosmic monthly 1891-03-01 1 3 1891-03-01 1 3 8_05991 fulltext Simpson Pub. Co Serial F The Mildmay gazette 1895-04-18 4 16 1929-08-01 N_00001 fulltext L.A. Findlay Serial F The militia list 1865-02-01 1867-03-01 Canada 8_03501 fulltext G.E. Desbarats Serial F The Miner 1894-04-28 193 1898-11-26 9 431 N_00320 fulltext The Miner Printing & Publishing Co. Serial F The mining news and register of the stock and real estate markets 1864-05-14 1 1864-06-25 7 8_04992 fulltext Serial F The mining record 1895-10-01 1 1 1904-06-01 11 6 8_04018 fulltext Serial F The mining review 1896-09-16 1 1 1897-05-01 1 33 8_04517 fulltext A.R. MacDonald & Co Serial F The minutes of the ... session of the Synod of the Canada Presbyterian Church 1862 2 1869 9 8_01130 fulltext [Synod of the Canada Presbyterian Church] Serial F The minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1849 1860 8_01131 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada] Serial F The minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada 1849 1860 Presbyterian Church of Canada 8_01131 fulltext [Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada] Serial F The Mirror and Colchester County advertiser 1867-11-02 1 8 1868-07-04 2 26 N_00062 fulltext R. Patrick & Co Serial F The mirror of literature 1835-11-01 1 1 1835-12-01 1 2 8_04848 fulltext Beckford & Bayley Serial F The missionary and Sabbath school record 1849-01-01 6 1 1856-11-01 13 11 Canada Sunday School Union 8_04752 fulltext Printed for the Canada Sunday School Union by J.C. Becket Serial F The Missionary Leaguer 1895-12-01 1 1 1896-03-01 1 4 Epworth League 8_04480 fulltext Serial F The Missionary Outlook 1886-08-01 6 8 1895-12-01 15 12 8_06909 fulltext Methodist Mission Rooms Serial F The missionary record 1848-06-01 7 2 1848-06-01 7 2 French Canadian Missionary Society 8_06187 fulltext Committee of the French Canadian Missionary Society Serial F The missionary record of the Free Church of Nova Scotia 1851-01-01 1 1 1853-12-01 2 12 Free Church of Nova Scotia 8_04871 fulltext The Committee of the Synod of the Free Church of Nova Scotia Serial F The missionary review of the world 1888-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 13 12 8_05024 fulltext Funk & Wagnalls ; Serial F The Mitchell Advocate and County of Perth general advertiser 1860-05-18 1 5 1873-10-26 14 23 N_00247 fulltext John E. Davis & Bro., Publishers and Proprietors Serial F The mitre 1893-10-01 1 2 1900-06-01 7 8 University of Bishop's College 8_04721 fulltext Students of Bishop's College and the Boys of Bishop's College School Serial F The monetary and commercial times : insurance chronicle. 1870-03-25 3 32 1871-06-30 4 46 8_06970 fulltext Pubished at the Office of the Monetary Times Serial F The monetary times and trade review : insurance chronicle 1871-07-07 5 1 1882-06-30 15 1 8_06587 fulltext Serial F The monetary times, trade review and insurance chronicle 1882-07-07 16 1 1920-12-31 65 1 8_06569 fulltext Serial F The Monitor 1892-05-01 1 1 1892-05-01 1 1 London Life Insurance Company 8_04584 fulltext London Life Insurance Co Serial F The monitor : Le moniteur 1854-05-01 1 6 1854-05-01 1 6 British American Friendly Society of Canada 8_06582 fulltext British American Friendly Society of Canada Serial F The month 1892-02-01 1 2 1892-11-01 1 2 Catholic Church 8_06626 fulltext Serial F The monthly advocate 1880-05-01 1 1 1882-04-01 2 12 8_04623 fulltext R.A.H. Morrow Serial F The monthly echo 1883-03-01 1 3 1884-02-01 2 2 8_04677 fulltext J.C. McLean Serial F The monthly farmer's advocate 1867-01 1 2 1870-12 5 12 Weld 8_06502 fulltext Dawson & Bro. Serial F The monthly law digest and reporter 1892-01-01 1 1 1893-12-01 1 12 8_05137 fulltext A. Periard Serial F The monthly record of the Church of Scotland in Nova Scotia 1855-01-01 1 1 1887-12-01 33 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04912 fulltext Printed for the Proprietor by J. Bowes Serial F The monthly review 1841-01-01 1 1 1841-06-01 1 6 8_04521 fulltext Print. and pub. by H. Scobie Serial F The monthly review 1900-10 1 1 1907-06 27 81 Newbolt 8_04996 fulltext G.N. Morang Serial F The monthly review 1897-06-30 1 1 1897-06-30 1 1 8_06122 fulltext Y.M.C.A. Serial F The Monthly review of the Toronto Young Men's Christian Association 1888-02-01 2 2 1888-03-01 2 3 Toronto Young Men's Christian Association 8_04466 fulltext Toronto Young Men's Christian Association Serial F The monthly rose 1868-06-01 1 4 1869-10-01 2 4 8_04746 fulltext D.F. Hutchinson Serial F The monthly visitor 1842-05-01 1 4 1842-07-01 1 6 8_04770 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F The Montreal almanack for the year of our Lord 1831 1842 8_00397 fulltext Printed by Workman & Bowman Serial F The Montreal almanack for the year of our Lord 1822 1824 Bingham 8_01035 fulltext Printed by Nahum Mower Serial F The Montreal citizens' directory 1893 1893 8_01262 fulltext Serial F The Montreal Courier 1849-10-26 15 1 1851-12-31 17 N_00012 fulltext Printed and Published for the Proprietor by Matthew Longmoore Serial F The Montreal courier and church intelligencer 1845-01-21 10 75 1845-01-21 10 75 N_00629 fulltext Printed and Published for the proprietor by Thomas Finney Serial F The Montreal Daily Star 1894-06-24 28 148 1894-06-24 28 148 N_00713 fulltext Graham & Co., Proprietors Serial F The Montreal Diocesan Theological College magazine 1892-11 1 1 1900-04 8 6 8_04539 fulltext Serial F The Montreal handy directory 1895 1895 8_00777 fulltext Published by Fulton & Richards Serial F The Montreal Illustrated Family Almanac for 1873 1874 8_00456 fulltext Serial F The Montreal Institution for the Education of Young Ladies 1863 1864 Montreal Institution for the Education of Young Ladies 8_00641 fulltext [Montreal Institution for the Education of Young Ladies] Serial F The Montreal literary magazine 1856-09-01 1 1 1856-09-01 1 1 8_04519 fulltext Serial F The Montreal medical gazette 1844-03-01 1 1845-05-01 2 2 8_05179 fulltext Lovell & Gibson Serial F The Montreal medical journal 1888-07-01 17 1 1910-12-01 39 12 8_05178 fulltext Gazette Print. Co. Serial F The Montreal monthly magazine 1831-03-01 1 1 1831-03-01 1 1 8_06219 fulltext J. Wilson Serial F The Montreal museum, or, Journal of literature and arts 1832-12-01 1 1 1833-11-01 1 12 8_06165 fulltext Printed for the proprietor by L. Duvernay Serial F The Montreal philatelist 1898-04-01 1 1 1902-06-15 4 12 8_04666 fulltext Published by Montreal Philatelic Publishing Co Serial F The Montreal suburban cycling and sporting guide 1897 1897 8_01963 fulltext Published by the A. Sabiston Compnay, for the proprietors Serial P The moon 1902-05-28 1 1 1903-07-18 3 54 8_06655 fulltext Moon Pub. Co Serial F The Morning advertiser 1914-01-01 51 21117 1922-12-25 60 23528 N_00282 fulltext The London Advertiser Printing Co., Limited Serial F The Morning advocate 1917-01-02 1 1 1917-07-21 2 177 N_00449 fulltext Union Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Morning Albertan 1907-01-01 1919-06-30 18 103 N_00214 fulltext W.M. Davidson, Editor and Manager Serial F The Morning chronicle 1847-04-22 4 48 1853-07-14 10 84 N_00505 fulltext William Annand Serial F The Morning Courier 1835-06-27 1 81 1849-10-22 15 172 N_00495 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors, Rollo Campbell Serial F The Morning Courier for the country 1835-07-09 1 12 1841-12-31 7 70 N_00150 fulltext Printed for the Proprietors, by Rollo Campbell Serial F The Morning Freeman 1862-03-29 12 23 1862-03-29 12 23 N_00183 fulltext T. Warren Anglin, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Morning star 1878-10-10 1 4 1879-04-26 1 87 N_00168 fulltext Jos. E. Collins Serial F The Morrin College review 1883-03-15 1 4 1883-03-15 1 4 Morrin College 8_04209 fulltext Published monthly by the Students of the College Serial F The mosquito 1885-03-02 1 1 1885-04-11 1 8 8_04505 fulltext Mosquito Pub. Co Serial F The Mount Allison academic gazette 1853-12-01 1 1861-12-01 10 Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy 8_04532 fulltext The Academy Serial F The Mount Allison gazette 1863-06-01 1 1 1905-12-01 94 Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy 8_04814 fulltext The Academy Serial F The Mount Royal Stamp News 1900-04-01 1 1 1900-04-01 1 1 8_04693 fulltext Holmes Stamp and Publishing Co Serial F The municipal miscellany 1891-01-01 1 1 1891-12-01 1 12 8_06790 fulltext G.E. Neilson Serial F The municipal world 1892-01-01 2 1 1916-12-01 26 12 8_06700 fulltext Serial F The Musical galaxy 1876-02-01 1 2 1876-02-01 1 2 8_06047 fulltext Serial F The musical journal 1887-01-01 1 1888-10-01 20 8_05146 fulltext Timms, Moor & Co Serial F The Musical Visitor 1881-01-01 1 4 1881-01-01 1 4 N_00680 fulltext Serial F The musician 1899-05-01 1 1 1899-05-01 1 1 8_06580 fulltext Whaley, Royce Serial F The National almanac for the year of our Lord 1874 1874 8_00794 fulltext Published by Woodruff, Bentley & Co. Serial F The National monthly and Canadian home 1904-12-01 10 2 1906-01-01 11 1 8_06866 fulltext Published by the National Monthly Publishing Company Serial F The National monthly of Canada 1902-06-01 1 1 1905-06-01 6 6 8_06858 fulltext Published by Joseph Phillips Serial F The Nazarene messenger 1888-02-01 1 1 1888-12-01 1 1 8_05027 fulltext W.L. Kells Serial F The New Bruns[wicker] 1852-10-28 12 1852-10-28 12 N_00632 fulltext W. Till Junr Serial F The New Brunswick journal of education 1886-06-10 1 1 1887-03-03 1 20 8_04773 fulltext Barnes Serial F The New Brunswick magazine 1898-07-01 1 1 1904-09-01 4 1 8_06717 fulltext W.K. Reynolds Serial F The new Dominion 1876-06-24 9 12 1876-06-24 9 12 8_06139 fulltext S. Frank Wilson Serial F The new Dominion monthly 1867-08-01 1 1 1879-01-01 1 8_06581 fulltext J. Dougall Serial F The New era 1911-09-04 1 3 1911-09-04 1 3 N_00637 fulltext A. Crichton Mills Serial F The New era, or, Canadian chronicle 1842-03-02 2 1 1842-06-24 2 12 8_06002 fulltext Printed and Published for the Proprietor by J. Corbier Serial F The New Montreal gazette 1834-02-13 7 55 1834-02-13 7 55 N_00506 fulltext Printed and Published by Robert Weir, Junior Serial F The New Quebec almanack for 1839 1839 8_01491 fulltext Printed and Published by Wm. Cowan & Son Serial F The new west era 1904-05-01 1 1 1904-05-01 1 1 8_06721 fulltext A.M. Merton Serial F The New-Brunswick agriculturist 1841-05-01 1 1 1841-09-01 1 5 8_04520 fulltext Agricultural and Horticultural Society of the County of Saint John Serial F The New-Brunswick religious and literary journal 1829-01-24 1 1 1830-02-27 2 6 8_04744 fulltext A. M'Leod Serial F The New-Brunswick standard and St. Andrews' commercial gazette 1833-09-10 1 1 1834-09-18 1 52 N_00524 fulltext Geo. N. Smith Serial F The New-Brunswick temperance almanac, for the year of our Lord 1853 1854 8_01372 fulltext Serial F The Newcastle union advocate 1909-11-03 42 5 1911-02-28 44 17 N_00177 fulltext The Advocate Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The Newfoundland magazine 1900-07-01 1 1 1900-11-01 1 5 8_04639 fulltext Newfoundland Pub. Co. Serial F The News 1906-11-23 29 88 1910-03-11 34 10 N_00007 fulltext Sun Printing Co., Limited Serial F The News and Frontier Advocate illustrated almanac for 1874 1874 8_00374 fulltext News and Frontier Advocate Serial F The News Record 1916-09-01 38 1919-12-31 41 N_00316 fulltext The News-Record, Limited Serial F The newsletter for Vancouver Island and New Caledonia 1858-09-25 1 3 1858-09-25 1 3 8_06124 fulltext J. Martin Serial F The News-Record 1897-02-01 20 26 1904-06-04 27 132 N_00551 fulltext Serial F The Niagara Argus 1846-02-04 2 45 1846-02-04 2 45 N_00504 fulltext Geo. Hodgkinson Serial F The Niagara Falls philatelist 1887-08-01 1 1 1889-09-25 1 11 8_04560 fulltext Niagara Falls Pub. Co Serial F The Nissouri Nudger 1910-07-19 1 1 1914-09-30 5 46 N_00225 fulltext Richard F. Matthews Serial F The nonpareil 1898-12-12 1 1 1898-12-12 1 1 8_04598 fulltext Toronto Typographical Union, no. 91 Serial F The normal light 1891-04-01 1 3 1894-04-01 4 3 Provincial Normal School (Fredericton, N.B.) 8_06129 fulltext Students of Provincial Normal School Serial F The northern lancet 1889-07-01 3 1 1890-06-01 3 12 Manitoba Medical Association 8_05167 fulltext Serial F The northern lancet and pharmacist 1890-07-01 4 1 1890-12-01 4 6 Manitoba Medical Association 8_05168 fulltext Serial F The northwest review 1885-08-29 1 1 1906-08-04 22 43 8_06730 fulltext J.J. Chadock Serial F The Nor'-wester 1884-04-29 1 2 1885-03-14 2 2 N_00714 fulltext Warner & Company, Printers & Publishers Serial F The Nothern Light 1892-06-24 81 1892-06-24 81 N_00057 fulltext Theakston & Co Serial F The Nova Scotia Almanack For the Year of Our Lord 1817 1818 Pythagoras 8_01012 fulltext Published by Edmund Ward ... Serial F The Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Wesleyan Methodist magazine 1832-03-01 1 1 1832-12-01 1 4 8_04767 fulltext Serial F The Nova Scotia farmer and Annapolis County times 1875-03-17 9 1 1875-03-17 9 1 N_00456 fulltext H. Fisher, Proprietor Serial F The Nova Scotia magazine 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-01-01 1 1 8_04608 fulltext Serial F The Nova Scotia new monthly magazine 1842-02-01 1 1 1842-04-01 1 3 8_04775 fulltext J. Kirk Serial F The Nova Scotia normal 1894-04-01 1 5 1909-07-01 7 8 Nova Scotia 8_04748 fulltext Provincial Normal School Institute Serial F The Nova Scotian journal of agriculture 1866-02-01 1 12 1885-12-01 4 64 Nova Scotia 8_04715 fulltext A. & W. MacKinlay Serial F The Nova Scotian philatelist 1893-03-01 1 2 1894-01-01 1 10 8_04691 fulltext Nova Scotian Philatelic Pub. Co Serial F The Nova-Scotia almanack for the year of our Lord 1834 1841 8 8_00500 fulltext Published by J.S. Cunnabell Serial F The Nova-Scotia almanack, for town and country for the year of our Lord 1819 1821 8_01160 fulltext Printed and for Sale by Edmund Ward Serial F The Nova-Scotia almanack, for town and country for the year of our Lord 1819 1821 Pythagoras 8_01160 fulltext Printed and for Sale by Edmund Ward Serial F The Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick magazine, or, The historical, literary, theological, and miscellaneous repository 1806-02-01 1 1 1806-02-01 1 1 8_04914 fulltext Printed by E. Gay Serial F The Nova-Scotia calendar for town and country for the year of human redemption 1815 1829 Philo-Uraniae 8_00501 fulltext Printed and for sale at The Recorder Serial F The Nova-Scotia family almanack and register for 1851 1851 8_01586 fulltext Printed and Published by English & Blackadar Serial F The Nova-Scotia magazine 1789-07-01 1 1 1792-03-01 5 3 8_06254 fulltext Printed for the editor by John Howe Serial F The nut-shell 1890-02-01 1 2 1890-02-01 1 2 8_04370 fulltext Brunton Bros Serial F The Nut-Shell 1890-03-01 1 3 1890-05-01 1 4 8_04593 fulltext M. Springer & Co Serial F The nut-shell 1890-02-01 1 2 1890-05-01 1 4 8_04594 fulltext E. & C. Gurney Co Serial F The nut-shell 1890-05-01 1 4 1890-05-01 1 4 8_04595 fulltext W.B. Baikie Serial F The nut-shell 1890-03-01 1 3 1890-06-01 1 4 8_04596 fulltext John Row Serial F The nut-shell 1889-12-01 1 1 1890-06-01 1 5 8_04619 fulltext Bryson, Graham & Co Serial F The nut-shell 1890-02-01 1 2 1890-02-01 1 2 8_04620 fulltext Sailsbury Bros. Serial F The nut-shell 1890-02-01 1 2 1890-02-01 1 2 8_04621 fulltext J.K. Cranston Serial F The nut-shell 1890-02-01 1 2 1890-05-01 1 5 8_04622 fulltext A. Hewson & Son Serial F The nut-shell 1890-03-01 1 3 1890-03-01 1 3 8_04847 fulltext Lewis & Patterson Serial F The O.A.C. review 1889-11-01 1 1 1919-08-01 31 12 Ontario Agricultural College 8_04697 fulltext Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College Serial F The O.pip 1904-12-01 1 1 1905-04-02 Canada 8_06794 fulltext 58th Battery, C.F.A. Serial F The Observer 1891-11-14 1 1 1892-01-23 1 11 8_06017 fulltext Jno. W. Nettleton, Proprietor & Business Man'r Serial F The Observer 1910-06-17 2 2 1915-06-03 6 51 N_00113 fulltext Published by The Observer, Limited Serial F The Occasional magazine 1895-04-01 1 1 1895-06-01 1 3 8_04768 fulltext Published by Smith & Williams Serial F The Odd Fellow 1852-08-30 1 3 1852-08-30 1 3 N_00707 fulltext P.Burns, P.G. London Lodge, Publisher Serial F The Odd Fellows' record 1846-01-01 1 1 1847-12-01 2 1 8_06552 fulltext J. Potts Serial F The Oddfellows' gazette 1897-02-15 3 5 1897-02-15 3 5 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 8_04616 fulltext J.T. Courtenay Serial F The office and home 1890-07-01 1 1 1890-07-01 1 1 8_04599 fulltext Toronto Typographical Union, no. 91 Serial F The Official report of the annual meeting of the Fruit Grower's Association of Prince Edward Island 1898 1 1898 1 8_00311 fulltext Fruit Growers' Association of Prince Edward Island Serial F The Olio 1886-04-21 2 7 1886-04-21 2 7 8_04404 fulltext Literary Society of the Whitby Collegiate Institute Serial F The olive branch 1880-02-01 3 3 1880-02-01 3 3 8_04779 fulltext A.T. Patterson, W.E. Fudger Serial F The Olla podrida 1901-12-01 3 1 1907-06-01 8 2 Halifax Ladies' College 8_05037 fulltext Serial F The omnibus 1857-12-18 1 1 1861-03-03 8_04411 fulltext T. Stumps Serial F The Ontarian genealogist and family historian 1898-07-01 1 1901-04-01 1 Chadwick 8_04600 fulltext Rolph, Smith Serial F The Ontario Christian magazine and monthly journal 1891-07-01 1 7 1891-09-01 1 9 Christian Church 8_04628 fulltext Ontario Christian Conference Serial F The Ontario docket 1894-03-01 1 1 1894-03-01 1 1 8_04268 fulltext Docket Pub. Co Serial F The Ontario Episcopal gazette 1862-09-04 1 30 1862-09-04 1 30 8_05981 fulltext J. Hoyland Serial F The Ontario evangelist 1886-05-01 1 1 1890-04-01 4 12 Disciples of Christ 8_04634 fulltext T.L. Fowler, G. Munro Serial F The Ontario farmer 1869-01-01 1 1 1871-12-01 3 1 8_04733 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by Hunter, Rose Serial F The Ontario medical register 1905-03-12 1905-03-12 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 8_01922 fulltext Printed and published under the direction of the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Serial F The Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company 1881 12 1881 12 8_01180 fulltext [Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co] Serial F The Ontario natural science bulletin 1905 1 1913 8 8_03508 fulltext Serial F The Ontario philatelist 1896-03-01 1 1 1898-09-01 2 7 8_04681 fulltext Widdicombe & Beatty Serial F The Ontario reports : containing reports of cases decided in the Queen's Bench and Chancery divisions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario 1882 1 1899 31 8_01894 fulltext Rowsell & Hutchison Serial P The Ontario stamp journal 1888-10-01 1 1 1888-10-01 1 1 8_04684 fulltext M.H. Bigger Serial F The Ontario teacher 1873-01-01 1 1 1876-09-01 4 1 8_04083 fulltext Ross & M'Coll Serial F The Ontario Weekly Notes 1909-09-29 1 1 1921-03-04 19 8_06874 fulltext The Carswell Co., Limited Serial F The Ontario weekly reporter 1904-09-01 1905-03-30 27 Law Society of Upper Canada 8_06873 fulltext The Carswell Co., Limited Serial F The Ontario workman 1872-04-18 1 1 1874-04-09 2 52 8_06647 fulltext Toronto Co-operative Printing Assoc Serial F The Orange lily 1854-01-07 6 1 1854-12-19 1 1 8_05088 fulltext D. Kerr Serial F The Orange lily and Protestant vindicator 1849-08-01 1 3 1850-09-15 2 3 8_05009 fulltext Ottawa Advocate Serial F The Orange record 1888-03-12 1 8 1888-03-12 1 8 Loyal Orange Association of British America 8_04444 fulltext F. Crapper, Publisher & Proprietor Serial F The Ottawa almanac and Dominion guide 1875 1875 8_00669 fulltext Printer and Publisher, A.S. Woodburn Serial F The Ottawa Church of England magazine 1891-01-01 1894-12-01 8_04617 fulltext Serial F The Ottawa Citizen directory of Ottawa 1863 1863 8_00442 fulltext Compiled, Printed and Published at The Ottawa Citizen Steam Printing Office Serial F The Ottawa directory 1884 11 1891 17 8_00290 fulltext A.S. Woodburn, Printer and Publisher Serial F The Ottawa free press 1866-08-01 1 3 1867-08-01 2 3 8_06697 fulltext Pub. for the proprietors by Bell & Woodburn Serial F The Ottawa naturalist 1887-04-01 1 1 1919-03-01 32 9 Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club 8_04906 fulltext The Club Serial F The Ottawa parish magazine 1877-06-26 1877-09-01 Church of England. Diocese of Ontario. 8_05049 fulltext Serial F The Ottawa philatelist 1892-12-01 1 1 1893-04-01 1 4 8_04682 fulltext F.L. Chevrier Serial F The Ottawa street, alphabetical, classified business and miscellaneous directory 1881 8 1883 10 8_00289 fulltext Serial F The outlook 1900-11-24 1901-10-05 1 24 8_05102 fulltext F. Finch-Smiles Serial F The Outlook 1899-12-08 6 9 1925-12-31 32 N_00695 fulltext Fred E. Cox Serial F The owl 1888-01-01 1 1 1898-06-01 11 10 University of Ottawa 8_04631 fulltext Students of the College of Ottawa Serial F The owl 1893-05-04 1 1 1893-05-04 1 1 8_04647 fulltext Owl Print. and Pub. Co Serial F The owl 1876-01-21 1 1 1876-01-28 1 2 8_06125 fulltext Serial F The Pacific harbor light 1891-10-17 1 1 1891-10-24 1 2 8_06941 fulltext Serial F The Pain-killer annual 1871 1879 8_00670 fulltext Perry Davis & Son, Publishers Serial F The Pain-killer annual and household physician 1871 1871 8_02433 fulltext Perry Davis & Son, Publishers Serial P The palm branch 1894-01-01 1 1 1900-11-01 8 11 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04472 fulltext Serial F The Parish almanac, Church of St. Michael, the Archangel 1918 1918 1918 1918 8_03504 fulltext Rev. P.J. Donovan Serial Donovan, P. J F The Parish guide 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-12-01 1 12 Church of the Ascension (Hamilton, Ont.) 8_05073 fulltext Serial F The Parish magazine 1889-02-01 1 10 1889-02-01 1 10 8_05072 fulltext Serial F The Parish magazine and church & Sunday school register 1867-02 1867 1 8 8_05077 fulltext Church Book Association Serial F The parish magazine, Victoria 1885-04-01 1885-04-01 Church of England 8_04382 fulltext Serial F The parish school advocate and family instructor 1859-01-01 1 1 1859-07-01 2 7 8_04011 fulltext Serial F The parish sunbeam 1892-11-01 1 2 1892-11-01 1 2 8_05033 fulltext Serial F The Parliamentary reporter : containing an abstract of the debates and proceedings of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island ... 1856 1859 9_01922 fulltext Examiner Office Serial F The Parliamentary reporter, or, Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island 1860 1870 9_01924 fulltext J. Ings Serial F The patent review 1887-01-01 1 1 1889-09-01 2 9 8_04726 fulltext A. Harvey Serial F The patriot 1865-02-23 1 1865-02-23 1 8_04813 fulltext W.G. Day Serial F The Patriot 1834-03-21 5 33 1835-10-13 6 32 N_00522 fulltext Thomas Dalton, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Patriot and Farmer's monitor 1829-11-12 1 1 1834-03-18 5 32 N_00521 fulltext Thomas Dalton, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Paul pry 1844-10-03 1 1 1844-10-03 1 1 8_04751 fulltext J. Huniker Serial F The pearl 1837-06-03 1 1 1837-12-30 1 1 8_06522 fulltext W. Cunnabell Serial F The pen 1897-12-11 1 1 1898-06-24 1 28 8_06480 fulltext J.K. Foran Serial F The People 1907-10-15 1 1 1907-12-24 1 11 N_00701 fulltext Fred E. Cox Serial F The People's almanac 1891 1891 1903 1903 8_00166 fulltext The Gazette Serial F The People's almanack for 1855 1855 8_01307 fulltext J. Milne, at the Depository of the Religious Tract Society Serial F The People's almanack for the year of our Lord 1842 1849 Marvel 8_00690 fulltext Lesslie Brothers, Printers and Publishers Serial F The People's Friend 1875-04-01 4 1875-04-01 4 N_00673 fulltext J. Chapman & Co. Serial F The people's magazine 1846-04-01 1 1 1846-09-15 1 12 8_04786 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by R.D. Wadsworth Serial F The people's magazine and weekly journal 1846-10-07 1 1 1847-09-29 1 52 8_04787 fulltext Pub. for the proprietor by R.D. Wadsworth Serial F The pet philatelist 1894-09-01 1 1 1894-12-01 1 4 8_04679 fulltext E. Moyer Serial F The Peterboro' Review Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of Our Lord 1865 1867 8_00906 fulltext Robert Romaine Serial F The Peterborough Times illustrated family almanac for 1874 1874 8_01178 fulltext Robertson & Walsh, Publishers Serial F The Peterborough Times illustrated family almanac for 1874 1874 8_01178 fulltext Robertson & Walsh, Publishers Serial F The Petrolea topic 1879-04-10 1 4 1906-02-07 27 49 N_00288 fulltext Lowery Bros., Proprietors Serial F The Petrolia Advertiser 1874-08-07 6 6 1879-03-21 10 39 N_00259 fulltext Richard Herring Serial F The Petrolia Advertiser 1884-01-04 15 27 1891-04-24 23 17 N_00261 fulltext R. Herring Serial F The philatelic advocate 1896-09-01 1 1 1901-09-01 11 3 8_04667 fulltext Starnaman Bros Serial F The philatelic Canadian 1896-12-01 1 1 1897-03-01 1 4 8_04685 fulltext W. McMahon Serial F The philatelic courier and stamp-collector's journal 1881-09-10 1 1 1881-09-10 1 1 8_04938 fulltext H. Hechler Serial F The philatelic journal of Canada 1892-10-01 1 1 1893-03-01 1 4 8_04683 fulltext Philatelic Journal of Canada Pub. Co Serial F The philatelic messenger 1896-10-01 1 1 1899-01-16 3 8 8_04673 fulltext M.R. Knight Serial F The philatelic messenger and monthly advertiser 1899-04-15 4 18 1901-08-15 7 8 8_04674 fulltext M.R. Knight Serial F The Philatelic record 1901-01-01 1 1 1901-07-01 2 1 8_04668 fulltext Arthur R. Magill, Editor and Publisher Serial F The philatelic spectator 1899-11-01 1 2 1900-10-01 3 4 8_04669 fulltext G.E. Mueller Serial F The Phœnix and Elgin County Conservative 1853-07-14 1 3 1853-09-22 1 11 N_00706 fulltext Richard Abbott Serial F The photographer 1868-09-15 1 2 1868-09-16 1 2 8_04895 fulltext Serial F The photographic portfolio 1858 1 1860 12 McLaughlin, S 8_05138 fulltext Serial F The pigeon fancier 1894-09-01 1 9 1894-12-01 17 12 8_04188 fulltext Fancier Pub. Co Serial F The Plaindealer 1904-07-20 28 41 1905-04-05 29 26 N_00677 fulltext Claxton & Whitwam, Publishers and Proprietors Serial F The Planet 1907-10-24 16 255 1907-12-31 16 312 N_00089 fulltext S. Stephenson Serial F The Pleader 1904-10-27 1 1 1904-10-27 1 1 N_00314 fulltext Serial F The Pocket almanac for 1885 1885 8_00678 fulltext Serial F The Pocket Directory for the County of Simcoe 1891 19 1897 25 8_00782 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F The Pocket Directory for the Judicial District of Simcoe 1874 1885 13 8_00783 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F The poker 1858-07-05 1 1 1859-08-27 2 7 8_06648 fulltext Thompson & Co Serial F The Political review 1878-05-01 1 1 1878-05-01 1 1 8_05014 fulltext George Bemister Serial F The polymorphian 1897-05-29 1 7 1897-05-29 1 7 8_04815 fulltext South End Polymorphian Club Serial F The Port Hope directory for 1856 1857 8_00778 fulltext Serial F The portfolio 1886-11 1 1 1887-09 1 8 8_04353 fulltext Northern Congregational Church, Young Men's Association Serial F The portfolio 1879-01-01 1 2 1895-03-01 15 6 8_05983 fulltext Literary Society of The Wesleyan Female College Serial F The postman's knock 1866-05-01 1 1 1870-03-01 2 21 Excelsior Stamp Association 8_04688 fulltext Excelsior Stamp Assoc. Serial F The practical bee-keeper 1893-11-01 1 1 1895-04-01 2 1 8_04984 fulltext C.A. Ouellette Serial F The prairie illustrated 1890-12-06 1 1 1891-04-18 1 20 8_06106 fulltext T.B. Braden Serial F The Presbyterian 1848-01-01 1 1 1875-12-01 28 12 Presbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland 8_04969 fulltext A.H. Armour Serial F The Presbyterian magazine 1843-01-01 1 1 1843-12-01 1 12 Missionary Synod of Canada, in connexion with the United Associate Synod in Scotland 8_05065 fulltext J. Norval Serial F The Presbyterian record 1892-01-01 17 1 1900-12-01 25 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04907 fulltext E. Scott Serial F The Presbyterian record for the Dominion of Canada 1876-01-01 1 1 1891-12-01 16 12 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04972 fulltext Printed for the General Assembly by A.A. Stevenson Serial F The Presbyterian review 1885-09-03 1 36 1900-09-13 17 11 8_04947 fulltext Presbyterian News Pub. Co Serial F The President's Report 1894 1900 Ontario Society of Artists 8_00792 fulltext [Ontario Society of Artists] Serial F The Primary quarterly 1899 4 1 1905-04-03 25 4 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_05962 fulltext date_first_issue (January/February/March 1899); date_last_issue (October/November/December 1920) Published under authority of the General Assembly Serial F The Prince Edward Island almanac and miscellaneous directory 1899 1899 1900 1900 8_00086 fulltext Published and Murley & Garnhum Serial F The Prince Edward Island almanac for the year of the Christian era 1854 1854 8_01588 fulltext John J. Pippy Serial F The Prince Edward Island calendar for the year of our Lord 1829 1873 8_00667 fulltext Serial F The Prince Edward Island magazine 1899-03-01 1 1 1905-01-01 7 1 8_06876 fulltext Published at the Office of The Examiner Publishing Company Serial F The Prince Edward Island philatelist 1888-04-01 1 1 1888-04-01 1 1 8_04680 fulltext P.E.I. Philatelist Serial F The Princeton Transcript and Blenheim and Burford Advocate 1867-05-23 1 8 1867-05-23 1 8 N_00711 fulltext Robert Patterson Serial F The printer's miscellany 1876-07-01 1 1 1882-04-01 6 43749 8_05136 fulltext H. Finlay Serial F The proceedings and transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, Nova Scotia 1890 8 1894 9 8_02224 fulltext Printed for the Institute by Wm. MacNab Serial F The Progress 1874-06-26 1 7 1874-06-26 1 7 Collegiate School (Fredericton, N.B.) 8_04817 fulltext Boys of the Collegiate School Serial F The progress magazine 1867-01-01 1 1 1867-02-01 1 2 8_04876 fulltext T. Kirwan Serial F The Progressionist 1861-05-17 1 19 1861-05-17 1 19 N_00671 fulltext I.B. Richardson & Co., Publishers Serial F The progressive student 1899-02-01 1 2 1899-02-01 1 2 Wallace College 8_06703 fulltext J.W.M. Wallace Serial F The protector 1899-09-01 3 4 1903-10-01 7 10 8_06482 fulltext Thos. Larkin, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F The Protector and Christian witness 1857-03-04 1 1 1858-12-22 2 41 N_00164 fulltext Serial F The protestant 1892-08-01 1 7 1895-09-01 3 8 8_04432 fulltext Rev. A.B. Demill Serial F The protestant 1858-06-01 1 2 1863-06-01 1 8_04812 fulltext G.W. Day Serial F The Protestant 1874-02-01 1 1 1874-02-01 1 1 8_06618 fulltext F.E. Grafton Serial F The Protestant and evangelical witness 1859-07-05 1 1 1862-07-19 4 3 N_00165 fulltext David Laird, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Protestant review 1870-02-01 3 2 1871-04-01 4 2 8_04720 fulltext D.F. Hutchinson Serial F The Provident Permanent Building and Investment Society's almanac for the year 1854 1854 Provident Permanent Building and Investment Society 8_00881 fulltext [Provident Permanent Building and Investment Society] Serial F The provincial medical journal 1868-08-01 1 2 1868-11-01 1 3 Dalhousie University 8_05194 fulltext Serial F The Provincial Standard 1911-06-17 1 9 1912-03-09 1 47 N_00131 fulltext Standard Printing and Publishing Company Serial F The provincial statutes of Canada 1841 1851 9_00924 fulltext S. Derbishire and G. Desbarats Serial F The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada 1829 1836 9_00926 fulltext Printed under the authority and by command of His Excellency the Governor ... by William Vondenvelden ... Serial F The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada 1821 1827 9_00926 fulltext Printed under the authority and by command of His Excellency the Governor ... by William Vondenvelden ... Serial F The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada 1797 1819 9_00926 fulltext Printed under the authority and by command of His Excellency the Governor ... by William Vondenvelden ... Serial F The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada 1795 1795 9_00926 fulltext Printed under the authority and by command of His Excellency the Governor ... by William Vondenvelden ... Serial F The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada 1792 1793 9_00926 fulltext Printed under the authority and by command of His Excellency the Governor ... by William Vondenvelden ... Serial F The Provincial Wesleyan 1852-07-15 4 1 1874-12-26 26 52 Nicolson 8_06914 fulltext Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America Serial F The provincial, or, Halifax monthly magazine 1852-01-01 1 1 1853-12-01 2 12 8_04870 fulltext J. Bowes Serial F The psalmody reformer 1853-11-01 1 1853-12-01 2 8_04784 fulltext Printed (for the Conductors), by W. Cunnabell Serial F The Public Health Journal 1911-01-01 2 1 1912-12-01 3 12 Canadian Public Health Association 8_06872 fulltext Serial F The publishers' index 1875-11-01 2 2 1875-11-01 2 2 8_04811 fulltext Index Pub. Co Serial F The punch 1878-10-17 1 1 1878-10-26 1 2 8_06593 fulltext Serial F The quarterly 1877-12-31 3 4 1879-10-01 5 3 Collegiate Institute Literary Society 8_05076 fulltext Serial F The quarterly militia list of the Dominion of Canada 1899-04-01 1917-10-01 Canada 8_06742 fulltext S.E. Dawson Serial F The Quebec almanac for the year of our Lord 1859 1859 8_01209 fulltext Quebec Mercury Serial F The Quebec argus 1841-11-17 1 5 1842-06-18 1 66 N_00194 fulltext Printed and published by A. Jacquies Serial F The Quebec commercial list 1825-05-21 10 1 1837-11-06 22 26 8_06490 fulltext Printed for the proprietors by Neilson & Cowan Serial F The Quebec Daily News 1867-05-09 6 8 1867-05-09 6 8 N_00151 fulltext John Donaghue Serial F The Quebec diocesan gazette 1894-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 7 12 Church of England in Canada 8_04648 fulltext Printed and pub. for the Lord Bishop at the Quebec Chronicle Office Serial F The Quebec directory 1858-07 1871 8_00001 fulltext First volume online 1858-59; Last volume online 1871-72 P. Lamoureux Serial F The Quebec Good Templar 1892-05-01 4 8 1892-05-01 4 8 Independent Order of Good Templars 8_04738 fulltext Kneeland Print. & Pub. Co Serial F The Quebec magazine : Le magasin de Québec 1792-08-01 1 1 1794-01-01 3 6 8_06245 fulltext Printed by Samuel Neilson Serial F The Quebec pocket almanac, and general register, for 1849 1853 8_01492 fulltext Published and Sold by G. Stanley Serial F The Quebec sheet almanac for the year of our Lord 1870 1870 8_01218 fulltext Published by Middleton & Dawson, Stationers & Printers Serial F The Quebec star 1875-11-27 1 1 1878-08-24 1 1 8_06462 fulltext T. Doddridge Serial F The Quebec transcript and general advertiser 1839-01-16 2 1 1839-12-28 2 129 8_04302 fulltext William Cowan and Hugh Cowan Serial F The Queen City philatelist 1893-10-15 1 1 1893-10-15 1 1 8_06778 fulltext H. Beasley Serial F The quiver 1868-01-09 1 5 1868-01-09 1 5 8_06557 fulltext Serial F The Radiotelegraph bulletin of the Canadian Radio Division, No. 65 1925-11-30 1 1 1925-12-02 2 Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America 8_06488 fulltext Canadian Radio Division, No. 65, The Communication Telegraphers' Union of America Serial F The Railway and Marine World 1908-01 119 1912-07 8_06958 fulltext Serial F The railway and shipping world 1898-03-01 1 1 1905-12-01 94 8_04818 fulltext Railway & Shipping World Co Serial F The railway and steamboat times 1880-10-11 1 1 1891-05-25 12 21 8_06691 fulltext Railway and Steamboat Times Pub. Co Serial F The realm 1899-04-01 2 43560 1899-04-01 2 4 8_06012 fulltext Realm Serial F The Red Flag 1918-12-28 1 1 1919-10-11 1 38 Socialist Party of Canada 8_06519 fulltext Serial F The reflector 1897-03-01 1 1 1899-11-01 2 5 Amherst Baptist Church (N.S.) 8_05054 fulltext Serial F The reformatory press 1889-04-01 2 1889-04-01 2 Ontario Reformatory for Boys 8_05029 fulltext G.E. Lloyd Serial F The religious repository 1839-07-02 1839-12-01 1 12 Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada 8_05969 fulltext Serial F The Remembrancer 1905-03-12 1 1 1905-03-14 9 12 8_04882 fulltext Bible and Tract Depot Serial F The Renfrew County directory 1888 1888 8_01057 fulltext Compiled and Published by W. J. Gallagher, at the Standard Printing and Publishing House Serial F The report of the Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society 1820 1820 8_01145 fulltext [Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society] Serial F The report of the Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society 1820 1820 Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society 8_01145 fulltext [Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society] Serial F The report of the president and directors of the Welland Canal Company, to the stockholders 1825 1825 Welland Canal Company 8_00570 fulltext [Welland Canal Company] Serial F The Reporter 1884-05-22 1 1 1885-06-20 2 23 N_00023 fulltext Bethuel Loverin, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The Reporter 1891-07-21 1 1 1891-07-21 1 1 N_00059 fulltext J.W. Murray & Co., Publishers Serial F The Reporter and County of Leeds advertiser 1886-06-02 2 24 1886-12-15 2 51 N_00081 fulltext Bethuel Loverin, Publisher and Proprietor Serial F The resources of British Columbia 1883-03-01 1 1 1885-07 3 5 McArthur 8_04649 fulltext Serial F The revised constitution of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of New Brunswick, together with the proceedings of the annual convention 1875 4 1881 10 8_02207 fulltext [Catholic Total Abstinence Union of New Brunswick] Serial F The Rival 1906-06-01 1 6 1907-06-20 2 4 Upper Canada College 8_06840 fulltext G.T. Beardmore Serial F The Rockwood review 1894-03-01 1 1 1902-03-01 9 1 8_04793 fulltext Miss Goldie and Miss M. Clarke Serial F The Rond Eau News 1879-10-10 6 52 1880-05-28 7 31 N_00485 fulltext H. Doherty and Company Serial F The rose of sharon monthly 1868-03-01 1 1868-05-01 1 1 8_04747 fulltext D.F. Hutchinson Serial F The Roseharp 1835-01-01 1 1 1835-01-01 1 1 Roseharp Patriotic Academy 8_05986 fulltext Roseharp Patriotic Academy Serial F The Rossland miner 1896-10-23 2 34 1896-11-27 2 39 N_00196 fulltext Rossland Miner Printing & Publishing Co Serial F The Rouelles camp magazine 1916-04-01 2 1918-09-01 4 Canada 8_06776 fulltext Serial F The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, Ontario, in affiliation with Queen's University, Canada 1876 22 1876 22 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Kingston, Ont.) 8_00984 fulltext [Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons] Serial F The Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club's year book for 1895 1896 8_01370 fulltext [Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club] Serial F The Royal Standard 1842-05-21 1 3 1842-05-21 1 3 N_00621 fulltext Rollo Campbell Serial F The rural Canadian 1881-09-01 1 1 1888-01-01 11 1 8_04801 fulltext C.B. Robinson Serial F The rural home 1885-12-01 1 2 1885-12-01 1 2 8_04781 fulltext A.J. Pineo Serial F The Sabbath observer 1853-01-01 1 1854-01-01 5 Nova-Scotia Sabbath Alliance 8_05114 fulltext Printed for the Committee of the Nova Scotia Sabbath Alliance by J. Barnes Serial F The Saint John Monitor 1900-02-03 1 10 1913-01-11 14 6 N_00153 fulltext Monitor Publishing Company Serial F The Saint John monthly magazine 1836-09-01 1 3 1836-09-01 1 3 8_05093 fulltext Serial F The Saint John standard 1912 4 106 1922 14 76 N_00385 fulltext Published by The Standard Limited Serial F The sanitary journal 1874-07-01 1 1 1883-09-15 5 12 8_05173 fulltext Serial F The satirist 1847-06-09 1 2 1847-06-30 1 5 8_04247 fulltext Serial F The Saturday evening visitor 1842-01-15 1 1 1842-04-09 1 12 8_04771 fulltext R. Nugent Serial F The Saturday gazette 1887-05-07 1 2 1888-07-28 2 64 N_00360 fulltext John A. Bowes Serial F The Saturday Press 1912-12-21 7 4 1915-03-06 11 14 N_00606 fulltext Saturday Press Publishing Co. Serial F The Saturday Press and Prairie Farm 1915-03-13 11 15 1917-05-05 16 23 N_00098 fulltext Saturday Press Publishing Co. Serial F The Saturday reader 1865-09-09 1 1 1866-09-01 2 52 8_04513 fulltext W.B. Cordier Serial F The Saturday reader 1867-03-09 4 79 1867-08-31 4 104 8_04515 fulltext R. Worthington Serial F The saw 1863-10-29 1 1 1865-03-04 2 2 8_06225 fulltext L.-P. Normand Serial F The scholars' monthly 1886-01-01 1 1 1886-01-01 1 1 8_04604 fulltext Pupils of New Glasgow High School Serial F The School 1913-04 1 8 1918-06 6 10 8_06954 fulltext Ontario College of Education Serial F The school magazine 1880-01-01 1881-12-01 8_05075 fulltext Serial F The school times 1888-08-01 1 1888-08-01 1 8_04736 fulltext School Times Co. Serial F The scientific journal & surveyors' magazine 1867-03-01 1 1 1867-03-01 1 8_06156 fulltext J.L.P. O'Hanly Serial F The Scottish Canadian 1893-06-22 3 137 1893-08-03 4 143 8_06105 fulltext Imrie & Graham Serial F The scribbler 1821-06-28 1 1822-06-08 50 Wilcocke 8_06240 fulltext S.H. Wilcocke Serial F The Scroll 1901-05-01 1 6 1901-05-01 1 6 8_05987 fulltext John Macaulay Serial F The searchlight 1896-09-01 1 1 1896-12-01 1 43560 8_06078 fulltext Searchlight Pub. Co Serial F The Searchlight 1899-05-13 1 10 1900-01-31 1 63 N_00060 fulltext Serial F The semaphore 1889-02-01 1 1 1890-02-01 2 1 8_04717 fulltext Semaphore Pub. Co Serial F The Seminary bema 1890-02-01 1 3 1891-02-01 2 3 Union Baptist Seminary 8_04166 fulltext Union Baptist Seminary Serial F The Semi-weekly British colonist 1869-09-08 10 45 1869-12-15 10 78 N_00328 fulltext David W. Higgins Serial F The Semi-Weekly Colonist 1895 38 1 1912 50 596 N_00333 fulltext The Colonist Printing & Publishing Company Serial F The Semi-Weekly nugget 1900-03-15 4 19 1903-07-01 8 52 N_00079 fulltext Allen Bros, Publishers Serial F The senator 1900-12-15 1 2 1900-12-15 1 2 8_04718 fulltext Senator Pub. Co Serial F The Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament 1901-01-01 1903-12-01 8_05129 fulltext Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament Serial F The Sentinel-Review 1887-01-06 1 98 1887-03-26 1 166 N_00299 fulltext Pattullo & Co., Proprietors Serial F The sermon 1899-10-01 1 2 1899-10-01 1 2 8_06068 fulltext Sermon Publishing Co Serial F The Settler, or, British, Irish and Canadian gazette 1834-03-13 2 14 1834-03-13 2 14 N_00533 fulltext Printed by Adam Thom, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The shareholder 1879-10-03 1 23 1880-02-13 2 7 8_06540 fulltext W.J. Pratten Serial F The shareholder and insurance gazette 1882-06-02 4 22 1912-03-01 32 9 8_06256 fulltext S.B. Foote Serial F The Signal 1890-09-26 43 2275 1925-12-31 78 53 N_00579 fulltext D. McGillicuddy, Publisher Serial F The Signal and workman's advocate 1890-09-13 1 4 1890-09-20 1 5 N_00061 fulltext Serial F The Simcoe Argus 1885-04-17 1 2 1885-05-01 1 4 N_00276 fulltext G.R. Thoroughgood Serial F The Simcoe Reformer 1895-10-03 38 3 1918-11-07 61 1 N_00267 fulltext H.B. Donly, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The snowflake 1878-12-01 1879-05-01 6 Snowflake Club 8_05131 fulltext Snowflake Club Serial F The social reformer 1889-11-01 1 1 1892-06-01 2 6 8_06065 fulltext Toronto Single Tax Association Serial F The Son of temperance 1892-01-01 1 1 1893-02-15 2 2 8_04735 fulltext W.E. Smallfield Serial F The Son of Temperance 1879-05-01 1 1 1881-03-01 2 11 8_06011 fulltext Serial F The son of temperance and Canadian literary gem 1854-01-07 4 1 1854-12-30 4 1 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04321 fulltext A.H. St. Germain Serial F The Sons of Temperance record 1897-06-01 1 2 1897-09-01 1 3 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04437 fulltext Grand Division, Sons of Temperance of Ontario Serial F The Sons of Temperance record and prohibition advocate 1898-01-01 2 1 1898-12-01 2 12 Sons of Temperance of North America 8_04441 fulltext Sons of Temperance, Grand Division of Ontario Serial F The Soviet 1919-02-07 1 1 1919-08-15 1 17 8_06985 fulltext Socialist Party of Canada Serial F The Sower 1891-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 10 12 8_04881 fulltext Bible and Tract Depot Serial F The sower in the West 1890 1895-07-01 3 7 Church of England in Canada 8_05978 fulltext Pub. by the Gibson Print. Co. Serial F The spectator 1881-12-01 3 2 1883-04-27 4 8 8_06702 fulltext Saint Laurent College Serial F The Spectator Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1867 1868 8_00891 fulltext T. & R. White, Printers & Publishers Serial F The Spectator illustrated western almanac for the year 1874 1874 8_01122 fulltext Lawson, McCulloch & Co. Serial F The Spectator illustrated western almanac for the year 1874 1874 8_01122 fulltext Lawson, McCulloch & Co. Serial F The spirit of the markets and produce advertiser 1847-03-24 1 10 1847-03-24 1 10 8_06007 fulltext H. Jones Serial F The Spirit of the times 1842-12-28 1842-12-28 N_00652 fulltext J.D. Kuhn Serial F The sprite 1865-06-07 1 1 1865-07-07 1 5 8_04245 fulltext C.E. Holiwell Serial F The St. Andrews Standard 1856-09-10 23 36 1880-07-21 47 30 N_00531 fulltext A.W. Smith Serial F The St. John evening times 1904-10-01 1 1 1905-02-08 1 111 N_00356 fulltext St. John Times Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The St. John Weekly Freeman 1864-08-26 14 29 1884-08-02 7 49 N_00154 fulltext Serial F The St. John weekly sun 1894-05-02 17 18 1898-06-29 21 26 N_00374 fulltext [Sun Printing Co. (Ltd.)] Serial P The St. John's Parish record 1873 1873 St. John's Parish (Port Medway, N.S.) 8_04782 fulltext Serial F The St. Thomas Daily Times 1887-07-19 14 821 1903-05-23 20 N_00602 fulltext J. Wilkinson, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The St. Thomas journal 1832-04-26 1 27 1832-12-13 2 7 N_00624 fulltext George Hodgkinson Serial F The St. Thomas Times-Journal 1824-08-02 1924-08-06 N_00603 fulltext Published by The Times-Journal of St. Thomas, Limited Serial F The St. Thomas Weekly Times 1885-10-08 4 54 1911-12-28 N_00623 fulltext J. Wilkinson, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Stadacona punch 1865-05-20 1 1 1865-05-20 1 1 8_06238 fulltext B. Sauvageau Serial F The stamp argus 1865-07-15 1 1 1865-07-15 1 1 8_04694 fulltext Printed by J. & A. McMillan for the proprietor, R.J. Melvin Serial F The stamp collector's chronicle 1872-11-01 1 1 1873-09-01 1 1 8_04689 fulltext W.H. Bruce Serial F The stamp collector's monthly gazette 1865-06-01 1 1 1867-06-01 8_04686 fulltext G. Stewart Serial F The stamp collector's record 1864-02-15 1 1864-02-15 1 8_04692 fulltext S.A. Taylor Serial F The stamp reporter 1897-08-01 1 1 1899-05-13 1 6 8_04678 fulltext Bradley & Oswald Serial F The standard 1878-04-01 1 3 1878-04-01 1 3 8_04246 fulltext Standard Pub. Co. Serial F The standard 1899-11-01 1 1 1900-08-01 1 9 8_05038 fulltext Milton Baptist Church Serial F The Standard 1848-07-01 15 27 1848-07-08 15 30 N_00529 fulltext A.W. Smith Serial F The Standard 1910-11-04 2 254 1911-06-14 3 145 N_00645 fulltext Glace Bay Printing Company, Limited Serial F The Standard 1880-07-15 1 3 1889-05-23 9 461 N_00676 fulltext E.C. Johnson, Proprietor Serial F The Standard 1909 1 1 1912 4 107 N_00384 fulltext Published by The Standard Limited Serial F The Standard, New-Brunswick 1838-01-06 5 1 1840-04-04 7 14 N_00526 fulltext Geo. N. Smith Serial F The Standard, or, Frontier agricultural and commercial gazette 1845-02-26 12 9 1848-06-28 15 26 N_00528 fulltext A.W. Smith Serial F The Standard, or, Frontier gazette 1840-04-17 7 15 1845-02-19 12 8 N_00527 fulltext A.W. Smith Serial F The Standard, or, Railway and commercial record 1848-07-12 15 30 1856-09-03 24 35 N_00530 fulltext A.W. Smith Serial F The Star 1879-08-12 2 34 1880-07-29 2 183 N_00169 fulltext Jas. H. Crockett Serial F The Star 1880-09-04 2 185 1881-11-23 4 30 N_00170 fulltext J.E. Collins Serial N_00169 F The Star 1820-04-25 2 50 1828-07-08 11 16 N_00351 fulltext William Reynolds & Co. Serial F The Star 1876-11-17 11 47 1880-10-13 15 40 N_00580 fulltext A.C. Simmons Serial F The Star 7 32 10 155 N_00371 fulltext The Sun Printing Company (Ltd.) Serial P The Star almanac : a Canadian cyclopedia of facts and figures, with a calendar for ... 1893 1893 8_00755 fulltext Published by Hugh Graham Serial F The Star almanac and Canadian year book : a cyclopedia of facts and figures relating to the Dominion of Canada, with a calendar for ... 1894 1895 8_00753 fulltext Published by Hugh Graham Serial F The Star almanac of Canada : a cyclopedia of facts and figures relating to the Dominion with a calendar for ... 1896 1896 8_00754 fulltext Published with the Montreal Star by Hugh Graham Serial F The Star and Conception Bay semi-weekly advertiser 1872-06-07 1 7 1873-12-24 2 45 N_00175 fulltext Alexander A. Parsons and William R. Squarey Serial F The Star And Conception Bay Weekly Reporter 1874-02-04 2 2 1875-05-06 3 48 N_00176 fulltext William R. Squarey Serial F The Star and Newfoundland Advocate 1840-11-14 1 2 1847-01-14 7 340 N_00118 fulltext Printed and Published by John Thomas Burton Serial F The Star Loan Company 1883 1883 8_01198 fulltext [Star Loan Company] Serial F The Star, and New Brunswick literary, political and commercial intelligencer 1818-09-08 1 17 1818-09-08 1 17 N_00350 fulltext William Reynolds & Co. Serial F The statutes of Nova Scotia 1851 1867 9_00915 fulltext J.S. Thompson Serial F The stenographer's companion 1898-10-01 1 7 1899-03-01 1 12 8_04843 fulltext R. Goltman Serial F The Strafer 1917-08-01 1 1 1918-12-25 4 Canada 8_06887 fulltext Done into print by the 66th Battery, C.F.A. Serial F The Students' monthly 1867-01-01 1 1 1867-12-01 1 12 8_04958 fulltext Serial F The Sudbury mining journal 1890-01-01 1890-01-01 8_04795 fulltext A. McCharles, Publisher Serial F The Sun and Colchester County General Intelligencer and Advertiser 1875-04-21 5 16 1875-04-21 5 16 N_00063 fulltext W.B. Alley, Editor & Proprietor Serial F The sun beam 1882-05-01 1 1 1882-05-01 1 1 8_04792 fulltext Serial F The sunbeam 1880-01-03 1 1 1906-12-22 27 1 8_04386 fulltext W. Briggs Serial F The sunbeam 1891-12-01 1 2 1892-12-01 2 2 8_06591 fulltext D.M. Quinn Serial F The Sunday Morning 1892-05-08 1 3 1892-05-22 1 5 N_00158 fulltext Serial F The sunset of Bon Echo 1916-03-01 1 1 1920-04-01 1 6 Macdonald 8_06804 fulltext Serial F The Sydney express 1880-08-31 1 4 1880-08-31 1 4 N_00649 fulltext R.J. Molloy Serial F The Sydney post 1912-06-06 12 55 1912-06-07 12 60 N_00651 fulltext Continued in 1924; no online issues available between 1913-1923 Sydney Post Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Sydney post 1924-03-01 24 38 1924-03-01 24 38 N_00651 fulltext Continued in 1932; no online issues available between 1925-31 Sydney Post Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Sydney post 1932-02-03 32 1932-03-16 32 64 N_00651 fulltext Continued from 1924; No online issues available between 1925-31 Sydney Post Publishing Company, Limited Serial F The Teachers' assistant 1902 16 8 1902 16 8 8_06045 fulltext Published for the Sunday-School Committee of the Diocese of Toronto at the Church Book Room Serial F The teachers' monthly 1895-01-01 1 1 1920-12-01 26 1 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04475 fulltext Pub. under authority of the General Assembly Serial F The teachers' preparation leaflet 1894-01-07 1 1 1894-12-16 4 11 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04474 fulltext General Assembly's Sabbath School Committee, Presbyterian Church in Canada Serial F The Telegraph almanac for the year 1881 1881 8_01123 fulltext John A. Mackenzie, Publisher Serial F The Telegraph almanac for the year 1881 1881 8_01123 fulltext John A. Mackenzie, Publisher Serial F The Telegraph illustrated almanac for 1879 1879 8_01124 fulltext John A. Mackenzie, Publisher Serial F The Telegraph illustrated almanac for 1879 1879 8_01124 fulltext John A. Mackenzie, Publisher Serial F The telephone 1884-11-01 1 6 1884-12-01 1 6 Maritime Woman's Christian Temperance Union 8_04877 fulltext J.S. Cowie Serial F The Telescope & clocke almanac, for the year 1878 1878 8_01125 fulltext Published by Eby & Rittinger Serial F The Telescope & clocke almanac, for the year 1878 1878 8_01125 fulltext Published by Eby & Rittinger Serial F The temperance monitor 1831-05-01 1 1831-05-01 1 Quebec Association for the Diffusion of Information Connected with the Subject of Intemperance 8_04903 fulltext Serial F The Templar quarterly 1895-05-01 1 1 1896-10-01 2 3 8_04651 fulltext Templar Pub. House Serial F The Theological Instructor 1873-10-01 1 1 1874-12-01 1 12 8_06013 fulltext Rev. D. Falloon Hutchinson Serial F The Theological Monthly 1889-01-01 1 I 1890-12-01 4 6 8_05964 fulltext Bain and Son Serial F The theologue 1889-12-01 1 1 1900-11-01 12 1 Presbyterian College (Halifax, N.S.) 8_04867 fulltext Students of Pine Hill College Serial F The Timber wolf 1916-03-25 1 1 1916-03-25 1 1 8_06935 fulltext 103rd Batt., C.E.F. Serial F The Times 1904-11-29 2 11 1910-02-15 7 24 N_00111 fulltext W.C. Harris, Proprietor Serial F The Times 1874-09-29 3 27 1874-09-29 3 27 N_00201 fulltext J. Wilkinson, Proprietor Serial F The Times 1845-03-14 2 1845-12-05 40 N_00236 fulltext Jos. Cowley, Proprietor Serial F The Times 1849-11-23 1 1 1851-02-21 2 13 N_00239 fulltext Lemmon & Co., Proprietors Serial F The Times & Cape Breton spectator 1849-06-16 3 25 1849-06-16 3 25 N_00646 fulltext John M'Kinnon Serial F The Topic 1908-08-12 30 24 1917-11-28 39 39 N_00289 fulltext The Kedwell Publishing Co., Limited Serial F The Toronto almanac and Canada calendar for 1842 1843 8_00767 fulltext Printed, Published and Sold by Eastwood & Co. Serial F The Toronto Christian observer 1853-01-01 3 1 1853-12-01 3 12 8_06048 fulltext A.T. McCord and J. Pyper Serial F The Toronto city directory for 1883 1900 8_01091 fulltext R.L. Polk & Co. Serial F The Toronto directory, and street guide, for 1843 1844 Lewis 8_00913 fulltext H. & W. Rowsell Serial F The Toronto Gazette 1875-01-02 1 2 1875-01-02 1 2 8_06052 fulltext Serial F The Toronto illustrated almanac for the year 1873 1874 8_00916 fulltext Published by James W. Smith Serial F The Toronto philatelic journal 1894-01-01 1 1 1894-01-01 1 1 8_04676 fulltext W.S. Weatherston Serial F The Toronto school journal 1888-05-07 1 3 1888-06-07 1 5 8_05990 fulltext Serial F The Toronto specimen 1890-06-01 1890-06-01 8_06046 fulltext J.T. Johnston Serial F The Toronto stamp 1894-09-01 1 1 1894-09-01 1 1 8_04670 fulltext J.H. Lowe Serial F The Toronto Sunday World 1895 16 1921 41 14 N_00717 fulltext Serial F The Toronto unitarian 1893-05-01 1 5 1893-05-01 1 5 8_06015 fulltext D. Rose Serial F The Toronto weekly mail 1880-08-06 9 436 1884-07-17 12 639 N_00173 fulltext Mail Printing Company Serial F The Toronto world 1881-02-01 2 27 1921-04-09 41 14759 N_00367 fulltext [W.F. Maclean] Serial F The Toronto, Hamilton and London Society blue book : a social directory 1900 1900 8_01094 fulltext Wm. Tyrrell & Co, Booksellers and Stationers Serial F The Torontonian Society Blue Book and Club List 1921 1921 1946 1946 8_03507 fulltext Irregular schedule of issues available William J. Covington, Publisher Serial Covington, William J F The Town of Peterborough directory 1888 1888 8_01109 fulltext Compiled and Published by J.R. Stratton, at the office of the Daily and Weekly Examiner Serial F The trade bulletin 1897-06-04 15 27 1897-06-04 15 27 8_06701 fulltext H. Mason Serial F The trade review 1865-01-20 1 1 1866-11-23 2 45 8_04486 fulltext W.B. Cordier Serial F The trade review 1881-09-01 1 7 1881-09-01 1 7 8_04822 fulltext Henderson, Main & Co Serial F The trade review and intercolonial journal of commerce 1866-11-30 2 46 1870-04-30 6 17 8_04487 fulltext M. Longmoore Serial F The trader 1879-09-01 1 1 1886-12-01 8_04471 fulltext Trader Pub. Co Serial F The trader & Canadian jeweler 1890-01-01 11 5 1900-12-01 22 4 8_04916 fulltext Trader Pub. Co Serial F The trades journal 1880-02-04 1881-12-21 2 51 N_00726 fulltext R. Drummond, Publisher Serial P The Trail 1910-10 2 4 1910-10 2 4 8_06973 fulltext Trail Magazine Ltd. Serial F The Transcript 1873-04-10 2 14 1886-04-01 15 13 N_00226 fulltext C.B. Slater Serial F The Tribune 1905-09-09 1 1 1906-02-24 1 25 Toronto District Labor Council N_00564 fulltext Toronto District Labor Council Serial F The trip hammer 1885-02-01 1 1 1886-02-01 1 13 Massey Manufacturing Company 8_06589 fulltext Employees of the Massey Manufacturing Co Serial F The true knight of British Columbia 1898-08-01 1 1 1900-07-01 2 12 Knights of Pythias 8_04650 fulltext T.A. Spink Serial F The True patriot and London district advertiser 1834-05-23 1 19 1834-05-23 1 19 N_00231 fulltext John & George Washington Busteed, Brothers, Proprietors Serial F The true witness and Catholic chronicle 1850-08-16 1 1 1900-07-07 49 1 8_06526 fulltext Printed by J. Gillies for the Proprietors Serial F The Trumpet 1869-10-25 1 1 1870-05-16 1 15 N_00653 fulltext F.O. Weeks Serial F The Truro Citizen 1910-10-22 2 43 1912-03-02 4 9 N_00069 fulltext Truro Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial F The Truro Daily news 1891-03-20 1 48 1925-12-31 35 256 N_00593 fulltext Doane Bros., Publishers Serial F The Truro Guardian 1892-03-22 14 12 1892-03-22 14 12 N_00070 fulltext Firman McClure, Editor Serial F The Truro Times, Colchester advertiser and Nova Scotia farmer 1879-01-17 2 47 1879-01-17 2 47 N_00065 fulltext H. Fisher Serial F The Truro Weekly News 1911-02-09 19 17 1919-03-13 27 20 N_00071 fulltext Doane Bros. Serial F The Twentieth Gazette 1915-12 1 6 1916-12 2 3 8_06928 fulltext 20th Canadians, 4th Brigade, B.E.F. Serial F The tyro 1872-07-01 1 1 1877-12-01 4 6 Canadian Literary Institute 8_04917 fulltext Adelphian Literary Society Serial F The U.C. land, mercantile and general advertiser 1835-01-10 1 36 1835-02-21 1 42 8_06006 fulltext J. Talbot Serial F The unfettered Canadian 1849-01-01 1 1 1850-12-01 1 1 Dick 8_06487 fulltext R. Dick Serial F The Union Advocate 1874-01-07 12 10 1909-10-30 42 4 N_00127 fulltext W. & J. Anslow, Editors & Proprietors Serial F The Union advocate 1911-03-07 44 18 1925-12-29 58 52 N_00178 fulltext The Advocate Publishing Company, Ltd. Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s (of Ingersoll) farmers' and business directory for the counties of Bruce, Dufferin, Grey and Huron for 1893 7 1893 7 8_01184 fulltext Union Publishing Co. of Ingersoll Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s (of Ingersoll) farmers and business directory for the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron and Simcoe for 1890 5 1890 5 8_01441 fulltext Union Publishing Co. of Ingersoll Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory for the counties of Waterloo and Wellington, 1887 1887 3 12 8_02099 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory, for the counties of Brant, Halton, Waterloo and Wentworth 1884 1 1884 1 8_01119 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory, for the counties of Bruce, Grey & Huron 1886 2 1892 8_01388 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory, for the counties of Haldimand, Lincoln, Norfolk and Welland 1885 1 1898 10 8_01852 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and classified business directory for the counties of Elgin, Middlesex & Oxford 1883 1892 7 8_02095 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Company's (of Ingersoll) farmers' and business directory for the counties of Brant, Haldimand, Lincoln, Norfolk, Welland and Wentworth 1891 5 1894 7 8_01380 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Company's (of Ingersoll) farmers' and business directory for the counties of Frontenac, Grenville, and Leeds 1894 6 1894 6 8_01593 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) farmers and business directory for the counties of Durham, Hastings, Northumberland, Peterboro, Prince Edward and Victoria for 1892 6 1899 11 8_02119 fulltext Union Publishing Co. Serial F The Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) farmers and business directory for the counties of Haliburton, Peterboro, Simcoe and Victoria for 1893 7 1893 7 8_02098 fulltext Union Publishing Co. Serial F The Union Publishing Co's farmers' and business directory, for the counties of Huron, Middlesex & Perth 1887 3 1898 12 8_02096 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co's. farmers' and business directory for the counties of Brant, Halton, Norfolk, Waterloo & Wellington 1885 1 1889 4 8_01185 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The Union Publishing Co'y farmers' and business directory, for the counties of Brant, Norfolk & Oxford 1887 3 1887 3 8_01381 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F The United service gazette 1868-01-09 1 39 1869-01-23 1 41 8_04438 fulltext United Service Gazette Printing Office Serial F The University College Literary & Scientific Society's annual 1869 1869 8_01656 fulltext [University College Literary and Scientific Society] Serial F The University magazine 1907-02-01 6 1 1920-02-01 9 1 MacPhail 8_06879 fulltext The Macmillan Company Serial F The Upper Canada almanac, and farmer's calendar, for the year of our Lord 1830 1830 Chewett 8_00890 fulltext Serial F The Upper Canada almanack for the year of our Lord 1838 1838 8_00768 fulltext Published by A. Colton Serial F The Upper Canada almanack for the year of our Lord 1810 1815 8_00889 fulltext Printed by John Cameron Serial F The Upper Canada Christian Almanac for the Year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1833 1 1836 4 8_00786 fulltext Published by the Upper Canada Religious Tract & Book Society Serial F The Upper Canada journal of medical, surgical and physical science 1851-04-01 1 1 1854-09-01 3 12 8_05166 fulltext A.F. Plees Serial F The Upper Canada law journal and local courts' gazette 1855-01-01 1 1867-12-01 3 8_04926 fulltext Barrie Herald Serial F The Upper Canada times and London district gazette 1836-03-05 2 9 1836-03-05 2 9 N_00232 fulltext Edward Gratton, Editor Serial F The Useful instructor 1887-04-01 1 1 1887-06-01 1 2 8_04671 fulltext Serial F The Valley Record 1883-04-05 12 14 1883-04-05 12 14 N_00679 fulltext George Wrigley Serial F The Vancouver and British Columbia guide 1889-07-01 1 1 1889-07-01 1 1 8_04835 fulltext H.P. Judd Serial F The Vancouver chestnut 1887-03-01 115 13 1887-03-01 115 13 8_05141 fulltext Serial F The Vancouver semi-weekly world 1895-12-06 15 11 1896-03-17 15 40 N_00109 fulltext World Printing and Pub. Co., Ld Serial F The Vancouver typographer 1892-08-11 1 1 1896-08-31 2 1 8_05125 fulltext Union Printers of Vancouver Serial F The vanguard 1893-10-01 1 1895-01-01 2 8_04828 fulltext Serial F The varsity 1880-10-07 1 1 1912-03-13 31 60 8_06787 fulltext Varsity Stock Co Serial F The Vics patrol 1916-06-03 1 1 1916-07-15 1 2 Canada 8_06796 fulltext Serial F The Victoria home journal 1891-10-31 1 3 1894-10-06 3 52 8_06942 fulltext Serial F The Victoria weekly colonist 1887-01-07 29 1 1890-06-13 32 23 N_00330 fulltext Ellis & Co. Serial F The Victoria-Inverness Bulletin 1934-08-11 36 3 1934-08-11 36 3 N_00705 fulltext Victoria-Inverness Pub. Co Serial F The Vindicator and Canadian advertiser 1835-09-29 7 102 1835-09-29 7 102 N_00630 fulltext Printed and Published by Louis Perrault Serial F The Vindicator, general advertiser and farmer's monitor 1879-11-11 1 1 1879-11-25 1 3 N_00638 fulltext Vindicator Printing & Publishing Company Serial F The Vindicator, general advertiser and temperate temperance journal 1879-12-30 1 8 1880-02-24 1 16 N_00639 fulltext Vindicator Printing & Publishing Company Serial F The voice 1880-01-01 5 1 1882-12-01 7 12 8_04827 fulltext J. Brown Serial F The voice of the bondsman 1856-12-01 1 1856-12-01 1 8_05028 fulltext J.J.E. Linton Serial F The voice of the people 1889-12-01 1 1 1889-12-01 1 1 People's Political Party 8_04823 fulltext W. Kelly Serial F The Voice of the people 1877-07-28 1 1 1877-07-28 1 1 8_06008 fulltext Serial F The voice of the Precious Blood 1895-11-01 1 1 1898-03-01 3 5 Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood 8_04590 fulltext Monastery of the Precious Blood Serial F The volunteer review and militray and naval gazette 1867-01-07 1 1 1876-10-03 10 39 8_04948 fulltext Moss & O'Brien Serial F The Walkerville Mercury 1890-04-19 1 1 1891-04-11 1 52 N_00269 fulltext S. Stephenson, Proprietor Serial F The Warbler 1872-09-27 1 1 1872-09-27 1 1 N_00662 fulltext Y.P.S.B. Society Serial F The wasp 1878-11-10 1 1878-11-10 1 8_06675 fulltext Serial F The Watchman 1875-05-01 1 1 1877-06-09 3 6 N_00368 fulltext John Livingston Serial F The watchman 1850-01-28 1 2 1851-01-13 1 52 8_06148 fulltext T.T. Howard Serial F The Waterdown Review 1918-05-16 1 1 1924-12-04 7 31 N_00019 fulltext G.H. Greene, Editor and Publisher Serial F The Watford Advocate and East Lambton reflector 1875-02-25 1 2 1877-02-02 2 52 N_00467 fulltext Rose & Bole, Proprietors Serial F The Watford Guide 1879-01-03 4 49 1879-03-21 5 8 N_00471 fulltext James C. Tye, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Watford guide & Alvinston news 1879-03-28 5 9 1880-12-24 6 46 N_00472 fulltext James C. Tye, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The way of holiness made plain 1879-01-01 1 1 1881-12-01 1 12 Saddler's wife 8_04419 fulltext Serial F The week 1883-12-06 1 1 1896-11-20 13 52 8_06733 fulltext C.B. Robinson Serial F The Weekly British colonist 1864-01-05 5 8 1866-06-26 7 33 N_00326 fulltext The British Colonist Publishing Company Serial F The Weekly British colonist 1869-12-22 10 78 1886-12-31 28 51 N_00329 fulltext David W. Higgins Serial F The weekly British colonist and Victoria chronicle 1866-07-03 7 34 1869-09-04 10 44 N_00327 fulltext Higgins, Long & Co. Serial F The Weekly Chronicle 1824-01-02 39 2004 1824-03-26 39 2016 N_00463 fulltext Published by William Minns Serial F The Weekly chronicle 1836-09-09 1 1 1851-07-11 15 44 N_00380 fulltext Lewis W. Durant & Co. Serial P The Weekly chronicle 1856-02-26 20 26 1857-05-01 21 35 N_00382 fulltext William Durant Serial P The weekly expositor, or, Reformer of public abuses, and railway and mining intelligence 1846-08-20 1 1 1847-01-07 1 20 8_04890 fulltext J. Tenison Serial F The Weekly herald 1881-12-17 1 2 1882-09-28 1 42 N_00184 fulltext Charles H. Lugrin Serial F The Weekly Herald 1907-03-21 24 6393 1912-03-14 29 6752 N_00574 fulltext Jno. J. Young, Editor and Manager Serial F The Weekly Mail 1873-02-21 1 47 1880-07-30 9 435 N_00172 fulltext Serial F The weekly mirror 1835-01-23 1 2 1837-01-13 2 52 8_04874 fulltext J. Bowes Serial F The Weekly Monitor 1916-09-20 44 24 1916-12-27 N_00696 fulltext The Monitor Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F The Weekly monitor 1908-01-08 35 36 1908-04-22 36 50 N_00698 fulltext M.K. Piper, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F The Weekly Monitor and Western Annapolis Sentinel 1907-11-15 35 28 1908-01-03 35 35 N_00697 fulltext M.K. Piper, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F The Weekly Monitor and Western Annapolis Sentinel 1908-04-29 37 1 1915-03-24 42 50 N_00700 fulltext M.K. Piper, Proprietor and Publisher Serial F The Weekly News 1902-04-25 1 1 1913-07-17 12 12 N_00322 fulltext F.J. Deane Serial F The Weekly News Record 1897-02-04 4 39 1901-10-31 24 44 N_00552 fulltext Serial F The Weekly News Record and sugar beet advocate 1901-11-07 24 45 1904-06-09 27 22 N_00615 fulltext The German Printing & Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors Serial N_00552 F The Weekly Observer 1885-03-28 1 3 1889-08-29 N_00160 fulltext John N. Wells, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The Weekly observer : being a new series of The Star 1828-07-15 1 1 1853-07-05 25 53 N_00353 fulltext Cameron & Seeds Serial F The Weekly Ontario and Bay of Quinte chronicle 1913-11-27 64 1921-12-22 N_00004 fulltext Morton & Herity, Proprietors Serial F The Weekly register 1862-09-04 3 17 1862-09-11 3 19 N_00627 fulltext Ingram B. Gidney, Proprietor Serial F The Weekly Sentinel-Review 1909-01-07 30 17 1909-12-30 31 15 N_00297 fulltext The Sentinel-Review Co., Limited Serial F The Weekly sun 1886-01-06 8 8 1886-12-29 8 59 N_00373 fulltext The Sun Publishing Company Serial P The Weekly Telephone 1882-07-05 1 13 1882-07-05 1 13 N_00066 fulltext Bridgewater Printing and Publishing Col, Editors & Publishers Serial F The Weekly Times 1870-01-06 13 1 1872-12-26 15 52 N_00155 fulltext Serial F The Weekly Times 1894-09-11 2 17 1894-09-18 2 18 N_00171 fulltext H. Putnam Serial F The Weekly times 1876-11-02 4 9 1880-10-14 N_00205 fulltext J. Wilkinson Serial F The weekly visitor 1864-03-10 2 11 1866-03-28 10 13 8_04456 fulltext P.H. Stewart Serial F The Week's Doings 1886-03-19 1 49 1887-06-17 3 6 N_00067 fulltext J.E. Bigney, Editor & Proprietor Serial F The Wesleyan 1840-08-06 1 1 1843-02-22 3 12 8_04644 fulltext Printed for the Committee ... by J.E.L. Miller Serial F The Wesleyan 1838-02-28 1 1 1852-07-08 3 52 Cunnabell 8_06913 fulltext Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America Serial F The Wesleyan 1875-10-02 27 40 1884-12-25 36 52 Nicolson 8_06915 fulltext Methodist Church of Canada Serial F The Wesleyan daily recorder 1869-05-27 1 1 1870-06-11 2 14 Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 8_04351 fulltext Serial F The Wesleyan Methodist 1845-08-01 2 1 1845-08-01 2 1 Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 8_05970 fulltext Serial F The Wesleyan repository and literary record 1860-10-01 1 1861-09-01 1 8_04878 fulltext Print. and pub. for the Repository Committee by A. Green Serial F The West 1906-12-19 8 36 1910-12-28 12 38 N_00077 fulltext Published by The West Company, Limited Serial F The West Canada almanac for the year of our Lord 1843 1843 8_00989 fulltext H. & W. Rowsell Serial F The Western Advertiser 1889-07-12 26 10 1893-12-29 30 35 N_00254 fulltext L.K. Cameron Serial F The Western Advertiser annual for 1880 1880 8_01167 fulltext Western Advertiser & Weekly Liberal Serial F The Western Advertiser annual for 1880 1880 8_01167 fulltext Western Advertiser & Weekly Liberal Serial F The Western Canadian 1848-03-10 1 4 1848-10-19 1 36 N_00245 fulltext T.B. French & A. Carter Serial F The Western Chronicle 1886-12-29 14 9 1886-12-29 14 9 N_00068 fulltext G.W. Woodworth Serial F The Western chronicle 1897-12-23 25 5 1897-12-23 25 5 N_00465 fulltext H.P. Borden, Editor and Manager Serial F The western churchman 1896-09-03 1 1 1898-12-01 3 16 Church of England in Canada 8_04396 fulltext Serial F The Western counties annual and almanac 1887 1887 8_01118 fulltext Published by James Soutar Serial F The Western Globe, or, The London, western and Huron districts' advertiser 1845-10-23 1 2 1851-05-10 6 30 N_00242 fulltext George Brown Serial F The Western home monthly 1904-12-01 5 12 1920-12-01 25 8_06912 fulltext Published by The Home Publishing Co Serial F The Western liberal 1850-08-07 1 1 1850-08-23 1 3 N_00685 fulltext Printed and published ... by Marcus Gunn & M. Cullaiton Serial F The Western missionary 1890-10-01 1 1 1892-09-01 2 24 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_05044 fulltext Serial F The Western school journal 1915-01-01 10 1 1920-12-01 15 10 8_06770 fulltext Western school journal Serial F The Western Scot 1915-10-09 1 1 1916-11-18 2 8_06929 fulltext 67th Pioneer Battalion, Western Scots, of Canada, 4th Canadian Division, B.E.F. Serial F The Western sunbeam 1891-04-01 1 1 1891-04-01 1 1 8_05043 fulltext Western Sunbeam Print. & Pub. Co Serial F The White and blue 1879-10-07 1 1 1880-03-20 1 19 8_06022 fulltext Published ... under the auspices of University College Literary and Scientific Society Serial F The Whitehouse siftings 1894-12-01 1 5 1894-12-01 1 5 Mount Allison Ladies' College 8_05099 fulltext Mt. Allison Ladies' College Rhetoric Class Serial F The Whizz-bang 1917-07-01 1 1 1917-07-01 1 1 8_06888 fulltext The Whizz-Bang Publishing Company, Unlimited Serial F The Winning number 1886-11-15 1 1 1886-11-15 1 1 8_05160 fulltext Winning Number Publishing Company Serial F The Winnipeg real estate register 1885-03-01 2 1885-03-01 2 8_04923 fulltext S.A. Rowbotham Serial F The witness of truth 1845-11-01 1 1 1850-12-01 5 12 Disciples of Christ 8_04388 fulltext D. Oliphant Serial F The woman's journal 1886-07-01 2 11 1905-03-07 1 Ontario Woman's Christian Temperance Union 8_06695 fulltext Mrs. Chisholm Serial F The Woodstock College monthly 1890-03-01 1 1 1891-02-01 1 10 Woodstock College 8_04602 fulltext Philomathic Society of Woodstock College Serial F The Workers' Weekly 1919-11-07 2 1 1925-07-10 7 22 N_00558 fulltext Published by Pictou County Organized Labor Serial F The World. 1880 1 58 1880 1 58 World (Toronto, Ont.) N_00366 fulltext Horton & MacLean Serial F The Wycliffe magazine 1919-12-01 8 1 1919-12-01 8 1 Wycliffe College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_06843 fulltext Published each term by the Undergraduates of Wycliffe College Serial F The Yarmouth courier and colonial farmer 1845-09-29 2 78 1845-09-29 2 78 N_00511 fulltext John G. Bingay Serial F The year book of St. Paul's Parish, Halifax, N.S 1898 1900 St. Paul's Church (Halifax, N.S.) 8_00789 fulltext [St. Paul's Church] Serial F The York gleaner 1882-06-09 2 23 1884-12-24 4 52 N_00124 fulltext Jas. H. Crocket, Publisher Serial F The Young Acadian 1883-04-01 1 1 1883-09-26 1 9 N_00015 fulltext A.S. Davison, Editor and Proprietor Serial F The young bluenose 1878-03-01 1 1 1878-06-01 1 1 8_04605 fulltext G.E. Frye Serial F The young Canadian 1891-01-28 1 1 1891-09-30 1 36 8_04961 fulltext Special specimen printed 1890 may predate volume 1, iss. 1 Young Canadian Co. Serial F The young churchman 1851-01-01 1 1851-12-01 13 8_06671 fulltext A.F. Plees Serial F The young ladies' journal 1874-07-01 129 1890-08-01 338 8_06789 fulltext Serial F The young soldier 1891-02-28 5 269 1891-02-28 5 269 Salvation Army (Canada) 8_05034 fulltext Serial F The youth's instructor 1824-01-01 1 1 1824-06-01 1 6 8_04886 fulltext Serial F The youth's preceptor 1853-06-08 1 8 1853-12-21 1 15 8_04869 fulltext W. Cunnabell Serial F Thomas J. Tuck's Canadian farmer's almanac for the year of our Lord 1881 1881 8_02156 fulltext Published by Thomas J. Tuck Serial F Thomson Bros. bookstore monthly 1887-12-01 1 12 1887-12-01 1 12 8_04831 fulltext Thomson Bros. Bookstore Serial F Tiffany's Upper-Canada almanac for the year 1802 1802 8_01075 fulltext Published by Silvester Tiffany, And sold by him at the Herald office, by the merchants in town; also, at York, Kingston, Detroit, Queenston, Chippawa and Fort-Erie Serial F Tiffany's Upper-Canada almanac for the year 1802 1802 8_01075 fulltext Published by Silvester Tiffany, And sold by him at the Herald office, by the merchants in town; also, at York, Kingston, Detroit, Queenston, Chippawa and Fort-Erie Serial F Timarit, þjoðræknisfelags Islendinga 1919 1 1920 2 8_06974 fulltext Þjoðræknisfelag Islendinga Serial F Tissus et Nouveautés 1900-01-01 1 1 1913-12-01 8_06061 fulltext Publié par Alfred et Henri Lionais, Editeurs- Proprietaires Serial F Tombola 1898-11-01 1 1 1898-11-01 1 2 Club indépendant ouvrier 8_05130 fulltext Le Club indépendant ouvrier Serial F Torch 1877-12-22 1 1 1878-08-10 1 34 8_04872 fulltext Joseph S. Knowles, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Toronto business and professional directory, with telephone guide 1888 1 1891 4 8_01089 fulltext Published by the Union Publishing Co. Serial F Toronto business directory and historical sketch giving the names of all merchants, manufacturers, professionals, &c. and public places 1877 1878 Boyd & Co 8_00912 fulltext [Boyd & Co.] Serial F Toronto city directory for 1872 1874 8_00872 fulltext [W.H. Irwin] Serial Irwin, W. H F Toronto classified business directory and street guide 1893 1893 8_01090 fulltext Published by the Might Directory Company of Toronto, Ltd. Serial F Toronto diocesan chronicle 1898-03-01 2 6 1900-04-01 5 1 8_04395 fulltext Serial F Toronto diocesan gazette 1874-10-01 1 1 1878-05-01 3 1 Church of England 8_06040 fulltext Published under direction of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto Serial F Toronto directory, for : containing an alphabetical directory of the citizens, and a street directory, with classified business directory, and a miscellaneous directory 1875 1882 8_01596 fulltext Fisher & Taylor, Publishers Serial F Toronto farmers' and mechanics' almanac for the year of our Lord 1839 1839 8_00751 fulltext Eastwood & Skinner Serial F Toronto general meteorological register for the year 1886 1900 8_00795 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F Toronto journal of philately 1892-05-01 1 1 1892-06-01 1 2 8_04675 fulltext Toronto Philately Pub. Co Serial F Toronto market review and weekly price current 1858-01-07 2 21 1858-12-09 3 15 8_04840 fulltext E. Wiman Serial F Toronto patriot 1843-07-14 14 57 1848-12-28 19 105 N_00523 fulltext Serial F Toronto periodical journal, or, Wesleyan Methodist 1845-01-01 1 1 1845-06-01 1 6 Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 8_05968 fulltext J.C. Ballantyne Serial F Toronto philatelic journal 1885-03-01 1 1 1888-07-01 3 1 8_04672 fulltext G.A. Lowe Serial F Toronto weekly graphic 1879-11-29 3 119 1879-11-29 3 119 8_06010 fulltext W.N. Sears Serial F Torontonensis 1898 1 1900 8_01097 fulltext [University of Toronto] Serial F Tourist of the woods and emigrant's guide 1842-01-17 2 2 1842-05-31 2 21 N_00729 fulltext [S. & J. Rowlands, Publishers] Serial P Town and country 1880-06-01 1 6 1880-08-11 1 14 8_06076 fulltext J. Watson Serial F Town-talk 1886-01-16 3 9 1886-01-16 3 9 8_05996 fulltext Town Talk Publishing Soc Serial F Trade journal 1884-02-01 1 1884-02-01 1 Boston Clothing House 8_06676 fulltext Boston Clothing House Serial F Transactions and reports of the Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia 1883 1894 Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia 8_00361 fulltext Serial F Transactions of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto for the year ..., including ... annual report 1890 1 1899 10 8_01369 fulltext [Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto] Serial F Transactions of the Board of Agriculture and of the Agricultural Association of Upper Canada 1859 3 1872 6 Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada 8_01575 fulltext Printed for the Board of Agriculture by Thompson & Co. Serial F Transactions of the Canada Medical Association 1877 1 1877 1 Canadian Medical Association 8_01567 fulltext [Canadian Medical Association] Serial F Transactions of the Canadian Institute 1890-10-01 1 1 1904-03-01 7 15 Canadian Institute (1849-1914) 8_04942 fulltext Printed for the Canadian Institute by Copp, Clark Serial F Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers 1887-03 1 1 1900-12 14 2 8_00161 fulltext John Lovell & Son Serial F Transactions of the Celtic Society of Montreal 1884 1891 8_00151 fulltext Volume online 1884-85/1886-87 W. Drysdale & Co. Serial F Transactions of the Nova-Scotia Literary and Scientific Society 1859 1859 8_01379 fulltext [Nova Scotia Literary and Scientific Society] Serial F Transactions of the York County Agricultural Society, and its branches, for the year 1861 1861 8_02186 fulltext [York County Agricultural Society] Serial F Trench Echo 1915-12 1917-12 8_06926 fulltext 27th City of Winnipeg Battalion Serial F Triennial catalogue of Canadian Literary Institute for 1863 1863 8_01996 fulltext [Canadian Literary Institute] Serial P Triennial catalogue of Stanstead Wesleyan College, Stanstead, P.Q. and prospectus for the collegiate year 1873 1876 Stanstead Wesleyan College 8_01103 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Triennial catalogue of Stanstead Wesleyan College, Stanstead, P.Q. ... and prospectus for the collegiate year 1873 1873 8_01103 fulltext [Stanstead Wesleyan College] Serial F Trinity College School record 1904-12-01 7 6 1911-07-01 14 2 Trinity College School (Port Hope, Ont.) 8_06788 fulltext Trinity College School Serial F Trinity College yearbook 1895 1 1895 1 8_02037 fulltext Oxford Press Serial F Trinity University review 1888-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 13 8 Trinity College (Toronto, Ont.) 8_04732 fulltext Students of Trinity College Serial F Trinity University year book 1897 1900 5 8_02420 fulltext [Trinity College] Serial F Truth 1890-03-01 10 491 1899-05-06 19 970 8_06051 fulltext S.F. Wilson Serial F Truth 1883-09-01 3 152 1884-11-29 5 217 8_06082 fulltext S.F. Wilson Serial F Truth for the people 1884-12-06 5 218 1886-07-24 6 303 8_06050 fulltext S.F. Wilson Serial F Tyokansa 5 10 7 284 N_00587 fulltext The Finnish Publishing Co., Ltd. Serial P Type and press 1899-11-01 2 4 1899-11-01 2 4 8_06043 fulltext Miller & Richard Serial F Ukrainski robitnychi visty = : Ukrainian labor news 7021 1 1 8 157 N_00725 fulltext The Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council = Vydae Vinnipegska Remisnycho Robitnycha Rada Serial P Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) Chatham directory for 1895 1895 8_01389 fulltext Union Publishing Co. Serial F Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) farmers' and business directory for the counties of Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott, Russell and Stormont 1888 1 1892 5 8_01390 fulltext Union Publishing Company Serial F Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) Guelph city directory 1889 1 1896 3 8_00260 fulltext Union Publishing Co. of Ingersoll, Publishers Serial F Union Publishing Co's (of Ingersoll) Woodstock directory 1893 1900 8_01594 fulltext Union Publishing Co., of Ingersoll, Publishers Serial F University gazette 1873-05-02 1890-06-02 13 14 McGill University 8_04545 fulltext Undergraduates of McGill University Serial F University of Ottawa review 1898-09-01 1 1 1915-06-01 17 9 University of Ottawa 8_04830 fulltext The Students Serial F University of Queen's College 1851 1860 8_01351 fulltext [Queen's College] Serial F University of Toronto quarterly 1895-03-01 1 1 1896-12-01 3 2 University of Toronto 8_06731 fulltext Serial F University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine 1852 1852 8_02202 fulltext [University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine] Serial F University quarterly review 1890-02-01 1 1890-06-01 2 8_04838 fulltext Serial F Upper Canada almanack for the year 1836 1837 8_00770 fulltext Published by David Dwyer, Esq. Serial F Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario 1888 1900 8_01906 fulltext [Upper Canada College] Serial P Ups and downs 1895-08-01 1 1 1903-11-01 9 4 8_05219 fulltext Serial F V.P. journal 1883-10-01 1 1 1885-06-01 2 1 Science Association of Victoria University 8_04632 fulltext Science Association of Victoria University Serial F V.R.I. magazine 1894-08-01 1 1 1897-02-01 2 4 V.R.I. Club 8_04826 fulltext V.R.I. Club Serial F Vancouver Weekly world 1895-01-03 13 14 1895-11-28 15 9 N_00086 fulltext Serial F Vanity fair 1887-01-28 1 10 1887-02-11 1 12 8_04434 fulltext C.W. Parker Serial F Vennor's almanac and weather forecast for 1884 1884 8_00748 fulltext The Montreal News Co. ; Serial F Vennor's almanac and weather record for 1877 1882 8_00747 fulltext John Dougall & Son Serial F Vennor's almanac for 1883 1883 8_01345 fulltext Published by A. Vogeler & Co. Serial F Vennor's weather bulletin 1882-01-01 1 1 1882-12-01 1 11 Vennor 8_04829 fulltext H.G. Vennor Serial F Verney's monthly bankers' list 1898-07-01 177 1898-07-01 177 8_05046 fulltext T.H. Chesnut Serial F Vernon's city of Guelph street, alphabetical, business and miscellaneous directory for the years 1896 1 1899 2 8_01851 fulltext Henry Vernon, Publisher Serial F Vernon's city of St. Catharines street, alphabetical, business and miscellaneous directory, including directories of Merritton, Port Dalhousie and Thorold for the years 1898 1898 8_01853 fulltext Henry Vernon Serial F Vestry clerk's annual report : with a full statement of the annual accounts and of Committee on Swinney Charity 1876 1876 8_02190 fulltext [Trinity Church] Serial F Victoria Daily Chronicle 1864-07-02 1866-06-14 8 38 N_00325 fulltext Higgins & Long Serial F Victoria news 1915 1922-08-30 N_00661 fulltext F.W. Gilman, Editor and Publisher Serial F Victoria prices current and shipping list 1860-03-26 1 1 1866-03-26 4 3 8_04762 fulltext A. Stenhouse Serial F Victoria Weekly Colonist 1890 32 2 1895 37 42 Weekly colonist (Victoria, B.C.) N_00331 fulltext Ellis & Co. Serial F Vie canadienne 1916-01-01 1 2 1918-01-01 8_06751 fulltext Serial F Vienna gazette 1854-11-21 1854-11-21 N_00692 fulltext Serial F Vox collegii 1910-05-01 26 7 1910-06-01 26 8 Ontario Ladies' College 8_06781 fulltext The College Serial F Vox Wesleyana 1897-01-01 1 1 1900-07-01 4 1 Wesley College (Winnipeg, Man. 8_04417 fulltext Pub. for the students of Wesley College by the Free Press Company Serial F W. F. M. Society 1884-05 1886-02 8_04413 fulltext Presbyterian Church in Canada Serial F W.B.M.U. tidings 1891-01-01 1 1 1900-12-01 7 1 Woman's Baptist Missionary Union of the Maritime Provinces 8_04285 fulltext W.B.M.U. Serial F W.C. Chewett & Co's Toronto city directory 1869 1869 8_01847 fulltext W.C. Chewett & Co. Serial F Waghorn's guide 1894-11-01 131 1900-05-01 197 8_04859 fulltext J.R. Waghorn Serial F Walsh's illustrated monthly magazine 1895-10-01 1 1 1895-10-01 1 1 8_04842 fulltext J.C. Walsh Serial F Walsh's magazine 1895-11-01 1 2 1896-04-01 2 1 8_04430 fulltext J.C. Walsh Serial F Wanzer's Canadian almanac, for the year of our Lord 1870 1870 8_02014 fulltext [R. M. Wanzer & Co.] Monograph P War notes 1884-09-13 25 1896-11-02 2 I 8_04837 fulltext J. Dougall Serial F Waterloo County gazetteer and directory for 1884 1884 8_02097 fulltext William W. Evans Serial F Watford Guide-Advocate 1893-04-21 29 16 1896-04-17 22 16 N_00476 fulltext Thos. Harris & H.F. Williams, Proprietors Serial F Watford Guide-Advocate 1906-05-25 32 20 1925-12-25 51 52 N_00478 fulltext Harris & Co., Proprietors Serial F Weekly messenger 1883-01-06 2 1 1883-03-10 2 10 8_06131 fulltext John Dougall & Son Serial F Weekly messenger and temperance worker 1883-03-17 2 11 1885-12-26 4 52 8_06144 fulltext John Dougall & Son Serial F Weekly miscellany 1863-06-23 1 1 1864-02-11 1 33 8_04283 fulltext W. Cunnabell Serial F Weekly monitor 1878-09-18 1906-12-12 N_00693 fulltext Sancton and Piper Serial F Weekly news record 1911-07-06 34 1911-08-31 34 N_00312 fulltext Serial F Weekly record 1895-01-03 1897-01-07 N_00614 fulltext Serial F Weekly tribune and educational journal 1860-02-27 1 2 1860-08-07 1 25 8_04809 fulltext G.W. Day Serial F Wel[lington] County gazetteer and directory for 1883 1883 8_02131 fulltext William W. Evans Serial F Wellington deanery magazine 1900-07-01 1 1 1900-08-01 1 1 Church of England in Canada 8_04394 fulltext Advocate Pub. Co Serial F Wellington Mercury and Guelph Chronicle 1854-02-18 1 21 1862-07-05 9 41 N_00099 fulltext G.M. Keeling Serial F Wellington St. Methodist monthly 1893-11-01 1 1893-11-01 1 Wellington St. Methodist Church (London, Ont.) 8_05967 fulltext Printed under the auspices of the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor of the Wellington St. Methodist Church Serial F Wellner's Prince Edward Island almanac for the year of our Lord 1858 1 1858 1 8_00758 fulltext Serial F Wesleyan Methodist magazine of Canada 1862-01-01 1 1862-12-01 1 8_04879 fulltext A. Green Serial F Wesleyan missionary notices, Canada Conference 1854-11-01 1 1874-11-01 25 Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada 8_04654 fulltext Wesleyan Conference Office Serial F West Elgin Mercury 1887-10-06 3 51 1890-07-17 7 45 N_00264 fulltext George Wray Serial F Western Annapolis Sentinel 1908-01-10 12 2 1908-04-22 12 16 N_00699 fulltext The Monitor Press, M.K. Piper, Editor and Proprietor Serial F Western Canada medical journal 1907-01-01 1 1 1910-12-01 4 12 8_05214 fulltext Serial F Western clarion 1920-01-15 811 1925-08-01 21 938 Socialist Party of Canada 8_06523 fulltext Socialist Party of Canada Serial F Western Clarion 1903-05-07 251 1914-09-26 755 N_00510 fulltext Western Socialist Publishing Co., Ltd Serial F Western Methodist recorder 1899-10-01 1 4 1900-06-01 1 12 Methodist Church (Canada) 8_04491 fulltext British Columbia Conference of the Methodist Church Serial F Western Planet 1851-05-06 1 2 1852-04-27 1 52 N_00222 fulltext Dolsen & Miller Serial F Western recreation 1897-04-01 1 1 1897-06-01 1 3 8_04661 fulltext Recreation Pub. Co. Serial F Western Socialist 1903-01-03 5 234 1903-05-01 250 N_00512 fulltext R.P. Pettipiece Serial F Western standard 1913-04-03 3 3 1916-07-09 6 18 N_00132 fulltext Western Standard Publishing Co Serial F Westminster Hall magazine 1911-06-01 1 1 1912-11-01 2 5 Westminster Hall (Vancouver, B.C.) 8_06609 fulltext Pub. by the students of Westminster Hall Serial F Westminster Hall magazine and farthest west review 1912-12-01 2 6 1915-10-01 8 3 Westminster Hall (Vancouver, B.C.) 8_06610 fulltext Pub. by the students of Westminster Hall Serial F Westminster review 1916-02 9 1 1917-12 12 4 8_06938 fulltext Serial F Westward ho! magazine 1907-07-01 1 1 1909-12-01 5 6 8_06608 fulltext Westward ho! Pub. Co Serial F Wilson's calendar, or, Canada almanac for the year of our Lord 1835 1835 8_01107 fulltext Printed and Published by Joseph Wilson Serial F Wilson's calendar, or, Canada almanac for the year of our Lord 1835 1835 Perkins 8_01107 fulltext Printed and Published by Joseph Wilson Serial F Wilson's experiment 1847-09-15 1 1 1848-01-15 1 5 8_04832 fulltext J. Wilson Serial F Winnipeg city directory 1833 1833 8_01846 fulltext Published by Steen & Boyce Serial F Winnipeg directory and Manitoba almanac for : postal guide and Handbook of General Information 1876 1876 8_00757 fulltext Published by Cook & Fletcher, Pioneer Job Printing Establishment Serial F Wollestook gazette 1882-09-01 1 1 1884-10-01 2 12 8_05100 fulltext Pub. in connection with the St. John Grammar School Debating Society Serial F Woman's Foreign Missionary Society 1886-03-01 1886-09-01 Presbyterian Church in Canada 8_04414 fulltext Serial F Woodstock directory for 1897 1897 8_01907 fulltext G.W.F. Carter, Publisher Serial P Woodstock herald and Brock District general advertiser 1841-09-06 2 14 1847-01-07 8 388 N_00270 fulltext George Menzies and William G. Walker Serial F Woodstock journal 1859-01-06 5 27 1862-01-09 8 24 N_00390 fulltext Wm. R. Melville for Wm. Edgar, Proprietor Serial P WUB : Western Universities Battalion, 196th 1916-10-21 1 1 1916-10-21 1 1 Canada 8_06783 fulltext The Battalion Serial F Yarmouth town directory and guide 1895 1895 8_01449 fulltext [publisher not identified] Serial F Ye hornet 1893-07-01 1 1 1893-10-02 1 14 8_04256 fulltext Hornet Print. and Pub. Co. Serial F Year book 1884 1884 8_01464 fulltext [Queen's Road Congregational Church] Serial F Year book and clergy list of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada 1893 1893 1895 1895 8_00080 fulltext Joseph P. Clougher, Publisher Serial F Yearbook 1897 1899 8_01649 fulltext [Metropolitan Methodist Church] Serial F Yearbook of Emmanuel Church, Montreal 1876 1891 Emmanuel Church (Montréal, Quebec) 8_00557 fulltext [Emmanuel Church] Serial F Yearbook of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, London, Ont 1895 1900 8_01202 fulltext [St. Andrew's Church] Serial F Yearbook of the Diocese of Nova Scotia 1896 1896 8_02057 fulltext [Diocese of Nova Scotia] Serial F York commercial directory, street guide, and register , with almanack and calendar for 1833 1834 Walton 8_00771 fulltext George Walton Serial F Young Canada 1861-11-01 2 5 1862-07-15 3 14 8_04440 fulltext Serial F Young Canada 1887-07-01 1 1 1887-07-01 1 1 8_05154 fulltext W.S. Mclean, Editor and Publisher Serial F Young Friends' review 1886-06-01 1 1 1899-03-01 15 3 Society of Friends 8_04885 fulltext Serial F Youth's monitor and monthly magazine 1836-01-01 1 1 1836-07-01 1 7 8_05998 fulltext Serial F Yukon daily morning world 1904-12-30 1 267 1905-03-31 2 27 N_00108 fulltext Serial F